"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Some morning ruminations for today:

The two cuttings I put in yesterday look pretty good, and the six I did on Tuesday are looking pretty good too. I'd say there will be at least one more of the original cuttings that will die, I don't know if I'll try to replace that one. I don't think I want to go to those guys and pick up another, I'm afraid I'd tell them exactly what I think of their operation.

There are several getting some nice roots, none into the water flow on the bottom of the tubes yet, but that won't be long. Even the Charlie Brown cutting is rooting pretty good, but not showing outside of the net cup yet.

The heat is still an issue. The rest of the garage is 81, under the lights is still reading about 88, warmer than I'd like. I've got my moms going in the veg closet and that is only adding to the heat.

I'm heading to the hardware store today to get the parts for the fresh air intake for the garage. I'm going to use 6" duct from outside and a 6" inline fan to draw the cool night air into the garage. The garage seems to be pretty well insulated, I'm not getting much temperature fluctuation between night and day, doesn't get any hotter in the afternoon than in the middle of the night. So I feel if I can cool it off at night the daytime temps should stay pretty good. I'm really only concerned when I'm vegging now, 24/7 is a lot of heat to dissipate. I'm switching to 20/4 today, but during the heat of the summer I'll be on 12/12 and lights on from 9 pm to 9 am.

So, today I pick up 6" duct, insect screening and the fan. It would be easiest to just pull the air in through the wall, but I think I'll bring it in through the soffit, into the attic and then down through the ceiling and into the garage. A lot more work, but you won't even see it there, you may be able to hear it when standing near, but now from a distance.

Hope you're having a great day, it is Friday after all and happy hour is only a few hours off. Of course as one of my favorite musicians likes to say, "It's 5:00 Somewhere"! Hang in there people, you've survived another week! Congratulations to all.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You've shown countless times that this is something you can perfectly handle. Like you stated its all about being patient. :yummy:

I'd like to add perseverance, patience and the will to persevere!

Thanks man. I'm still working away here! Time to think res chillers. I'm looking on line and the cheapest I'm seeing is about $350. I wonder what an office cooler would do?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

First find the front end from a 67 Buick! LOL! I wish I was handy! Father is and son is, what happened!

Funny how that works, it looks like this does run in my family. My oldest son loved my design for my coffee table so he built one just like it. Last night I was talking to my other son and he was describing the picnic table he just built. He could afford to buy one, but the satsfaction wouldn't be there. We've always done a lot of building in my family. When I was a kid you could always find me in the wood shop at the YMCA.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Well, just back from running errands. On the way home I stopped in a dispensary to chat with the guys running it. I asked about clones, told them what I'm dealing with now, they showed me into the back room, they had 2' tall clones in there! He'd sell me rooted clones in rockwool 6 for $99. I could probably talk him down if I bought 18.

Then I asked if he'd like to try some of my bud, I told him about the Sour D and the Northern Lights, his eyes lit up. I pulled out my iPhone and showed him a pic of my notm entry, that 73.5 gram NL nug. He wants me to drop off a sample tomorrow.

Colorado just passed new legislation requiring dispensaries to produce 70% of their own medicine. I suggested I contract with him to help him produce that 70%. He'd like to talk.

I might just get this thing worked out sooner than I thought.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Amazing how those things work. Be careful with the dispensary guys. I've heard some bad stories. Got that Karma working for you, don't ya!

I hear you about some of the people in the business. Thankfully this ain't my first rodeo. And I do think the karma is working for me. Gotta stay on the sunny side of the street!

You know what, it's 4:20! I think I'll head out for happy hour, it's always fun to run into friends.

Happy Friday!!!!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, you wanna hear a good one? Here I am in my old stomping grounds, I sit down at the bar not paying attention to who else is there. It just so happens I sit down next to Ginny P., one of the wealthiest women in this valley, mutli millionaire many times over. She's been after my butt for many years. The only problem is she's about 75 years old and has the leathery face of a cowboy. What a trip! I could set myself up for the rest of my life. I've called myself a whore before, but I just can't do it. Too funny.

Even better, I just asked for my tab, she bought my dinner!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey FPF, I came to the party late, I see!!! That is one "beast" of a setup!! I am getting ready to fire my aero system back up. I will definitely be watching the progress!:nicethread:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey FPF, I came to the party late, I see!!! That is one "beast" of a setup!! I am getting ready to fire my aero system back up. I will definitely be watching the progress!:nicethread:

Answer! Where have you been? It's been a long time.

This system is pretty much a Stink ud system on steroids. Bigger everything. Hopefully it produces like I've been told. We'll see

Hang around man. This should be pretty good.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You have standards! Why, I don't know, but You have standards! Back when I was a kid, all men were dogs! What's happeneing to this new generation of old people!

We're ripening wth age. Aged to perfection like a well cured bud. Like I tell my girlfriend, I may be old, but damn I'm good! She can only smile, secure in the knowledge that I'm right.
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