Sweet Yet Haunted Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative


Yeah baby! Hi folks! This Purple Ghost Candy is now down and hung up to dry!
I cut them down then hang em up again! 🎶

She went 71 days and grew as smooth as a baby's bottom. She retained every leave she grew that I didn't brix on.

This manifold method of training has my attention! I want to try it some more! Every bud is as solid as the top buds are, right down to the bottom!

DLI is also going to stay in the toolbox! I can get better at it!

We had an interesting grow! Thinking "the syndrome" was coming to get us I removed the full plastic cover and started top and bottom watering with microbes and fish ferts and such. Come to find the change came in time for the plant to not skip a beat. The syndrome is something that happens shortly after flower starts in some SIP grows and for me o2 starving was starting to happen at root level but never developed. Thanks to many folks who chimed in to help!

So she went on like nobody's business to finish.

As I cut all ties she stayed up until I cut a few colas off her, then they tumbled over.

Did I mention sticky? Like military grade stickum! It took so long to remove it from my fingers!

I cut and stripped and left any small sugar leaves. There's a new brush I want to try for dry trimming later

Here's all the sticky details!

All said and put through the weed calculator she'll give 9 oz dry. Smells like old school northern lights or grandaddy purple from here.
You're gonna get 9z dry with one plant? Sorry... buzzed, etc and haven't paid attention.
Here’s how mine are stacking up!


Man yours are beautiful Twisted! Wait till you see how thick and sticky they get!
Ha! A cannabrush! Sweet! I was thinking about getting one but was worried it might bre a gimmick. Try away Amigo! Keep us posted. Oh yeah, once again, and again, and agian, nice harvest!🤣👊❤️
I always wet trim. This is 4 days hanging and when I look I cringe! Their sugar leaves have come to surround each bud like it's protecting it! A beautiful and macabre sight! If they pick right off it should be fine and good. Few more days.
Congrats on the nice harvest Stone

They look awesome :slide:
Thanks SniperX! It's nice when a plan come together!
Highya SO,

Another great harvest! They were some gorgeous colas!! Loved those near platinum leaves. She gave you all she had!! Happy Smokin'
We see the same! This Rev soil and SIP tech has them grow so happy! I like having them alone in the tent so they get all the attention they need too.
Great grow and harvest @StoneOtter ! I think we're getting to the tweaking stage with these SIPs. Looking forward to your next round already and this one's not even finished yet! (Close though...)
From the SIPfather himself those are encouraging words! Tweaking was a big step for me Azi! I can choose a solid cover or not now depending on how mobile I am. Keep in mind this covered with plastic and self watered was being tested for how little interaction between them and us. Convenience oriented for folks having a hard time physically. It's a success as long as I put plants in, cover, and wait. Sure is fun tweaking though!
Nice ghostly looking buds , got color ! Stone a'nt frad no ghost ,, good job on bring her home .
Hehe, there goes the music again! Thanks Smokes!
And we know you're gonna burn 'em down.
It'll be a good day when I go Burn'n down the Ghost!
Congrats Stone looks like some great smoke & nice weight

Thanks Con!
Fantastic! :love: Top notch🤠 I can almost smell them. :hmmmm::oops: Heck, I can smell them,:oops: I got some just like em':cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:
Then you know how sticky they are! Oh My!
Congrats Otter! What a magnificent plant.
Hi Carmen, a few grow so well! This one was a blessing!
You're gonna get 9z dry with one plant? Sorry... buzzed, etc and haven't paid attention.
Hi Schnookie, yep, that's what the weed calculator says. Total weight minus 10% (for the sticks) divided by 4 is the basic idea. It always comes close enough for me.
Congratulations on harvesting that beautiful plant! :bravo:
Man yours are beautiful Twisted! Wait till you see how thick and sticky they get!

I always wet trim. This is 4 days hanging and when I look I cringe! Their sugar leaves have come to surround each bud like it's protecting it! A beautiful and macabre sight! If they pick right off it should be fine and good. Few more days.

Thanks SniperX! It's nice when a plan come together!

We see the same! This Rev soil and SIP tech has them grow so happy! I like having them alone in the tent so they get all the attention they need too.

From the SIPfather himself those are encouraging words! Tweaking was a big step for me Azi! I can choose a solid cover or not now depending on how mobile I am. Keep in mind this covered with plastic and self watered was being tested for how little interaction between them and us. Convenience oriented for folks having a hard time physically. It's a success as long as I put plants in, cover, and wait. Sure is fun tweaking though!

Hehe, there goes the music again! Thanks Smokes!

It'll be a good day when I go Burn'n down the Ghost!

Thanks Con!

Then you know how sticky they are! Oh My!

Hi Carmen, a few grow so well! This one was a blessing!

Hi Schnookie, yep, that's what the weed calculator says. Total weight minus 10% (for the sticks) divided by 4 is the basic idea. It always comes close enough for me.
I can’t wait! What was your watering like there the last 30 days of water bc mine are staying thirty?
Congratulations on harvesting that beautiful plant! :bravo:
Hi Beez, thanks! She was some beauty! I'm giving her a dry trim now. Maybe today that will be done. trying a new to me method. A brush to knock off the larger sugar leaves left on buds. I think I might like it. Starting to cure now.
I can’t wait! What was your watering like there the last 30 days of water bc mine are staying thirty?
Hey twisted. I went water down the rez for 2 days to drip out the side. Then the third day no water in the rez but over the top. Then back to two days down the rez. Repeat. The top water days could and did contain a dose of myco, real growers recharge, Bio phos from build a soil, or plain ro water.
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