We've managed to get our RH in a better range, and are trying to fight these cold temps with a big ol space heater in the plant room. Flower tent looks happy, so if I can keep RH down and keep them drinking, we should be sitting pretty!
Got another 5 litres spread across these three ladies today, and we'll see how they're looking over the next few days!
And the veg tent is still sad. I tried watering them with 5L and some of the Earth Alive Soil Activator that the lovely people down at Geoflora sent me, looks like that should be a nice microbe hit. We'll see if that helps give these ladies what they are missing! Or fixes what is being locked out... Haha I guess time will tell!
These flowers are getting a little closer each day! Sure makes it easier to have patience when we are gone all day every day. But once these get the chop, I think they will be lethal! We're in the home stretch now! I'm slightly concerned at how many pistils are dying back, mostly just on the one top of one plant, and she's not the tallest/closest to the light... I've checked hard for any balls/nanners and haven't seen anything, but at a little over 5 weeks I wouldn't quite expect that yet... I guess time will tell!
Veg tent is still looking a little rough, and I think there is still spots developing further up the plant, but they are definitely growing still... Can't wait till I can flip them and get these plants out of the way a little bit! I just think I'll need to split them up from the new babies when I do, and I don't want to start them under 12/12 in case they grow quickly and leave me needing to split up the gang part of the way through flower. Just another few weeks and we should have a tent available again!
Still getting some pretty big RH fluctuations, but nothing like 90% anymore! These flowers aren't hugely thick, so I don't think mould will be a huge problem anyway, but you can never be too careful! I can't afford to lose any of this harvest, I'm desperate!!
Can't really tell if the veg tent is getting any happier or not... Still a veryyyy light colour in the new growth. But we are finally seeing new growth happening! Can't wait to flip these ladies and see what they give us! I wonder if they'll stretch when we do flip? We'll see!
Flowers are looking and smelling fantastic! I think two might be clones of the same mother, because they are starting to purple similarly! Can't wait to see how they finish out!!
Still some good growth, but hungry for something... I'll keep watering them for a little while, but I'm going to need to flip them basically as soon as I can! Which will probably be when the other ladies finish in the flower tent!
The ladies finally got the flip! I've been debating for about a week, but I definitely found some nanners in the two flowers with the browning pistils... Looks like that was something to be worried about! It was definitely a little too early, which is what threw up the red flags
So I gave the two nannery girls the chop, sterilised (kind of... ) the tents, and gave the girl scout cookies babies their own dedicated tent and put the last remaining flower girl with the two older veg ladies to start their very first day of flower! We'll try to be a little more diligent with not interrupting the dark cycle for these ladies, and hopefully they won't get so stressed they herm on me!
Day-night temp fluctuations are more than I'd like to see, but ladies are looking pretty good! They still aren't quiteee the colour I'd like to see, so we'll give them some proper blackstrap molasses with next watering and see if that helps at all. Flower lady is looking beautiful at around 7 weeks! Won't be too much longer now!
Wowee! Things have been crazy busy here, and I've had no time to keep my journal up to date! We are down to two lovely ladies in the flower tent, chugging along beautifully! We are almost exactly three weeks since I flipped the lights, and these girls are gearing up for some healthy flowers! Still some spotting through the growth, they're hungry girls for sure. But they're still flowering nicely, so I'm not too concerned yet!