Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

The "MC Only" Plant". Shockingly this is the one without any toxicities or deficiencies. She's being fed straight MC Only at 5 gr. per gal. & is doing well.

After the Defol.
Here is the "SoHum Plant". I'm kind of disappointed in this soil. I didn't expect any def. or toxicities using this. So far I can't say it's worth over $50 a bag. This shouldn't be happening since I'm also using re-charge every other watering.
So we have an issue here also. I'm not sure what to do to fix this with this type of soil. Should I add in Nitrogen ?
@Emilya , I need you ! Please advise me how to handle this plant. Thank You !

Some pics of after the defol.
she looks beautiful except for maybe needing some calmag.
Here's a few shots of what the tent currently looks like. The 3 plants in the back are from the "My Grow" journal & have been in Flower 3 weeks now. I'm feeding those 3 totally different. I'm going by what the Bottles & Bag says. They are getting 6 gr. MC with 3 ml. of Silica & 3ml. of Cal-Mag per gal. They look better than any of the Calculation plants. I'll probably be feeding this way in future grows. I'll have to see the end results to say for sure.

I up-potted the 2 gal. self watering pots to 5 gal. Talk about a real bitch. They did not want to come out of the pots.
By time they came out 1/2 the soil broke off. I think these would be better for Auto's since you start in the pot you finish in. Either that or go from a 1 gal. regular pot to the 5 gal. self watering pot in one jump.

Here is the "MC Only Plant". Trimmed, Defoled & LST'd.

And here is the "SoHum Plant".

These plants are now in my shed along with my other clones / plants.
And I may as well show the others. This one was already in a 3 gal. She just got trimmed & LST.

And these 3 were in Solo Cups.

I also have 2 in the small tent that I up-potted from 1 to 3 gal pots. They will go in the shed soon. Forgot to take pics of those 2.
Looking good Buds. Nice job cleaning them up.
Thanks man ! It was a long weekend getting everything done.... but I did it. I do still have to set the exhaust fan up. Still haven't taken time to read how to set it. I'll get that done today. I've got my work cut out for me. I think I counted 21 plants total. Should be starting harvest around the 1st week of July. Then every 3 weeks after that harvest again. I have this set up to harvest 3 plants every 3 weeks if things go as planned.
OK, So I been doing a little more of that calculating stuff... ya know ? And well, I consider the Solo Cup stage the seedling stage so I don't count that. Once I up-pot the 1st time Veg Day 1 starts. So according to them, there calculations I did.....
The 3 Plants in Cloth Pots Vegged for 44 days. So to keep things "Even - Steven", I have to only Veg the Self Watering Pots for 44 days. So my Flip date will be 6-17-22 for the 2 plants in S.W. Pots. Sound fair to you ?
Well after spending 3-4 hours mixing & pH-ing nutes, feeding plants & taking pics I can finally do an update. Doing 3 grows at once requires a lot of different mixtures. Especially with a comparison grow in the middle of it.... lol.
All these are a different mix.

I'll start out with the 2 plants in the Self Watering 5 gal. buckets. The MC Only plant is currently being fed at 4.5 gr. MC. I plan to up it to 5 gr. next feeding. The SoHum still gets 2.5 gr. per gal. of Re-Charge every other feeding. They both seem to be drinking about the same amount as the plants in the Cloth Pots. Takes about 1 gal. every 2 days to refill the buckets to the Full Level.
Here's a couple shots of both plants together.

This is the MC plant.

This is the SoHum Plant.

The SoHum plant is about 4"-6" taller. But they both are just as bushy. Both seem to be healthy so far so just puttin' along.

Temp & RH has been staying pretty good in the shed too.
I may as well show the others not included in the comparison since they're in the shed too. They will probably all get flowered together no matter what their size at the time. I'm curious as to how much a smaller plant yields so why not ?
So here's some pics of those girls.

Here is the Mother plant of the comparison grow. She's currently ending her 4th week of Flower.
And here we have our 3 plants in Cloth Pots for the comparisons. Let's start with the MC Calculations plant. She's at the 5.5 MC Equivalent & gets a gal. every 2 days. She's not looking too shabby. I think this one & the SoHum are neck in neck right now & the straight MC is in last. But hell, they seem to change places every week.... so who knows.
MC Calculations Plant:

Now let's do the MC Only. She gets the 5.5 gr. of MC with nothing added. So far no Toxicities or deficiencies (Surprise!). She's not as big as the others though so maybe the MC does need a little of this & a little of that added.
MC Only Plant:

And of Course we still have the SoHum gal. I moved this one up to 3.5 gr. per gal of Re-Charge. Still feeding it every other time with just water in between. Figured if I'm upping the MC I should up the Re-Charge too.

All Righty Then ! Time to go smoke a fatty !
Good morning @Buds Buddy :ciao:
I'm running around looking for a light colored little girl who need a bit of TLC.
Where is she?

Stay safe :cool:
@Bill284, Here's the pics I was talking about. See how light green the SoHum Plant is, compared to the MC Plants ?
It started at the Top & within a few days it's almost completely light green. I'm not sure, but she looks hungry to me. But SoHum is suppose to be water only & I've even fed Re-Charge @2.5 gr. per gal. every other feeding & recently upped it to 3.5 gr.

Posted this is the wrong journal the 1st time. Had to fix it....lol.
She looks hungry to me Buds. If you weren't testing I'd consider putting some Geoflora down and see if she comes green.
I've been wanting to try the Geo Flora. But I want a Free Sample so until I get a pic worthy enough to win a contest I wont be trying it since I have the large bag of MC. I'd have to see if it was better before I spent cash on it.
But like you said. I'm testing these things out, so I really don't want to add anything but Re-Charge to the SoHum plant.
My thought is, this light colored plant started doing this after I switched to 12/12. That leads me to think this is a P or K def. But it looks hungry more than anything. I think I'll have to page @Emilya to get her opinion as she's the only one I know that has used it & what to do in a case like this. I've been trying not to bother the growers who help a lot of people out since they're pretty busy with that. But sometimes you just have to. I'm thinking about maxing out the Re-Charge at 5 gr. every other feeding to see if that helps, but want Em's thoughts before I make that move.
really don't want to add anything but Re-Charge to the SoHum plant.
I know you keep referring to it as a Sohum plant, but your mix was just 1/3 water-only soil and 2/3 soil that most folks use synthetic nutes with from very early on:
1/3rd SoHum Super Soil in the bottom of the pot & the top 2/3rds Fox Farms Ocean Forest
As I mentioned back in April, I'm not really surprised that it looks hungry with 2/3 of the roots in a medium with nothing to eat.
I know you keep referring to it as a Sohum plant, but your mix was just 1/3 water-only soil and 2/3 soil that most folks use synthetic nutes with from very early on:

As I mentioned back in April, I'm not really surprised that it looks hungry with 2/3 of the roots in a medium with nothing to eat.
The SoHum Bag & Website also say to use 1/3rd SoHum in the bottom & the rest another soil & use water only.
oops.... Re-read the bag. It says 2/3rds not 1/3rd. It also says only add Fertility if deficiencies are observed.
Missed that before. So my soil is opposite of what it should be & nutes are surely needed. Yeah, I wont be using this soil again. I am going to attempt Subcools Soil Mix pretty soon though. I should have about 75 gallons of FFOF that was used once & the used SoHum soil to start with.
Got to take my son to work now & update my "My Grow" journal when I get back.
Also up-potting the "Cherry on Top" in the SP3000 journal so I'll be updating it soon.
OK, so for me.... the SoHum Plant is a loser since I have to use nutes. That will make it an MC Plant too in my book.
I also see no reason to still add Re-Charge if I'm going to add nutes.
Found it. :rofl:
I see they are huge compared to what I figured.
Shed got it I think.
She just used up her nutrients.
Hope you have a great weekend my friend.

Stay safe:cool:
I know you keep referring to it as a Sohum plant, but your mix was just 1/3 water-only soil and 2/3 soil that most folks use synthetic nutes with from very early on:

As I mentioned back in April, I'm not really surprised that it looks hungry with 2/3 of the roots in a medium with nothing to eat.

Sorry Shed, but you are wrong in this case. Please try to stay in your lane. Supersoil grows are supposed to have just the bottom 1/3 filled with supersoil, while the rest is filled with any good base soil. This method is used all of the time because plenty of nutrition reaches the plants through their bottom feeder roots and there is no need to worry that the rest of the container is filled with non mineralized soil. That 1/3 of a container in at least a 3 gallon container should contain everything the plant needs for this entire grow. Power players on this forum need to be very careful with their their disparaging comments, because with your one note regarding the filling of that container you have now almost convinced Buds that his grow is not going to work. Great job there Mr. negative.

OK, so for me.... the SoHum Plant is a loser since I have to use nutes. That will make it an MC Plant too in my book.
I also see no reason to still add Re-Charge if I'm going to add nutes.
So Buds, don't give up on this plant and revert back to using nutes. I am sure that everything the plant needs is in there or why would anyone buy Sohum or any of the other supersoils. I will suggest however, upping your dosage of recharge to the "performance" dosage suggested in their documentation. You are not growing petunias, you are growing a flowering/fruiting plant that has heavy needs. Please stick to your guns and don't let these folks dissuade you from your goal. The Sohum and Recharge will work... your plant is just showing you that it needs a little more help.
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