Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

Just to add another opinion to this conversation:

Bud Explosion is a waste of money with MC. Your plants will never need more than the 17 K in the MC and absolutely never need the 19 P in BE. You can't force feed a plant more than it needs in an attempt to make bigger flowers with more phosphorus and potassium. All you can do is lock out other nutrients. If your plant doesn't show P or K deficiencies, adding more just leads to toxicity and lockout.
1/3rd SoHum Super Soil in the bottom of the pot & the top 2/3rds Fox Farms Ocean Forest & feeding Tap Water
Why just 1/3 Sohum if you want to go water only? Why not use it as they recommend, which would be the whole pot? I don't think that FFOF claims to be a water-only medium, and that's 2/3 of your rootball.
You have a scale that measures down to the thousandth of a gram? And how little liquid is that?
Yes. Yes I do. And I don't use anything that's only one thousandth of a gram...don't be silly!

It's basically this one for $14 off Amazon:

They keep changing the brand name (because China) but you can search for:
Milligram Scale, 50g/0.001g Digital Pocket Scale with LCD Backlit, Mini Gram Scale with Calibration Weights Tweezers Weighing Pans for Powder, Jewelry, Gem, mg Scale 6 Units, Tare, Cal Weight Included
Just to add another opinion to this conversation:

Bud Explosion is a waste of money with MC. Your plants will never need more than the 17 K in the MC and absolutely never need the 19 P in BE. You can't force feed a plant more than it needs in an attempt to make bigger flowers with more phosphorus and potassium. All you can do is lock out other nutrients. If your plant doesn't show P or K deficiencies, adding more just leads to toxicity and lockout.

i'm doing better running BE with MC than i ever did on MC alone. you have to make head room and balance it, but it is definitely better than running MC alone in flower. green leaf itself says you don't need to run it, but then they add it runs better with MC than with other nutes.
I don't think MC alone does a great job either, but where it's lacking is not in the amount of P and K!

you're getting more than just that. my nutes don't run as hot when i use the BE. it's more of a dance on the edge with MC alone. you can't just add it on top though. you have to make room and know what you're doing.

edit : there's a pile of us locally running this way now. MC, BE, and a little calmag.
Just to add another opinion to this conversation:

Bud Explosion is a waste of money with MC. Your plants will never need more than the 17 K in the MC and absolutely never need the 19 P in BE. You can't force feed a plant more than it needs in an attempt to make bigger flowers with more phosphorus and potassium. All you can do is lock out other nutrients. If your plant doesn't show P or K deficiencies, adding more just leads to toxicity and lockout.

Why just 1/3 Sohum if you want to go water only? Why not use it as they recommend, which would be the whole pot? I don't think that FFOF claims to be a water-only medium, and that's 2/3 of your rootball.

Yes. Yes I do. And I don't use anything that's only one thousandth of a gram...don't be silly!

It's basically this one for $14 off Amazon:

They keep changing the brand name (because China) but you can search for:
Milligram Scale, 50g/0.001g Digital Pocket Scale with LCD Backlit, Mini Gram Scale with Calibration Weights Tweezers Weighing Pans for Powder, Jewelry, Gem, mg Scale 6 Units, Tare, Cal Weight Included
I'm running the SoHum / FFOF the same way Emilya does. I will be adding Re-Charge once a week though since I'm using Tap water. I chose the smallest of the 3 clones for the SoHum because I have a feeling it will outgrow the other 2 pretty quickly. Just a feeling though. They are less then 3 weeks old & close to 12" tall already. Wont be that way once I top on Friday.
I'm running the SoHum / FFOF the same way Emilya does. I will be adding Re-Charge once a week though since I'm using Tap water. I chose the smallest of the 3 clones for the SoHum because I have a feeling it will outgrow the other 2 pretty quickly. Just a feeling though. They are less then 3 weeks old & close to 12" tall already. Wont be that way once I top on Friday.

i think this will be the best one.
I thought that Emilya was a GeoFlora user in her grows.
I think she does use Geo Flora now. But she use to grow this way. Emilya is pretty up on different soils & organic type stuff. She's the one who tutored me through my very first grow on another site. She's never steered me wrong, so I trust what she's telling me. I invited her, bluter & a couple others because of their organic knowledge. I may need help somewhere along the line since I've never done this.
I invited you, MrSauga & farside because of your knowledge with MC & the nute calculations. I can always use your help as you're always there when I need you.
I've invited Krissi, but haven't seen her in a while. Hope she's not banned. I was hoping to have her around for the Self Watering Pot part since she grows that way.
I was shooting for getting the specialists in each area so I'd have all my bases covered.
MC & Cal Mag if needed :

I top between the 4th & 5th nodes & remove the bottom 2 nodes leaving 4 branches to grow out. Once the 4 branches have 3 nodes I top each of them so I end up with 8 branches to work with. Hope this works with clones as I usually grow from seed. Kind of wondering because of alternating branches.
Stopped by the Hydro store & bought the 8 oz. bag (226 gr.) of Re-Charge. Better price than Amazon. Only $25 !
Tomorrow I think the pots might be light enough to feed them their first nutes.
Still got to get the 3 big plants out of the tent. But I have a light leak around the window AC in my shed I'm in the process of fixing. Thought I'd have it done today but ran out of screws. It'll be done tomorrow as there's very little left to do on it.
Just fed all 3 plants. They took roughly 1/2 gal. each to get run-off. I am one of those who pH. I pH to 6.3. I've heard the argument that there's no need to pH in soil. I tried that once & got a def. I see a lot of others that don't pH have issues too. I prefer to stay on the safer side & pH my nutes.
They have a Super Charge mix for the Re-Charge also. For regular feeding it says 2.5 gr. per gal. every 7-10 days.
For Super charge feeding it says Double Strength every other watering. I've decided to go 1/2 way on this & do 2.5 gr. every other watering.
Going to start LST on them this weekend.
Another clone has about a 1/4 inch root on it. Might be able to pot it tomorrow. I have a 6 clone bubble cloner. I have the 6 spots numbered. For some reason the number 5 spot always roots first. Then which ever clone I move to that spot roots next. kind of weird ! I guess 5 is my lucky number.... lol.
I decided to search SoHum's website to get some info on it. Thought I'd share.

SoHum Living Soils® Best Practices​

SoHum Living Soils® is a microbial-based super soil that has been scientifically developed to simply provide the easiest and most cost-efficient means to cultivate premiere cannabis flower. SoHum’s robust microbial content has been designed to provide each plant with the optimal blend of beneficial bacteria and fungi necessary to successfully complete each plant cycle and organically produce high quality product yields using only water with no added nutrients.
After the initial manufacturing of SoHum Living Soils®, microbial colonies are organically interacting at an elevated level. However, this activity decreases over time and, without any plant activity, becomes dormant until the soil is ready for use. The soil will remain in this state for a minimum of its’ 2-year shelf life. Once opened, re-mixed and used for planting, the microbes will immediately become available for plant nutrient uptake.

Here are some handy tips to optimize SoHum Living Soils® potential for the crop:​

  • As a result of the mixing process, a microbial interaction is established to create the organic food source that results in an environment that is too strong for seeds, starts, seedlings and clones and therefore is NOT recommend using full strength SoHum for this purpose. We recommend using a 50/50 blend of SoHum with an organic seed starter soil for these type of applications
  • Full strength SoHum can be introduced at the first transplant stage into 1-gallon containers
  • SoHum works equally well in both top and bottom-watering systems as well as all indoor and outdoor container-grown crops
  • SoHum Living Soils® make it easy. If your environmental conditions are adequate, you will be able maximize your harvest yields
  • SoHum Living Soils® should be watered with dechlorinated, reverse osmosis (RO) , tap or rainwater and should be analyzed to ensure that there are no extremes in pH. Routinely test water to keep pH levels between 6.0 and 6.5. If chlorinated water is to be used, it must be allowed to off gas for at least 24 hours
  • Flowering plants do not grow optimally with wet roots therefore avoid over-watering from the top as it may cause microbial nutrients to leach from the soil into your tray
  • SoHum never requires flushing since there are no salt-based nutrients to remove
  • Previously used soil can be recycled for future usage; however, you will be required to add the necessary micro and macro-nutrients which have been depleted during the previous cycle
SoHum Living Soils® was created by cannabis entrepreneurs who harvested the harmony of plant and soil synchronicity to achieve the largest yields at the lowest costs. No need to add anything but water and time.

Pot Size (gal)Liters# of weeks in Vegetative Cycle# of weeks in Flower Cycle
311.3517 (will run out of food)
Today was Feeding Day so they all got 4 pointed at the same time. I cut the bottom 4 fan leaves off of each plant before I did the LST so those leaves don't end up in the soil. Each plant took a 1/2 gal. to get run off. The MC & MC Calculation plant both got fed at 3 gr. per gal. The SoHum only got plain water today. I use Tap Water but my water usually sits out about 2-3 days before mixing in nutes to gas off the chlorine.
So here's 2 pics of before & 2 pics of after LST on each plant. I've decided not to Top these a second time because of the alternating branches.
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MC Calculations
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