Db003's Auto Grow - Advanced Seeds Auto Somango - Mars II 400 Veg Tent

Hey db003, is the 3rd plant suffering from a Potassium deficiency? This can be caused by too much Nitrogen or Calcium in the feeds. I just had a quick look through my problem guide and it seems to be the case unless I'm seeing something on the pictures that isn't as bad as it looks. Wishing you well and good luck with the grow. All the best :thumb:
quick update I had to add some play sand to my autos I started to see some root gnats flying around and I don't want to have bad infestation like I did in my last grow




i just got my auto's man and cant wait to pop them :circle-of-love: yours are growing so fast i hope mine are as fast! how long did it say it will going to take from germ to harvest?
i just got my auto's man and cant wait to pop them :circle-of-love: yours are growing so fast i hope mine are as fast! how long did it say it will going to take from germ to harvest?

this strain says 60 days but we will see :popcorn: and glad you got your seeds will you be doing a journal for them or just adding to the one you have going?
hello fellow growers today is Saturday 8/29/2015 the autos are in day #18 and day #16 from when i planted them I just got done watering my plants I successfully switched my light schedule to night my veg tent light comes on at 8 pm to 2 pm when I opened the tent the temperature was 86 degrees its at 88 now and the light came on almost a hour ago so it looks like the switch was a good idea so far I will have to see what the temps look like tomorrow

in this watering I used just a tsp of molasses and a quarter of a tsp of Cal mag still giving the clone plain water only




that sux man i would just try to keep the door on your tent open when the lights are on. i had a fan actually blowing air in last year when my temps were getting really hot
autos are in day #21 and #19 so I gave my autos there first dose of full strength nutes today I will see how they react to them over the next few days it is crazy how fast they are growing I will post some pics of them tomorrow

in this watering I used one tsp. of the following except for the Cal mag I only used half of a tsp. I think to be honest I forgot

roots organic Buddha grow
roots organic trinity
roots organic ancient amber
soul synthetics amino aide
earth juice hi brix molasses
earth juice Cal mag
geez those autos really are blowing up man hope mine do as good
what's up everyone today is Friday 9/4/2015 today is one of my of my watering days I just gave them plain water nothing else those autos grow so fast auto Somango s1 is in day #24 and auto Somango s2 is in day #22

and I decided to transplant my clone to a bigger 3 gallon pot and to get it out of that dam plastic pot since I have been using fabric pots I will never see myself ever going back to plastic pots again don't get me wrong they have there place just not in my garden that's for sure

the pot I transplanted to says its 3 gallon but I think its more like 4 gallon its almost as big as my 5 gallon pots its no big deal but to me its not a 3 gallon pot I could be wrong but I still don't think its 3 gallon lol it looks fucking huge compared to my other 3 gallon pots I have that the autos are in :hmmm:








great eye on catching when it needed to be transplanted, didnt look like the roots were rootlogged but they were showing. and the auto's are nice, i hope mine look as nice!!
I just got done watering both my auto Somango's day #27 and day #25 both are getting full strength nutes now I got to say they are growing so fast I swear they getting bigger every day and my clone is on day #34 since I had it under veg lights I just transplanted it a 3 days ago to a oversized 3 gallon pot so its still getting plain water for a while. p.s. these are my first autos I have grown

if you look at the pics the one that is more developed is the s1 it is two days older but the younger one the s2 just got a bit taller then the older one but with less side branching

in this watering I used one tsp. of the following except for the Cal mag I only used half of a tsp. I think I added a eighth of a tsp of npk raw silica I forgot I mix my nutes a day before I water so I am not sure if so great if not its on big deal I am not sure because I was also mixing nutes for my plant in flower and I know I gave it silica I just don't remember if I gave it to the autos as well... lol :hmmmm:

one gallon of nutes were split between both plants and I watered with a little plain water so I could get a little run off

roots organic Buddha grow
roots organic trinity
roots organic ancient amber
roots organic extreme serene
soul synthetics amino aide
earth juice hi brix molasses
earth juice Cal mag










got bored so I did a little lst on one of my autoflowers even thought the one I did the lst on is a few days younger then my other one it was starting to get taller

they are both the same strain advanced seeds auto Somango and they were only germinated and planted two days apart but they look like two totally different plants one is tall and stretched out and one is just as tall but has way more branch development all over the place

so far and I am happy that both are showing signs of being female and have preflowers at the nodes both were feminized seeds but that does not guarantee you will get females





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