Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

Hi all, i‘m following this exciting thread for a couple of weeks now. First of all, please excuse my english, as im not a native speaker. I expect an outdoor harvest of sunset sherbet strain in three weeks. At least three fully grown plants. 🕺
So i thought cobbing would be a good idea, at least to give it a try. Ordered a sushi mat today, stole some really fat corn cobs
from the cornfield. 👀 Also bought dry tamales husks. Have heatmats, seedlingdomes and an incubator for hatching eggs with max temp of 39’Celsius.

My impression, when i looked at all the cobbing pictures - was, sometimes there were used dry corn leaves, sometimes fresh. The point: that must make a difference in sweating. And also if you wrap it more than one time round (like the dry corn leaves at the pictures above.) Maybe i‘ wrong, but they look like the husk skin is wrapped 2 or 3 times around.

Here my questions: if one uses tamales dry husk leaves, do they have to be soaked in warm water for 10 min or so? And then surfacedryed with kitchen paper?

Fresh corn: should the husk leaves be dry or better somewhat moist.

Do you just fill and close the husk end to end (one layer) or is it okay to wrap it around for two or more times?

Best regards from Frankfurt! 🌽
Great post also great that you are giving it a go.
Best to use dry husks or partly dry. I use green most of the time and dont see much difference other than increased moisture content.
As Scottay pointed out above you dont really need anything and if I cant get hold of maize husks I'm quite happy to just chuck the buds in a bag and vacuum them.
But I like the old school look of a maize husk wrapped cob.
Hi all, i‘m following this exciting thread for a couple of weeks now. First of all, please excuse my english, as im not a native speaker. I expect an outdoor harvest of sunset sherbet strain in three weeks. At least three fully grown plants. 🕺
So i thought cobbing would be a good idea, at least to give it a try. Ordered a sushi mat today, stole some really fat corn cobs
from the cornfield. 👀 Also bought dry tamales husks. Have heatmats, seedlingdomes and an incubator for hatching eggs with max temp of 39’Celsius.

My impression, when i looked at all the cobbing pictures - was, sometimes there were used dry corn leaves, sometimes fresh. The point: that must make a difference in sweating. And also if you wrap it more than one time round (like the dry corn leaves at the pictures above.) Maybe i‘ wrong, but they look like the husk skin is wrapped 2 or 3 times around.

Here my questions: if one uses tamales dry husk leaves, do they have to be soaked in warm water for 10 min or so? And then surfacedryed with kitchen paper?

Fresh corn: should the husk leaves be dry or better somewhat moist.

Do you just fill and close the husk end to end (one layer) or is it okay to wrap it around for two or more times?

Best regards from Frankfurt! 🌽
Corn husks aren't always available and though the are aesthetically pleasing to look at are not required to make a good Cob. I use plastic wrap and a sushi roller then Vacuum pack the cobs. The thing is to time the original wrapping of the Cob at 3-4 days of drying in my area and care to remove moisture beads as they occur for the first while sweating. The magic is the fermentation which like fermentation of say sauerkraut you want to eliminate air/oxygen and this is accomplished easily with the vacuumed packs. The reason to eliminate oxygen is to prevent mold and rot which is possible if oxygen is present. The often traditional form of corn husks being used this is accomplished by burying the Cob which will cut out the O2. Good luck and have some fun making a sweet smoke.....
Great post also great that you are giving it a go.
Best to use dry husks or partly dry. I use green most of the time and dont see much difference other than increased moisture content.
As Scottay pointed out above you dont really need anything and if I cant get hold of maize husks I'm quite happy to just chuck the buds in a bag and vacuum them.
But I like the old school look of a maize husk wrapped cob.
Thanks so much, Tangwena. I laughed very much about the Vertical Crocodile Artists in your great pics collection. Best,sulmiman
Glad to see you interested in cob! Some people use corn husks and some people don't use anything at all. They just roll it up and seal it. I think it's just personal preference. Can't wait to see your cobs soon!! 😎✌️
Hi Scottay, thanks for replying. I‘ll do some pics, when i‘m starting cobbing. I‘m very happy having found this thread! 🙏🏻 Will do both versions, with plastic foil and maize husks in a couple of weeks. 🧵 🤠
Hi Scottay, thanks for replying. I‘ll do some pics, when i‘m starting cobbing. I‘m very happy having found this thread! 🙏🏻 Will do both versions, with plastic foil and maize husks in a couple of weeks. 🧵 🤠
Can't wait to see you con some stuff up. I have several weeks yet before I harvest. Gonna be an interesting new Year though!!!! Happy Sunday!! 😎✌️
Back feels good despite stacking the wood. Just couldn't focus after 2 hours.....needed freedom LOL. Getting ready to go down and spend a couple hours with the girls in basement. Several need some TLC and H2O! Gonna smoke a bit of the cob now and see where that takes us! I feel like I have been floating for 2+ hours. Of course the floating didn't help when I hit the ice patch and took

Welcome to the cigar… :coolsmoker: I wished mine will once look so sexy…
Can't wait to see you con some stuff up. I have several weeks yet before I harvest. Gonna be an interesting new Year though!!!! Happy Sunday!! 😎✌️
Cob not con!! 🤣😂
Your mind and body is getting tuned in now Sue.
I had the smallest dose of Malawi x Ethiopia year old cob and a tiny amount of fresh 2 week old cured cob of Purple Honduras x Panama.
I didn't weigh it but total no more than 0.1g I am sure and it had me right on the edge of nirvana it was great.
I thought it was just me but the strength was mind blowing.
A larger dose would have been stronger but not necessarily better.

Hearing that from someone like yourself gives me hope that I'm not loosing my mind ha ha Love it.

Ahhh.... the DDA cob kicked in about ten minutes ago with a delightful “umph!” :laughtwo:

I wouldn’t have thought it possible months ago, but 0.2 grams of chewed cob has become my morning dose at 5-6 AM, and that sets the tone for my days.

Love this process. Thank you @tangwena. :hug:
Your muesli 🥗
Thanks mate, I'll see if I can find any of Sue's remedies. That might help.
I used to get stoned, though. Before I built this tolerance I have now, I got stoned like everybody else I think. I have over done it a bit for the last couple of years...
Hi nickeluring. Maybe good idea to stop thc-ing for at least 4 to 8 weeks. Little big reset though needed maybe. 🤗 Sounds hard with all the weeks, but its the only way to find out, if thats the reason, why you dont feel more or less anything like to be stoned. Or to be really high.
I did eight weeks with my wife this year, only the first ten days can be a bit tough. (We used no alcohol, thc, and nicotin) At least it could be a chance for you to break down your unbelievable tolerance… 😎
Thank you for those great pictures. Also the binding of the cobs looks perfect. How did you do that?
Hi Sulminan! Nice to "meet" you!! Hopefully we'll get to see your cobs in the future!! 😎✌️
Yo, going for it ! Some weeks left, but lot if rain here now, i‘m doing outdoor most of it.🤠
Look at you! All prepared. That's what I'm talking about!!! My plants won't be ready for another 50ish days from now. I've got to get a food saver/sealer next month. I wanna be prepared too!! I'm not gonna use any kinds of corn 🌽 husks. I'm just gonna roll them up and seal them. Happy Friday!! Hope you have a good weekend!! 😎✌️

So I have these two GT 3.o that started outdoors and then brought inside to flower. I then had a problem with aphids that showed up by the truck loads as they did last year. I thought I would give a alternative a try with Ladybugs that I purchased. Guess what after about 2-3 weeks vertually no aphids left. The Ladybugs reproduced a lot and the larvae form seemed to be every where. The Pic is of one larvae metamorphosis to a Ladybug.
I agree as well vacuum sealed just take out what you will use in a month the rest sealed up for freshness there is nothing like the smell you get from a bag that has just been opened.
The smell of the empty bag is the essence of the cob smell. The aroma of the cob is misleading its the bag after it has aired for 10 mins that is the real smell just bliss if you got it right.
We need eatable cobbags🤠
We had to cut a bit earlier, fue to upcoming botrytis. No big buds, bit most of the trics cloufy, 20% clear, which should have a nice uphigh result, so i hope. Let them hung for two days at high humidity in shed and one day inside at 50%. Then cobbed at 83% bud-humidity.
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