Sweet Yet Haunted Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative


Holy Moly everyone, just a few weeks to go for this lil lady! 39 days from flip! @SeedsMan says 63 to 77 days so 3 to 6 weeks if my math is close and their's too. Looks right. So far so good, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and have her catch on fire or something! It's a bit nervy top and bottom watering this SIP! With the help from my friends here we are in great shape! Thanks everyone!

Here she is this light on morning.

You've got her standing at attention, Stone. I like a plant that has military bearing. I salute you. :Rasta:

Holy Moly everyone, just a few weeks to go for this lil lady! 39 days from flip! @SeedsMan says 63 to 77 days so 3 to 6 weeks if my math is close and their's too. Looks right. So far so good, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and have her catch on fire or something! It's a bit nervy top and bottom watering this SIP! With the help from my friends here we are in great shape! Thanks everyone!

Here she is this light on morning.

Wow Sone! Wow! You have her dialed! Nice Work!👍👊. Come on finish line!😎
Highya SO,

What a gorgeous lady!! I counted 19 colas. What's your count? Yeah, there's a lot of white pistils. There's also pistils turning mature, also. The most impressive thing I notices, besides all the frost, was how much bud is packed all along the colas. One gorgeous lady!! Happy Smokin'
Hell yeah!! Looking great! Frosty, nice green, and stacking them colas!!!

Holy Moly everyone, just a few weeks to go for this lil lady! 39 days from flip! @SeedsMan says 63 to 77 days so 3 to 6 weeks if my math is close and their's too. Looks right. So far so good, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and have her catch on fire or something! It's a bit nervy top and bottom watering this SIP! With the help from my friends here we are in great shape! Thanks everyone!

Here she is this light on morning.

You've got her standing at attention, Stone. I like a plant that has military bearing. I salute you. :Rasta:
She is long legged by the leaves i would say there is more sativa in this one than the short PGC what you say ?
I agree Smokes! She had a huge stretch, maybe 300%! I'm so glad I chose a manifold for this one!
Halfway there and still pushing out the white pistils! Getting any smells from it yet?
Yep, even with my old nose! A nice sweet one!
Wow Sone! Wow! You have her dialed! Nice Work!👍👊. Come on finish line!😎
We have her dialed brother! Thanks!
Highya SO,

What a gorgeous lady!! I counted 19 colas. What's your count? Yeah, there's a lot of white pistils. There's also pistils turning mature, also. The most impressive thing I notices, besides all the frost, was how much bud is packed all along the colas. One gorgeous lady!! Happy Smokin'
Good morning Bode! Thanks! I'm getting 19 too! She's mid everything now! I heard someone squeezed a bud and it's pretty solid too! ;) ! Hey how's the heat up there? We're frying this week! What a difference from last season! My plants are liking it!
Hell yeah!! Looking great! Frosty, nice green, and stacking them colas!!!
She's bringing sunshine Ke0ncp! Thanks!
Thanks SeedsMan , you guys cultivated a real beauty in this one!
Working on some nice colas. :thumb: 🍋
She is Keith! These next few weeks will really puff em up I'm hoping! I told Seedsman I wanted to grow a pounder for them! It might happen!
How are the outdoor Gals in the heat Stone? They exploding?
Man it's melty out! I'm getting out at 6:30 ish for a heavy water in this and am sweaty just holding the hose! I happen to have taken a couple of pics today. They seem to be thriving in it! Betty's almost 5 feet and branching nicely. Still pairs of nodes. Muffy hasn't started to push branches yet but has a sweet trunk! Hubba hubba!

Before the sun hits them.

Here's Betty

One of the last times we'll see the top view I think!

And Muffy

Man it's melty out! I'm getting out at 6:30 ish for a heavy water in this and am sweaty just holding the hose! I happen to have taken a couple of pics today. They seem to be thriving in it! Betty's almost 5 feet and branching nicely. Still pairs of nodes. Muffy hasn't started to push branches yet but has a sweet trunk! Hubba hubba!

Before the sun hits them.

Here's Betty

One of the last times we'll see the top view I think!

And Muffy

Wow Betty is a beast! and Muffy has beautiful structure.

I could stare at your beautiful little Muffy all day long... jus sayin... 🤣🤣🤣
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