Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

Oh my, that sounds delightful. I hadn't heard of it. I'm hoping we can finally open up about cuts, since going legal. Kinda like a farmers market lol...would be great to meet and swap some known cuts. :Namaste: Would be even greater to find my most coveted ECSD.... I would build the room around her, and cross her with everything :love:

Killer Purp was part of a prize package, for NOTY 2015, so a free seed. I hope she's got something interesting, her foliage hints at something nice in the making.

Coincidentally, that was the last time I entered any of the contests, until this month's Photo Contest. I'm not trying to campaign, but instead suggest that anyone that likes seeds, go post some pics over there (your pics) or (from others with credit) and maybe win some free a lot of them :) There's some fire in your yards, just sayin ;)

420 Magazine's Creme De La Creme Photo Contest - January 2017

Took a test bud of SSD tonight...and it's sticky as hell. :) I have some trich shots too, will post soon.

It is delightful. I am yet to find a cut. My buddy had one he traded for that he ran outside. He was told it was something else and then when it got to be too late to clone it the person he got it from let him know he had made a mistake and given him an MOB cut on accident. It was probably the frostiest out door plant I have ever seen. It would be nice to be able to get the real cuts of people's favorite strains. Around here though most everyone holds on to the best genetics and only spreads what is mediocre or readily available every where else.

I would love to get my hands on an actual ECSD cut as well. I have a buddy that lived in California for a while that hates any of the diesel strains but loves OG Kush. Every bit of OG Kush I have ever had (even when sourced from Cali) never hit like the sour diesel around here. It is just funny how things can differ from one part of the country to the next.
It is delightful. I am yet to find a cut. My buddy had one he traded for that he ran outside. He was told it was something else and then when it got to be too late to clone it the person he got it from let him know he had made a mistake and given him an MOB cut on accident. It was probably the frostiest out door plant I have ever seen. It would be nice to be able to get the real cuts of people's favorite strains. Around here though most everyone holds on to the best genetics and only spreads what is mediocre or readily available every where else.

I would love to get my hands on an actual ECSD cut as well. I have a buddy that lived in California for a while that hates any of the diesel strains but loves OG Kush. Every bit of OG Kush I have ever had (even when sourced from Cali) never hit like the sour diesel around here. It is just funny how things can differ from one part of the country to the next.

I think the most obvious answer is that most people holding the purported ECSD clone, have some Chem/Diesel cut, but not the real sour. So maybe he never had it. It's a magic cut. Many talented breeders have tried and failed to create it via BX, IX, S1, etc, and they beat the magic out of it. It happened by accident, and has resisted recreation. I LOVE that. Stubborn strains lol. I do really appreciate the Cali strains, and I think they are going to lead the way forward for us all - but - nothing that's ever come this way, has been able to captivate me like the original sour. Nothing has plastered a smile on my face for three hours straight, soaring, soaring, no-crash - like that plant.

I am convinced that she will find her way to me if I do not force it. :Namaste: She will come when we are both ready.

Some Trich shots of SSD. She's close, and on target for a chop in 9 days. Hoping for >175g.

And the new kids.

DK's Texas Blueberry

Don't see this that often, they are both viable, and growing. They sprouted yesterday, you can see the husk, seed, and two cotys on each with the first set of single leaflets. She's got some color. :)



And DoLoto 1st, who had her stem sheered off at soil level by my kitten. She was just two days old, but she's been replanted and looks like she's going to make it - there's new growth, and she didn't run out of water. I've moved her over to more light, and will add a tiny amount of water to keep the soil from being too dry. When she was killed, she had only tiny, tiny first leafs. Now they are bigger than the cotys.


Group thang. Space Cheese shed her helmet and had joined her friends in the Veg tent.


I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be - Whitney
Too Kool on the two seedling bean. Everything looking super healthy brother.
Feeling g nervous now , like sending the kids to the professor. Hope they act right. :Namaste:

No need to be nervous, they are looking real nice, 10/10. I'm of two minds about what to do about the twin though. Maybe give it a little time, but not too much, and pull the runt? Or, let them both go, and twist them around each other lol. ? Dunno, what do you think brokeif ?
Hmm, it hadn't occurred to me that you'd separate them. :hmmmm: I suppose there's no reason not to try - unlikely that you'd kill 'em both. :cheesygrinsmiley: The rootless sprout is testament to the little buggers' hardiness.

I would have let them grow up together, but now that you mention it, that's kind of a waste, isn't it? :hmmmm:
Hmm, it hadn't occurred to me that you'd separate them. :hmmmm: I suppose there's no reason not to try - unlikely that you'd kill 'em both. :cheesygrinsmiley: The rootless sprout is testament to the little buggers' hardiness.

I would have let them grow up together, but now that you mention it, that's kind of a waste, isn't it? :hmmmm:

I was thinking of splitting them, as they are Regs too, and they might want to get down lol. Also, one of them might not amount to much (or both) if left as is. I'm pretty sure I could cut them apart, roots and all. I think it's the breeder's call, but he may be swayed as we all talk it out here. It's not a huge deal, but to really see how it grows, there should really only be one in the pot. If it's more important to see how twins grow in same pot, then I'd love to watch that too, and would try to train them to be equal and productive. Fun growing them either way. What does the Dust say?

2nd what Gray said...let the twins grow up together. :ganjamon: Excellent triage on little Dolato....Dr. CareStaker.

Thank you my friend. :Namaste: My wife said I should try to save her...I was just about to throw her out. Never would have thought it possible at 2 days old. She barely skipped a beat. Ms Staker saved her really.

The Texberries (for short).... would love to see them twin it out together, but would also love to see what Mr. Keif has wrung from these two parents by seeing just the one. I'm sure he'll add his thoughts soon.

Love your new light... and I'm sure you will too, great looking piece.

Logic confirmed for me that the SSSDH stock I am growing is CSG gear, so you were correct. No need to perform the cleansing ritual in the garden, all is as it should be. :Namaste: I don't know if I've seen much better structure with these attributes. I'm really excited! I didn't take a cutting, but will take one today, and will make it root. If she won't, I'll buzz her tops and toss her in Veg again. This one is SSSDH#1 for future reference. Any males will be A,B,C, and will likely be donors to some sultan style mamas.

So why are you thinking you have Connoisseur & not Rez Dog SSSDH's? I only meant your beauty reminded me of the CSG regulars I once had & grew. I wouldn't even know the difference since I've never seen or tried the early Rez versions. Hope you get a macho sticky, stinky male! I do remember a couple of the males.....straight up Jack n the Beanstalk style w/ thick main stalk & not much least up to the time sex showed. Lots of interest & fun for me to follow you on these since I hold this strain in such high regard. Great work!

So why are you thinking you have Connoisseur & not Rez Dog SSSDH's? I only meant your beauty reminded me of the CSG regulars I once had & grew. I wouldn't even know the difference since I've never seen or tried the early Rez versions. Hope you get a macho sticky, stinky male! I do remember a couple of the males.....straight up Jack n the Beanstalk style w/ thick main stalk & not much least up to the time sex showed. Lots of interest & fun for me to follow you on these since I hold this strain in such high regard. Great work!


Sorry to not have been clear. When I bought them at a small niche site, just said SSSDH (Reg). Seeds appeared like they could be a bit on older side. I just went back and asked, and was confirmed CSG.

She's a beauty Bright. She's building bombs, and I can already see how they will swell. Such a nice structure, wow she's really a nice looking plant, her buds are going to be something. She's been going through her 5gal pot in 2 days. I just staked her up. Would love a male from this bunch. Your ECSDH looks amazing, I can't wait to see her swell. I don't think I've seen that pheno. :love:

In a few days I'm sure one will out grow the other. Id let the stronger one grow on.

I'll wait a few a days, and will cut one out, and root it in a cup for later. :volcano-smiley::high-five:
It's looking pretty good in there. New ash catcher arrived too. Time to smoke up, put the headphones on, and tend the garden. It's not often that I get to take my time, and just putter and stare at them, but I always appreciate it when it comes along. It's like decompression from the lunacy we've let them make of this world. Find your peace where you can, right? Puff, Puff, Passizzle:passitleft:

SSSDH is continuing to impress, she reminds me of one of the best plants I ever grew. I'll try to get a pic of her to show what I mean. She's getting a feed tonight, doesn't need much. She'll get mostly beneficial fung/bact, extracts, molasses, RawK w/Humics, and and a rare feeding of Sensi ~350ppm in addition to the 1ml/g Prime.
wow, looks amazing :)

took my time to catch up for all ive missed, amazing growing :)
wow, looks amazing :)

took my time to catch up for all ive missed, amazing growing :)

Thank you Brother! You know where everything is :hookah: make yourself at home. We are just getting started, and we are sorta working perpetual style, so the first girl is coming at the end of the month, maybe on the 1st or 2nd. Just so you know, I had your back, the Yeti was lumbering your way. :)

:hug: Great news, lemme clear a beanbag....I think 420brother is passed out around here somewhere, careful not to step on him lol.

Everything is looking real good. Just put a CFL over the 'lings as they were starting to stretch too much in the Veg tent.

SSSDH, can you tell I'm smitten. Here's one of her tops, you can see the companion top in the background. Every node, all the way down, looks just like this.

Day 25 of 12s, Day 18 flower.


She's just stacking clusters, and frosting them up. Beautiful. I had to take some of the big fans that were blocking the inside to light, and staked her up to tie her colas so that they don't lean and block the others. Plants are spun clockwise in place, 1/4 turn per day, no reason, just the best I can manage.
Man Care you always have some of the healthiest plants I ever see. I usually follow hi brix journals and your plants rival even theirs. :thumb:

:thanks:TGY, I do give them some attention to be sure, but it feels like I can barely find the time to water them. I frankly can't believe how good they look, as RH was 10-30% for the prior two weeks. It doesn't seem to have bothered them at all, so crazy.

I should get around to running the kit, and might now that the whole state went legal. The last few years, I've been consistently changing it up just slightly. I've cycled in and out medium mixes, nutes, and lighting, and things have gone well enough to allow me to continue to learn and try new things. I'm in a new mix now, using new nutes/benes, and having a blast.
Really ripping some freshies from SSD tonight, so I'm gabbing like a teenaged girl :volcano-smiley: Let's just say that SSD has got some seriously good flavors and some big sexy smoke. Punches like a pissed elephant.
:thanks:TGY, I do give them some attention to be sure, but it feels like I can barely find the time to water them. I frankly can't believe how good they look, as RH was 10-30% for the prior two weeks. It doesn't seem to have bothered them at all, so crazy.

I should get around to running the kit, and might now that the whole state went legal. The last few years, I've been consistently changing it up just slightly. I've cycled in and out medium mixes, nutes, and lighting, and things have gone well enough to allow me to continue to learn and try new things. I'm in a new mix now, using new nutes/benes, and having a blast.
Really ripping some freshies from SSD tonight, so I'm gabbing like a teenaged girl :volcano-smiley: Let's just say that SSD has got some seriously good flavors and some big sexy smoke. Punches like a pissed elephant.

:rofl: that's great Care. I've been tempted to run the SSD but I haven't pulled the trigger. Right now I have a lot to try and cycle through so it's isn't something I am likely to invest in. I have my eye on the MOB seeds along with some Dynasty gear.

I think you would rock the kit. You have such great results using nutes that I feel the kit would be a breeze for you. Even if you didn't want to commit fully you could always run one or two kit plants next to whatever other mix u have going at time to see how it compares.
I'll try to give a go in the fall run. :thumb: It's probably less work that what I do. You wouldn't believe my routine. When I say I barely have time to water, it's because I mix each ingredient in a big bowl with water, one batch at a time, watering each individual plant it's custom bowl of soup, every feeding, it's entire life. I just can't bring myself to automate.

Buddha Tahoe OG Kush: (Louis XIII x Tahoe OG S1 RVSD Male) 12/12 on Dec 7th, flowering Dec 12th, 45 days flower, she'll get one more slight feed, and then just water till finish. She's about to really pour it on, so I'm thinking she could use one more feed. She never got higher than 3/16 strength ffiw. I love when I get to run a plant twice in a row lol. #Clonesarefun :)

Pic dump, I'm too ripped to sort them out. She's about to swell, and push out some more trichs.


And a glimpse at that sexy af SSSDH. She's like whoa... who the fark are you lol. Sigmas are longer than Panama, longer than Amherst Sour, what I'm trying to say...this is one hairy bohatch :love:

Figured I'd get a couple shots, her days are numbered. Scent is in full bloom, she had a change of smells sometime last week - she's more acridly sweet red berry smelling, and it's more full, more depth to it. So she's telling me she's in the window, and I'm thinking I'd like to push her just a little further than last time to tame her. She should be about 59 days 12's here.

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