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Quick question on euphoria
Did it grow slower then other strains?
Did it grow slower then other strains?
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Short update today, I've been noticing some issues in the newer fan leaves on my big UKH1 plant. It sort of looks like a phosphorous def to me, but I think it could also be from lockout/pH fluctuation/nute burn. So the background to this problem is I'm not so sure the drizzle a week or so ago flushed the plant as much as I might've liked it to. Since the other nute burn I saw on her, affecting the lower fan leaves, I've been giving her half strength on the General Organics rec'd regimen, every other watering. Between feedings I've been giving it just clean rainwater at about 7.0 pH. But what I noticed is when feeding it with the GO nutes, the pH is REALLY low pre-watering... I adjust it with a lot of pH up, but even after about 40-50 drops of pH up per gallon or 2, the pH is still between 5.0 and 6.0, so I just leave it at that, since I don't trust adding too much pH up to any feeding... I'm scared that adjusting it too much with the added nutes might be the cause of the problem? idk... I'd really appreciate any advice I get. Here's some pics of the issue, I removed most of the affected leaves but I'll leave some on to keep an eye on it.
Here's big UKH1 overall, today my mom and I were bending all the new growth little fan's down at bud sites on all my plants per Light Addict's style to try and encourage tight bud formations.
Here's Juicy Lucy, aka big UKH2, she looks really healthy actually, despite getting the same waterings every time as big UKH1.
Here's my two youngest clones (of UKH2) looking a lot better after their early wilting from too much sun/heat. They get direct sunlight in the morning now, but I move them under shade for the hotter afternoons.
and here's a family photo of my other 4 plants, BBK is in the white/grey pot in the middle. Euphoria is to its left, my middle-sized UKH2 clone is behind BBK, and to BBK's right is my mid-sized UKH1 clone. All looking pretty good. I ended up fimming BBK and EUP again because EUP's fim didn't take and I don't want them getting too tall.
Thanks for following, and any advice given!
Edit: Oh and remember that mutant leaf on my mid-sized UKH2 clone? well the attached stalk on it kept growing...and the fim actually gave me 3 tops instead of the 2 I suspected, it just needed a little extra time because I cut it close. So both fims on my midsized clones gave me 3 tops! yay
Don't panic,you will not smoke fan leaves.Great plants,they are green and healty.Did you accidentally splash the plant when you have feeding them?It can make spots on leaves...I grow without any ph corrector or ppm meter,water my plants with tap water.In my country we have great source of water and our tap water is 100% drinkable.I think that ph is neutral,never check it.I am watering my plants with that water and they feel great.I know that plant's grow better under ideal condicion but many people fuck up their plants trying to achive ideal ph.You have realy nice journal and crew,hope that you have one more chair for me.
Oh thank you, Ghaze! Of course there is room for you!!Don't panic,you will not smoke fan leaves.Great plants,they are green and healty.Did you accidentally splash the plant when you have feeding them?It can make spots on leaves...I grow without any ph corrector or ppm meter,water my plants with tap water.In my country we have great source of water and our tap water is 100% drinkable.I think that ph is neutral,never check it.I am watering my plants with that water and they feel great.I know that plant's grow better under ideal condicion but many people fuck up their plants trying to achive ideal ph.You have realy nice journal and crew,hope that you have one more chair for me.
I will go take a peek, that seems a little odd to me, sometimes early sprouts just can be stragglers though. I bet it will pick up and catch up soonYes soil girl my euphoeria is behind my OHS I posted pics on my journal today
haha thanks daTs! I totally agree now, I got a bit carried away because it seemed to happen so quickly and I didn't understand why.Backing this up 100% ! I never tested my water and didn't have an issue so far with nutrient lockout/deficiency. As long as it's good for you to drink, it's good for them to as well Though, I never use my tap water, because mine is not drinkable but that's besides the point, they still get tap water, just from a different house
so I tied it back up with some pantyhose and a stick and I'm sure it'll heal right up.
It's starting to get warm in here.
Alright here's Juicy Lucy, I am holding off tying it back down &
she has a spider guarding her from other bugs
Hahaha you should go get some! They're stretchy but strong perfect for tying up snapped or torn branches! Or tying them down for that matter.
LOL pantyhose turn me on too. they feel so sexy. Or did you just mean I gave you an idea..? Lol well, just FYI then...
Alright here's today's update, just a little more in-depth look at my plants than yesterday's
About big UKH1, I watered with 4 gallons of clean rainwater yesterday, and the problems seemed to stop spreading right aftwewards. The affected leaves got a little worse overnight but overall, I think I'm in the clear now, and I'm going to stop my pH adjustments henceforth and see how it goes
Here's big UKH1:
Juicy Lucy, or big UKH2, is looking great! Loving the extra soil, stems are thickening noticeably every day, more pistils every day, I think even though big UKH1 will give me a bigger yield, probably, Juicy Lucy will be my star plant this summer
Sad news for her is a snapped one of her main top branches when trying to hand train it downwards a bit, so I tied it back up with some pantyhose and a stick and I'm sure it'll heal right up. Keeping an eye on it..
You can see the branch I snapped, actually the tallest top at the moment because I am holding off tying it back down 'til it heals up. The pistil pic is also of that branch.
Now, first pic is UKH1's mid sized clone, she actually has a spider guarding her from other bugs just like UKH2's mid sized clone. In the family photo you can see Euphoria on the white chair, BBK in the greyish pot at the bottom left, my mid sized UKH2 clone in the middle, and the 2 baby UKH2 clones down low.
Now a peek at my "FIM's" on Euphoria and BBK. Euphoria, I actually did perfectly, that is the first pic. There are four tops starting to grow evenly at the same "hub"
Now on the bottom pic is the BBK fim, which wasn't perfect, but I think I may still get 3 tops out of it.
Thanks for following! Keep it green!
Edit: Oh and I also took a beautiful little clone off of my mid-sized UKH1 clone. Keeping her genetics alive in case I found a gem there! Will add a pic of it below later.
LOL yeahhhh.... sorry for the TMI moment >.< ........ I get a bit stoned and lose my filters every now and then..... Sorry 420 mag, laying off the x-rated stuff! Promise!WOW!!! whats is going on in HERE lol. I go away for a week and come back to this lol This to like a bogo/f journl..
Aw thanks for coming by again trichs! Sometimes I see my spider guards, sometimes I only see their webs and go into mite-terminator-judgement-day modewow! I'm drenched! the words Juicy Lucy, the purple nail polish & then your pictures, have me drooling
I tried to see your carnivorous, plant-guard but could not spot him, I always let the good bugs stay around, too.
Do you leave the girls outside & uncovered? Have you seen moths in your yard?
Your plants are AWESOME! this yard is going to have some monsters!! I like your PH share, too, I had similar issues,
Lester helped straighten me out on PH, it is rarely a problem if you have good soil and don't over water. my 2 cents
Much appreciated trichs! LOL I'm glad you enjoyed that!SoilGal, i read your post and nearly wet myself,
I have not replied yet, because my inbox keeps getting filled to capacity,
I'm getting PMs from pollinators all over the world, they're all asking me to introduce SG to them.
Don't worry SG , i have your back, i tell them we're hitched.
LOL, moving on again.........>^. . ^<
Thank you trapper!Great looking girls SG