SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

All I can say is I’ve never had a problem with blue dream nor kosher kush which are my stable annual grows going on at least 12 years now. The ones I had problems were experimental; one being silver super haze and other being a grand daddy purple but I did enjoy both of those in other successful grows - it was more about my lack of availability and attentiveness and no reflection on the strain/cultivar in my opinion.
Thanks, Budnoob3. I appreciate that. Only, the grow room is not sealed.
Mostly what I'm trying to do is to cut over to mold resistant strains, so that I do not have this problem in the future. (It was CBDHemp808's recommendation.)
I ordered some sour diesel CBD, and there are some other sativa CBD strains (Juanita LaLagrimosa, etc.)
I appreciate the kind idea and the good suggestion, but we are trying to get away from electrical solutions.

I just found out that the original strain of Santa Marta de Oro (Colombian Gold) has [like] 25% CBD or something like that, and it is a land race here. It likes the warmer climates but perhaps it can also adapt.
Maybe 2.5% CBD... no way 25%. Colombian Gold landrace was I'm sure a potent THC sativa.
All I can say is I’ve never had a problem with blue dream nor kosher kush which are my stable annual grows going on at least 12 years now. The ones I had problems were experimental; one being silver super haze and other being a grand daddy purple but I did enjoy both of those in other successful grows - it was more about my lack of availability and attentiveness and no reflection on the strain/cultivar in my opinion.
Blue Dream and Kosher Kush sound good!
I think CBDHemp grows Blue Dream.
Do Kushes have moisture resistance? Or just Kosher Kush?
(And is Kush the one that makes you want to stretch, and do yoga??)
Yes, I love BD and can’t say whether KK has resistance genetically or not other than to say I never had a problem with my methods. Never had a problem other than what I already mentioned and can’t necessarily blame strain because they were left alone to long :)
Maybe 2.5% CBD... no way 25%. Colombian Gold landrace was I'm sure a potent THC sativa.
Yes, they said that Colombian Gold got mixed with a lot of other genetics in the 70s. Somewhere I read that a lot that was sold as Colombian Gold was not really.
And sorry for the misquote. What I meant to say was that the THC: CBD ratio is 3:1. That sounds pretty good to me.
This is a page is by a local landrace specialist (NOT a sponsor). They are saying that this was the original strain.

Santa Marta Gold – Deaká.jpeg
What I meant to say was that the THC: CBD ratio is 3:1
Interesting, so could be for example 21% THC and 7% CBD. Keep in mind there will be phenos, so one can't say Santa Marta Gold—regardless of who's seed line it is—will throw only phenos that are 3:1. The only way to know for sure what you are getting is grow out multiple phenos that look somewhat different (different morphology), flower them, and have the buds tested. And before you flower, clone the veg plants and mark them.
Yes, they said that Colombian Gold got mixed with a lot of other genetics in the 70s. Somewhere I read that a lot that was sold as Colombian Gold was not really.
And sorry for the misquote. What I meant to say was that the THC: CBD ratio is 3:1. That sounds pretty good to me.
This is a page is by a local landrace specialist (NOT a sponsor). They are saying that this was the original strain.

Santa Marta Gold – Deaká.jpeg
Colombian gold was one of those we considered great back in the day along with Panama red, Thai stick etc. However, as Louise CK would say it was in the category of Jean jacket 1970s stuff that you could smoke liberally and feel just fine. If you don’t know the Louise CK reference you must search for Louise CK smoking pot and watch the skit, I was literally crying profusely in laughter the first 3 or 4 times seeing it and still get a good laugh every time seeing it up till now.
Blue Dream and Kosher Kush sound good!
I think CBDHemp grows Blue Dream.
Do Kushes have moisture resistance? Or just Kosher Kush?
(And is Kush the one that makes you want to stretch, and do yoga??)
Yes, I grow a Blue Dream hybrid which is Humboldt Dream, from Humboldt Seed Co. The pheno I have has very good bud rot resistance. Some phenos of some well-known kush seed lines *may* throw phenos that are particularly bud rot resistant and/or leaf mold resistant. From my research, a marker is high "pine terpenes", notably terpinolene dominant. Kushes are usually recognized as indicas, so yes, body high. Some seed lines of indica/sativa hybrids, named some kind of kush, may throw both indica-leaning and sativa-leaning phenos, and the sativa ones would have sativa effects.

Yes, I love BD and can’t say whether KK has resistance genetically or not other than to say I never had a problem with my methods. Never had a problem other than what I already mentioned and can’t necessarily blame strain because they were left alone to long :)
Keep in mind the phenos. I seem to recall Kosher Kush phenos having fungus/mold resistance.
KK has been a favorite of mine for a long time, very effective as a night time concentrate based med. awesome body and couch lock without ever feeling like I wanted it to go away as has been the case for me with other potent indica dominants. But be forewarned that if done well and done indoors your place will end up smelling like a family of skunks dunked in kerosene or diesel fuel have been let loose on a drunken rampage throughout your abode. I happen to enjoy the smell so small price to pay for the quality. Only other drawback would be it doesn’t typically yield as much as other indica dominants but again for me, I love it so much the sacrifice is worthwhile…
Ruh-roh... I looked for humidity resistance information on the Charlotte Angel CBD Autos, but could not find it, so I decided to chance them anyway (just because people like them so much).
They smell sweet and taste delicious! I can give them a very good taste review rating, but sadly they they are NOT humidity resistant! ☹️
I don't know if you can see that, but I've got several colors where half the cola is turning brown, and if you bend it and look, you can see mold.

I chopped the ones I could see budrot, just to get them out of the room.
Probably tomorrow I will chop the rest, and then start four more autos on the roof.
I might do SWICK on the roof, or I might do SIP, just for a comparison (side by side).
If I do SIP I will need to protect the bucket from the sun, as the buckets are not UV resistant.
(We will see what I do. Buckets are cheap anyway.)

Budwash tomorrow!!
are you serious about producing medicine?
I feel like I read a recent post about using wet towels to keep the pots cool, but you'd probably need to go with dark blue or black buckets to make them light proof to the sun. The towels will then keep them cool.
Perhaps two layers of material... inner layer black to block sunlight, and outer layer white to reflect solar heat. With black nursery pots, I have used various things as a white reflective layer... Tyvek, old billboard material (vinyl), and plastic feed or fertilizer bags cut open and turned inside out. A large perlite bag would work, cut up. The best material I have that is both reflective, insulative, and light-blocking is reflective bubble wrap. I get this stuff for free from a food market... it's used on pallets arriving to the store, and comes in big sheets.
Interesting, so could be for example 21% THC and 7% CBD. Keep in mind there will be phenos, so one can't say Santa Marta Gold—regardless of who's seed line it is—will throw only phenos that are 3:1. The only way to know for sure what you are getting is grow out multiple phenos that look somewhat different (different morphology), flower them, and have the buds tested. And before you flower, clone the veg plants and mark them.
Yes, I would do that, but CBD tests are $75 each here! Plus you have to arrange special transport, special permits, etc. (They really make ot a struggle for all but the big guys, so they make it impractical with all of their regulations.) ☹️
But if they did not do that, I would.
Colombian gold was one of those we considered great back in the day along with Panama red, Thai stick etc. However, as Louise CK would say it was in the category of Jean jacket 1970s stuff that you could smoke liberally and feel just fine. If you don’t know the Louise CK reference you must search for Louise CK smoking pot and watch the skit, I was literally crying profusely in laughter the first 3 or 4 times seeing it and still get a good laugh every time seeing it up till now.
Hahahaha, that was pretty funny 😆
Yes, I have had those experiences! 🤣 Mostly they were when I first started and did not know about CBD.
(All THC weed still gets me sometimes. But with CBD in the mix, usually not.)
are you serious about producing medicine?
Yes but in what sense?
My current routine of seeking chemotype 2 (1:1) seems to be hitting it for me pretty well.
My goal at the moment is to lower electricity costs by finding moisture resistant strains I can grow outdoors. (Here that means mold resistant sativas.)
I feel like I read a recent post about using wet towels to keep the pots cool, but you'd probably need to go with dark blue or black buckets to make them light proof to the sun. The towels will then keep them cool.
Hahahaha, I feel like I read a few recent posts BY YOU about how to keep the temps down 🙂💚
I wish I could find dark blue or black buckets here! But I have not found them yet.
The clear plastic buckets cost about five dollars each. I hate to trash them, but I am not sure how else to test SIP up on the roof if I do not risk the bucket.
Yes, probably I will need more than one cloth layer. Will that perhaps introduce any complexity regarding bugs?
Perhaps two layers of material... inner layer black to block sunlight, and outer layer white to reflect solar heat. With black nursery pots, I have used various things as a white reflective layer... Tyvek, old billboard material (vinyl), and plastic feed or fertilizer bags cut open and turned inside out. A large perlite bag would work, cut up. The best material I have that is both reflective, insulative, and light-blocking is reflective bubble wrap. I get this stuff for free from a food market... it's used on pallets arriving to the store, and comes in big sheets.
I have some old T-shirts that are turning yellow that I could use for a white outer layer if that will not introduce bugs due to the wet cloth wrap.
I'm sure I also have some other material I can put around the buckets to protect the bucket, that probably cost less than the bucket, and the bucket does not have to end up in a landfill.
I also have some Mylar but probably that will get torn to shreds in the wind.
Nothing works to keep the pot cool as well as something wet. Evaporation is a cooling process, where everything else just blocks the sun.
Hahahaha, I feel like I read a few recent posts BY YOU about how to keep the temps down 🙂💚
I wish I could find dark blue or black buckets here! But I have not found them yet.
The clear plastic buckets cost about five dollars each. I hate to trash them, but I am not sure how else to test SIP up on the roof if I do not risk the bucket.
Yes, probably I will need more than one cloth layer. Will that perhaps introduce any complexity regarding bugs?
Oh yeah I guess it was me. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Spray paint the clear buckets if it's in the budget. A couple of coats should do it. And another advantage of the towel draped in a saucer of water (besides keeping the towel wet all day) is that it creates a moat that insects won't cross.
Nothing works to keep the pot cool as well as something wet. Evaporation is a cooling process, where everything else just blocks the sun.

Oh yeah I guess it was me. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Spray paint the clear buckets if it's in the budget. A couple of coats should do it. And another advantage of the towel draped in a saucer of water (besides keeping the towel wet all day) is that it creates a moat that insects won't cross.
I will see if I can figure out how to do it. Thank you 🙏
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