Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

Yeah, the testing has been too much fun, it didn't leave time to pull them all out. Girls are going well.

Killer Purple, she's really starting to stink. Everything was finishing fast, so I thought she'd be the same. I was wrong. She's going to need another week, and I almost pulled her last week. She's been in flower 64 days, 12/12 for around 70. She's just changed scents, the Diesel is coming on. Pine, Diesel, Berry in that order. You can see the greener growth at the top of the bud. She's yellowing out too, so those aren't nanners, just yellowing tips. I'll take her when she's rusty or if she starts to fade too much more.


OK, so these are my lumpy girls, they are a little out of the norm - weird growth. First one is Candyland 12/12 on 2/9, flowering 32 days. She didn't quite stretch at all, and the nodes are just too close. Combine that with some issues making leafs. She gets this knuckle thing going on, if certain conditions are met. I'm still figuring this one out. I've got a clone I'm growing out that is single cola, to see if that solves the congested growth problem. As you can she, she's dumping snow everywhere. Colors of buds are going to be impressive if she goes purp.


Next ugly is Bubba's Gift, 12/12 on 2/9, flowering 32 days. She's got some tight spacing and weird leaf structure, but she smells terrific and she's building real FAT Bombs that are turning purple. Should be fun. I've got a fan pointed right at her, worried about mold. Smells are fresh fruit, berrys, kushy type smells. :love:


These Dolato look pretty dam good. I like the leggy #1, and the lil Ma #2

One of the plants has a small patch of variegation, but otherwise healthy. Stretch just stopped. #2 is the taller pheno I'm guessing. While #1 was also a seedling, it was cut at the base and replanted, so there may not be as much difference as is seen here.



#1 (the survivor)


I'll get the Veggers up, they are going in soon.

Sideshows, I've got a small ECSDH in coco going, and will be dropping another pheno hunting.

is the fave from this round of plants. SSD coming in second. The Tahoe is a work of art in a sense, smell/power/taste/yield but it's the safe choice, so it's not often the first choice. SSSDH pheno seems more sativa than what I've had in the past, or it's just the grow - I'm not sure. I think if I pull her just ~3 days earlier, she'll be even better. Spot on BL! Lower buds are perfectly clear, uppers have just a touch of weight. I took a cutting, but will also be dropping another seed, so see what pops for SSSDH#2. In this particular plant, I feel that both sides contributed sativa genes almost exclusively. No thickness, not liquid, not heavy....just under the radar mood elevation. I've had SSH to before too, and really love it, but I've found new respect for it in this cross. The equatorials used must have been spectacular. :circle-of-love:

Peace and love my friends :thanks:
Excellent garden tour.....great pics & very interesting narrative. Dolato looks good a cookie strain plant as I've seen. Congrats on the SSSDH harvest. :well done: :Namaste:

:thanks: I'm a happy grower, the SSSDH is pure headstash, as you know. I got 91 from her, and even though yield is about last on my list of priorities, I'm pretty sure she could give a good bit more. I let her do her own thing, and didn't quite feed her enough early on, and then had to pull her up short, as I thought she'd be a longer flower. Small refinements. I just tossed another seed today :Namaste: and no one will really be getting any of this lol....Private stash for sure.

The Dolatos are doing very well, thank you for the good vibes brother. I'm so happy to have them going. The #2 is quite something with her more open and taller structure, and #1 has better vigor, posture and shine. Leafs are very hybrid and look similar. :love: Smells are different, can't place them yet. I did some late stretch leaf taking to open her up a bit more (back to my normal defols now that winter is over), and will shave the legs to push the buds up closer to terminals. I don't normally touch them during the stretch with Femmed seeds, but the health is there - so a little stress shouldn't tweak them out. I don't think it slowed them down at all, that was the idea - just a few top fans, they are pretty massive. Fingers crossed. :Namaste:

Nice job.

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:thanks: Welcome Stoneydee, and thanks.
Lots of good people here if you have questions or advice/experience to share... don't be shy. :welcome:


Dusty brother, I've got the Texberry and Space Cheese ready, they are going in next week when I pull the KP, so they can get some side light. They are looking real nice.

Dropping seeds today. Lets see what comes up. :Namaste:
Time to buy some seeds too... the ONLY shopping I LOVE...well except for German cars :)
OK, here are Dusty's little gems.

Space Cheese (Nebula x Blue Cheese)

She's got a nice vigor and bushiness. Looks very 50/50 hybrid to me, but has indica leaning stems and habit. She's got two tops, two laterals just under those, and two lowers. Looking solid, ready for flower in a couple days.


Texas Blueberry


(lime cut) flowering clone reverting to Veg. That's a Budmaster Quantum Dot Propagator over the clones of current keepers, using only 4w.


Candyland clone, going to grow single cola, see what happens. I use a supplement with TRIA, that I will forgo using with this plant, she's too tight as it is. :) Just put her in a 1 gal of coco/perlite, might as well get her in there soon lol.


Group - these will be pruned for flower this week, and then initiated.


Peace and love!

Things are looking good as always CS :thumb: what strains do you have on your shopping list?

Thanks brother. Not sure where I'm going next. I had a 40% off thingie, from one of the sites, but after an hour, I couldn't find one thing I wanted that they had in stock. Was looking for some Boss Hogg, Banner, some glue and cookie crosses, and maybe one of Horti's sours and whatnot. Thinking of Grandoggy Purps which is in sotck (ChemD x GDP) ....cause chem & purple. :blunt:

Tossed a bunch today, soaking in water, some are expected to be male or culled.

Key Lime Pie
Tangie Ghost Train
Purple Dream

Mon da gardin lukin gude. You can straight up grow brother. That along with you discriptive narratives. A seed makers dream grower ( as long as the seeds hold up to your skills).
I have had baseball sized nugs from that Texberry. Can't wait to see what you do with her.
Happy daze my brother.

Wish I had more time with them...but I think they look pretty damned good. I didn't really do much, I just topped once, the rest is all natural. I've taken just a few leafs. I'll shave the hell out of them though, maybe take six or seven nodes up each limb, so half or more. They will want to node like crazy. I didn't pinch them to thicken them at all, no need. :love: I do admit to having to boost up the RH, hit em with a dose of Growology and do a foliar to get them ready for these photos, cause I was procrastinating as usual..(and trying to slow them down till I had room). ;)
I been following you jurnal. I'm sorry to impose but any way you can check out my post got 2 plants I can't get no to health. Under trending stoneydee thank you.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Do you polish those leaves? :cheesygrinsmiley:

I see 4 tops on the space cheese??

If you follow the stem on the third pic, you might see it. There's two and two, running transverse, then a lower pair that hasn't quite made it to where I would have liked, under the two true tops. No polish....just lots of calcium, foliar, zymes, less salt based's certainly not my environment. I gotta get that going, use the lung room, bite the bullet, buy a Huey/Dehuey/Humidistat....sorry, high and musing. :volcano-smiley:

I been following you jurnal. I'm sorry to impose but any way you can check out my post got 2 plants I can't get no to health. Under trending stoneydee thank you.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Sure thing Dee.
Fabulous looking plants, CS! :bravo:

And I love your strain choices. :love: I gotta do a Tangie sometime.
Fabulous looking plants, CS! :bravo:

And I love your strain choices. :love: I gotta do a Tangie sometime.

Thanks Gray, they are looking pretty nice. Even the ugly ones. For strains, I just read Brightlights journal, and grow whatever he's got going on lol. :tokin:

What's up CareStaker,.. I always find your journal late at night and instead of subscribing I spend my time looking for a mention of your Dolato strain.. What is it? For some odd reason I'm hoping it's Do Si Dos x Gelato but I might be way off.

:welcome:Brother, glad you subbed in to ask. :high-five:

it's the Dosi x Gelato. We got lots going on, and I'm sure you know everyone. :volcano-smiley:
Ok, it's wicked late, so I'll post and add the dates later. :thumb: Got a bunch of ladies marching through.

Bubba's Gift day 40 or so. Real strong fruity flavors, dense thick buds, I knew she was going to be saucy.


Killer Purple, she's getting the chop when dry.


Candland, Day 40 or so....sugar baby.


Dolatos....young to be frosting the fans like this. Gotta check the dates.


Peace and pot yall. Thanks for sharing them with me. :Namaste:
Dates as of yesterday. I try to use both measures.

Bold is flower time
, followed by total time in short day light. Running at 12/12.

Bubba's Gift init Feb 9, Flower Feb 14th (33 days) 38 of 12s (in flush for chop in 10 days)
Candyland Init Feb 9, Flower Feb 14th (33 days) 38 of 12s
KillerPurps Init ??, Flower Jan 12, (66 days) ~72 of 12s
Dolato#1 init 3/1 Flower 3/7 (11 days) 18 of 12s
Dolato#2 init 2/27 Flower 3/5 (13 days) 20 of 12s

The shorter Dolato#1 is just as frosted, at 2 days younger. Smell is coming on too. I'd say this is a great sign. :)

I've been warned about some sneaky sacs on the Dolato (Do-si-Do x Gelato 41), so they will get a prune up today/tomorrow. To prepare any Femmed strain for flower (esp Chems), I remove any small branches from at least the bottom 1/3 of the plant. Often, sacs will grow unseen, between bud and small branch at the node, and the pollen is usually viable. I'm so used to it, I have my fans positioned to mitigate such an occurrence.

Planting 7 seeds in solo cups today. :cheer::volcano-smiley:

"We can only be said to be truly alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
- Thornton Wilder
Nice job on that Bubba's Gift. I attempted to grow one on my very first grow/disaster and she didnt look like that at all. I thought she was molding because she smelt like a nasty grape swamp.

I'm really liking that Dolato too, I got a thing for frost and thick pistols.

Thanks brother. My first B.Gift was also a disaster. She had famously large fans, which were a bit mopey and wrinkly, but robust...and although Femmed, she was completely male. Total Ladyboy. I didn't dare hit anything with it, it could have been rouge pollen or passed on intersexed traits.

A kind soul sent me a replacement :Namaste: and I'm very happy I have her going. She's less than 40 days of 12s, her smell is overpowering everything else at the moment, and she should be done in 10 days or so. Super easy to grow too, almost no nutes needed if you are in a medium-hot soil.

I was hoping that since this one was kinda lumpy and raggley, that she's do her talking in flower...and she did :yummy:
Thanks brother. Not sure where I'm going next. I had a 40% off thingie, from one of the sites, but after an hour, I couldn't find one thing I wanted that they had in stock. Was looking for some Boss Hogg, Banner, some glue and cookie crosses, and maybe one of Horti's sours and whatnot. Thinking of Grandoggy Purps which is in sotck (ChemD x GDP) ....cause chem & purple. :blunt:

Tossed a bunch today, soaking in water, some are expected to be male or culled.

Key Lime Pie
Tangie Ghost Train
Purple Dream

Wish I had more time with them...but I think they look pretty damned good. I didn't really do much, I just topped once, the rest is all natural. I've taken just a few leafs. I'll shave the hell out of them though, maybe take six or seven nodes up each limb, so half or more. They will want to node like crazy. I didn't pinch them to thicken them at all, no need. :love: I do admit to having to boost up the RH, hit em with a dose of Growology and do a foliar to get them ready for these photos, cause I was procrastinating as usual..(and trying to slow them down till I had room). ;)
Granddoggy purps sounds good. I have wondered if it was worth growing or not. I was unable to find the actual gdp for longest time and was almost tempted to get the grandoggy images but couldn't bring myself to without knowing I it was worth it. I'm growing my second Pennywise at the moment and really like the structure of it this time around. It hermied pretty badly the first round so keep an eye out. I don't know if one of my lights was acting up or what caused it. I may really just need a better tent. Other than it throwing bananas though it is some of the greasiest weed I have grown.
Thanks brother. My first B.Gift was also a disaster. She had famously large fans, which were a bit mopey and wrinkly, but robust...and although Femmed, she was completely male. Total Ladyboy. I didn't dare hit anything with it, it could have been rouge pollen or passed on intersexed traits.

A kind soul sent me a replacement :Namaste: and I'm very happy I have her going. She's less than 40 days of 12s, her smell is overpowering everything else at the moment, and she should be done in 10 days or so. Super easy to grow too, almost no nutes needed if you are in a medium-hot soil.

I was hoping that since this one was kinda lumpy and raggley, that she's do her talking in flower...and she did :yummy:

There was an Australian grower that was breeding things out that had a Bubba`s Gift fem that also turned out to be a full on ladyboy. He was working on making a strain to name after the mag and was using the bubba in the cross. I think he got banned tho. I have a seed that I have been hesitant to run since two people on this forum alone popped a male with their fem seeds.
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