Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I think it depends on where and when you Top them. Topped plants produce smaller buds more of them.
Make sense unless you remove lower off all branches leaving top three mayeb or four only depending on height and how open she can get i guess.

Cool man good chatting buddy .

Hey what’s the word and new possibilities you will move to something better and with garden capabilities if anyone is should have access to outdoor growing it should be you man.
Pennywise got some skill boys .

Many of us do don’t get me wrong... just there are good growers and there decent growers and then there are great growers .

If one thing I’ve learned here on magazine over the few years is no matter the quality or size ; most of us love doing it .

Some our money
Some our fame

But I know who the real true ogs are .

Shit did I just rant again ? Lol
Mine are only 2 weeks into 12/12. Not much smell yet. The other one has allot more side branching. Leaves look the same but must be a different pheno. I've grown a few strains from world of seeds. Had good luck with all of them so far
I am a breeding master!!!!!!!!!!!! More and more seeds showing up on the M.O.B. looks like I will have plenty if they finish right. Kind of puts a little stock in my feminizing ideas. Sure didn't look like there was that much pollen. I know it doesn't take much and one grain of pollen is pretty small. I watched and looked hard to see any sign of pollen. If all these seeds turn out. Might have to name this one.
Afgooie test bud is smelling pretty much like ass crack. This stuff gives Dank a whole new name. Can't wait for it to dry so I can get a taste." Which sounds crazy after the ass crack comment". Still watching it close for harvest time. Any day now for it. The others are in all kinds of disarray. Some ok others looking pretty bad this close to harvest time. I loose weight not pushing plants I am sure. Lots of times this is great because there is little flush time and flavors are great. Other times they show a lot of deficiencies at the end because I didn't feed them enough. Once plants get to the stage they are just finishing buds they don't take in enough water to recover from deficiencies fast enough. Some end up looking shitty the last few weeks. Another problem that always pops up growing new strains every grow.
Next grow is up in the air now. New seed order and the outcome of the M.O.B. seeds have a lot to do with it. Can't wait for my month off though. Might even go some where for more then 2 days
Here is my little freaky girl.

Getting bigger. Doing lots better since the Cal/Mag treatment. Thanks again Mi. Wish I could say the same for its sister which took another step back. Blueberry Headband is no longer my favorite strain. The fact that it is such a bitch to grow is reason enough. Its the Headband I like anyway and its easy to grow LMAO. Going to make Headband Haze when the Canalope haze gets here. It is a close second to the BH in flavor and the CH is easy to grow like the Headband.
Yeah they both show great crystal formation. Funny thing is that the hairs on the freak died real fast all white hairs have been gone for a while and the buds keep growing. I have seen this before in strains so it is not freaking me out. Just one of those weird things strains do as they mature. When looking at the hairs this plant looks finished. With a scope you can still see all clear growing trichomes. Whats really funny is that it is the longest flowering strain in this grow. I know they have another month but they look ready now. Scopes and loupes have changed so much in growing..
Ass crack :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am sorry to say Ass crack tastes pretty good. How this smell can have sweet flavor is beyond me LMAO. Smell is getting stronger all the time. Only a few days left now.
Went back to see the description to double check harvest time. They mention "Smelly resin". Funny damn way to say ass crack. The high is everything they said it was. Heady, confusing, strong, its all of that. Going to be interesting to see what the extra week will do. I tested after smoking some already that day it put me out. I need to try this first thing of the day to see what it can do all on its own. Going to need a slow day for it. From what I can see this may be a day wrecker.
Pulled the Crown Royal today. It could probable take a few more days but the plant is looking pretty bad. Late in flower I got behind on the nuits with it. Now it is showing something else. It is well within the harvest window as most of the trichomes have turned cloudy. Indica dominate so a early harvest might mellow it. With the Afgooey turning into couch potato weed I don't need 2 LOL. I have heard nutty as a description of smell and flavor before. First I have really noticed before was with the Crown Royal. Pinched a bud smelled it. Backed away and smelt peanut butter. It is one of those underlying smells but very prominent. Always nice to see what people mean when they explain a smell or taste.
Today the Crown Royal tomorrow either the Afgooey or the CBDdurban. Everything is starting to finish up. Can't wait for the time off LOL.
One very good thing. With problems popping up with in this grow. I am lucky that the 2 plants that are making seeds are doing great. All seeds should be good as far as plant health is concerned. Plant health is also a reason I never considered using the Blueberry Headband for a hybrid. It has the longest finish time of all my strains this run.
One bad thing. I won't know how good the M.O.B. really is. After pollination plants put energy into seed making. It is the search for pollen that makes a plant keep putting on crystal to try and catch just one piece. All that stopped when I gave it pollen. Yes plants will still be good even if they make seeds. They won't show their true potential tell they are grown free of pollen. There is no reason this hybrid won't be great. Hybrid vigor will give me that.
This one was at 3/4 cloudy. had to take it early because it was going down hill fast. No time for corrections. I think it was a PH or salt build up. With this new tent set up I get puddles real bad. I didn't water like I should have. No 20% run off which carries a lot of nasty stuff from the soil. Worked fine for most but it doesn't take much to create problems with picky plants. Crown Royal did really well. I didn't do my best job growing it though.
One way to make US strains stronger then Canadian ones LMAO.
Afgooey got pulled again today. Down to 5 plants now. I mentioned looking forward to a break. Not going to happen LMAO. One thing about using so much power for HID lights. When you shut them off your electric bill goes way down. When you consider lights, exhaust fans, and circulating fans it is a huge difference. That difference is a red flag. Best to keep you bills consistant. It takes a while to build your electric bill right. Slowly add lights. When you reach the amount of lights you need. You have to keep them bills regular after that. Never having too major increase or decrease. I also try and add lights at the time bills go higher. Air conditioners and heaters use lots of power so increase's in hot or cold weather can go unnoticed. The higher your bill is. The easier it is to have a increase or decrease without much notice.
So with that said. If I am going to have lights on there might as well be plants underneath them. Going with 4 auto's on this one to see what the hype is all about.
Going to start another journal for it. I will be continuing this journal tell I get seeds out of the 2 seeded plants. Starting to see a little tan on the one showing on the PB. It was pollinated over a week earlier so it should finish first.
Took a while to get followers on this journal now that it is finally almost over lol. Feel free to join me in my next one. It will be "Old school goes Auto". The only thing I can say for sure is it will be interesting at the least.
Well the tent is looking pretty sparse. Pulled the real sick Blueberry Headband. Poor thing just got to sick to recover in time. The other is the freak and it is doing okay at best but it "Will" finish. I won't get much but it is going to be great.
As you can see the only 4 plants left. The CBDdurban is just days away. Already mostly cloudy. Just a couple of clear left. Any other strain I would take it right now. With it being a low THC strain I better give it time to get as strong as I can. First CBD plant and have no idea what it will be like to smoke. I can make oil if I need but I'm a smoker and I love my doobies. Picture got lost in the transfer but its a good looking plant. I will get some before I cut it.
Not a whole lot of pictures of this one for some reason. This is what all the trouble is over. The Purple Betty clone or GP Betty as this pheno doesn't show purple. Some of its offspring will I am guessing. Looks to be at least another week for seeds to mature. Hard to tell with this one because it was pollinated a lot earlier.

Here's the M.O.B. you can see the seeds in this picture pretty well. Going to be tons of them. Because It is producing tons more seeds then I planned and has Trailer Trash Betty in it I thought to call it Ghetto Trash. Not that I am politically correct because I am far from it. Ghetto has no color either. But in this day in age it is better not to poke the bear LMAO.
The fact that I had no name in mind is funny because I have made and named a million strains in my time. Still I was kind at a lose for a name. Because it is the first "All Female" hybrid I have ever bred a Thought came to mind. I have a niece that is gay. She is a bad ass. At 5'4" she worked he way up from being a jailer for juveniles to graduating at the top of her class at officer training school. She is now a Sheriff officer. Just the fact that she is willing to do it with the way the police are treated these days says a lot. Like I said I'm not politically correct so I have no problem naming a feminized hybrid after a lesbian. Especially a bad ass one.
So the new strain if it all works out will be Kat Berry. Its a real thing though I don't thing people eat them LOL. Spelling had to change to make it work. Can't spell anyway LMAO. I don't know if the real Cat berries smell like berries or not but this strain is going to be very berry as both parents have a great berry smell.
Jackalope I have a question I wanna Roll a Spliff using leaves I’ve taken off my plant. Has anyone done this. If so what method should I use to properly Prepare the leaves for rolling could I use a light honey to stick multiple leaves together. Should I allow them to dry or should I roll them green then let dry
Not a clue what you are talking about
Okay ... there is talk that you can add due into medium it will make buds glow in dark affect under blurple lights z
Jackalope I have a question I wanna Roll a Spliff using leaves I’ve taken off my plant. Has anyone done this. If so what method should I use to properly Prepare the leaves for rolling could I use a light honey to stick multiple leaves together. Should I allow them to dry or should I roll them green then let dry

Yes it has been done. With some success but mostly failure. Most people fail because they do not a workable idea to start with. You need use the fingers before drying. You just use single fingers of the leaf one at a time. I would see if you could find rice glue. " the same stuff they use for rolling papers. I do believe it used for other things and is available. Honey would effect burn rates and would be a problem. You may try sugar water if you can find nothing else.
Then it is best to use a joint roller. Put enough product in the roller for a joint. Then with the leaf finger at a angle slowly roll it in the roller. That is the key to the rice glue. You can put in spots to keep the leaf finger stuck to itself. "Cigars all have a wrap around them before the leaves."It might be best to recreate that with a thin paper". After you have rolled the fingers around the joint. "At least 2 layers". Then wrap a rolling paper around everything to keep it all together. Then you will need to let it dry for a few days. After it is totally dry you can remove the paper and everything should stay stuck together. The drying and curing of the leaves around the joint will be key I think for a proper burn.
I have never did this before. I smoked one once. It worked okay so I know it can be done. That is the basic process the guy used. He said the roller and a way to glue the leaves together were key. This was back in the 80's. If the stuff was available then you should be able to get it now.
There will be a lot of trial and era but with practice and some trial and era you should be able to get one to burn.
Back in the day the guy never mentioned a inner wrap. I think it would help keep it all together right. You will need to find some really thin rice papers for it if you do. In the end you will only get a joint that will burn just ok. It will be a lot of work and a lot of practice. Still the cool factor of showing up with a joint cigar would be worth it.
One of the keys is going to be what type of leaves will work. Sativa leaves are much thinner and skinnier so they may not be best for this. Some indica strains have thick leathery leaves. Not just the wide ones, leathery leaves are different. You will know if you have ever had a strain that has them. It would be what I started with if I was going to use anything.
You have to let me know how it works if you choose to except this mission.
Sounds like crap dude. Still never heard of it. One thing I know for sure with growing. Trying to make a plant do something it is not naturally going to do can only cause problems. Stick with N-P-K and a few trace elements and leave all that other crap alone. Most of it is all crap and is for growers not plants. Remember anything that goes in the soil has to come out. The more you add the more you need to make sure is flushed out in the end.
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