Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

Looking awesome CS :thumb:

Thanks Feral, they do look pretty nice. I could have played SSSDH a little better, but I'll take an 8.5/10 for a first run, and she'll yield very well. Just tried a test bud, I'm yeah, typing this is difficult....but I'm grinning ear to ear. :)

That killer purps is looking promising.

She's not even pushing yet, so she could be really frosty. I do like that. Although, I like the effect more than anything. So, you'll have to pardon the next two plants lol. Talk about buttahface. Let's hope they do something, they ain't much to look at after a week in flower. I'll post the Vegging gals, Dolato, Space Cheese, & Texberry, then update Candyland and Bubba's Gift.
SSSDH looks excellent & sounds like you & her hit it off together based on the tester effect. I can't get enough of that strain whether I'm growing it or watching others grow it. Her "cousin" ECSDH is at 68 days now & I plan to harvest at 70. Still ~25-30% clear but since so much sativa in her I'm going to do it. Buds look near done. How many days did you let your recent ones go?
:clap: :Namaste:
SSSDH looks excellent & sounds like you & her hit it off together based on the tester effect. I can't get enough of that strain whether I'm growing it or watching others grow it. Her "cousin" ECSDH is at 68 days now & I plan to harvest at 70. Still ~25-30% clear but since so much sativa in her I'm going to do it. Buds look near done. How many days did you let your recent ones go?
:clap: :Namaste:

Thanks BL, I got her pretty close. I came in just under her needs, and I hope it shows in the smoke. Should finish in a few days.

70 days sounds about right. I let her go 68, but I'm not sure if I counted the few days of transition. Hope you like her. I think at this point, between SSSDH, and ECSDH, it's a pheno hunt for what twists your nipples the right way. Going to run another seed soon. :)
OK, so it's been a bit since I've updated on the Veggers. I haven't neglected them, but I've been busy, so I haven't been pushing them at all.

We got Texas Bluberry, here, she's DKs gear ... perky little thing, growing well. Hoping she will be some tasty berry night time meds. She went into a 5 gal today.


And here's Space Cheese, another DK seed. She's got a nice health and habit to her. Exited to see what comes of this X. She's lookin real sharp. Uppotted today to 5 gal.


Dolato #1 and #2 These girls have some legss. Very hybrid looking leafs. I'm not sure how my tent is going to look, so I'll be keeping these somewhat small. Dolato #2 (12/12 today) was put into the big girl tent tonight, at 18 inches. She hasn't yet shown sex, so she has room to grow, and still stretch a good bit, and settle in reasonably.


I've got some other photos I'll try to post. Having some difficulties on my end.

SSSDH is close, she's swelling and hasn't faded out too much as of yet. Looks like fire. :)
im new to your thread but the information is top notch, i can learn alot here. Beautiful plants, love the colors they look very happy.

:welcome: Cannaruss, very happy to have you here. If you're curious about anything feel free to post a question or join in at any time. Lots of great people/growers here. :Namaste:

Could be the Durban side of the OGKB plus the OG influence from both parents?? Everything looking great as usual.

I'm enjoying the sight of them doing their thing :thanks: Candyland might be culled to make room for them. It's been a long time since I've culled a plant from the grow/journal. Growing from seed, and growing every single plant out, is somewhat of a challenge in a few areas. Not every seed is going to be a winner, and I'm not going to be able to figure every strain out on the first run - so I kept a clone, and will grow her out untopped to see how she wants to do it.

SSSDH is getting pulled today. KP is continuing to pack it on. Candyland is impressive in her stoutness and oil production, but will probably get culled due to her funky growth, and expected yield. Bubba's Gift is small, stout and stacked, so hopefully she'll do OK even if she looks like she's mad at me. Put an ECSDH-S1 in a 1 gal coco pot to see how she goes.

Should be able to get caught up tonight.with some photos ;)

Extreme health!

Thanks Blazebro, they are doing pretty well. I've let them wilt up a couple of times to get rooted, and they have bounced back nicely. I'll be running these girls on the younger side, so I can't really let them slide any. I just uppotted the youngsters, just need to drench them with some Ca, and then foliar them for a couple weeks, then they should be ready to flower.

Really getting lost in the smoke. There's some added terps this run, and they have contributed to the finest smoke I've ever had. SSD and Tahoe are both incredible...I really can't get enough, it's so good. Tahoe weighed in alright (102g), not too bad, but not great considering she was in a 5 gal. Pretty sure she did better with high defol, so I'll just go back to my normally high-to-radical defol habits. :)

Lights are on... SSSDH is choppers today :volcano-smiley:
Do you attribute the extra terps to going organic? You are organic now right? Sorry, I get confused between journals sometimes.
Your garden is running on all cylinders brother. Great work indeed.

Thanks brother. It's going well enough, I feel bad that I don't have time to update more, but yeah...there's some fine stuff coming out of there right now. :high-five:

Do you attribute the extra terps to going organic? You are organic now right? Sorry, I get confused between journals sometimes.

Yes, and lower temps. Winter run is always the best for me, canopy doesn't get over 78 unless I want to get it warmer. I'm mostly organic. I'm sure there's some synths in my Cal/Mag, and some in a couple supplements, but I've shifted to a mostly organic feed. Yield is down for sure, but I could make it up with some time and getting more dialed in.


:welcome:Koality, make yourself at home, there's some jars going around, I hope they meet your approval :volcano-smiley::Namaste:
OK, getting pretty excited about the new girls.

We got Dolatos exiting transition into flowering, looking very nice. I'm trying to keep them a bit shorter than my last round of overgrown bushes. I'll be keeping them smaller in general, increasing plant count for the tent as needed. I can fit about 7 of these smaller plants in there. Very healthy looking, and they are starting to smell serious. There are about a week to a week and half into 12/12.


Killer Purps, still going strong, although she is yellowing out, and slowing down. Stigmas are more than half orange, and she's not drinking as much, so I'm not sure if she'll go the 11 weeks advertised. She's been flowering as of Jan 12th, assuming a week transition, that puts her at about 61 of 12/12, and 55 days flower. I just fed her a last feed of 3ml Calmag, 5ml Hygrowzyme, 3ml Hi-brix molasses, 5ml Terpenator, 3ml Finish (Heavy16). From here she'll only get water, and then a final flush with 10ml/g Finish. Colas are just covered in resin comprised of small but densely packed glands. No purple yet lol.


Candyland, the twisted mutant has so far escaped being culled. Her flowers are looking tasty, if not large, so she's still around. If I need the space, she might get pushed out.


Bubba's Gift is looking similarly short and squat, but she doesn't have the same leaf problem that CL has, so although she's small and squat, she should produce well. Her nodes are very close together, but she's been able to pop out fully formed leafs, so that the node flower will have a feeder leaf exposed to light. Instead of defoling her, I've left those leafs, as I worried that I wouldn't be able to get enough leaf/light to the nodes. She's building nice buds, so I expect that she'll be really, really fat in just a short time. I'll get come close ups soon.


Space Cheese, still in Veg, looking great. She'll go to flower in about a week. Real nice health and vigor.


Texas Blueberry *Texberry, is also killing it. She's a bit smaller than Space, but she's looking almost as sharp. I've been busy, so I'll get her perfect before she's goes into the big girl tent. She'll need a couple more weeks Veg, but I hope she get's a nice stretch from the BB parent.


Update coming right up with the harvest of SSSDH. :)

Peace and love!
SSSDH - Harvest! This girl came down on Feb 28th, dried for 6 days, and then into a snaplock plastic container, with a Bov62 to cure. Should have weight in a day or two. I certainly could have fed more, but I wouldn't change the end product one bit.

I'll have to grow my cut of ECSDH again to really be able to compare and contrast these to beauties, but I'll soon start to give my impressions. I'll say now that my pheno of SSSDH is certainly more clear than my pheno of ESCDH, but is just as recommendable as a strain to grow. The flowers and effect are of of the very highest quality.

I'll be sure to add a proper grow-smoke report, before the next girl comes down. Big thanks to Connoisseur, and it's breeders for saving and tightening up these genetics. This is GREAT weed folks.


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