SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

One of my early runs of kosher kush was a full on hermie that I had cloned and ended up with 6 hermies. I didn’t get as much concentrate from them as I have with the later grows using good non-herms but the quality was still dead on. No need to throw out Hermies, just keep them separate, spray down the bananas and cull them as you go, still great meds!
This one is mutant growth pattern, not necessarily hermi. A few days early for me at least to tell on the latter.

And now we'll never know. :(
One of my early runs of kosher kush was a full on hermie that I had cloned and ended up with 6 hermies. I didn’t get as much concentrate from them as I have with the later grows using good non-herms but the quality was still dead on. No need to throw out Hermies, just keep them separate, spray down the bananas and cull them as you go, still great meds!
Almost forgot to mention that my first non-hermaphrodite of the KK strain actually came from the herm seeds - I also ended up with more herm than non-herm from those seeds but if you have the space and time don’t just throw the seeds from a Hermie away, worst case give them away with advance warning they are prone to be herm:)
Ok. Thank you.
Why not?
Wait, you recently said 18/6 is optimal veg light schedule. I said 16/8 was what I settled on but would be willing to try your recommendation. Not to be a wise ass but still be one, where on earth is an 18/6 natural besides near the North Pole at times? Are you Santa? lol, but seriously please clarify my friend. This was meant for @KingJohnC
Better to wait for answers. There's no reason mutants would not be safe for med use, and some folks think they produce the best results.
Sorry, 😢 but I am on a strict mutant-free diet!
This one is mutant growth pattern, not necessarily hermi. A few days early for me at least to tell on the latter.

And now we'll never know. :(
Sorry, Azi.
My dad grew up on the farm, and he said that if you have a sheep or a goat that cannot give birth, you do not eat it. I am just trying to follow the same principles...
Wait, you recently said 18/6 is optimal veg light schedule.

Hey Budnoob! Nice to meet you!
Sorry, I do not think it was me who said that 18/6 is an optimal light schedule. (I am not sure, but was that perhaps Azimuth or Shed?)

I said 16/8 was what I settled on but would be willing to try your recommendation. Not to be a wise ass but still be one, where on earth is an 18/6 natural besides near the North Pole at times?

Sorry, I do not know anywhere on earth where 18/6 is natural except twice a year.
(To me it is kind of like that thing with the broken clock, where it is still right twice a day 😂 )

Are you Santa?

Ok, ok, I am at long last BREAKING MY SILENCE!! 🤫
I am NOT Santa! (Shocking, I know...)

lol, but seriously please clarify my friend. This was meant for @KingJohnC

Hahaha, ahh, ok.
So it was KingJohnC who said 18/6 was optimal for veg, was it?
Hey Budnoob! Nice to meet you!
Sorry, I do not think it was me who said that 18/6 is an optimal light schedule. (I am not sure, but was that perhaps Azimuth or Shed?)

Sorry, I do not know anywhere on earth where 18/6 is natural except twice a year.
(To me it is kind of like that thing with the broken clock, where it is still right twice a day 😂 )

Ok, ok, I am at long last BREAKING MY SILENCE!! 🤫
I am NOT Santa! (Shocking, I know...)

Hahaha, ahh, ok.
So it was KingJohnC who said 18/6 was optimal for veg, was it?
Yes it was lol, sorry for the confusion friend :)
Sorry, I do not think it was me who said that 18/6 is an optimal light schedule. (I am not sure, but was that perhaps Azimuth or Shed?)
What I said was in response to KJC's comment about the gas lantern routine being an unnatural light schedule. My point was that 99% of cannabis is vegged under an unnatural light schedule and possibly even KJC's.
Sorry, I do not know anywhere on earth where 18/6 is natural except twice a year.
"At 60° N. latitude, daylight lasts for more than 18 hours in June but for less than 6 hours in December."

You can see where that would be here:
Unless you have grown all the food you eat, I'm sure you've eaten food that you would consider "mutant"! It happens all the time in nature.
Ok! ✅ You are probably right :)
But call me a trog--if it has six arms, or two heads, or four leaves instead of one, I am not choosing to insume it! :)
(Your diet may vary...)
Hey Budnoob! Nice to meet you!
Sorry, I do not think it was me who said that 18/6 is an optimal light schedule. (I am not sure, but was that perhaps Azimuth or Shed?)

Sorry, I do not know anywhere on earth where 18/6 is natural except twice a year.
(To me it is kind of like that thing with the broken clock, where it is still right twice a day 😂 )

Ok, ok, I am at long last BREAKING MY SILENCE!! 🤫
I am NOT Santa! (Shocking, I know...)

Hahaha, ahh, ok.
So it was KingJohnC who said 18/6 was optimal for veg, was it?
What I said was in response to KJC's comment about the gas lantern routine being an unnatural light schedule. My point was that 99% of cannabis is vegged under an unnatural light schedule and possibly even KJC's.

"At 60° N. latitude, daylight lasts for more than 18 hours in June but for less than 6 hours in December."

You can see where that would be here:

cannabis ruderalis wonderful

working together with has brought these to reality

Adlite Series | UV, IR, and Deep Red Plant Grow Lights - Mars Hydro
cannabis ruderalis wonderful

working together with has brought these to reality

Adlite Series | UV, IR, and Deep Red Plant Grow Lights - Mars Hydro
Indeed it is wonderful to have control of the rudder!

And I would like to invite you all please to join me for my rooftop SWICK grow:
First SWICK grow: rooftop auto grow with supercool subsoil

It is a different modality than SIPs, so I thought it would be easier to start a new thread.
See you there!
Ruh-roh... I looked for humidity resistance information on the Charlotte Angel CBD Autos, but could not find it, so I decided to chance them anyway (just because people like them so much).
They smell sweet and taste delicious! I can give them a very good taste review rating, but sadly they they are NOT humidity resistant! ☹️
I don't know if you can see that, but I've got several colors where half the cola is turning brown, and if you bend it and look, you can see mold.


I chopped the ones I could see budrot, just to get them out of the room.
Probably tomorrow I will chop the rest, and then start four more autos on the roof.
I might do SWICK on the roof, or I might do SIP, just for a comparison (side by side).
If I do SIP I will need to protect the bucket from the sun, as the buckets are not UV resistant.
(We will see what I do. Buckets are cheap anyway.)

Budwash tomorrow!!
Ruh-roh... I looked for humidity resistance information on the Charlotte Angel CBD Autos, but could not find it, so I decided to chance them anyway (just because people like them so much).
They smell sweet and taste delicious! I can give them a very good taste review rating, but sadly they they are NOT humidity resistant! ☹️
I don't know if you can see that, but I've got several colors where half the cola is turning brown, and if you bend it and look, you can see mold.


I chopped the ones I could see budrot, just to get them out of the room.
Probably tomorrow I will chop the rest, and then start four more autos on the roof.
I might do SWICK on the roof, or I might do SIP, just for a comparison (side by side).
If I do SIP I will need to protect the bucket from the sun, as the buckets are not UV resistant.
(We will see what I do. Buckets are cheap anyway.)

Budwash tomorrow!!
May not help but a 40lb bag of rice or so and/or good strong dehumidifier may help for future…
Ruh-roh... I looked for humidity resistance information on the Charlotte Angel CBD Autos, but could not find it, so I decided to chance them anyway (just because people like them so much).
They smell sweet and taste delicious! I can give them a very good taste review rating, but sadly they they are NOT humidity resistant! ☹️
I don't know if you can see that, but I've got several colors where half the cola is turning brown, and if you bend it and look, you can see mold.


I chopped the ones I could see budrot, just to get them out of the room.
Probably tomorrow I will chop the rest, and then start four more autos on the roof.
I might do SWICK on the roof, or I might do SIP, just for a comparison (side by side).
If I do SIP I will need to protect the bucket from the sun, as the buckets are not UV resistant.
(We will see what I do. Buckets are cheap anyway.)

Budwash tomorrow!!
Looks like what I call "dry but rot"... brown and dead, as opposed to grey with web-like filaments. I have found that the dry version tends to be more isolated. The grey kind can wipe out your harvest in no time, and can also be stealthy... inside the buds. The grey one is definitely botrytis. Dunno about the other one.
Looks like what I call "dry but rot"... brown and dead, as opposed to grey with web-like filaments. I have found that the dry version tends to be more isolated. The grey kind can wipe out your harvest in no time, and can also be stealthy... inside the buds. The grey one is definitely botrytis. Dunno about the other one.
Only two times I suffered from bud rot was once indoors in MN and once outdoors in NC. Both times were due to extended work trips. In NC the outdoor auto irrigation I had set up failed while I was away and the humidity was above 80% at the time, in MN it was when I had no sophisticated climate control and was away too long :(
May not help but a 40lb bag of rice or so and/or good strong dehumidifier may help for future…
Thanks, Budnoob3. I appreciate that. Only, the grow room is not sealed.
Mostly what I'm trying to do is to cut over to mold resistant strains, so that I do not have this problem in the future. (It was CBDHemp808's recommendation.)
I ordered some sour diesel CBD, and there are some other sativa CBD strains (Juanita LaLagrimosa, etc.)
I appreciate the kind idea and the good suggestion, but we are trying to get away from electrical solutions.

I just found out that the original strain of Santa Marta de Oro (Colombian Gold) has lime 25% CBD or something like that, and it is a land race here. It likes the warmer climates but perhaps it can also adapt.
Looks like what I call "dry but rot"... brown and dead, as opposed to grey with web-like filaments. I have found that the dry version tends to be more isolated. The grey kind can wipe out your harvest in no time, and can also be stealthy... inside the buds. The grey one is definitely botrytis. Dunno about the other one.
Thank you, CBD. :thanks:
It was stealthy gray mold inside. I could not see it until after I took the colas off the plant, and cut it open at the line where it turns from green to brown, but it was all gray moldy inside at the core. So I cut away everything that even looked like it might be tainted, and did a real good two-part BUD wash. 🧼 (haha, Apple Spellcheck went to misspell it again! 😂 )
Tomorrow I hope to chop everything else, and then probably will repurpose the buckets for the rooftop. Probably I will lose the plastic even if I try to protect it from the sun, but the buckets are cheap and it would be good to know a comparison grow, what is better and by how much, SIP or SWICK. Maybe I can do my part to help the advancement of science 🙂
Only two times I suffered from bud rot was once indoors in MN and once outdoors in NC. Both times were due to extended work trips. In NC the outdoor auto irrigation I had set up failed while I was away and the humidity was above 80% at the time, in MN it was when I had no sophisticated climate control and was away too long :(
Yeah, it is crazy humid here. I grew up West Coast (Pacific). This is tropical temperate (cool) upper Amazon Basin (Atlantic). (It is cool, but it is still crazy humid!)
I am looking for moisture-resistant CBD strains (both indica and sativa) that grow here without moisture issues.
I am fine if I have to experiment and toss some, so long as we get some good medicine crops and some good phenos to clone along the way 👍🙏
I hope your grow is going well.
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