CO Finest
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  • Some of your signature links are broken for me. You might look into that
    Hey I have seen most of ur videos and reviews I just got my unit farm grow bar I never knew mars had the same build was wondering if the mars sp 250 also has Cree and Osram chips also how do u like them thanks so much finest
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    CO Finest
    CO Finest
    They have the same adjustments on the bottom of the drivers. Yours has cree and osram. The cost difference is that. Epistar are cheaper and do not put out the par. Grow bars came out first. Mars copied to make a cheaper model just like our tents. Mars makes cheaper and mid level products for people on budgets. There stuff is good I have proved that myself just can not compare to unit farm level. Ours are all mid and high level.
    What did u find best for hanging hight with the grow bar I currently have mine 22” above the canapy first week of flower
    Cree makes the lenses
    stupid question
    i have a flood tray in my tent but the tent came with a reflective skirt and when i took out the tray it seemed to give that side of the tent more light. should i still use the tray or the provided skirt. just pondering and wanted to know whatyou thought.
    thanks in advance
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    CO Finest
    CO Finest
    Sorry for late reply. Just got my messages. What kind of light are you using> Hps,Mh,Led,cfl? With skirt in you will get a little reflection from it making area look brighter but that really don't get to the buds of the plant. It might help with bottom growth but it will still be fluff under there on plants. I have not ever seen any weight loss in my tents when I have put flood trays in. The reason I ask about light is with Led most of that light goes straight down to plants so does not need bottom reflection. Hps and Mh throw light all over and do use reflection areas well just not the floor to much with the height of light I still do not think you will see any loss in yield. Most of the reflection from floor skirts hit the pots not to much makes it to the plant to make any differences that I have seen.
    I've read your answers to problems for other growers and found them very educational. I've only been growing (indoors) for almost two years and am still learning everyday!
    If you have the time, I have a question for you about a pH mystery I have encountered.
    Hello. I'm just a guy who reads and sometimes replies to varies forums and grow journals. I have read some of your posts and noticed that your in Colorado. I'm thinking of flying to CO with my wife to try out different MMJ to see if a strain helps my pain. I was wondering if you had any info on which dispensaries are ok; how does it work for out of staters? Can I buy edibles. Coming from NY and I have a couple plants growing but they are couple months away from even 12/12 flip so I'd like to try MMJ sooner - hence trip to CO. Lastly, I've seen ads for "Tours" do you know these.
    I greatly appreciate your time and consideration. Thanks, Jaamz
    Well I thought I would see if being on 16 hours a day 7 days a week going thew forums and helping people grows,Posting video with true info on lights and doing some DIY and doing over 150 post in two weeks would help being a member of the month. It did not so o well they don't judge by that kind of stuff I guess. I am going back into my hole and keep to my self again. It shows that the way its looked at is not explained right. Doing Four grow rooms and being here is like having two full time jobs witch I do not mind. My love for growing will never end. This is the only web site I ever been on for my grows but its time for me to look around. If you took the time to read this I thank you for your time and wish you all Happy Growing...
    Well I started thinking why not add lights for all the under grow. Weight is weight. So extra side lights added and running good.
    Ok emergency Scrog net done. Train is on her way to get scrogged out then the lights will get flipped. She looks like about 4-8 weeks to fill it. Happy Growing.
    Up date flower and veg room. The aftermath after all the moving plants around and just wanted to bs a little with you guys. Thanks for all your support and watching. CO Finest Up date flower and veg room - YouTube
    Ok test is in on 144x3 the numbers are what was the Max showed on meter. +or_.05
    Veg aka bloom only Lums. 6" 32,671 1' 19.546 2' 9.323
    Flower mode Lums. 6" 42'411 1' 29.732 2' 12.553
    Ok today was a really long day in the grow tents. Fist off I saw me Big Buds and Flow were showing signs of trouble. So I ph my water just to start with and saw my water has changed from 7.0 too 9.8. Good call on that check. Note to all and self always check water first. Now that that problem is fixed. I was looking in veg room and saw there is no way I could fit 23 more solo cups full of new girls. So decision was made to make the final move for the old Train mother over to the flower tent. Now she is in here final resting place to veg untill she gets 5'x5' then the switch will be switched. Then after that move I transplanted two big cones and two FLO clones.
    Getting them going in solo cup and ready to go into there final homes in the 7 gallon smart pots in a few weeks. they will be joining Train mother later on. Now next step was I moved the train clones that are in smart pots over where mother train was under the Top Led 144x3 light. So now that light is veging Three trains choo choo. Ok enough of the funny biz. Now back to the flower room I have two of the Top LED 144x3 Now on Bloom on mother Train __choo_choo. tomorrow I will be doing some tie downs on mother train and help her get to the goal size to flower. Now back to the seeds. Much respect to ! Buy Cannabis Seeds Online - Herbies Seeds Updated:6th Mar 2014 - Cheap Marijuana Seeds UK I will be putting all the seeds that have the tap roots out into rapid rooters the into the DOME.. oh ya. (I will have to make a spin the bottle board game to see with one to smoke soon).
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