SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

I was able to train seven colas to the outside rim before letting them turn upwards, and now they are starting to flower.
This is Afghan Mass XXL Auto, who I believe is sativa dominant (but only 3% CBD).
You'll notice the AM XXL has no flowers in the middle at all, so in theory you could pull the branches into that space as they grow up to keep them from getting any wider than they already are.

Also, you should check out @Preston9mm's plants as he pretty much grows straight up, and gets a lot of plants into his grow area. You can see an example here where most are tall but not much wider than the pots:


His thread is here:
You'll notice the AM XXL has no flowers in the middle at all, so in theory you could pull the branches into that space as they grow up to keep them from getting any wider than they already are.

Also, you should check out @Preston9mm's plants as he pretty much grows straight up, and gets a lot of plants into his grow area. You can see an example here where most are tall but not much wider than the pots:


His thread is here:

:thanks: :thumb:
Thank you, Shed! I am on deadline right now, but I will check him if I get time. The picture says it all!

(Got to get me some vertical guide-stakes!)
:thanks: :thumb:
Thank you, Shed! I am on deadline right now, but I will check him if I get time. The picture says it all!

(Got to get me some vertical guide-stakes!)
Them stakes are golden if you wanna go vertical. I'd get a few 60", 48" and 36".... they'll make your life much easier for the tall ones. 🤙
Them stakes are golden if you wanna go vertical. I'd get a few 60", 48" and 36".... they'll make your life much easier for the tall ones. 🤙
:thumb: :green_heart: :thanks:
Thank you, Preston! Ordering is in process...
Check the documentation with your lights as there maybe a recommended distance from the lights to top of your plant, so you'd add that to the calculation to determine when to flip.
Uff, late response. Thank you for telling me that. I read the documentation as best I could, but it did not give a minimum distance.
Only, to comment, I get the impression that there are much more powerful lights (Mars Hydro, etc.). These work, but are not "the bomb". (Think Nissan or Chevy, not Land Rover or Maserati, haha.)
I did have all the lights on full blast, and I did notice some upward leaf curl, so I turned them down a bit. Is it normal for upward leaf curl NOT to go away, after you turn the lights down? (Meaning, do the leaves take a set?)


A reasonable rule of thumb is each plant gets 2'x2' of floor space unless you veg super long. So, 7' wide is 3 plants, and 9' deep is roughly 4 plants, so that would be 3x4=12 reasonably sized plants, fewer if you veg longer for bigger plants.

I just took a look, and with the vertical stakes, yes I could probably get exactly 12 in there comfortably. "Good shootin'!"
In general, the girls look pretty healthy. I have not seen nearly as many bugs with super soil as with top dress. (We will see if the flavor is the same...(the GF flavor is very good!! 👍)

Deep Mandarine #1 has some funky-looking leaves. Is that no big deal, maybe she will grow out of it? Or am I doing something wrong?
I ordered a whole bunch of Trichoderma products, but they are not here yet.

Is it normal for upward leaf curl NOT to go away, after you turn the lights down? (Meaning, do the leaves take a set?)
When I was growing exclusively inside this past winter the leaves with curled up points tended to look different from then on, though not as severe as before I dimmed the light.
Is that no big deal, maybe she will grow out of it? Or am I doing something wrong?
That's usually genetics.
Is it normal for upward leaf curl NOT to go away, after you turn the lights down? (Meaning, do the leaves take a set?)
I get the upward fold on leaves in my cabinet in the summer heat as I don't have a way to offset it, but the leaves seemed to return to more normal looking after the heat wave. But since I can't control it that's not something I pay a lot of attention to.

I know leaves that form a claw from too much N don't return to normal even after that issue is solved. Maybe it's a 'length of time' issue? If the issue persists long enough that it gets imbedded in the leave structure, vs just a few days?

Surprisingly I've been up into the triple digits in my cabinet this past week but the plants are praying like crazy. They seem to like it, though I did lower them away from the lights when temps rose.
I jist want to make sure I am trimming my future bud sites right.
For example, this is Afghan Mass XXL. The suckers are very vigorous with the branching. I have been trimming the suckers out.

Sorry I do not have a fancy image editing program right now, but I think you can see the big suckers there. Do I just keep snipping those off? (Or am I messing things up?)


This is Delicious Cheese. I doing OK just trimming out the suckers?
(I have been told to cut them close to the stem, and I've been told that it doesn't matter.)


My plan is to clean the suckers and the larf. Any advice would be appreciated.
At some point your trimming away your future harvest!
Haha, 😆 yeah! But she has a super strong fro, grow! I will have to corn-row it, or something!
And it's really hard to offer advice on thinning without a pic of the entire plant.
Thanks again, Shed!
Here are some pics. Pkease let me know if you want more.
Whole girl Afghan Mass XXL Auto:


Now I will zoom in first on the left cola.




"Zooming..." She has real strong suckers... and they have suckers... and so on...
So I thought the thing to do would be to trim them out early. I just have never really paid attention to the development of the bud sites, and I just want to make sure I am not off my harvest!
I am kind of wanting to lollipop, but now that she is starting to throw pistils, I want to be sure what I'm doing.


Now here is a cola panorama for the right hand side.


And please let me post this and then start another one because my old tablet's brain is full...
Ok, ✅ continuing the cola tour...


Strong branching with suckers.


She gets split ends real bad, and no amount of conditioner seems to help--so it looks like you just have to trim her split ends!


So, how do the buds grow? Do those little pistils continue to develop and get bigger? Or how does it go?


Please let me know if you want any more pictures. Thank you 🙏
My advice is not to take any more, but to let it flower out and take a look in a few weeks.
Ok, 👍 thank you. 🙏 We will try that (and with Delicious Cheese also).
My advice is not to take any more, but to let it flower out and take a look in a few weeks.
Hi Shed, I have not cut anything more, but I keep wondering about what your thoughts might be, and what your strategy is. (I am, after all, still basically still in the noob phase.)
I have been following a strategy of seven or eight main colas, trying to imitat @Krissi Carbone 's grows. I thought the thing was to trim all of the side-branching, and just let the main cola grow up--but maybe I am getting it wrong?
I have had repeat issues with grey mold and bud rot a few times now. Airflow seems to be an issue in this humid environment. I have never had either Afghan Mass XXL Auto or Delicious Cheese Auto mold, but I did have Northern Light, and Purple Kush, and 11Roses, and BlueBerry Crystal all mold. So airflow has been a constant concern.
When I sit back and look at the plant, and consider how much branching and how long the sucker stems are, if I do not trim this girl for several weeks, I think I'm going to have a very bushy lollipop thicket very shortly. And I am not real clear about the airflow situation.
As I said before, I am not real clear about where the buds grow out from. Do the places with the pistils right now just keep coming on??

If lots of long anf frequent side-branching to form a thicket is what we want, then great! I am wondering if you are going to recommend one of those Triminator devices, or what your thoughts are, and your strategy. Want to make sure that I am not going to have airflow issues, and end up wishing that I had cut stuff out a lot sooner.
But if you think the plant is capable of supporting a lot more bud by allowing the tips to bush out, then that would be great! It just would be great to know if that's what the plan is, or if I'm thinking backwards or something.
Thank you, Shed.

This is Afghan Mass XXL Auto today, starting to form Mickey Mouse Ear lollipops at the end of each cola. If that is desirable, and no humidity issues, then great! 👍


And this is Delicious Chees Auto today.


I just want to make sure that if there's going to be trimming, and removing sickers, that I trim or cut early, to save the plant work and trauma (so she has more energy for flowering.
It will be great if you know how to safely get more bud. I was just following Krissi's suggestions (but maybe I do not understand what I am supposed to be doing). Thanks 🙏
Hmmmm..... :hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:
I do most of my thinning in veg and at the end of stretch. During stretch I rarely touch a thing. And autos often don't give you as much time to work, which is why I very rarely grow any.

Oy va voi...
I think maybe I am causing a problem...
:oops: :sorry:

Two grows ago I had NO idea what I was doing with trimming.
Krissi Carbone's advice was to cut away ALL the side branching as it emerges, so the plant can focus on making 8 main colas. It worked GREAT! It was a LOT less time spent, and all the bud was cola-quality hard-hitting bud. I was really happy how well it worked.

Because it worked so well, I told myself that I was going to follow Krissi's method on all new grows. You can leave your brain turned off. It was perfect.
I also liked it because with autos you are always on the clock--so it makes sense not to make the plant grow out anything you are just going to cut away ('cause you cannot just veg it another week or two...because it flips on its own!).

In considering your advice, I get the idea I *can* make more sub-colas, if I want).
Only, I am asking myself, do I REALLY want more than eight colas per plant???
(Do I REALLY want 16 or 24 or 32 colas per plant???)
Sorry, I think I could have thought about this more thoroughly, before I asked the question. :sorry:

This is from the last grow. I like the shape. I am trying to imagine it with multiple cola tips (like 16 or 24 or 32 cola tips, and am having a real hard time.
I suppose I *could* make multiple colas. I got the support sticks already. But will that make the best YIELD?
Also, will I lose anything to humidity due to lack of airflow? (Because the humidity here is very high.)
And will the lower buds be able to get sufficient light if I give it "Mickey Mouse ears" up top??


The other plants were similar in shape, and the potency was all good. And the trimming was easy, and quick. So I really like this trimming technique. I think I just had a brain cramp.


I am sure there is plenty of food in the SIP bucket to run 16 or 24 or 32 cola tips (and if the bucket runs out of food, I can top-dress). Only, I am just wondering what it is going to look like with 16 or 24 or 32 colas, and is that really the best strategy to maximize yield overall???

I think it is a valid question.
If multiple tips IS what I want, then I should just continue to let them grow out, as Shed suggested.
However, if multiple tips is NOT what I want, then because I am on the clock, I would be MUCH better off following Krissi's regimen, and trimming the side-branching as it appears. (Do you know what I mean?)
So it makes a big difference IF 16 or 24 or 32 cola tips is better than 8, or not.
(I know some people only run 4.)

I ask myself, how would this plant look with 16 or 24 or 32 tips??
I think it would be slightly shorter, with less airflow. I think it would be a thicket.
Will all the buds get enough light?


I am up for a bit of experimentation, but I think I am accidentally causing trouble. :oops:
Also, I kind of need to get a harvest, so I am a bit concerned.
Does anyone do multiple cola tips per branch? (On an auto?)

This is already 5 tips, soon to be 7.
If I wait, then it will be 14 tips....
And then 28... :oops:
5 tips.jpg

I am thinking I should apologize for causing trouble, and go back to the original Krissi Carbone plan (to cut all side branching).
Is that wrong?
About mosquito dunks, I was looking, and it says one dunk treats 100 square feet of water (hypothetical 10' x 10' square pond).
It says it lasts for 30 days.
  • Lasts for 30 days and treats 100 square feet of surface water
So, since I have maybe one square foot of surface water in my SIP, would it hypothetically work to take 1/100th of a dunk, and put it in the rez in my SIP each month???
Or is my math off?
(Because I know they say this stuff is safe for humans, but if I can get by with less of a chemical, I would prefer to get by with less. ...and it should cost less that way...)
Or how are guys doing it with BTi?
About mosquito dunks, I was looking, and it says one dunk treats 100 square feet of water (hypothetical 10' x 10' square pond).
It says it lasts for 30 days.
  • Lasts for 30 days and treats 100 square feet of surface water
So, since I have maybe one square foot of surface water in my SIP, would it hypothetically work to take 1/100th of a dunk, and put it in the rez in my SIP each month???
Or is my math off?
(Because I know they say this stuff is safe for humans, but if I can get by with less of a chemical, I would prefer to get by with less. ...and it should cost less that way...)
Or how are guys doing it with BTi?
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
I pump river water to feed the greenhouse.
I have a 100 litre and 2 - 300 litre tanks.
I break up my Mosquito Dunks before putting them in the water.
I use a small chunk in each tank, slightly larger in the big ones.
Been doing this 2 years now without any gnats appearing in my pots.
No gnats or larvae at all.
So a smaller amount in a small container is appropriate. :thumb:
Have a great week :high-five:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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