Subnoise's Sour Monster Grow

Really envious of the node spacing you have going on. I am going to be much more vigilant during with my light placement during the first few weeks of flower this round.

Great work!
Thx for the positive vibes guys. Defiantly a difference this run. Was running about 16 inches my first couple runs. Now between 12-13 inches. Needless to say I am very pleased. Temps and rh are looking great in the veg tent. At least numbers I'm happy with anyway. Controller is working flawlessly.

Here is the 2 plant mainlined 1dwc training is going great. They have been under the leds since Sunday. Started at 30 inches and working my way down, at about 20 now I think I'm gonna stop at 18. I can train to my hearts content under this footprint. Have a great Thursday everyone. :Namaste:
That's hilarious, Buddro!!! lol
Finally got around to building a little box to play with colloidal silver. First clone went in today got sprayed then lights out now on 12/12 under a 55w 2700k cfl. The lavender I inherited is starting too reveg and is a few inches from the t5s now. Hope it doesn't hermie from a rough life. Veg tent is working out great haven't noticed any ill affects from the leds. However my dwc ph keeps dropping gonna give them a flush for the weekend and start nutes again.

Ffof clone in flower box

Lavender reveg



Family shot
Good morning everyone. So last night went into the flower room to check on things as usual. To my dismay I found 3 sets of naners working there way out of the new growth on the coco plant. Can't find anymore and am assuming it was a last ditch effort on her part to produce seeds. In all my actions to remove them as quickly as I could didn't think to snag some pics. I have not found any ambers yet but mostly cloudy the swelling is defiantly noticeable and pistols are at least 60% orange. I started her flush last night will be keeping a close eye on her for the next week but she is coming down Friday or Saturday night. I also removed all the fan leaves from the center to allow more light but also so I could check closer for naners this last week. Currently got a 2hr flush with florakleen going in the dwc since I rez change Sunday's anyway. I'll have a update on there progress later. Now for some pics.

Coco day 52 flush has began.

Ffof day 46

The family shot
Very nice Subnoise, nice flower formation.

Thx Buddro. I'm really pleased with this grow naners or not. Looking to be my best grow yet and they keep getting better. Ordered new genetix last week for the first time so pretty excited to see what I can do with them. The anticipation is killing me I want to drop some new beans.
My roots hit the water about the same time I put the LED in my DWC room and Bam! Sitting under CFLs not much happened. These plants just love LED lighting. :)
Well last night was day 50 for ffof and her clone. This was the day that coco showed naners. I haven't found any seeds on the coco plant I think I have been doing a good job removing any naners I find before they open. After a very diligent search of the mother and her clone I'm pleased to say there is none so far. Still waiting on my new beans hopefully they show up today. Meeting up with Maxyields and Seraphim tomorrow for a little smoke and shop talk. Long as everything goes well should be bringing home a new baby girl. Max has rooted me a clone from the strawberry diesel clone he received from Seraphim. Put up a couple pics of stuff I haven't updated lately.

Ffof clone on the left day 50 of 12/12 and getting really chunky. And the runt on the right day 45 she has started to show some N def a few days ago. She had received only guano her whole life so last watering I mixed a solo cup of ffof 1/2tbsp Mexican guano and 1 tbsp Indonesian guano. I am really pleased with her progress this far.

And the lavender is full blown reveg looking great and really starting to take off.

No family photo this round since I forgot to take one. :Namaste: everyone and thanks for following along.
So here we are day 12 since starting the colloidal silver project. Day 3 since noticing what I believe to be pollen sacks forming. Only 2 I can find at this point and am unsure if I should continue application of the CS, guess it's time for research. Open to any input or advice on the matter though. I plan on pollinating a small clone outside this spring and using light manipulation if need be to keep pollen out of my flower room. If all goes well I should have fem Sour Monster seeds soon. That brings another question to mind. If I pollinate another clone from the same plant will the seeds be stable or will I have to do it again with the same pollen and new seeds till it is?

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