Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

MC & (Cal-Mag if Needed)
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Couple of pics of all 3 ladies.
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In case you're wondering I use B-B-Q Skewers to perform my LST. I've used them for my past 5 grows & they work like a charm & make things super easy.

I usually do most of my updating on Fri., Sat. & Sun. as I work M - Th. & don't have much time to do it then.
I'm probably going to use these 2 clones for the Self Watering Pots part of this journal. The cups are showing lots of roots which I'll show when I up-pot them. They are fairly close in size, although not perfect. But I want to get on with the show; so as soon as the soil in the cups dry I'll up-pot to their first self watering pots. I have 3 sizes for up-potting which I'll post later.
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One more clone rooted yesterday. The root was about 1/4" long yesterday. Today it was at least 2" long so it is now in a Solo Cup. Still have 3 clones in the Bubbler. I'll end up with 3-4 extra clones so I might try to grow these extras outdoors once I don't have room in the tent for them.

A couple pics of the 4 in Solo Cups.
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Last 3 Clones in the Bubbler. Will the one I just moved to space #5 be the next to root ?
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And we have the 1 clone in a 1 gal. pot. Guess this ones a misfit.... lol. One of the ones that will end up outdoors or given away.
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As of right now the 2 MC Clones seem to be outgrowing the SoHum plant. I expect the SoHum to really take off in the next week or so once the roots are deep into the Super Soil. At least I hope so.... lol.

I've been building a cover for my Window AC in my shed because light shines through the vent on the AC. That's why I haven't moved my 3 big plants out there to flower yet. I have it built so I'll be hanging that over the AC today & moving the plants out there tonight to start flowering.... finally. 11 weeks of Veg on these 3 as things weren't doing too well until I changed things up. Once I did they took off & grew very quickly. If you're interested in the details of what I was doing & what I changed please take a gander at this journal.
My Grow
I invited her, bluter & a couple others because of their organic knowledge.

i'm shit with organics. there's something underhandedly funny about that statement.

i'm more with the MC stuff. i'm rooting for the sohum though.

MC & Cal Mag if needed :

I top between the 4th & 5th nodes & remove the bottom 2 nodes leaving 4 branches to grow out. Once the 4 branches have 3 nodes I top each of them so I end up with 8 branches to work with. Hope this works with clones as I usually grow from seed. Kind of wondering because of alternating branches.

they all look perfect. nice nice work. i'm still rooting for the sohum though lol.

wish i'd directed you to my lazy tomato cage grow option.

As of right now the 2 MC Clones seem to be outgrowing the SoHum plant. I expect the SoHum to really take off in the next week or so once the roots are deep into the Super Soil.

hmmm.. bit surprised. agree about the roots part.

So here are the 3 sizes of self watering pots I'll be using for this grow. I believe the smallest one is 1.5 qts., the 10" pots are 2 gal. & the buckets are 5 gal.
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I'm starting with the 1.5 qt. pots. Here's what the inside of it looks like & the little watering tray.
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These are the 2 clones I'm using for this part of the grow. One plant in straight FFOF & the other has 1/3rd (probably closer to 50%) SoHum & the rest FFOF. One gets water & Re-Charge & the other will get straight MC.
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Here are the clear Solo Cups showing the root growth. Roots coming out the bottoms so good enough for the up-pot.
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To Be Continued......
And here they are in the Self Watering Pots. For their first feed & mostly to get the soil wet they just got water. It took 24 oz. to get run off. I'll fill the watering trays tomorrow & let them soak it up & see how well these things work.
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And now there are only "AURORA INDICA" clones left in the tent. I finally got my White Widow, OG Kush & Aurora out to my grow room in the shed. They got their first day of 12/12 yesterday.

I moved my LST Skewers out some to spread the branches a little wider. The one marked MC & Cal-Mag looks the best to me so far.
Here's a couple shots of the tent currently.
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And here they are in the Self Watering Pots. For their first feed & mostly to get the soil wet they just got water. It took 24 oz. to get run off. I'll fill the watering trays tomorrow & let them soak it up & see how well these things work.
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And now there are only "AURORA INDICA" clones left in the tent. I finally got my White Widow, OG Kush & Aurora out to my grow room in the shed. They got their first day of 12/12 yesterday.

I moved my LST Skewers out some to spread the branches a little wider. The one marked MC & Cal-Mag looks the best to me so far.
Here's a couple shots of the tent currently.
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Impeccable my friend.
Absolutely beautiful too. :bravo:
Hope your having a great weekend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
The garden is lookin great there Buds. Wow your humidity is only at 22%. I am fourth week into flower and am struggling to drop mine to 60%.:ganjamon:
I quit paying any attention to that VPD crap. My plants grow way too slow when things are the So-Called Dialed in. I do much better with Temps in the 80's & low RH. When I get to the 2nd half of flower I will use an AC to lower the temps as I believe that helps increase Trichome production. But for now, my temps fluctuate anywhere between 78 - 88F & RH from 20% - 35%.
These are just some of the things I've noticed over the past 5 years throughout my grows. So I'm putting together in this grow, the things that seemed to work best in each of my past grows to see how things work out. So far things seem to be going just as I expected & no real issues to complain about.
So this morning I filled the small trays on the self watering pots. I was surprised to find they hold 12 oz. So Hum got just water & MC got fed at 2 gr. per gal. in their trays. Hope these pots work as advertised.
I also fed 2 of the 3 bigger plants. The MC & MC Calculation plants were both dry & pots were light so they got fed. The SoHum pot is still fairly heavy & will most likely take another day or two before she needs to be fed. I'm guessing the SoHum retains moisture longer. There was a lot less Perlite in it than there is in FFOF.
It looks like I may have to fill those 12 oz. trays every day. The 12 oz. I put in yesterday is gone already, so I refilled them this morning. I'll keep an eye on those 2 this weekend to see how long it takes to empty them.
I just watered the 2 MC plants yesterday with 1/2 gal. each. Today they were dry already. They got fed again, along with the SoHum gal.
Plants all look to be doing just fine so far. None have taken a commanding lead as of yet. They all appear to be growing at the same pace. New pics on Friday when I'm off work.
It looks like I may have to fill those 12 oz. trays every day. The 12 oz. I put in yesterday is gone already, so I refilled them this morning. I'll keep an eye on those 2 this weekend to see how long it takes to empty them.
I just watered the 2 MC plants yesterday with 1/2 gal. each. Today they were dry already. They got fed again, along with the SoHum gal.
Plants all look to be doing just fine so far. None have taken a commanding lead as of yet. They all appear to be growing at the same pace. New pics on Friday when I'm off work.
Hey Buds hope you are well my friend.
Garden is immaculate :thumb: just beautiful.
Curious though about those pots.
If you have soil in there how do you get a dry cycle?
Thanks Amigo.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Buds hope you are well my friend.
Garden is immaculate :thumb: just beautiful.
Curious though about those pots.
If you have soil in there how do you get a dry cycle?
Thanks Amigo.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
I guess you really don't. All the slits you see in the bottom of the pots are for aeration. They don't sit in the water trays. Only the 4 legs take up the water. They have holes in the bottoms to take up the water. The legs keep the bottom of the pot above water level. I'm assuming this is similar to growing in an air pot & watering in reverse.
When I posted this thread Anybody here pull 8 oz+ per plant in soil? Krissi responded with plants she was pulling 10 oz. from growing this way. Made me want to try it.... lol.
I guess you really don't. All the slits you see in the bottom of the pots are for aeration. They don't sit in the water trays. Only the 4 legs take up the water. They have holes in the bottoms to take up the water. The legs keep the bottom of the pot above water level. I'm assuming this is similar to growing in an air pot & watering in reverse.
When I posted this thread Anybody here pull 8 oz+ per plant in soil? Krissi responded with plants she was pulling 10 oz. from growing this way. Made me want to try it.... lol.
10 oz yea I guess you want to try it wow.
Hope you get your haul.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
High Again.... Well yes I am ! Off work today to take the wife to the doc's so I'm going to do a little update. I have to say things seem to coming along pretty nicely so far. Hope it stays that way.
So today I did a slight defol on all 3 of the girls. Then I did a little more LST on each prior to feeding them.
They are growing really quick... or so it seems.
Here is the MC Calculation Plant (feeding at the 3.5 gr. MC Equivalent)

And here is the SoHum Plant & she is Rockin' It! She was the smallest of the 3 & has done caught up.

Last but not least of this 3 plant comparison is the MC & Cal-Mag Plant At the moment she is slightly bigger than the other two, but not by much. She's being fed 3.5 gr. MC & 2-ml. of Cal-Mag per gal.

They keep growing at this pace I'll be flowering in no time.
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