Also got a new batch of soil cooking up!! Couple little tweaks this time around in response to the plants that went down into the last mix. We were very close, and definitely had some success from the last batch. But I'm so stoked for this next time round! Soil food web planning is starting to feel like second nature... yippee!
So this time round, I decided to make a few changes; I'm starting with a lower ratio of the peat moss/coir, and instead trading it out for a higher ratio of compost! I'm also adding more amendments into the initial load, and adding worms and a layer of pea straw/sugar cane mulch
This latest recipe was:
Base Mix:
-60L Local Organic Fully Cooked Compost
-20L Supersoil Amendments Compost
-30L Canna Professional (Peat Moss)
-20L Canna Professional Plus (Coir)
-50L Rice Hulls
-20L Horticultural Charcoal
-3.5 cups gypsum
-5 cups Palagonite
-4 cups Azomite
-7 cups Volcanic Rock Dust
-1.5 cups potash
-4 cups Diatomaceous Earth
-3.5 cups Crustacean blend
-5 cups home ground egg shells
-3.5 cups neem meal
-3.5 cups coconut meal
-4 cups kelp meal
-2 cups soybean meal
-2.5 cups alfalfa meal
-2.5 cups guano
-2.5 tbsp epsom salts
- humic/fulvic acid watered in with roughly 30L of water to wet soil
Then I added a sprinkling of clover and alfalfa seeds (not sure if they'll sprout under all the mulch, but we'll see!), added a box of wormies, a 2" thick or so layer of pea straw/ sugar cane mulch, and left her spread out in a little trench on my tarp! Can't wait for this to cook down!!