Subnoise's Sour Monster Grow

Couple comparison shots tonight, and the reason I believe ffof sour monster is looking like the best pheno at this point but I will make a decision of quality and quantity aswell. Maybe someone can explain this. Why do my clones seem to stretch more than plants from seed?
First up ffof left coco right keep in mind the coco planter is a little shorter.

Ffof top left veged 2 weeks in coco same nutes as the big coco plant, and ffof runt on the right veged 2 months.
While I cannot give you an accurate scientific explanation as to why the clones stretch more than seedlings, I can give you my best educated guess!
Plants grown from seed possess hybrid vigor, so all aspects of the plant grow faster,thicker, stronger, etc...
Clones on the other hand do not, they also have to rapidly build a root system to take care of themselves god only knows what thats doing to the plant on a hormonal level.
just my 2cents though brother.
Couple comparison shots tonight, and the reason I believe ffof sour monster is looking like the best pheno at this point but I will make a decision of quality and quantity aswell. Maybe someone can explain this. Why do my clones seem to stretch more than plants from seed?
First up ffof left coco right keep in mind the coco planter is a little shorter.

Ffof top left veged 2 weeks in coco same nutes as the big coco plant, and ffof runt on the right veged 2 months.

Sub, if you look at my grow, you can dramatically see the difference. All 3 drawing from the same rez.
How is that going? They stop burning?

I don't know if you saw my post yesterday or not Sub, but I now know what the girls are. I cut the nutes back to week 3 and we'll see what happens. It's only been 24 hrs, so I'll give it a couple more days before I say I'm happy again. Keep doing your thing, man. Lookin fine!
I don't know if you saw my post yesterday or not Sub, but I now know what the girls are. I cut the nutes back to week 3 and we'll see what happens. It's only been 24 hrs, so I'll give it a couple more days before I say I'm happy again. Keep doing your thing, man. Lookin fine!

I did see that nice to know what your growing. If you want too check out a pineapple chunck in flower jinn is growing one there is a link in his signature. Glad you're buddy could sort that out for you. All the best to you and your garden mccdive.
Ive seen it a few times, its natural. As they age it'll go away, the same with the stem.
it does looks neat though!

Wouldn't bother me if it stuck around but looking as it's a healthy girl I'll be happy. I want to grow a sativa. I was actually looking at clones on cl today wouldn't mind a blue dream or gdp, but don't want to infest my grow with who knows what. Any advice?
If you can't find a local grower you trust to be pest free, the best method is to get a small separate quarantine tent/cabinet/storagebin with cfls.
Keep them in there for two weeks, as that should give you ample time to identify any issues, and prevent any eggs/larvae from hatching AFTER you've transplanted the clones into your garden.
If you can't find a local grower you trust to be pest free, the best method is to get a small separate quarantine tent/cabinet/storagebin with cfls.
Keep them in there for two weeks, as that should give you ample time to identify any issues, and prevent any eggs/larvae from hatching AFTER you've transplanted the clones into your garden.

There is a thought my birthday is in March I asked for a 4×4 tent. And gonna get a 4ft t5. So I'll hold off till then and turn my current veg area into quarantine zone. Then move my 2ft t5 and the clones in the tent after a couple weeks.
Ffof update 14 days since flip. Mother and clone are both cruising along. Starting to snow ball up top. Node spacing looks nice. Don't know how I'm going to trim the lower stuff out of that jungle. Supercroped the lower nodes on the clone only my second time but I think I did ok.

Mother and her clone

Couple more of her clones 2 weeks in dwc today. Topped multiple times already, going to mainline both of them and work some lst magic. Modified my lid with a bunch of hooks last weekend cause last run was a pain to lst and remove the lid for anything.
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