Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

Here's how the little self watering plants are doing. I'm having to fill that 12 oz. tray twice per day to keep any liquid in it.
From the looks of the plants I'd say they are working. The SoHum plant seems much healthier than th MC plant. I upped the nutes from 2 gr. to 3 gr. per gal. on the MC plant.

A few pics of the clones that don't really matter. They're going out behind the shed once the tent starts filling up.

A couple pics of the complete grow tent.
Looking great so far Buds!

Are you already seeing deficiencies? Your intro mentioned only adding the calmag if it's needed.
I did see a couple of small spots on the leaves I trimmed off today. Not really bad though. I'm guessing it was the start of a calcium def. so thought I'd get ahead of it.
This morning I removed the lowest 2 nodes & topped the 2 Self Watering Plants. They are both the same height now so let's see which one grows best. The small trays don't hold enough liquid. I have to fill it twice per day. I might up-pot them to the 2 gal. pots next weekend.
I'm going to start a 3rd journal next week. It will probably be a good one for beginners to check out. I'll be doing "CHERRY ON TOP" reg seeds. I'll clone the tops when I top them & once they root the clones will go on 12/12 to determine the sex of the plants they came from. It will kind of be a lesson in Cloning & determining the sex of a plant.
I'll post a link once I get things rolling. Hope to see you there..... too !
Gave the girls another feeding today. It's their last feeding till they get up-potted. The 3 gal. are going to 5 gal. grow bags & the 1.5 qt. self watering are going to the 2 gal. pots. The last 3 clones in the bubbler all have a small root so they will go in Solo Cups. The 2 in Solo's now will go to 1 gal. I'll up-pot as the soil dries out on each one. Somehow, I'm going to keep as many clones as possible. Haven't quite figured that out yet though.... lol.
I got everything up-potted except for 1 clone in the bubbler. It has till Sunday to root & then it goes if it doesn't.
Got my 2x4x5 tent, SP3000 & 4" Fan so far for my next grow. Waiting on the Filter, Timer, Temp & RH Sensor & a couple extension cords. Should all be here in the next day or so. I'll get pics up soon. Have to go to work now.
Just about got everything for my 3rd journal. Just waiting on the Carbon Filter. Suppose to be here tomorrow. So........,
I better get updated so I can have time to put it together.... lol.

I'll start out with the clones that don't really matter. I'll probably be giving these to my buddy. He had a WPM issue & didn't know what it was. He let it go too long & things got pretty bad. So he threw his plants out & disinfected his grow room. I guess he could use these to get rolling again.
Here's the pics.

Here we have the 2 girls in 2 gal. self watering pots. The Trays on these hold 32 oz. so they only need to be filled every other day at the moment. Sure wish all 5 clones would have been ready at the same time so they'd be closer in size. I want all 5 to veg the same number of days to compare the yields & see if there's any difference in the quality.
I want to start flowering the 3 bigger plants within 2 weeks so I'll have to figure out how to veg the other 2 in 2 gal. a little longer.

The SoHum gets Re-Charge every other feeding. The MC is at 3.5 gr. per gal. without Cal-Mag.
The first plant is the MC & Cal-Mag. I'm currently feeding her at the 4.5 gr. per gal. She's drinking a gallon every 2 days. I just upped the nutes. I did not add Cal-Mag. I only used the Cal-Mag for one feeding & haven't seen any spots on the new growth ever since. Seems to be doing fine now.


This is the So (Southern) Hum (Humboldt) gal. I really like the simplicity of using this soil. Too bad it's so damned expensive. Plant is a perfect green & seems to be just a little lusher than the other two. She was the smallest of the 3 girls. She's passed up the MC Calculations plant so far. Not by much, but it is a little bigger. She gets fed 2.5 gr. of Re-Charge every other feeding. She's also drinking 1 gal. every 2 days.

This is the MC Calculations plant. This one is the smallest of the 3 plants. It also has a slight discoloring on a couple of the lower leaves. I think it's because it needed stronger nutes. So she's now at the 4.5 gr. per gal. calculation.

I can't really say I see any major differences in the 3 plants so far. After this comparison grow is over I may not use the calculations any more if things keep going the way they are now. I see no reason to spend extra $ on things like Nitrogen if I don't really need it. The MC plant with C-M is a healthier looking green color than the Calculations plant. Weighing everything out is a pain also. The Silica I will still add as I like how stiff the branches get. I'll only use the "N" if I see a def. on future grows.

OK, a few group shots so you can see everything together.
Looking good Buds, could you remind me what 'MC calculations' means?
Looking good Buds, could you remind me what 'MC calculations' means?
The way I understand MC Calculations is : Say I'm feeding 4 gr. of MC straight from the bag. So to make the Equivalent of 4 gr. MC, I change the Ratio's of different Macro & Micro nutrients to dial things in better. From what I'm told straight MC is lacking in Nitrogen & Silica so I add these things changing the ratio's but still keep the equivalent of feeding 4 grams.
At 4 gr. per gal. I would be mixing : Silica @ 14.950 gr.
Cal Mag @ 0.240 gr.
Nitrogen @ 1.802 Gr.
& MC @ 3.011 gr.

This is the Calculation / Equivalent of feeding 4 gr. per gal of straight MC, but in different ratio's.

@InTheShed can explain this a lot better. I'm learning this through him & he has a way better understanding of it so hope he'll chime in & help explain it.
Looking good Buds, could you remind me what 'MC calculations' means?
@InTheShed can explain this a lot better. I'm learning this through him & he has a way better understanding of it so hope he'll chime in & help explain it.
As simply as I can put it, the way we fed using MC was by reading the nitrogen need of the plant. As the lowers begin to yellow (showing an N deficiency), we would bump up the grams/gallon of MC. That worked great until we got to flower, at which point adding more N would raise the P, K, and Ca levels that often would show up as toxicities and deficiencies in other nutes that would get locked out.

So what a few folks here do is use the nitrogen ppm from the MC online feed calculator (at each g/gallon we would normally use) and make that our base N to build a better set of nute ratios from. Hence the term MC equivalent.

Those ratios vary slightly from person to person, but they are close to a 5-1-5 NPK, with Ca at 50% of K, Mg at 25% of K, and sulfur at 10% of N. In flower that changes to 5-1-6.

Other than the slight increase in K for flowering, the ratio stays the same from sprout to harvest, and the only thing that changes is increasing the ppm.

Finally, silica goes starts at 10ppm and ramps up quickly to 50ppm, and I keep it there all the way through stretch. After that I back it down to around 25ppm for the rest of the grow.
Had to feed this morning so I was checking the plants out. The MC only plant isn't showing any Tox. or Def., but she is a lot thinner than the other 2. The MC Calculations plant is nice & lush, but starting to show a Def. in the bottom leaves.
Might be because they're not getting enough light or possibly needs stronger nutes. So I upped her nutes to the 5 gr. per gal. equivalent. The SoHum girl is really lush. But there's one lower leaf that has sort of a tannish/brown spot on it. Looks like a K def. .... not really sure.
Now I was comparing them to the plants I have in flower right now, which I'm feeding according to the Bottles & Bag instructions. 6 gr. MC, 2-ml. CalMag & 2 ml. Si per gal.
These plants look damned near perfect in color. No Tox. or Def. & growing very nice. Just my observations so far.
We have to see what happens in the end. I plan to start flower on the 3 in 5 gal. pots next Saturday.
Been busy getting things ready for my "Cherry on Top" grow. Filter says out for delivery. Once it arrives I'll get things rolling & start the new journal by tomorrow night.
Hey all, going to do a quick update. But a lot has changed so I'll be doing another one tomorrow. Anyway, I'm moving some plants around to make things work. My shed that I was flowering in keeps getting too humid so it's now a Veg area & the tent is the Flower Room.
So this is how the tent looked yesterday morning.

And by the end of the day it looked like this.
14-386   5-14-22.JPG

These 3 plants started 12/12 yesterday. But there's also 3 plants I've had in Flower for 3 weeks in the tent with these 3. Had to improvise to make things work.

So temporarily, I had to squeeze all these plants into my 2x4 tent, while I switched my shed up to a Veg Room.
My other Clones / Plants. I decided to keep them since my buddy isn't ready to start a new grow yet.

I did a lot of trimming, up-potting & moving plants around today so things have changed. I'll be back with another update once I finish everything up later. See ya soon !
High Again ! I'm back with the rest of my update. I'll start with the 3 plants in 5 gal. pots. These 3 are now on 12/12.
Today I did a defol on them. But before I did I took some pics to show what's going on with the plants.
This is the "MC Calculations Plant". Looks like she needs more Nitrogen to me. I've been feeding her at the 5 gr. MC Equivalent, but I'm upping that to 5.5 on the next feeding. So we have a slight issue with Calculations, but nothing serious.

Here's a few pics of her after the defol.
Here is the "SoHum Plant". I'm kind of disappointed in this soil. I didn't expect any def. or toxicities using this. So far I can't say it's worth over $50 a bag. This shouldn't be happening since I'm also using re-charge every other watering.
So we have an issue here also. I'm not sure what to do to fix this with this type of soil. Should I add in Nitrogen ?
@Emilya , I need you ! Please advise me how to handle this plant. Thank You !

Some pics of after the defol.
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