"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, one more update tonight.

I was checking things out when I noticed how good the cuttings were doing. I put them in last night, by this morning they were looking like hell, leaves plastered to the tubes, going to die for sure.

Well when I looked tonight they looked pretty darn good. You can see where the new leaves are perking up and I'm thinking they just might make it! check 'em out. This just may be the kick ass system I thought it was going to be!




12 hours ago I would have been ready to throw them out. Not now!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

:nicethread:FryingPanFlyer and I love the setup! Three 1K lights cost about $200-$300 per month running 24/7 depending on transmission and State rates. There is much discussion about whether to veg 18/6 or higher. I have read that marijuana plants will process something like 56,000 hrs of light so I run 24/7 for veg and then calculate the exact cost of garden thru bloom. This useless info lets me figure out what the meds are costing me as I use them. Usually running three lights for 115 days uses 8280kwh with an average cost of $750+/-.
The benefits of a long veg cycle far outweigh the associated cost for electricirty. I truly believe the 3000wts will stand you in good stead and am looking forward to this grow. I'm all strapped in and ready to blast off!
+Rep 5 Stars
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

:nicethread:FryingPanFlyer and I love the setup! Three 1K lights cost about $200-$300 per month running 24/7 depending on transmission and State rates. There si much discussion about whether to veg 18/6 or higher. I have read that marijuana plants will process something like 56,000 hrs of light so I run 24/7 for veg and then calculate the exact cost of garden thru bloom. This useless info lets me figure out what the meds are costing me as I use them.
The benefits of a long veg cycle far outweigh the associated cost for electricirty. I truly believe the 3000wts will stand you in good stead and am looking forward to this grow. I'm all strapped in and ready to blast off!
+Rep 5 Stars

Thanks man, I really think this thing is ready to take off. As in my last post you can see how the cuttings from yesterday are perking up. 90 deg didn't seem to hurt them any, though I just got it down to 85 by turning off the cfl's in my, now, "mother closet".

I had 440w of cfl burning in there, that's the closet I did the Sour Diesel in my last grow. So tonight I pulled 6 of them, I now have 110w going on my Northern Lights and White Widow Max moms.

So, Room temp down to 85, and things look to be cruising. It's pretty funny, but this morning I was giving my buddy crap about the lousy clones he got us. I swear, one was really a Charlie Brown clone, two leaves about the size of dimes. I told him I'd be embarrassed to call that a clone. But guess what, that one has thrown roots and I expect to see them emerging from the net pots in at most two days.

You really can root your clones right in this system, I'm watching some pretty damn poor cuttings turn into plants. This is getting interesting!

I really don't think the boys that sold us these clones could have pulled out what I just have. I'll kick their butts and then tell them my name! Kids like this need to learn a lesson.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

:nicethread:FryingPanFlyer and I love the setup! Three 1K lights cost about $200-$300 per month running 24/7 depending on transmission and State rates. There is much discussion about whether to veg 18/6 or higher. I have read that marijuana plants will process something like 56,000 hrs of light so I run 24/7 for veg and then calculate the exact cost of garden thru bloom. This useless info lets me figure out what the meds are costing me as I use them. Usually running three lights for 115 days uses 8280kwh with an average cost of $750+/-.
The benefits of a long veg cycle far outweigh the associated cost for electricirty. I truly believe the 3000wts will stand you in good stead and am looking forward to this grow. I'm all strapped in and ready to blast off!
+Rep 5 Stars

That's why I'm thinking I'll go to 20/4 for veg. All that I've read there really isn't much difference between the two, good arguments on both sides. So probably if in the name of energy conservation only, I'll go to 20/4, save 16% of the energy cost, turn the lights off during the heat of the day to save the cooling costs, lots of reasons to cut back.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

The "Beast" is awefully cool brother! It looks like from what ive seen, you have put a lot of time and effoert into your garden. I hope the grow goes well for you and by the looks of it your off to a slammin good start.

BTW, go 20/4 on the lights if you are having heat problems or if you wanna keep the cost down by about 16%. I went 20/12 on myne for a period of time and it seemed like they loved the nap. I dont think you wil be missing out on any explosive growth from 4 hours nappy. But thats just my opinion, go with what you feel best!:thumb:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Damn Fry :ganjamon: 5 pages already and I haven't found my seat yet.

I will say this....you have a problem and you take action right now to solve it.
I wish you another great finish. Nothing but the best!:ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thanks man, I really think this thing is ready to take off.
I was giving my buddy crap about the lousy clones he got us. I swear, one was really a Charlie Brown clone, two leaves about the size of dimes. I told him I'd be embarrassed to call that a clone. But guess what, that one has thrown roots and I expect to see them emerging from the net pots in at most two days.

You really can root your clones right in this system, I'm watching some pretty damn poor cuttings turn into plants. This is getting interesting!

I really don't think the boys that sold us these clones could have pulled out what I just have. I'll kick their butts and then tell them my name! Kids like this need to learn a lesson.

No doubt my brother after all you are a Beast with the grow! I almost fell out the chair laughing at that Fry. That only comes with wisdom of the years my man. You kill me, ahh.. what a good belly laugh.

That's why I'm thinking I'll go to 20/4 for veg. All that I've read there really isn't much difference between the two, good arguments on both sides. So probably if in the name of energy conservation only, I'll go to 20/4, save 16% of the energy cost, turn the lights off during the heat of the day to save the cooling costs, lots of reasons to cut back.

I just read Hogdady's post about a $1033 Electric bill for 2404kwh. They have PG&E or should I say PG & OUCH! That is some kind of crazy all for the same usage they pay 250% more money. I used to gripe knowing Tennesee Valley and Quebec, have almost free electric by comparison to me. Who am I ever to complain again about cost after seeing that.

Damn Fry :ganjamon: 5 pages already and I haven't found my seat yet.

I will say this....you have a problem and you take action right now to solve it.
I wish you another great finish. Nothing but the best!:ganjamon:

I know OMM we gotta keep up here. Fry's journal is like being in a Ferrari, look down for a second and you just went past Duluth. Fry how do you keep up?

Thanks for being a part of our 420Mag Family!!!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Solar, Wind, a combination of both, all viable options I've considered myself for my own home. And if you produce more electric than you use, many power companies will purchase the excess from you. :nicethread:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Today's update:

As you know I've been battling heat the last few days. It was sitting at about 96 - 99 deg before I put in the external exhaust, That dropped the temps to about 86 deg. Looking pretty good, right? But the res temps were getting pretty high, I think the lights were heating up the water in the tubes.

So today I put a piece of mylar up at the one end, add to the reflectivity for the lights. Plus I added a piece of panda film over the tubes between the net pots to try to reflect some of the heat back toward the lights and hopefully keep from heating up the tubes/res too much.

Well, when I got home from the caves the temp was up to 90 deg, but the res temp felt noticeably cooler. It seems the plastic over the tubes helped with the heat. But was it just reflecting heat back into the grow space? I'm thinking of a heat removal device for my res, would it be easier to keep the water from heating up in the first place and remove the excess heat from the res, or let it go to the air and remove it via fan? A big science experiment here. Change one variable at a time, measure the result and see what the nest change brings about. Though I do intend to add a fresh air fan for my garage to add air from outside. I'll run it at night to bring in cold night air. Up here in the mountains it gets into the 40's pretty much all summer.

But I made a mistake, I also moved the NL and WWM mothers into my old veg closet and turned on the lights (440w of cfl) which only added to the heat in the garage. Thus I don't know that the reflective surfaces I added were the reason for the added heat or simply the additional lighting from the veg closet. I tend to think it was from the new lights and not the reflected heat from the tubes.

Regardless, I need to exhaust more heat or bring in more cool air. I'm a little too "relaxed" to really deal with that tonight, I do my best thinking when relaxed and in bed, I'll probably come up with a new solution tonight. So, that's what I saw today, let's see what tomorrow brings.

Here's a pic of the space with the mylar finished at the end and the panda film over the tubes between the net pots.


Where did you pick up the mylar Fry?:nomo:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

The "Beast" is awefully cool brother! It looks like from what ive seen, you have put a lot of time and effoert into your garden. I hope the grow goes well for you and by the looks of it your off to a slammin good start.

BTW, go 20/4 on the lights if you are having heat problems or if you wanna keep the cost down by about 16%. I went 20/12 on myne for a period of time and it seemed like they loved the nap. I dont think you wil be missing out on any explosive growth from 4 hours nappy. But thats just my opinion, go with what you feel best!:thumb:

I agree with you both for the power and heat. Plus from what I've heard they really do like the nap. At least I'm sure it won't hurt!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

No doubt my brother after all you are a Beast with the grow! I almost fell out the chair laughing at that Fry. That only comes with wisdom of the years my man. You kill me, ahh.. what a good belly laugh.

I just read Hogdady's post about a $1033 Electric bill for 2404kwh. They have PG&E or should I say PG & OUCH! That is some kind of crazy all for the same usage they pay 250% more money. I used to gripe knowing Tennesee Valley and Quebec, have almost free electric by comparison to me. Who am I ever to complain again about cost after seeing that.

I know OMM we gotta keep up here. Fry's journal is like being in a Ferrari, look down for a second and you just went past Duluth. Fry how do you keep up?

Thanks for being a part of our 420Mag Family!!!

Hey Wingman, thanks for joining in on the conversation, and I agree, this is going to be quite the ride! Strap on your seat belts, we're looking for records here.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Solar, Wind, a combination of both, all viable options I've considered myself for my own home. And if you produce more electric than you use, many power companies will purchase the excess from you. :nicethread:

I'd love to get into some alternative energy production myself! Here in Colorado it's law that the utility company has to buy what you don't use. This has several advantages, first you're not obligated to build storage for yourself, batteries can be very expensive, you can use the utility company for storage since you can sell them when you have excess but buy back when you have a need. Of course the only problem with that is you sell to them at wholesale and buy at retail. They still get you one way or another.

I've got a buddy that did a micro-hydro unit at his house, at peak he produces 50 kw, he gets a check from Xcel Energy for about $1,000/ month! Now that's sweet.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Damn Fry :ganjamon: 5 pages already and I haven't found my seat yet.

I will say this....you have a problem and you take action right now to solve it.
I wish you another great finish. Nothing but the best!:ganjamon:

Hey OMM, check it out, you blinked, we're up to 6 pages now! Like I said, strap yourselves in!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, more problems, I was looking at the "cuttings" my buddy bought, two more were looking pretty bad, I gently pulled on them and they came right out, no roots at all. Luckily I have two more left from the replacements he picked up the other day so I'll get those in the pots right away.

I just hope this doesn't mess things up too much, my buddy really let me down here. Trust him to do one thing and he comes back telling me how hard it is to find clones, this is after I'd been bugging him about it for two weeks and he was telling me all along how he could find as many and whatever strain he wanted. I'm thinking it's time to dissolve this relationship. I'm a real forgiving person, but I don't put up with bull shit.

But first, get some more cuttings into The Beast!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

All great projects start out bumpy. You are living in prototype city! If it was easy someone would be marketing it.

I'd say your partner is one to watch. Been in sales long enough to know that when a deal starts to go bad it stays bad until you do something different.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

ok stupid question for you salesman. Why can't you all just be honest and say this is the price, I am making blank on you and the company is making blank on you. No nonsense sales. Wouldn't that make consumers happy and you all still make your profit. You don't have to bargin in the supermarket. If there is a sale there is one period. Other products should be the same we shouldn't have to play a game. I get cheated all the time cause I hate the games.
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