SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

Ok, the remaining seeds were soaked overnight, then I put them on wet paper towels inside of a Ziploc bag with a banana peel. Then I set them on top of a lamp, so it's about 75°F. Hopefully we will get eight vigorous auto sprouts!

The tall girls were getting too tall, so I had to pull them out and move them to a flower chamber until the other girls get tall enough to flip (may be in another few weeks).
I cut them back to 12/12 with no night interruption, so we will see how they do. The one in the foreground is leggy, so I'm hoping that she is a sativa.


Once the other girls downstairs get big enough to flip (in another few weeks) I can move these three girls back.
(Seems kind of empty at the moment without the SWICK seed buckets...)

@CaptainLucky posted about that in my thread back in December so I dug up a link on it:

I got some 30 year old Afghani beans from smokesbetter that I was going to use that technique on later this year, so I look forward to seeing how you get on with it. :thumb:
I think 🤔 that would make a great experiment 🔬 using old beans 🫘 treated as to the untreated beans 🫘. CL🍀
I checked the beans an hour ago, and nothing so far.

Anyway, probably that is all for the best. In a happy development, we are still on track for a greenhouse in about a month, and then hopefully the new sativa CBD beans will be here. Our new gardener knows how to grow canna in greenhouses here, so probably in a half a year he will drop 19 trees on my head.

Probably I will need to start a new thread for in-ground in-greenhouse, but probably I will only go to visit him once a month or something. So we can track my progress that way. I will need to talk with him about how he plans to fertilize, etc., but I am sure he knows. Mostly it will just be good learning for me. But this will be great, because I need to get my time back. (I love growing, but I'm out of time.)

On the home front, my clones are not looking too good.
I had to pull two others already, and now the Deep Mandarin clone (in the center) looks bad also.
I try to put the stems to where they just reached the top of the drain hole (maybe 1/8 inch above the waterline).
I am watering to runoff every other day.
The mother photos are already in flower so I'm not sure I can take any more cuttings.
Any suggestions? Questions?
This particular strain is Indica and I'm not sure about mold resistance so this particular cutting is not so important, but I've got other cuttings I definitely want to keep.


This is not a great picture. The top line is about where I put the top of the cutting and the bottom line is the waterline. Is that too high?

I just want to give a vapor report: this Charlotte's Angel Auto is the best! It has very smooth uplifting highs and it feels like it's carrying you up on a cloud on a sunshiny day. It's very soothing. I would grow this again in the hot second if it was resistant to mold!
I try to have my stem meet my waterline but I never know for sure since I'm not using clear cups. I also have the best luck using sterile perlite (no organic matter and bleached between uses).
Thanks 🙏
How much bleach?
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