SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

(Questions below 👇🙂)

Well... long story short... I was running a side-by-side test between soil clones and perlite clones (to see which one I could get to work), and I think the perlite clones win 🥇 hands down!
I was not sure what to do so I put a heat mat on at night, and then took it off in the morning. The soil clones looked pretty good (although not as good as the perlite ones) at the time I took the heat mats off--but now they look all droopy. They are not dead but they don't look good!


They had been praying earlier, when I took the heat mat off. Now they look like they are limping.


I am guessing that it might have to do with the fact that today is warmer than yesterday. Also, the humidity is down.
So, we had a fluctuation in temperature and humidity. Warmer and drier (which is good for indica) and the soil clones are not looking good. The humidity inside the dome is now like only 55% with 77 Fahrenheit. So the temperature is good but the humidity is not good, I can spray water but the soil is already damp, and they already look limp, so that seems like a high maintenance way to go (which is the opposite of what I'm looking for).
(I could put a small dish of water but I'm thinking I want to go with perlite.)

In contrast, the polite ones all look good. They are all praying, now that I am submerging the stems in 1/3 of a cup fertigation, so that the stem is submerged. Now they are all doing well for me. So probably I will keep trying what works for me.
I need to feed them again today.


So basically I'm using bluter's method, with Shed's heat mat at night, and it is working for me for now, even with a big change in temperature and humidity. So I think I will go with that. I think I can probably put the heat mats on a timer.

I want to take more clones before I flip so probably I will probably pull the soil clones (and recycle the soil), and then start another batch of perlite clones.
And then once I'm sure the new batch of perlite clones has taken and the humidity is down I will probably flip. That should be better for indica.

This is the gas lantern room (with the lights coming on for one hour in the middle of the night--other than that it is 12/12). (Technically 12/5.5/1/5.5/repeat.)
This one leggy Northern Light CBD (front left) is probably ready to flip now, or I have to move her to the small temporary flowering tent.
Because it is leggy I am hoping it is sativa, so I got lots of clones in perlite. But I should move her or flip her before too long I think.
The Indica girls could grow a bit taller though, so I would like to give them another couple of weeks if I can, so hopefully no indica mold 🙏🙏🙏

So now the plot thickens below… ⬇️⬇️


This is a not very good side view of the room.
The tall NL should be flipped or moved soon.
And I need to check but those Charlotte's Angel buds are probably ready to jar or Ziploc.
(Ramble: maybe if I had waited until the humidity went down I could have bloomed them all the way out no problem. I just needed bud and they did not make it, so I'm not buying any more of that one, but if I lived in an arid area, I sure would! They grow very vigorously, and it is very uplifting.)


It is not the greatest picture, I don't know if you can tell. She is 20 inches tall above the plastic rim (so about maybe 21–22 inches above ground height.
Question: I'm shooting for a target height of about 4 feet plus the bucket. If she doubles her height at flip that's 40 inches above the bucket (and I'm thinking like a maximum of 48–50). Does she have more time? Or is flipping her now sound good?

The reason I ask is that I also have a tiny flowering tent upstairs, but it is already pretty full.
The picture is not that great but I do not think there is room for another sativa and another lamp, and still be able to close the door to close off light at night.
The girl on the left is a Cookies and Cream 1:1 that seems sativa. I have many clones because she is supposed to be mold resistant, and this is a sativa. (And her indica sister is downstairs in the gas lantern room, I want to get clones of her also.)


I could hypothetically bring NL CBD up here to the bloom room and bring one or (probably) both of the two Indica girls back downstairs, into the gas lantern 🏮 room. Only, would they re-veg well? Or is re-vegging not a good idea? (Can they go hermie that way? o_O)


And a couple of close-ups of the Indica girls on the right.
This is Deep Mandarine (indica). She could definitely stand to grow taller if it will not hurt to take her back into the gas lantern tent.


This is Peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1, on the right, recovering from her high-and-tight haircut I gave her earlier (to slow her down). She could also grow taller, since she is indica, if it will not hurt her to go back into Gas Lantern mode.


I would like to juuuussst barely use up the supersoil, so I do not have to top-dress that much (because it is like only 1/100th of the bugs! Most days I do not see any bugs, but with top-dressing and NO seals on the doors or windows (!(!) it was like LaGuardia Airport with the topdress... 😂 )

Haha, my goals for this grow are simple:
A. I want to get enough bud to last me maybe 8-9 months, until we can bring in a 19-plant greenhouse crop. (Haha, then I think my weed worries are done...)
B. I want to make sure I get clones of everything, especially the sativas, but also the indicas.

I am quite happy with the Bluter routine using a Shed heating pad on a timer for at night only. At least it seems to be working for now.
I am confident they will root, so I could hypothetically just consolidate everything into the Gas Lantern room right now and flip, but it would be nice to let the gas lantern room indicas get a bit taller, because I think there is plenty of food in those buckets to let them get 20-24" tall before flipping. And I am sure if I flip today I will get at least 8-9 months worth of medicine, and then it should be greenhouse trees.

So I guess to summate, my big question is if I can safely re-veg the two indica girls, or if they will hermie.
If I can let the two sativas get big upstairs, then I can let the indicas all get taller.
Thanks for any advice.
Thanks Azi, but that video is gone. Effective dose for what?

I didn't say it works for me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I've asked the mods to update the link. "Check back with us soon!". Lol.

But you can search YouTube for The Pain Show CBD and should find it easily enough. The Pain Show - Medical Benefits of CBD

2 docs and a nurse discussing how they use CBD in their clinics from everything from pain to sleep, anxiety, etc if memory serves.


You still growing/using CBG? The more I learn about that cannabinoid the more I think it might be even better than CBD.
cbdhemp posted this above:

I have never had mine tested as it's too expensive for me.
I understand.

Whatever the effects of CBD are for you. I take about 30mg/day orally and have no effects from it, but I hear it's good for me!

Ahh, ok. It is definitely good for me!
Love the cardboard spacers!
The humidity inside the dome is now like only 55%
That is 100% of the explanation. Spray the inside of the dome and put it flat on the table.

After 3 or 4 days of humidity in the 90s, tip one short edge of the dome back about 1/2" (make sure there's no fan blowing that way). 3 or 4 days after that, make it a 1" gap and so on.
I've asked the mods to update the link. "Check back with us soon!". Lol.
But you can search YouTube for The Pain Show CBD and should find it easily enough. The Pain Show - Medical Benefits of CBD
2 docs and a nurse discussing how they use CBD in their clinics from everything from pain to sleep, anxiety, etc if memory serves.
Thanks! I've seen that one before but I'll watch again for a refresher. I used to be at just 10mg/1x/day but I've ramped it to 3x/day with the intent to get to 60mg. Might be time to flower out another Candida at this rate.
You still growing/using CBG? The more I learn about that cannabinoid the more I think it might be even better than CBD.
I haven't, and I still have oil in the fridge (both CBGa and CBG as I recall). I stopped for some reason but have no idea why now. :hmmmm:

(Oh, wait...)
Love the cardboard spacers!
That is 100% of the explanation. Spray the inside of the dome and put it flat on the table.

After 3 or 4 days of humidity in the 90s, tip one short edge of the dome back about 1/2" (make sure there's no fan blowing that way). 3 or 4 days after that, make it a 1" gap and so on.
Thanks! I was trying to do that. I guess I did not take the weather change into account until after I saw them drooping. But still I want something I can automate anyway, and it seems like the perlite would be more conducive (lower maintenance). And I can transplant into soil later.
ANd would they be any better for SIP or for SWICK, because of developing in as "water roots"? (Or not really? Or not really helpful because you are planting in soil?) :reading420magazine::hmmmm:
The soil clones looked pretty good (although not as good as the perlite ones) at the time I took the heat mats off--but now they look all droopy. They are not dead but they don't look good!
Clone cuttings like lots of light, but not too close because of heat and drying effect. I run 2 x 24 watt LED full spectrum, and one low wattage bulb for night interruption. I mist my dome inside, and top side, regularly for most of a couple weeks, once or twice a day.
Plus it's easier to stuff multiple cuts in one cup and separate them after they root to save space.

I know you can separate them if rooted in soil as well but not as easily.
Thanks! I take it all or most of the perlite comes out. That seems good to know.

There is virtually no transition going from perlite to a SIP or SWICK, and I've found only a slight stall going into soil.


Clone cuttings like lots of light, but not too close because of heat and drying effect. I run 2 x 24 watt LED full spectrum, and one low wattage bulb for night interruption. I mist my dome inside, and top side, regularly for most of a couple weeks, once or twice a day.
Ok, I know I need to add more light. I was not sure how much. I think I have one more dimmable LED panel I can hang. I also have two NON-adjustable "600W" equivalent LED panels but I have a low ceiling next to the sink area.
I need to rearrange everything, and I am a little behind, so there will be no chance until next week.

It is late but I do need to water the clones. Bluter's perlite method is working good 👍
(Questions below 👇🙂)

Well... long story short... I was running a side-by-side test between soil clones and perlite clones (to see which one I could get to work), and I think the perlite clones win 🥇 hands down!
I was not sure what to do so I put a heat mat on at night, and then took it off in the morning. The soil clones looked pretty good (although not as good as the perlite ones) at the time I took the heat mats off--but now they look all droopy. They are not dead but they don't look good!


They had been praying earlier, when I took the heat mat off. Now they look like they are limping.


I am guessing that it might have to do with the fact that today is warmer than yesterday. Also, the humidity is down.
So, we had a fluctuation in temperature and humidity. Warmer and drier (which is good for indica) and the soil clones are not looking good. The humidity inside the dome is now like only 55% with 77 Fahrenheit. So the temperature is good but the humidity is not good, I can spray water but the soil is already damp, and they already look limp, so that seems like a high maintenance way to go (which is the opposite of what I'm looking for).
(I could put a small dish of water but I'm thinking I want to go with perlite.)

In contrast, the polite ones all look good. They are all praying, now that I am submerging the stems in 1/3 of a cup fertigation, so that the stem is submerged. Now they are all doing well for me. So probably I will keep trying what works for me.
I need to feed them again today.


So basically I'm using bluter's method, with Shed's heat mat at night, and it is working for me for now, even with a big change in temperature and humidity. So I think I will go with that. I think I can probably put the heat mats on a timer.

I want to take more clones before I flip so probably I will probably pull the soil clones (and recycle the soil), and then start another batch of perlite clones.
And then once I'm sure the new batch of perlite clones has taken and the humidity is down I will probably flip. That should be better for indica.

This is the gas lantern room (with the lights coming on for one hour in the middle of the night--other than that it is 12/12). (Technically 12/5.5/1/5.5/repeat.)
This one leggy Northern Light CBD (front left) is probably ready to flip now, or I have to move her to the small temporary flowering tent.
Because it is leggy I am hoping it is sativa, so I got lots of clones in perlite. But I should move her or flip her before too long I think.
The Indica girls could grow a bit taller though, so I would like to give them another couple of weeks if I can, so hopefully no indica mold 🙏🙏🙏

So now the plot thickens below… ⬇️⬇️


This is a not very good side view of the room.
The tall NL should be flipped or moved soon.
And I need to check but those Charlotte's Angel buds are probably ready to jar or Ziploc.
(Ramble: maybe if I had waited until the humidity went down I could have bloomed them all the way out no problem. I just needed bud and they did not make it, so I'm not buying any more of that one, but if I lived in an arid area, I sure would! They grow very vigorously, and it is very uplifting.)


It is not the greatest picture, I don't know if you can tell. She is 20 inches tall above the plastic rim (so about maybe 21–22 inches above ground height.
Question: I'm shooting for a target height of about 4 feet plus the bucket. If she doubles her height at flip that's 40 inches above the bucket (and I'm thinking like a maximum of 48–50). Does she have more time? Or is flipping her now sound good?

The reason I ask is that I also have a tiny flowering tent upstairs, but it is already pretty full.
The picture is not that great but I do not think there is room for another sativa and another lamp, and still be able to close the door to close off light at night.
The girl on the left is a Cookies and Cream 1:1 that seems sativa. I have many clones because she is supposed to be mold resistant, and this is a sativa. (And her indica sister is downstairs in the gas lantern room, I want to get clones of her also.)


I could hypothetically bring NL CBD up here to the bloom room and bring one or (probably) both of the two Indica girls back downstairs, into the gas lantern 🏮 room. Only, would they re-veg well? Or is re-vegging not a good idea? (Can they go hermie that way? o_O)


And a couple of close-ups of the Indica girls on the right.
This is Deep Mandarine (indica). She could definitely stand to grow taller if it will not hurt to take her back into the gas lantern tent.


This is Peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1, on the right, recovering from her high-and-tight haircut I gave her earlier (to slow her down). She could also grow taller, since she is indica, if it will not hurt her to go back into Gas Lantern mode.


I would like to juuuussst barely use up the supersoil, so I do not have to top-dress that much (because it is like only 1/100th of the bugs! Most days I do not see any bugs, but with top-dressing and NO seals on the doors or windows (!(!) it was like LaGuardia Airport with the topdress... 😂 )

Haha, my goals for this grow are simple:
A. I want to get enough bud to last me maybe 8-9 months, until we can bring in a 19-plant greenhouse crop. (Haha, then I think my weed worries are done...)
B. I want to make sure I get clones of everything, especially the sativas, but also the indicas.

I am quite happy with the Bluter routine using a Shed heating pad on a timer for at night only. At least it seems to be working for now.
I am confident they will root, so I could hypothetically just consolidate everything into the Gas Lantern room right now and flip, but it would be nice to let the gas lantern room indicas get a bit taller, because I think there is plenty of food in those buckets to let them get 20-24" tall before flipping. And I am sure if I flip today I will get at least 8-9 months worth of medicine, and then it should be greenhouse trees.

So I guess to summate, my big question is if I can safely re-veg the two indica girls, or if they will hermie.
If I can let the two sativas get big upstairs, then I can let the indicas all get taller.
Thanks for any advice.
Hahaha, and now the SHORT version!
I have two indicas that have been in flower for maybe 2-3 weeks. Is it ok to move them back into Gas Lantern Routine (12/5.5/1/5.5/repeat)?
Or would that likely cause problems?
Clone cuttings like lots of light, but not too close because of heat and drying effect.
I do exactly the opposite. I don't want any direct light hitting the cuttings, and I even place a cardboard divider between that section and the lighted one beside it to keep it well shaded.
I do exactly the opposite. I don't want any direct light hitting the cuttings, and I even place a cardboard divider between that section and the lighted one beside it to keep it well shaded.
Do you put them under light once they start rooting? Mine seem to take about a week to develop some roots, and I let them go another week until roots come out the bottom.
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