Stages' Summer Run - HSO Sour Diesel Auto - TH Bubblegum HSO Blue Dream in Coco

Favorite Auto Strain's

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Yeah I bought a roor white gold bong, cost me like 170 pound... ive used it twice, Bongs just aint my thing. bud does go like 3 times as far with a vape over smoking


Hm...Volcano AND a Roor? You have nice toys my dood.:high-five:
Here is a pic of my shorty, to many for my flower room so she got kicked to the back yard were i run her after the sun all day. I used stembenders and have kept it under 40 inches total, its a 10 week pheno Sour D.


I as well was concerned about space/height so it was my solution. :Namaste:

Both of your Sour D's look great.

This is a terrible photo, but just took it.

Top row left to right.
Sour d, sour d, blue dream, cheese berry.

Bottom row
Sour d, bubble gum, blue dream, chocolate kush


All are 29 days from seed except the two on the right. The cheese berry(20 days)and chocolate kush(11 days).
The blue dream are much shorter, but have just as many nodes, and lots of side growth. Very tight nodes are good right?
I have 4 buckets in a 2' x 2' area (2' x 4' total)with 2 offbrand 300 watt (180 true watt) 9 spectrum led. Super bright for the area, and having two I get nice crossover underneath from the other side.

My plan is to let them do the best they can in the area and with the light given. If I average 21 grams a plant, I will be satisfied, and 1 ounce+ I will be ecstatic. I hope my plan isn't too terrible. I'm always up for advice.

Also I'm just running basic hempy buckets and using AN ph perfect 3 part nutrients. I'm using ro water and had to start using cal/mag. I'm all about a K.I.S.S. system, and so far, this has fit the bill. I mainly sit and watch them grow with nothing to do but water every couple days. I have meters, but am not checking ph or ppm.
Confucius do you have your own journal? link it in your sig then all you need to do is ask ppl whos journal youre in to take a look. Id like to see it myself. Pictures look great. Stage updates ma friend, n I need my palm readings today

I'm really looking forward to smoking meds I grew myself. I'm a disabled veteran, and smoke for my ptsd.

Really enjoying your grow, and sorry not trying to hijack your journal.

Thanks for saying what I was thinking.:high-five:
My response has two parts to it. The real shit and the good shit.

Real shit
Respectfully, Confucius being a disabled vet and suffering from ptsd I am sensitive to those who battle with this.
No shade to Confucius my dood....buuuut I did suggest the same advice to you back in post 39.
In post 49 you used the word hijack in your post and I agree with you.:hmmmm:
Perhaps in your enthusiasm you overlooked two members suggesting you start a journal. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good shit
Confucius.. your'e up to nearly a dozen posts.Your feet are already wet.
Your girls are looking good. Your'e using the 420site:420: daily.
You clearly enjoy the banter and fellowship.
Start accepting the suggestions fellow members offer you.
Go ahead and create a journal and link it in your sig.
Don't be a Hi-Jackie Robinson :laugh:
Thanks for saying what I was thinking.:high-five:
My response has two parts to it. The real shit and the good shit.

Real shit
Respectfully, Confucius being a disabled vet and suffering from ptsd I am sensitive to those who battle with this.
No shade to Confucius my dood....buuuut I did suggest the same advice to you back in post 39.
In post 49 you used the word hijack in your post and I agree with you.:hmmmm:
Perhaps in your enthusiasm you overlooked two members suggesting you start a journal. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good shit
Confucius.. your'e up to nearly a dozen posts.Your feet are already wet.
Your girls are looking good. Your'e using the 420site:420: daily.
You clearly enjoy the banter and fellowship.
Start accepting the suggestions fellow members offer you.
Go ahead and create a journal and link it in your sig.
Don't be a Hi-Jackie Robinson :laugh:

No worries. If you knew what I went through to upload that one pic, you would understand I'm not ready for my own journal, nor am I really interested in it. Been on this site for years, but only joined because you were growing the exact strain I was at the same time, and was interested in your take on it. Thanks, I will stop.
I think this site makes it easy to upload, atleast you dont have to upload to a seperate site then link it here which alot ask you to do, pain in the arse that is. Your plants look gd man, join the fellowship already lol. btw Stage im still waiting for my palm reading, and wheres youre plants??
Running to pick up my kid from practice. Ill post when i return. Your'e gonna love this prediction. :high-five:
Hey Herby,
Here is your Sunday prediction: You will have more friends than you need once you harvest the weed.:high-five:

PS: The sd1 has dried and is currently in jars curing.:cheer:
Gotta buy a 9 volt battery for my scale to get weight of her.
Looking at my other two autos... I predict chop this week.:partyboy:
The southern September sun in autumn has these chicks ripening pretty quickly.
Most pistils that were white are now orange and withering.:circle-of-love:
Hey Herby,
Here is your Sunday prediction: You will have more friends than you need once you harvest the weed.:high-five:

Like the old Magic 8 ball. Stage is sage:dreamy:
Like the old Magic 8 ball. Stage is sage:dreamy:

Stage is Sage...I like that. :thumb:
You tellin on yo age my dood.
Anyone who remembers the Magic 8 ball has some snow on their roof. Yet, the fire burns so hot in the chimney.;)
Thanks Stage for the structure compliment, i am really happy the way it pruned out :circle-of-love:. She will finish outside, in about 2 weeks according the scrying microscope. The pistils stay pretty white all the way until 20%/80% mark. This is a clone from from a local nursery, you can PM for the name, is on its 3rd and last grow out. It smells of good peat and lemon... musky, lol. This was my first try with the StemBenders, I was put off by the price but I love the end product. It easily stays down and out of sight. Keep knocking it out of the park with those autos.:goodjob: and :Namaste:
Thanks Stage for the structure compliment, i am really happy the way it pruned out :circle-of-love:. She will finish outside, in about 2 weeks according the scrying microscope. The pistils stay pretty white all the way until 20%/80% mark. This is a clone from from a local nursery, you can PM for the name, is on its 3rd and last grow out. It smells of good peat and lemon... musky, lol. This was my first try with the StemBenders, I was put off by the price but I love the end product. It easily stays down and out of sight. Keep knocking it out of the park with those autos.:goodjob: and :Namaste:

Yeh mane, her structure. that lemony musky smell. Good times smoking her when shes ready.
I'm still learning these autos and i intend to take a few more auto runs. Appreciate the compliment.
Happy Trichome Tuesday my people!:party:
I have a brief update for y'all. Some harvest numbers to share.
No apologies for the rough trim. Its all for me.:volcano-smiley:
I have been drying the sd1 for 7 days and they are ready for curing.
I chopped, washed and hung for 4 days then placed in paper bags for 3 days.
I finally picked up a battery for my scale for weighing with my lazy ass.

Never thought I would have these numbers on such a small plant.:circle-of-love:
Decent numbers for a plant that at full maturity was 15 inches tall I would say.:cool:
So the harvest totals for my sd#1 are below.
I'm pretty sure I smoked 7-10 grams of this bud and that isn't included in the total.
Overall I'm satisfied with her yield. :circle-of-love:

As Jay-Z says: Men lie, Women lie, numbers don't.:rollit:
Yeh dood 3 zips.:high-five:
It exceeded my expectations by an ounce. I was hoping for two.
The taste? Its smooth. No throat burn, or irritation. No hint of mint. :Namaste:
It has the "gas" chem taste but not so sour. I'm glad I flushed well. No chem taste, so I can continue to sample with out headaches. Yeh, I'm high now
Its Throwback Thursday people!:welcome:
Hope all is green and sticky in your world!
Today is day 85 on this grow and I do believe its almost harvest time again.:party:
I have two remaining sd autos (sd2 front right and sd3 front left).
And a TH Seeds bubblegum at 85 days veg. (Rear)
Here is a group shot of the ladies in the 4x4:


Of the two autos, sd#3 is most ready. Does anyone here disagree?

This pheno is the one I think best expresses what the breeder had in mind unlike my sd1.
Smells lemony and is resinous with what appears to be good yields.
The two autos are fading lovely and the fans are gonna get pulled tmw.
Once I have harvested the autos I will turn my attention to the photo bubblegum.
In the rear of the tent I have what appears to be a lazy fake assed attempt to create a half hearted scrog.:smokin:

I believe I will run out of vertical space If i don't do something, so I supercropped the top 4 to 6 inches of growth. Because I didn't train her earlier,I have limited my options.:helpsmilie:
Then I placed the dog fence on top.
Its been in this position for a week.
I am looking to remove the cage in a few days and just let em flower from this height.:volcano-smiley:



My next post I will strip sd3 of her fans and place her in the dark overnight.
But....Ill be taking pics of her so I can share with you how wonderful her body is, stripped of her clothes. No one is gonna confuse my prediction skills with the Amazing Kreskin but I got a feeling she is gonna be close to or above 4 oz dried. Stick around guys and gals, its about to get real interesting.
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