Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

Sorry Shed, but you are wrong in this case. Please try to stay in your lane. Supersoil grows are supposed to have just the bottom 1/3 filled with supersoil, while the rest is filled with any good base soil. This method is used all of the time because plenty of nutrition reaches the plants through their bottom feeder roots and there is no need to worry that the rest of the container is filled with non mineralized soil. That 1/3 of a container in at least a 3 gallon container should contain everything the plant needs for this entire grow. Power players on this forum need to be very careful with their their disparaging comments, because with your one note regarding the filling of that container you have now almost convinced Buds that his grow is not going to work. Great job there Mr. negative.

So Buds, don't give up on this plant and revert back to using nutes. I am sure that everything the plant needs is in there or why would anyone buy Sohum or any of the other supersoils. I will suggest however, upping your dosage of recharge to the "performance" dosage suggested in their documentation. You are not growing petunias, you are growing a flowering/fruiting plant that has heavy needs. Please stick to your guns and don't let these folks dissuade you from your goal. The Sohum and Recharge will work... your plant is just showing you that it needs a little more help.
Thanks Em. I went from 2.5 gr. to 3.5 gr. of Re-Charge a couple feedings ago. I'm wondering if it would be OK to feed re-charge every time until she greens up some ? Or should I just up it to 5 gr. & feed every other watering ?
not even remotely possible... sorry. Exactly what did she use her cooked in nutrients on... making green leaves?
Sorry wrong lane. :rofl: HeHe
Hi Em :ciao: thanks for the help.
Hope your having a great day.
As you know soil isn't my Forte.
Please if you don't mind what is it about the recharge that will help her increase nutritional uptake?
I'm not 100 % sure what it is. :thanks:

Stay safe :cool:
Thanks Em. I went from 2.5 gr. to 3.5 gr. of Re-Charge a couple feedings ago. I'm wondering if it would be OK to feed re-charge every time until she greens up some ? Or should I just up it to 5 gr. & feed every other watering ?
You can't have too many microbes. I fed the performance dosage every time I watered.
Sorry wrong lane. :rofl: HeHe
Hi Em :ciao: thanks for the help.
Hope your having a great day.
As you know soil isn't my Forte.
Please if you don't mind what is it about the recharge that will help her increase nutritional uptake?
I'm not 100 % sure what it is. :thanks:

Stay safe :cool:
In an organic grow, the microbes feed the plants. There is very little free and available in the soil nutrient... the raw nutrient baked into the supersoil has to be first processed and then carried to the roots by the microbes and the fungi. More microbes from the Recharge means more food is able to be processed and fed to the plants.
Thanks ! Didn't want to O.D. my plants on it... lol.
I think the packaging says to feed recharge once a week, and that, at the proper dosage is probably all that is needed. I like to push limits however, and I remember pushing the recharge by giving the max dosage every time I watered. I got a great grow out of it, and as far as I could see, no damage was caused by doing so... I was probably just wasting my recharge.
In an organic grow, the microbes feed the plants. There is very little free and available in the soil nutrient... the raw nutrient baked into the supersoil has to be first processed and then carried to the roots by the microbes and the fungi. More microbes from the Recharge means more food is able to be processed and fed to the plants.
Thanks Em.
So the recharge is similar to me giving a molasses tea to my Bokashi and Frass in my coco grow?
It just increases microbial activity?
Therefore wouldn't it be beneficial to charge the entire pot with microbial life prior to planting?
Would that system work in an air pot?
The supersoil in the bottom 1/3?
Air pruning would fill the entire pot with roots making the upper 2/3's of the root ball more important for nutritional uptake.
If so wouldn't you be able to fill an air pot with super soil and use the
entire pot for nutrient uptake?:morenutes:
Therefore possibly growing a healthier larger plant?
Thanks again Em.
Hi Buds :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
I think the packaging says to feed recharge once a week, and that, at the proper dosage is probably all that is needed. I like to push limits however, and I remember pushing the recharge by giving the max dosage every time I watered. I got a great grow out of it, and as far as I could see, no damage was caused by doing so... I was probably just wasting my recharge.
Yes, the pkg. says 2.5 gr. once a week or every other watering. It also says to Super Charge the growth up to 5 gr. every other feeding. I figure I'm a little behind since my plant is light green so I was thinking I'd feed 5 gr. the next couple of feedings & once she started to darken up go back to 5 gr. every other feeding. Sound OK ?
Yes, the pkg. says 2.5 gr. once a week or every other watering. It also says to Super Charge the growth up to 5 gr. every other feeding. I figure I'm a little behind since my plant is light green so I was thinking I'd feed 5 gr. the next couple of feedings & once she started to darken up go back to 5 gr. every other feeding. Sound OK ?
Sounds like a good proactive approach. I would probably do the same thing these days. Back then I just wasn't sure that this new product was going to be able to supply what was needed, so I tended to overuse the product. It didn't hurt my plants, but it was wasteful. These days I am not nearly as afraid of chlorine and its ability to reduce the microbe population. Over time, in a water only grow, don't give tap water... but if you are adding back microbes periodically with Recharge, even tap water works.
Sorry Shed, but you are wrong in this case.
Not seeing how I can be wrong since I didn't make any pronouncements, just observations:
I know you keep referring to it as a Sohum plant, but your mix was just 1/3 water-only soil and 2/3 soil that most folks use synthetic nutes with from very early on
And my mentioning that to Buds made him go back and check the bag:
The SoHum Bag & Website also say to use 1/3rd SoHum in the bottom & the rest another soil & use water only.
oops.... Re-read the bag. It says 2/3rds not 1/3rd.
Here's the first bag instruction:

It turns out that Buds didn't follow their instructions since SoHum doesn't agree with you here:
Supersoil grows are supposed to have just the bottom 1/3 filled with supersoil,
Or is SoHum just trying to get you to use more of their product for profit?
Please try to stay in your lane.
Not sure who put you in charge of what others here can post or why you need the disparaging comments.
Not seeing how I can be wrong since I didn't make any pronouncements, just observations:

And my mentioning that to Buds made him go back and check the bag:

Here's the first bag instruction:

It turns out that Buds didn't follow their instructions since SoHum doesn't agree with you here:

Or is SoHum just trying to get you to use more of their product for profit?

Not sure who put you in charge of what others here can post or why you need the disparaging comments.
Your "observations" had enough weight that Buds was just about to give up his goal of seeing what a sohum grow was like. Yes, it does look like they advocate using more of their soil than is actually needed, because anyone who has worked with any of the supersoils knows that 1/3 in the bottom is the standard practice. They probably do that just so it is even harder to fail with one of their soilless grows and people continue to love their soil. Regarding disparaging comments, I asked you politely to stay in your own lane, just as you would do me if I started making "observations" about a promix grow. Please don't give out advice (sorry, observations) on things you have little or no experience in, and if you do anyway, don't be surprised if you end up being wrong and someone calls you out on it.

No one had to put me in charge of speaking out when I see bad advice being given to one of my friends, I do that of my own free will and volition, thank you. If you can't take the heat that your "observations" may cause, then please don't give them, and I suggest making sure that you are right before sharing them. You can know that I am going to jump in anytime I see you or anyone else giving suggestions that in my opinion will harm the grow or the goals of that grow. We are all here to learn, but your implied suggestion to Buds was to give up and go with outside nutrients. Your lack of experience in this water only method caused you to not even be able to see another alternative to solve this problem while still continuing the experiment the OP had intended. It is always better to fix the problem at hand, using what the OP has available, than to tell them to scrap the whole idea and do it a different way. This sort of non-guidance annoys me to no end, and I will usually speak out about it when I see it. I want to know who put you in charge of saying that I shouldn't do this?
Your "observations" had enough weight that Buds was just about to give up his goal of seeing what a sohum grow was like.
If Buds, having realized he didn't follow the manufacturer's instructions (thereby missing 33% of the soil they recommend), decides to make a change, he's certainly entitled to do that. I didn't tell him to do anything, and there may be any number of solutions, but if someone wants to try out SoHum soil to see if it works, at least follow the directions on the bag to make an accurate assessment. Buds set this thread up as a test...it's in the name.

And I would never tell anyone to stay in their lane or not to comment on any topic at all. I might point out that one person has more experience doing something over someone else, but I'm not rude or disparaging to any other members here.
but I'm not rude or disparaging to any other members here.
except to me... I believe I was told one time to go back to my threads and stay off of yours. What goes around, comes around. You honestly expect me to tiptoe around you'alls feelings after the way you have treated me in the past? This is as friendly as I get. Quit giving bad advice (observations) and I will stop commenting... it's that simple.
except to me... I believe I was told one time to go back to my threads and stay off of yours. What goes around, comes around. You honestly expect me to tiptoe around you'alls feelings after the way you have treated me in the past? This is as friendly as I get. Quit giving bad advice (observations) and I will stop commenting... it's that simple.
Absolutely none of my business as usual but.
Buds has some solutions and is moving forward.
Can we just leave it at that.
I hate to see the 2 most respected members here having an argument. :Namaste:
Let's respect Buds thread please and just discuss solutions .
Not accusations. :thanks:
I know its not my place to say so don't rip me a new one please.
Just trying to help.

stay safe :cool:
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