SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

Good morning Amigo :ciao:
I pump river water to feed the greenhouse.
Sounds nice where you are!
I have a 100 litre and 2 - 300 litre tanks.
I break up my Mosquito Dunks before putting them in the water.
I use a small chunk in each tank, slightly larger in the big ones.
Been doing this 2 years now without any gnats appearing in my pots.
No gnats or larvae at all.
So a smaller amount in a small container is appropriate. :thumb:
Have a great week :high-five:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks 🙏 Bill!
Great to know!
Sounds nice where you are!

Thanks 🙏 Bill!
Great to know!
I'm in Northern Ontario my friend :ciao:
We are very fortunate to be on the water :yahoo:
The girls love river water.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Krissi Carbone's advice was to cut away ALL the side branching as it emerges, so the plant can focus on making 8 main colas. It worked GREAT! It was a LOT less time spent, and all the bud was cola-quality hard-hitting bud. I was really happy how well it worked.
I don't grow the way Krissi does so I don't trim as she does. Between me, Bill, Preston, and bluter we all might approach the plant-shaping process differently, so I was just letting you know what I would do.

Also, some plants will connect all those side bits into one big cola and some may just grow them longer and longer as tops of their own. It can be hard to tell if you haven't grown the variety before, which is why I wait for stretch to finish so I can get a better feel for what's going to be a top in the end.
Because it worked so well, I told myself that I was going to follow Krissi's method on all new grows. You can leave your brain turned off. It was perfect.
I also liked it because with autos you are always on the clock--so it makes sense not to make the plant grow out anything you are just going to cut away ('cause you cannot just veg it another week or two...because it flips on its own!)
If you're happy with the results and ease of the training you were doing I'm not sure why you're looking for a reason to change it. Stick with whatever is working for you!
I don't grow the way Krissi does so I don't trim as she does. Between me, Bill, Preston, and bluter we all might approach the plant-shaping process differently, so I was just letting you know what I would do.

I appreciate it.
Also, some plants will connect all those side bits into one big cola and some may just grow them longer and longer as tops of their own. It can be hard to tell if you haven't grown the variety before, which is why I wait for stretch to finish so I can get a better feel for what's going to be a top in the end.
Good to know, thanks!
If you're happy with the results and ease of the training you were doing I'm not sure why you're looking for a reason to change it. Stick with whatever is working for you!
Yeah, well, why do I do the things I do?? Good question.
I guess I liked that method because it was stupid simple, and seems to work for me.
But then I had a doubt.
WHY did I have a doubt? I am not sure. That method worked for me on that variety what is the problem now??
I guess maybe I wondered if I was doing things in the "best" way?
It is good to realize that techniques for photos and autos can be different.
Since it worked for me before on this strain, I should just use it again.
Sorry for brain cramp.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming :smokin::rollit:
I do not know why I would assume that everyone trims the same. Everyone grows different, and everyone has a different setup.
@cbdhemp808 , I found some products to control powdery mildew and such, but they want to mix it in with the soil first, before you grow.
They also have some Trichoderma powder. Normally do you put that directly on powdery mildew? Or do you put it into the soil? Or what do you do with trichoderma?
I've been having good luck with a 0.3% canola oil recipe for PM, at least in veg. I haven't tested it on pistils yet but I will in a few weeks once my plants are deeper into flower. It's just 3ml canola oil in a liter of distilled (or RO) water with three drops of Dr Bronners unscented castile soap. I mix it in a blender for a minute to make sure it's completely homogenized and spray to runoff every 3-4 days.
I've been having good luck with a 0.3% canola oil recipe for PM, at least in veg. I haven't tested it on pistils yet but I will in a few weeks once my plants are deeper into flower. It's just 3ml canola oil in a liter of distilled (or RO) water with three drops of Dr Bronners unscented castile soap. I mix it in a blender for a minute to make sure it's completely homogenized and spray to runoff every 3-4 days.
Thank you for letting us know, Shed. I look forward to updates. :thanks:
... I found some products to control powdery mildew and such, but they want to mix it in with the soil first, before you grow.
They also have some Trichoderma powder. Normally do you put that directly on powdery mildew? Or do you put it into the soil? Or what do you do with trichoderma?
Hey Med :ciao: As you know, I am striving for strains/phenos that take care of themselves. For sprays, I basically have one base spray which is neem oil and Bronner's peppermint in water. I find that it does take care of PM in veg, although sometimes requires a couple sprays. Sometimes I'll put a few drops of pure orange oil in the base mix, to increase killing power for bugs. For flower, if I see a lot of PM, I don't grow that pheno again. If I see a lot of leaf spot and downy mildew, I just clip those leaves; but again, I'm striving for strains/phenos that are resistant. If I see bugs in flower, e.g. spider mites, I'll use a very mild spray of Bronner's and orange oil. Typically I never see enough bugs in flower to worry about it, but on my last harvest of Humboldt Dream there were a few minor spider mite looking buggies (w/ webs), which I effectively zapped with that spray. Had I harvested a week prior, I would have avoided the spider mites and the harvest-killing bud rot.
Ruh-roh. I went to check water because right now they are in stretch and they're draining their cups every two or three days.
This evening I saw that the tips on Afghan Mass XXL are curling in a not-good looking way. These are indicative. The tallest ones are the worst, if that means anything.


Closeup #1


Closeup #2. I did not see any bugs, but I did not check super close yet (I am groggy).


Any ideas?
They have some weird diseases here.
I do not know anything. All I can think of is to check out those two new products that I bought, that Ox-Virin or whatever it is, and the Bioxinis.
Haha, now I get to read instructions in Spanish in the middle of the night! The joys of parenthood...
Uff! 😰 both of them say "Caution!" All over, "Completely non-toxic and 100% biodegradable, but wear gloves, and do not get it on you!"
I do not have any latex or rubber gloves like that, at the moment.
How many plants are in the space, and how many are looking like this?

And of the ones affected, did you do anything differently for those SIP buckets?
Thanks, CBD. There's presently 11 plants, and two more where I'm trying to hatch seed..

The affected one is Afghan Mass XXL Auto.


I have four Charlotte's Angel Autos. One or maybe maybe two have a cola that's kind of bent or flopped over, not sure why. (Sometimes strains are floppy? Trainwreck you kinda have to prop up.)
The flopsy cola is in the back.


Both Deep Mandarines (Sugar Black Rose CBD) look strong (yay!)

One Peyote WiFi CBD looks very strong, and the other is not drinking, and looks kind of limpy.

Dr. Seedsman 30:1 is starting to get her legs. (Maybe a little small? I am waiting and thinking good thoughts.)


I hope I am answering your questions.
If not, please ask other questions.
best to go all natural, brother
Well I told the guy that I wanted all natural and biodegradable. He said this was the big gun.
I got this because I was researching it, and on the website they showed some picture that looked exactly like when my crop turned brown a few crops ago. So it may not have been the salt at all. It may have been a virus, or some kind of bacteria. So I thought I should get it.
The only thing is that it says "all natural" "biodegradable" and "organic", but then it says not to get it on you, just for GP's!

Ox Virin 100% biodegradable.


Just don't get it on you!!!!


Bioxinis is an organic mineral fertilizer.


It says it is not a toxic product however you should maintain it far from minors and do not eat, smoke, or drink during the time you're mixing the application of these products. !!


The salesman seemed to indicate that this was the big gun. I figured it was the best I was going to do here.

What sold me was that they listed on their website some picture that looked exactly like when my crop turned brown, two crops ago. So I figured if it treated that, I should get it. But now I cannot find the picture again.

I am guessing that's probably just some general precautionary statement, because even hydrogen peroxide burns the skin. But I should do something.
OK, so one affected plant, starting into flower.

Did you do anything differently with that SIP bucket? If so, why?
The last thing I did was I gave a top water about two days ago, and then filled tube water.
I am giving 2 teaspoons per gallon of Calmag at this point.
I gave Recharge on the top water.
I cannot think of anything I did particularly different.
I have been supplementing the nitrogen with urine because I think there's not enough nitrogen in the super soil during the heavy growth phase, but that's not new. And that is every plant that is underway, not jist AMXXL auto.
Have you used any of that stuff on any of the plants? On the Afghan Mass XXL Auto?

If so, why?
No, I have not used anything on the plants. I've got some serious curl hitting my cola buds, and I am freaking put a little, looking for solutions
I did some watering and some trimming, and when I got to the Afghan girl, she had her tips all curled, so I got all concerned.
I am looking for solutions, that's the only reason I'm looking at these agricultural products.
These are what the salesman said are the most powerful biodegradable things.
I am looking at them because of the leaf curl hitting my cola buds.

Bioxinis wants you to apply it directly to the soil. I just filled the reservoir but I guess I can drain some out and then pour it over the soil without getting any on my hands.
(They say you can also apply foliar, but I do not have any rubber gloves.)
That would give you something constructive I could do right now to better the situation, and then I could check it out again tomorrow.
I am super tired, and I've got a meeting first thing in the morning until noon, so I need to do something now.
No, I have not used anything on the plants! I've got some serious curl hitting my cola buds, and I am freaking put a little, looking for solutions
I did some watering and some trimming, and when I got to the Afghan girl, she had her tips all curled, so I got all concerned.
I am looking for solutions, that's the only reason I'm looking at these agricultural products.
These are what the salesman said are the most powerful biodegradable things.
I am looking at them because of the leaf curl hitting my cola buds.

Bioxinis wants you to apply it directly to the soil. I just filled the reservoir but I guess I can drain some out and then pour it over the soil without getting any on my hands.
(They say you can also apply foliar, but I do not have any rubber gloves.)
That would give you something constructive I could do right now to better the situation, and then I could check it out again tomorrow.
I am super tired, and I've got a meeting first thing in the morning until noon, so I need to do something now.

OK, so for the Ox Virin... I wouldn't use that stuff at all.

You could hang onto the Bioxinis, but in order to know how to apply it, I would first need to understand the present state of minerals in your AMXXL SIP. Generally speaking, if you've been giving urine solution, then going into flower you also need to up the P & K. I'm feeling like your super soil, plus the N, plus some soluble P & K would be sufficient.

So I see two things going on: 1) adding some supplemental ferts to your SIPs, and 2) addressing problems such as the curl going on with AMXXL.

Something peculiar is going on with the AMXXL that's not affecting your other plants. She's going into flower, so that may imply lack of P & K (at least P & K, but perhaps others).

OR... maybe for some reason AMXXL has a root zone problem affecting the absorption of water. Perhaps there's not enough oxygen in the root zone. Perhaps there's a root pathogen.

...But alas, I am not a SIPper... best to ask the experts.
OK, I drained about a half gallon out of the tank, mixed it with the required amount of the Bioxinis organic fertilizer, and we will see what that does. It claims to be some mineral, although it does not tell you what it is (which makes me suspicious).
I went on the Internet, and they want you to set up an appointment to talk with them about application rates! I will probably have to do that, but not right now. Now I just have to get my crop fixed so I don't lose plants or get an infestation or something.
Tomorrow if I get time I can try to check out both of these products better. It is one of those things, I should've done it before, but I just did not get there yet.)
If it is truly a fertilizer, I can probably add some to all of the girls.
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