Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Thanks a lot jack I knew you was the man with a plain. And beautiful writing. I’ll follow your advice. And the rolling machine what a brilliant idea. I was thinking of rolling it like a backwood Cigar leafs I’ll definitely show you how it works out. Thanks a million.
Morning Jack. I was wondering if you are familiar with Grape Krush from DJ shorts old world genetics. Last night I was trying to decide what bean to soak. I had one open slot. Was between JC2 and the GK. Went with the GK. Looks like it could have some potential if it's not a dude
A lot matters what else was being grown. I try to keep my plant types mixed to cover all my needs. This never really works because tell you grow it and smoke it you just don't know. I know the name but I can't remember its genetics. So far everything I have grown from TGA has been what they say it is.
I would have considered what else was in the grow in case a it did turn male. Males are a pain in the ass but they have value. Start thinking which plants would be best for a hybrid if you choose. If you are not going to sex it early. It will only leave long flowering strains to choose from. Not a big deal. GK could add a interesting flavor profile to long flower sativa's.
I pulled the CBDdurban from the tent today. While most of the trichomes are cloudy. There are still a few clear ones. Hard choice to make. Leave it so it can get as strong as possible, Or pull it before I started to loose THC to amber trichomes. I decided to harvest as I always do. Here are the final pic's

This plant still looks like it could be strong. Trichomes carry CBD as much as THC so it is stupid to think CBD plants won't be covered in crystal too. I have smoked a few CBD strains. Some I liked others did nothing for me. If this strain makes the 8 to 10% 1-1 THC/CBD then it should be ok. I am hoping for a 2-1 it would smoke better I am sure.
I sure hope everyone here follows me over to the Old school goes Auto Journal. As this one will be winding down. They may be Auto strains but the smart ass comments and mindless thoughts will all be there.
So far every thing is coming in at around 2 oz's Perfectly fine for me. I thought some of these would do better. All new strains so I didn't know what they each wanted. I am sure I could have got more out of the Cinderalla 99 and the Crown Royal with a better feeding schedule. Still as long as I can stay in the 2 oz range I am happy. Another reason while my plant count was higher before. It was easy to get a ounce a plant so I just grew enough at that size to fit my needs. Now that my plant counts are going down I need to find ways to get more out of each plant.
Things are not going as planned with the Auto grow. Might end up back here with a 12/12 from seed grow. Just thought of it yesterday. I would have went with this option if I would have thought the grow out more. Like I said it was a sper of the second moment. Defiantly not one of my over thought grows like normal.

Afghooey is dry now and curing. Pretty strong but not the type of high I like so I am not sure how strong. Still smells "dank" ( or like ass crack for Mi LMAO) and has decent flavor.

The Crown Royal is drying slower. Only have tried a couple wispy lower buds so far so I will wait to explain it.

All the Blueberry Headbands are manicured and drying. Not what I expected and it was hard to grow. I don't know where the viney plant structure came from. Headband and Blueberry should not have it. I don't know what Blueberry they used. maybe it was something other then D.J. Shorts which might explain it. Still both have that great Headband smell to them. Really strong in the freak plant. I won't get much from these, if they have that signature Headband high it will all be worth it. Trust me worth it is a good way to put how hard that freak plant was to trim. Ended up with 6 multi headed buds. Most were not to bad. That main cola was a bitch. They look cool but they never produce worth a shit. Except for fan leaves around the buds. It produced plenty of them in that 5 headed monster of a cola I had.

CBDdurban is in waiting now. It could be the big producer so far. Trimming it made things even worse. That thing has beautiful frosty hard buds. Would be a shame if I can't smoke it to enjoy in. The CBD should be there so I can always make oil to vap. Still I am a smoker and would rather be able to do that. Old school smash weed was supposed to be in the 6% to 8 % THC range. Some of that shit got you higher then f*#k. If it hits the 10 range it is supposed to then I should be able to feel the high. Still up in the air if I will like it even if I can feel it. I am a picky old man.

Both seeded plants are big and will produce at least the 2 oz's everything else did. The Purple Betty should produce over 3 oz's. As it should that is why I selfed it. Spotted a tan seed on the M.O.B. so it won't be long now. The PB seeds will be done sooner but I can't see many of them. It was pollinated a week before the M.O.B. Purple Betty has a huge harvest window so it will be no big deal. You can take this strain deep in to flower for more purple to show up in the buds with no major lose of potency. This also adds depth to the flavor.While the mixed purple or green pheno's might be a little stronger. The ones that have totally purple buds have a deeper richer flavor. It is the pheno the breeder use's for a mother plant. Bag appeal, taste, and quality of high has this the collage town favorite. They even renamed it to Purple Fire for some reason. That was when "Fire" strains were starting. Breeder didn't care what they called it as long as they bought it. It is a small collage town. When the breeder of this strain harvest a crop. It doesn't matter what he is growing. The sales for all other strains around town drop tell it is all gone. Blah Blah Blah. I'm gone LOL.
CBDdurban is a win. Ended up trying it after a few hits of C-99. Still I felt they effects which is all I wanted. Going to be testing involved here. All the Auto's died so we are staying here for the next Sativa grow. Fill you all in more when we see what pops.
They have all popped so that is good. They have played this trick on me before so I'm not fooled. I will be breaking out the Solo cups today. If they show their heads above ground then I will be happy. When they get above ground then it is all on me.
I am going to let the plants establish themselves well in their first pots before re-potting and going into 12/12. I have some tall 30oz ones. They are clear so I haven't been using them. The fact that they are 2 inches taller will give these starts a little more tap root space. Not sure how much this will help if any but it is a good plan anyway lol.
Wow has anyone been to Attitude lately? I recently checked the Brothers Grimm site there. Grimm has their "Princess" getting jiggy with some pretty impressive girls. Funny how much men like Girl on Girl action LMAO. All I know is they crossed 2 of my favorite strains. Headband x C-99 is girl on girl action I have to see. Found a source for Grimm seeds that I don't have to send cash to so here I am spending more money on genetics. To the tune of over 500$ worth of new genetics. Yes I am the same guy that said I wasn't buying anymore. The addition of Cannalope and C-99 regular seeds will give me all the breeding males I need. I have lots of Indica genetics with males but only a few sativa strain males to work with.
Cinderella 99 is a forever strain for me now. I need to get a pack of regular seeds so I can figure out a way to supply enough seeds for that. I will probably self it but a male will solve my problems in case that doesn't work. I will have a mix of 3 different types of Grimms C-99. The Regular, feminized, and the XX feminized. I will probably cross a male from the regular pack with one of the XXL females. Still kind of a F-2 but with different parents it should be fine. Cinderella is stable enough it shouldn't be a problem. Sometime soon I will make a bunch of regular seeds just to have the supply. After I have them then I can work on selfing a special plant and going from there.
Got all the new sprouts in dirt. We shall see how they do. After the last time who knows. Some might say I killed those Auto's on purpose. I promise I didn't lol. Pretty hard to prove that considering I have never lost 100% of popped seeds. My guess is to deep. The sprouts I found were deeper then I thought. A seed hole in a 4 inch pot seems deep. That same hole in a 3 gallon pot is just a dimple. Who knows but I know to watch that stuff now if it happens again. Don't see myself starting seeds in a 3 gallon pot anytime soon. Got no damn auto's left to do it with anyway LMAO.
With a new supply line for genetics. I am probably going to change how I do things. Got to always keep supply just in case. But with fresh new genetics breed by competent people. I don't need supply all my genetics any more. I will probably grow 2 or 3 strains per grow. This way I constantly add a few seeds and I get to try more strains regularly.
This just in. I can germinate a seed. 2 sets of leaves up. 2 necks coming out of the soil.
Mi on a normal grow I do the same thing as you do. I have went to 4" x 4" square pots first instead of the solo cups just because they don't fall over as easy. Plus I get to the 1 gallon pots sooner. Just days away from harvesting the M.O.B. 1/3 of the seed pods have split and are showing a seed. Seeds in the Purple Betty are harder to see but they should be done it was pollinated first.

But whats most important now is fishing. Derby this weekend. $15,000 tagged fish. Boy the genetics I could buy then LMAO. Not much chance of that happening. But now there is a chance to make money right along with the chance to get skunked. Hell I fish when there is no money involved. Big rainbows is the plan for the day.
No 15K fish for me. No big rainbows either. Only pesky little 12" to 14" fish. Numbers do make for a fun day though. Had family show up so I had to change fishing plans. Me? Change fishing plans? For other people? Those things rarely happen. Never all on the same day. Closest thing I have to a daughter showed up for the weekend. Her and her step daughter wanted to spend some time on the lake. Trolling with down riggers is not a fun way for a 2nd grader to fish. No reason at all not to stop trolling in the middle of a run to take a swim. Of course I mentioned that the fish we were catching really like little pink toes. LMAO. my own fault we ended up on a beach to finish the swim.
For me. Changing "My" plans to make a better day for a little girl just doesn't happen. There is a reason I am single, I don't have to be concerned about what others what to do. I guess I am a better person then I thought I was. In the passed I would have not got passed the "Change" in time to enjoy the moment. Glad I did.
As you can tell by all the Random crap. One grow is winding down with only the M.O.B. left making seeds. We shall see in a week or so to see how many seeds the Purple Betty made. Going to give the M.O.B. another couple of days. 1/2 are split and opening.
We have 5 females in the sativa grow. All came up but the Arjan's Haze. Old seed so who knows. The seed had popped before going in the soil. It just never came up. This is not rare and has happened. Most grows might have one. Nothing like what happened before.
The sativa's that have come up will get a couple weeks veg time. How ever long it takes them to get well established in those 30 ounce cups. Only plants I will get to really play with are the Chocoloco. I have 3 of them so 1 will get topped while the other 2 will get to grow differently. At least one will get to grow as tall as it wants. I say tall. That can't happen. I can bends and train it's top to grow sideways. See if I can fit a 9 foot tall plant in a 8 foot tent. Down the side across the back and up the other side is almost 12 feet. With only 5 plants I will have the room to do many different things. Training a plant around the tent will be easy with that much room. Only thing that will stop it is the grow time. Still not going to give it much veg time, they won't get quite that big but they might.
I tried to germinate a grape Krush seed that barley had a white spot on the seed shell after sitting in the paper towel for 4 days. I stuck in in a 1 gallon pots ( already had loaded with dirt ) and after a week that bastard popped it's ass up out of the dirt. LMAO....made me think of your auto beans you didn't locate
Thought about that LOL. They wouldn't have did well with the 12 hours of light the sativa's are going to get. That is why all the dirt went back into the bag LMAO better not to know. I scratched around and looked for the Arjan Haze seed. Can't find it anywhere. I'm thinking alien abduction.
It is still getting watered. Who knows it may still come up.
It's a Girl! I guess that makes me a grandpa. I am now positive feminizing Purple Betty worked. That's a pic of the first seed. I ended up with 3 seeds just from trimming. Lots more hidden in all those buds. Still needs to dry but I am figuring around 3 oz's. That would make it a oz bigger then all the others. Mostly this is because it was a clone I think. PB produces well but I am not sure if it is that much better then the others. Still the test bud produce a great high and the plant had great inter-node spacing. Ended up being a perfect plant to self.
The M.O.B. has not did anything in the last few days. It is supposed to be a early maturing strain and has went long passed its finish time. I am seeing lots of split pods. Still just under half have not split the pod but as of now it does not look like they will. Feeding was key to making good seeds and I may have not fed it enough near the end. It still looked fairly green and happy so I thought it would be fine. By the time I realized it was going to need more food it was to late to add it where it will do any good. As of now It looks like I will get less seeds but better smoke. Works fine for me. There still should be a bunch of good seeds. Live and learn. In a couple months I will try a few to see. Maybe some of the lighter colored seeds might still sprout. I have seen it before.
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