"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

That's where I screwed up!!! When I went to the Boys Club, I was in Tap Dancing with the girls!:rofl:

TAP DANCING! What the hell is that?

Too funny man, for me it was either the shop or the swimming pool, they couldn't keep me out of there either. I was a fish growing up, I took all the Y's and Red Cross' swimming classes.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry. Just got caught up on your thread. I am so sorry to hear about your grand daughter. My prayers are with her and your family.

On a lighter side I'm sure it does your heart good to have those guys call you back and ask for more. I have found that attitude in several places in SoCal. :thumb:

It looks like you have things going your way. Even if it takes something with a little extra amber in it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Peace be with you and yours my brother. :peace:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hi Fry. Just got caught up on your thread. I am so sorry to hear about your grand daughter. My prayers are with her and your family.

On a lighter side I'm sure it does your heart good to have those guys call you back and ask for more. I have found that attitude in several places in SoCal. :thumb:

It looks like you have things going your way. Even if it takes something with a little extra amber in it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Peace be with you and yours my brother. :peace:

Thanks for the thought Moustache. I got a call from my son this morning, she's doing pretty well. She was all swollen up, they thought it was an allergic reaction to a bug bite, but it's something to do with her kidneys, letting too much protein into the blood or some such thing. She's on steroids now, 90% of the time they are just fine, and she's reacting well to the steroids, most of the swelling is gone. I'd say such a quick turn around is a good sign that it will all work out.

And for the fun part, I took the pups up to the Reservoir to run around this morning, they love it up there. But Sadie's got a bum leg now, probably just a tweak, I'll keep her settled down for the rest of the day.

And I picked up some wild flower seed for my yard. I have an area covered in wild flowers and native grasses, it's pretty cool. But the clover was invading it so I am killing that off and re-seeding the areas where it was.

Have a great day M.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Sorry to hear about your grandbaby bro, children being sick just breaks my heart, they are innocent they don't deserve it... :peace: to you and yours.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Sorry to hear about your grandbaby bro, children being sick just breaks my heart, they are innocent they don't deserve it... :peace: to you and yours.

Thanks for the thoughts bro, I really appreciate it.

My son tells me the worst part is all the blood tests and catheters they have to use. It's pretty tough on my little sweetheart. I'm confident she'll come through this in good shape, she comes from some damn tough stock you know.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thanks man, they said there's a 90% chance she'll be fine, they are putting her on steroids and most come out of this with no problem. My son couldn't remember the name of it, but it's rarely fatal and 90% of the time they have no lasting effects.

thats great man glad to hear it.,,so how are your plants doing so far any new pics???
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

thats great man glad to hear it.,,so how are your plants doing so far any new pics???

The girls are hanging in there making roots. I can see where they are rooting, but haven't emerged from the net pots. There are about 6 with roots out of the rockwool, three with good rooting going on, they will be hitting the bottom of the tubs in another day or two, they will be ready for nutes then, but the rest won't.

It's still time for patience, I'll guess the rest will have roots out by the end of this week. Bummer though, that's where we should have been last week, these cuttings will end up costing me two weeks.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Well, another nice evening. The Beast is on auto until
we get some good roots happening. I need to do some sort of rs cooling, I'll probably do a diy with a cooler, ice, and a coil of tubing for a heat exchanger. I'll cover it when I do it.

Since I dd that second res with the float valve to top off the main res I really don't have to add water for a few days. Of course they aren't drinking much now so they aren't using much water at all, but I haven't added any for several days now.

It's pretty cute, my pup Sadie is such a snuggler that I've started to sit on the floor when waching tv, she sees me sit down and she comes running, I spread
my legs and she curls up in my lap, she'll stay here as long as I'm sitting here. So Harley sees all the attention Sadie's getting so he comes over. Right now Sadie is in my lap with her head on my thigh, Harley is to the right of my leg with his head resting on my shin about 6" from Sadie.

I'm soaking up all the love, I have the most beautiful friends in the world!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Well, another nice evening. The Beast is on auto until
we get some good roots happening. I need to do some sort of rs cooling, I'll probably do a diy with a cooler, ice, and a coil of tubing for a heat exchanger. I'll cover it when I do it.

Since I dd that second res with the float valve to top off the main res I really don't have to add water for a few days. Of course they aren't drinking much now so they aren't using much water at all, but I haven't added any for several days now.

It's pretty cute, my pup Sadie is such a snuggler that I've started to sit on the floor when waching tv, she sees me sit down and she comes running, I spread
my legs and she curls up in my lap, she'll stay here as long as I'm sitting here. So Harley sees all the attention Sadie's getting so he comes over. Right now Sadie is in my lap with her head on my thigh, Harley is to the right of my leg with his head resting on my shin about 6" from Sadie.

I'm soaking up all the love, I have the most beautiful friends in the world!

You know it's crazy... we are the alpha or the beta to them, Give up their life trying to protect us! My hound is my life, best friend I ever had... She likes to sneak in and smell the plant's when I'm not looking... She knows she's not allowed in the "pen" her tail wrecks havoc on the lower bud's and the hair... I wouldn't trade her for a million pot plant's and I love the weed :yummy: I wish I could clone her :peace:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Man, I missed the ribbon-cutting.. but you know, better late than never.

Pets do make the home a warmer place.

Well the ribbon has been cut, but the starting gun hasn't rally fired yet. The clones were a disappointment but what the heck, if you're in a hurry you'd best pick another hobby. They are coming around and I still have expectations of a great grow, just gotta be patient!

As for my pups, if they aren't invited too I don't go. My folks once recinded the invite for my pups to go to the family reunion, we didn't go that year. How can a person not appreciate all that love bundled up into that furry ball? All I see is the love and devotion. I worry about hurting their feelings just like I'd worry about hurting yours.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

The girls are hanging in there making roots. I can see where they are rooting, but haven't emerged from the net pots. There are about 6 with roots out of the rockwool, three with good rooting going on, they will be hitting the bottom of the tubs in another day or two, they will be ready for nutes then, but the rest won't.

It's still time for patience, I'll guess the rest will have roots out by the end of this week. Bummer though, that's where we should have been last week, these cuttings will end up costing me two weeks.
nice to hear man,at least your that far lol,but im ready to wait for it especially for what ill get in the end :yummy: ,sux about the cuttings but at least you kept them alive
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice to hear man,at least your that far lol,but im ready to wait for it especially for what ill get in the end :yummy: ,sux about the cuttings but at least you kept them alive

Actually 8 of the original 18 died, but I'm not taking the rap for those. Everyting I've put in is looking pretty good. I'm just waiting for the roots to hit the water.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You know it's crazy... we are the alpha or the beta to them, Give up their life trying to protect us! My hound is my life, best friend I ever had... She likes to sneak in and smell the plant's when I'm not looking... She knows she's not allowed in the "pen" her tail wrecks havoc on the lower bud's and the hair... I wouldn't trade her for a million pot plant's and I love the weed :yummy: I wish I could clone her :peace:

You know, that's the trip, they would give their life for you, how can you give anything less to them? My mother once said it's good my girlfriend likes my dogs or there would be a problem. I told her it wouldn't be a problem, she wouldn't be my girlfriend. Those are my two closest friends, if you don't get along with them you won't get along with me, that's all there is to it.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, not much new to report today, things are moving along though slowly for now. There is one plant I'm not expecting to live, but the rest look healthy and appear to be putting out roots. There are several with good rooting happening, but still lots more yet to come. Here's a pic of one of the better girls, it's getting close to laying on the bottom of the tube. Once they all have roots I'll be able to get some nutes in the res, just running straight water now. They'll take off once I get the nutes in, until then it's awful slow.


Not much pic wise, hopefully it won't be too much longer until I have some good pics to view.
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