Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

It wasn't advice and it turned out to be a good observation in the end. You may have solutions to Bud's issues with that plant, but the fact that it's designed to be 2/3 SoHum and 1/3 regular soil might play a part in the yellowing.

I'd like to see that quote.
its back there in my grow journals unless they cleaned all the un-mellow out of there. I still stand by what is normally done in the case of supersoils, 1/3 at the bottom of the container is all that is really needed, no matter what it says on the bag. I still say you are wrong and I am digging in because it may have been me that advised him to go with 1/3 as is normal practice. It is what I do, but admittedly I am also using organic nutrients so what I do doesn't count here. There are many grows on this forum right now, using supersoil in the bottom third, and getting great results. I give you credit for reading the directions though and usually that is the given advice. Experience shows however, that they may be gouging the folks by recommending so much, and the only reason I know this is by my experience that you have not yet had a chance to have. Let's see how the grow goes now that he is not being timid with the RealGrower's Recharge... there might be a learning opportunity here.

Bill is right... we shouldn't be arguing here. I am offended by giving up, and I simply offered an alternative and got pretty strong with my denoucement of your "solution" (giving up) so as to strongly convince my friend that your's was the wrong way to go... at least for now. I am sorry you were offended by my asking you to stay in your lane. I apologize for going there in open chat without first putting a whole lot more sugar on it. I know my bluntness can offend. The way I was raised, to do otherwise is not being honest.
its back there in my grow journals unless they cleaned all the un-mellow out of there.
I don't think I've posted in any of your threads other than the eggshell one, which I recommend to folks wanting to make their own Ca supplement (if they can stand the smell of the eggshells in the pan).

That said, if I personally insulted you in one of my posts I apologize.
I still stand by what is normally done in the case of supersoils, 1/3 at the bottom of the container is all that is really needed, no matter what it says on the bag. I still say you are wrong and I am digging in because it may have been me that advised him to go with 1/3 as is normal practice. It is what I do, but admittedly I am also using organic nutrients so what I do doesn't count here. There are many grows on this forum right now, using supersoil in the bottom third, and getting great results. I give you credit for reading the directions though and usually that is the given advice. Experience shows however, that they may be gouging the folks by recommending so much, and the only reason I know this is by my experience that you have not yet had a chance to have. Let's see how the grow goes now that he is not being timid with the RealGrower's Recharge... there might be a learning opportunity here.
I have no idea what percentage of supersoil vs regular soil goes in a water only mix, so back in April I asked Buds about it here. He said that's what you did so I took him at his word since this is definitely your bailiwick.

When the SoHum plant started yellowing I remembered my earlier question, so I brought it up again. Buds checked the bag and they recommend twice as much SoHum in the pot as he was using, which certainly seemed like a possible reason for a hungry plant: not enough "mineralized" soil.
I am sorry you were offended by my asking you to stay in your lane.
"Stay in your lane" is an put-down pure and simple.
I apologize for going there in open chat without first putting a whole lot more sugar on it.
You can be as direct and blunt as you like, but I don't think insults are the way to go.
Actually, I think the comments about me were in your no-flush series, but I forget. You are right, I could have handled this better and simply ignored your observations and given my own in response as if you didn't exist... sure, that would be better. Zero discussion. No emotion. Then you would respond, and back and forth, here we go. Do you see that we have a pattern?
OK, Shed got me to re-read the bag. But the reason I was thinking of feeding nutes is because the plant looked hungry & when I re-read the bag it says this : It also says only add Fertility if deficiencies are observed. But before I did use the nutes I asked for Em's advice because of her knowing about the soil. I don't think anybody here is wrong because it appears I have both options on the table & if one doesn't work,,,, I'll try the other.
Actually, I think the comments about me were in your no-flush series, but I forget. You are right, I could have handled this better and simply ignored your observations and given my own in response as if you didn't exist... sure, that would be better. Zero discussion. No emotion. Then you would respond, and back and forth, here we go. Do you see that we have a pattern?
We do have a pattern, and I'm all in favor of breaking it! I'm pretty sure the area of our real disagreement is the need to pH chelated nutes in containers of buffered media, and if we can ignore each other on that topic (believe me when I tell you that I don't leave a trail of zinc deficiencies in my wake) we should be okay. Okay?
it appears I have both options
Options are good!
OK, Shed got me to re-read the bag. But the reason I was thinking of feeding nutes is because the plant looked hungry & when I re-read the bag it says this : It also says only add Fertility if deficiencies are observed. But before I did use the nutes I asked for Em's advice because of her knowing about the soil. I don't think anybody here is wrong because it appears I have both options on the table & if one doesn't work,,,, I'll try the other.
Time for an update. It's been 2 weeks since we started 12/12 & the plants have a pretty good stretch on them. Next week I'll do a defol & tie up the taller branches before they fall over later in the grow. As you seen in the previous pics the SoHum plant has turned a pretty light green. I upped the Re-Charge from 2.5 - 3.5 & was feeding every other watering. That has changed for the time being. She's now being fed at 5 gr. Re-Charge every feeding. She got her first dose of that today. The 2 MC plants are doing better than the SoHum at this point. Right now the Calculations Plant seems to be the lushes looking plant of the 3 in cloth pots. The MC Only Plant is neck in neck with it though. I really can't say this is a totally fair comparison grow. I have experience with MC & FFOF & No Experience with SoHum & Re-Charge. Things might be different if I had more experience with the SoHum. The MC & Calculations Plants are being fed 5.5 gr. per gal. There's some yellowing bottom leaves on all 3. I'll probably move up to 6 gr. soon.
So here's some pics.

As you can see she's pretty light green & has more yellowing leaves then the other two plants. Hopefully, the Re-Charge fixes it. She's got a lot of red stems, yellow & light green leaves (Mg def. & N def.) so I'm not sure until I try it.
That's what testing is all about, so if it doesn't turn out so well.... at least I'll know how to better deal with it next time.

MC ONLY She is bigger than the SoHum plant. I think these plants will be bigger then the Cloth Pot Plants from the looks of things. I need to do a defol on them as they will start 12/12 on the 7th.

SoHum & Re-Charge
Like the SoHum Plant in the cloth pot this girl is kind of light green too. I upped her Re-Charge to 5 gr. also & Top fed it this morning.

Well I got all 3 journals updated so I'm off to make my new Bubble Cloner. 10 Gal. tote, 600 gph air pump, 6 - 2" stones & haven't decided on the number of sites yet. My little one only does 6 at a time & I want to do a SOG grow eventually so I'll need to do more clones all in one shot to make things work as planned.

As you can see she's pretty light green & has more yellowing leaves then the other two plants. Hopefully, the Re-Charge fixes it. She's got a lot of red stems, yellow & light green leaves (Mg def. & N def.) so I'm not sure until I try it.
That's what testing is all about, so if it doesn't turn out so well.... at least I'll know how to better deal with it next time.
I'm diggin this sohum plant Buds! Nice structure!! She's very busy with potential budsites!
Yesterday, I did a major defol & trim job on the plants in the shed. Next Monday they start 12/12 so wanted to remove a lot of the twig branches & get plenty of light to the rest of the plant. One week of recovery & off to Flower Land.
Here's a few pics. I just know Bill284 is squirming in his seat.... lol. He trips on how much I take off when I defol.

About 5 weeks ago I tried to use the shed to flower & the RH stayed too high. When I used a dehumidifier in the shed the temps got too high. But then when I switched it to a Veg room the RH dropped some. I think it dropped because the outside temps have been 100-105F for the past couple of weeks. So hopefully, the RH will be OK this time. Temps have stayed between 75-81F with the small window AC running.
Yesterday, I did a major defol & trim job on the plants in the shed. Next Monday they start 12/12 so wanted to remove a lot of the twig branches & get plenty of light to the rest of the plant. One week of recovery & off to Flower Land.
Here's a few pics. I just know Bill284 is squirming in his seat.... lol. He trips on how much I take off when I defol.

About 5 weeks ago I tried to use the shed to flower & the RH stayed too high. When I used a dehumidifier in the shed the temps got too high. But then when I switched it to a Veg room the RH dropped some. I think it dropped because the outside temps have been 100-105F for the past couple of weeks. So hopefully, the RH will be OK this time. Temps have stayed between 75-81F with the small window AC running.
I'm biting my lip trying to keep quiet. :rofl: Hehe
What ever works Buds that's what matters.
And obviously it works for you.:thumb:
Just when new growers take off all the fans that's when my pearls get a real workout.
Hope your having a good day Amigo.

Stay safe :cool:
How's the sohum grows looking today?
Wow, never got a notification. The SoHum has gotten a little greener. She seems to be darkening up little by little, but slowly. She's had 3 - 1 gal. feedings @ 5 gr. per gal of Re-Charge so far. Her bottom leaves are yellowing the most.
My other plants have some yellow bottom leaves also. Just not as many. It looks like she'll recover with a few more feedings.
Tomorrow morning I plan to do my 3 week defol & tie up the tall branches on at least 2 out of 3 of these plants. I may not defol the SoHum as she's still kind of recovering but still shedding some leaves on her own. Anyway, thought I'd post the before the defol pics today. These were taken yesterday when I fed. Here's some pics of all 3. The SoHum is still light green but darker than it was a week ago.


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