Sweet Yet Haunted Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative

Highya SO,

What gorgeous buds!! She's loaded! With the nine fingered leaves, you have a top shelf lady dripping with dank looking buds!! You have a special touch growing indoors! Happy Smokin'
Plant looks killer nice spears
Thanks con!
White pistils and climbing higher and higher! The lower leaves are spotless and the upper ones are frosty. :welldone: keeping it so happy.
When these SIP's go good they really go good! Also true the other way though! Wait until you see my pics coming later today of one of the saved syndrome'd one's!
Ectoplasm!!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂
It's starting to be everywhere! Da da da da! da da da !
Highya SO,

What gorgeous buds!! She's loaded! With the nine fingered leaves, you have a top shelf lady dripping with dank looking buds!! You have a special touch growing indoors! Happy Smokin'
Love that talk Bode! :drool: They're starting to lean! I'll be sad to have to put a net over her but she's going to need one I think! 3 or 4 more weeks.
Coming along very nicely @StoneOtter
Keep up the great work indoors and out. I wish I could grow in my yard; to many neighbors close by.

I know what you mean by adding a net; I am ordering more yo-yo's for my 3x3 tent.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:
I sit in front of her and have my coffee or tea gazing. Thinking on what she needs or not much at all. Thanks!

@SeedsMan , sponsor of this grow has sent me their contribution to the Journal of the Month prizes for May! Blueberry is a staple in our house and these seeds will bring us much pleasure and relief! Thank you for the great prize Seedsman! :love: I'll run these soon!

Hey SO, have you brixed lately? I'm wanting to know if the wetter soil in a SIP will allow for high(er) brix in an organic grow.

I went from 5 to 11 by letting my soil dry out a bit, but I'm stuck at that level, although i have other issues. :rolleyes:
Hey SO, have you brixed lately? I'm wanting to know if the wetter soil in a SIP will allow for high(er) brix in an organic grow.

I went from 5 to 11 by letting my soil dry out a bit, but I'm stuck at that level, although i have other issues. :rolleyes:
I have. Last week the barometer was dropping and I got an 8. I checked yesterday on a stable day in the afternoon and got 12.5 without changing anything. Mostly water with 4ml calmag a gallon. Microbes once or twice. 2 days off top water while getting rez water then 1 day top water with no rez water is the cycle I've been keeping. Still looking pretty good. No syndrome anyway. Very little, there's a few topmost fans not perfect. Bud growth is very good. Frost too! Day 50 today from flip, 20+ to go possibly.

When I was more aggressive with adding things brix got to 18.5 max that I saw. Time to start that again.
Ok, great.

18.5! Now you're talkin'. That's about where I'd like to be able to get up to. What other things were you adding that you think made the difference?
The regimen went with doses of mico from Dynomyco, microbes from Real Growers Recharge, fish hydrolysate with kelp from Neptunes Harvest. Build a Soil's Bio Phos microbes to help access P .

My most important and next test will be to not top water at all after I set the solo cup plant into the final pots. What's 2 week lag? I'm retired! I believe in my size pots the top half of soil had only a few roots but the plant was using that somehow to balance the water gradient thing. Those extra roots I made by watering on top created a wick that put that balance out.

Maybe the solid covers will stay for a grow to see but they may have to go so I can have access to do those things. It's nice to see brix change with the adds. Then I may have to start some top water action.

I'm almost sure it's 50! Hehe, good day everyone! This PGC is steadily expanding her horizons and making me smile every day when I open the tent to see her buds just a smidge bigger than yesterday! Likely 20+ days to go!

I've been giving her calmag water only lately and yesterday I changed that to giving the regimen of myco, fish emulsion, and real growers recharge again for one more blast during top waterings.

@SeedsMan Purple ghost Candy

Have a great day 👻👻👻
Just gorgeous!!
Just gorgeous!!
She's holding on!
Packing on the weight and the frost! But will this one be flop-free? We'll see!
That's the question before I open the tent every time now! has she flopped? I've been trying to adjust them to vertical as much as I can with their lst lines. We'll see! It'll be a miracle to go 2 or 3 more weeks though with 2 foot colas!
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