1st Grow Ever: 3x Liberty Haze, LED & Coco

21 day! it's our babies 3rd week anniversary and they are loving their new pots! Check this girls out:


We are amazed as how much they grew in just a couple of days after the transplant! They have a new set of leaves coming. We can't delay anymore the decision of which plant training to use. We'll do something later today. But what?!
I think we will cut that third set that is coming out so we will have the two steam going on each direction and I have to tight them with something. I'll go read now, and then later go to the local garden shop to buy those plant holder =).

We forgot to mention that when we were doing the transplant the smell was AMAZING. We are in love. Such a nice citrus scent. Super fresh. Lovely.

All good guys! I'll post later what was our decision on training. Maybe scorg? Basically I want something that will not take a lot of time. We are find if the yield is not huge, but we want quality. Quality over quantity for sure. We have plenty more seeds that came as freebies.

By the way, one has a tiny white spot, like a bleach. I think it's because I accidentaly drop nutes there, or left a drop of water. It will be fine.

21 day! it's our babies 3rd week anniversary and they are loving their new pots! Check this girls out:


We are amazed as how much they grew in just a couple of days after the transplant! They have a new set of leaves coming. We can't delay anymore the decision of which plant training to use. We'll do something later today. But what?!
I think we will cut that third set that is coming out so we will have the two steam going on each direction and I have to tight them with something. I'll go read now, and then later go to the local garden shop to buy those plant holder =).

We forgot to mention that when we were doing the transplant the smell was AMAZING. We are in love. Such a nice citrus scent. Super fresh. Lovely.

All good guys! I'll post later what was our decision on training. Maybe scorg? Basically I want something that will not take a lot of time. We are find if the yield is not huge, but we want quality. Quality over quantity for sure. We have plenty more seeds that came as freebies.

By the way, one has a tiny white spot, like a bleach. I think it's because I accidentaly drop nutes there, or left a drop of water. It will be fine.


Plants look good man . and I personally like topping and LST to help create an even canopy, once your about 1/3 the size you want it to be in flower I would flip it (sativas usually have a citrus smell and they will stretch more i.e. Why I recommended 1/3 the size)

I LOVE citrus terps (especially the orange/tangi flavors) and am very jelly of you right now man . growing is so awesome on many levels and variations in strains (phenotypes) amaze me

Cheers .
...forgot to mention that if you want a fast grow I advise against a scrog as it takes awhile to train the plant in the net
Day 23. The girls are growing a lot! 3 sets of fan leafs (not counting cotyledons and the first pair of leaves that it is not a typical fan leaf). The 3rd set is just coming out actually.
We've decided, based on advice in this thread, and some more research to do just Topping and LST (we have some long pipe cleaners for that).

Watering is getting though! I first put a hard plastic mesh (shaped like a spider web) to elevate the pots and let the water flow to the bottom of the tent. I thought that it would evaporate and actually give some needed humidity. Here is a picture of the setup (I also put an upside plate to provide extra distance from the floor as the plastic thingy was only 1cm tall):

(this picture is from day 21!!)

There was too much water. So I bought some plant plates yesterday. We watered with nutes on the 21, it was still very humid and wet yesterday. Today only water, It took us a little bit more than 5 liters to get a decent runoff!!!!. As I have the plates now what we do is: water the 2 plants from the back, wait a bit and let the water runoff. Then lift the plants (they are heavy! and not a lot of space so I can see my back getting destroy after a few weeks of doing this), take the plate, drop the water in another container, put them back. Then water the one near the opening of the tent, wait, take it out, clear the plate. Here they are today!


Not bad!

I'll appreciate advice on how to do the watering with less effort. Any technique or items I can buy. I have pots 11L (3Gal) and they are aprox 30cms diameter (a little bit less). We were thinking on buying a big oven tray (the grill ones)...60cms x 60cms (the size of the tent) and put some smaller rectangular trays underneath. Then we can water, get most of the water and try to take that out without having to move the plants. We'll think of something.

Second question is about Topping! We've read a lot, most of them say top on the 4th pair of leaves, others 3rd, others wait until the 6th then top up to the 3rd. What for us is not clear is: we know the cotyledon does not count....but what about the first pair of leaves? It's not really a normal fan leave (it does not have that 5 'star' shape). I've read also about the concept of 'node'. A node is a set of leaves that have growings in it's connection to the main branch. Now if I take that definition then that first pair of leaves count as a node as I can see now some growing at the base of the leaves, when they connect to the main branch. So we are confused.
So far I think I'll leave the current leaves grow, and the 3rd set, that is currently coming out (3rd without considering cotyledon nor the non star shaped leaves) will be topped (tomorrow or the day after tomorrow). Then we will do LST and pull the 1st set of fan leaves east and west, and the 2nd set of fan leaves north and south. Does that make sense?

I'll do more reading and wait for advice before topping!


Update: we just did some quick reading and I'm also considering not doing topping at all (or maybe some minimal) and do mostly LST. I think it will be good as I don't really have a symetrical setup. We can use the empty space of the lonely pot near the entrance. I think it will be a little crowded in there, but I can always chop some if they get wild.
Doing great guys wow, I personally start topping/sometimes unintentionally fim ing around the 4 th or 5 set of true leaves. Looks too me like y all are on your second true set now. There's a wicked awesome guy on here named Rex Pigeons 420, he does YouTube videos on every aspect of growing you could think of. His YouTube name is Pigeons 420, the guy does like a video a day, ohh and he works here too!:thumb: you should heck him out.
Yea the watering thing in a tent sucks hey, I made wood frames out of plywood and lined them with Polly. They are around 3" deep and 20 " wide. Then I rigged up I little pump to suck out the run off, lol the pump was actually out of an electric type floor cleaner aka a Swiffer but I'd imagine you could get a little fountain sump pump that would work wayyyy better. Any way that's just what works for me at the moment, but I can also do it over the laundry room sink using a steel grate to let it drain off. I'll do that when I wanna check trichomes in late flower to get out of that nasty hps light... kinda messes with ya when when checking under that spectrum, things tend to look more amber then they really are. Your a couple days away from that kinda stuff though:thumb:
Keep up the research, your way ahead of the curve for being superb parents!;):)

Oh I ve also heard of people using the shop vac to suck up run off as well.:thumb:
The first set of serrated leaves are considered the first set. After that every set is another on top. Looks like yours are growing their forth. Most growers wait until set five or six. Waiting until six and trimming everything is the start of a manifold or mainline. You should check out How to grow marijuana free lessons. He grows mostly in coco. Has an awesome way of treating it like hydro thus almost eliminating the dreaded overwatering and no need for flushes. This guy holds a world record for an auto flower at 2.95 pounds dried one plant. I am going to try his system on my grow. Also if you are worried about tipping you can try micro topping. Nvclosetmedgrower is another good grow deities on YouTube. He is really good at explaining and showing all his technics and steps. Your plants look great though so keep on keepin on.
I topped just a little past what yours are at now id let the new growth establish a few more days or another week I thought I topped early but they took to it very well, I can't really help you with the watering I've always top fed by hand and never feed to run off I'm sure someone will come along with a good idea. You are doing a great job looking healthy .
I agree that a flood tray with a hole that goes into a bucket or something easy to collect and throw out.

I have my plants sit in plant saucer and have a turkey baster to collect the run off after, it did take me a little while to perfect how much to water to not overflow the saucers at first but it's pretty easy to get the feel for it

And the plants are looking good man, I top pretty early right around the 3-4 leaf starting from the first node as you called it. Don't worry about the semantics of the grow lingo as you'll get different ppl saying different things
And now is day 30! I didn't had the time to start doing the training and we didn't make up our mind. We knew we could let them grow a bit more. This is how we found them today. Alarm! Sign of nute burn?

The tip of the new leaves were yellow in two of the plants!!! Nutes cancelled! fuck them.

So I went there on my own, with my girls, and with a wire and some pins decided to just pull the plant to sides. No topping but I sliced a couple of leaves to make more light to the lower nodes. I have a picture of 2 completely finished, then one of the elements I used (I'm quite happy with the pins and wire....but let's see). And a final picture of the whole thing from the top.


I'll buy a bigger wire tomorrow, just to do a hook and nail the bigger branches down. I'll basically try to make them go around in the pots a little bit as we don't have much space. We are planning to let them be a for a while, but soon we will start the flowering stage. Maybe one more week of these and then flowering? We'll see.
We'll post more pictures tomorrow to see how they settled.

Let us know what you guys think!
Looks good bro. Sometimes the tips will get Burt like that bc they were resting on the coco after being fed. Saw that on a video from LEDRF. I think it was in his YouTube channel.

Thanks!. I don't think this is the case as it was on the top leaves that were far away from the coco. I did once left accidentaly one drop with nuetes and the leave turned white there (maybe because of water and not really nute, because of magnifying glass effect of the drop of water). I'm not sure how I'm going to water the plant now that a lot of leaves are touching the coco!

I will have to water soon....last time was the day before yesterday or yesterday..can't remember. The coco is humid, but tomorrow at the latest I will have to water. I'm leaving it to tomorrow. Maybe in 12hs...
Hahaha I totally used a turkey baster for like a whole year:thumb: Looking good man, like the pin idea to hold the wire:high-five: I just skin it and poke it through then fold it over its self a bunch of times to make like a knot, works fannntastic! Do you pinch the branch before you bend it? It makes knuckles in the stock increasing plant uptake and over all strength.... It was explained to me as a double lane highway before you pinch then after it turnes to a 4 lane, allowing for a stronger, bigger and healthier plant. Esp comes in handy when your colas are getting big and want to bend the branch down to the ground!:Namaste: Plants look super, good eye on the nut burn;):)
Day 31!!! We bought some new tools to do our LST. A local shop had some thick wire. And we bought a hard but thin one.
I redid some of the training, using the thick wire to push the biggest branches down. I think it looks better than before.
We are going to leave it alone for a day or two.
We watered the plants today (plain water, pH around 5.9). Plain water as we had some mild nute burn on our poor girls. Also as the plants are super flat we didn't want to get nute in the leaves. Maybe in a couple of days we will give some nutes (but half of what was given last time)
I left some of the original LST devices, but with the thick wire it looks solid. I hope it holds. One of the plants was pulling up....let's see what happens tomorrow! Stay tuned. I think a lot can happen in just a couple of days.
Have a look at the current state:

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