Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I'm not planning on breeding just yet. Probably in the spring. But when I do I will use DJ shorts blueberry probably. Right now I'm just looking for a good mother to keep around for awhile. I do like variety, but I need to find that perfect buzz/plant I can hang on to
Ahh. I would love to do the mother thing. I would need to many and to much room to do it though LOL. The selfing is my way around that. Plus I grow enough strains that I end up with at least a few really good ones and the rest at least average. Growing only top breeder seeds helps a lot.
Feeling a hell of a lot better about myself right now. Morning plant time came with a nice surprise. Looks like the M.O.B. is making seeds. My reversed Purple Betty did put out pollen. Should have a few in the Purple Betty female also. It was pollinated twice early on so most seeds will be inside the buds if they are there. I am respecting at least a few but I could be wrong. On the bad side I shook the whole male over the M.O.B. Going to be lots of seeds in it I am guessing right. Oh well they will be female. The hybrid should give some a very berry smelling plants.
What really makes me happy is I talk a lot of shit like I know things. Them a project for female seeds falls apart. I felt pretty stupid. Now it looks like I should get a feminized PB and a hybrid out of the deal. The plan was for more, timing was off and the amount of pollen released was a lot less then I expected. I really hoped for enough to paint on branches. Not sure if this will work when reversing plants. They may not put out as much pollen as real males do. I will keep working on feminized seeds but still plan to go with males this year.
Here is a look at the M.O.B. buds. You have to look hard in the pictures. They are easily seen with the naked eye.

These are different buds. There are tons more seeds showing though out the plant. Some one mentioned lower branches made seeds better so I opened up the plant before shaking the PB over it. Looks like plenty of pollen made it to where it needs to be.
Only one showing and it is already pushed out of the pod so it won't be any good. But they are there trust me LMAO. Might be why the suggest pollinating lower branches. Upper buds swell so much in the end seeds can be pushed out into the open.
To tell the truth I am not sure what I am more happy about. The female seeds or the fact that I don't look like such a idiot now. Pretty hard to give advice if you can't even convince yourself you know what your doing. Still going with males to breed with this next run. I will start a couple females for reversing for practice. I want to be able to self the headband on the second run this fall.
What really has me excited is that seeds are ordered and if they arrive in time. I get to make Headband Haze. Blueberry Headband is not endearing itself to me at all for obvious reasons. I think I read somewhere that Headband Haze was made with Canalope Haze. Another favorite strain of mine. Not sure if it is or not. If not it would be a perfect one for it. It is a real mellow happy Haze. That is the main reason for this order. I needed a male Haze that was early and flavorful. Canalope fits that perfectly. In the end it is mostly Headband I want out of this. I will go against my normal practices and pollinate one of the Canalope haze females too. SSH and Canalope cover all my Haze needs. Super Lemon Haze while great is more of a sativa dominate then a haze for me. Only problem now is that I have 3 strains I want to pollinate with the Canalope. Can't run them all the same grow. I plan to save pollen but there are always things that can go wrong with it.
Still it is the best male to be crossed with the Chocoloco and Barnes Farm G-13 Haze. The high from Canalope is mellow like Chocolate Thai so the hybrid would be perfect. Smoked a lot of Thai stick through the years. The Chocolate Thai bag weed I was getting in the early 90's was the one that left the biggest impression.
"Off with her head they yelled" The lone Afgooie female has reached the age of maturity and must be sacrificed...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
For the first time ever I harvested a plant after only looking at it through the scope once. Kind of funny. When all the hairs on the C-99 were red and dried it still had clear trichomes. The Afgooie was around 80% red and all were cloudy and a few had just a touch of amber showing. Right when I normally take a plant. I harvest most of my stuff on the early side as apposed to the longer. I would rather it be a little heady then have to much body. I will post some pics when I start to trim her. Heard lots of stuff about this strain. Can't wait to try it.
Another thought here........ I bought a bunch of batteries for my cheap 9 dollar scopes. Dumb move. After a season there is so much resin stuck to the lens it gets cloudy. You just don't polish plastic lenses LMAO.
I know what you mean about the scope! I'm on my second one. First one got a gummy lens and battery died. Got second one on the zon for 7$. I like jewlers loupe 30/60x. I like to chop at similar time as well. When I see cloudy with amber starting I chop. I let some go a little bit more to help me sleep, but I don't like to have too much of that on hand
Figured out a couple things yesterday.
1 Never trust a blurry image
2 Always double check your findings.
Put the Afgooie back under the lights. At least for a few days. It is close but still has to many white hairs. Trichomes are getting cloudy but there are a few to many clear left. I will be cutting a test bud. One big thing about Afghani hybrids. They can loose a lot if harvested early. High type takes the biggest hit. Terepene profiles can also be effected. Plus body high weed sometimes need time to built the depth they need. A test is the best way to check new strains for perfect harvest time. Some strain can be harvested early others can't. Nothing worse then a incomplete high.
The biggest thing I learned. Charcoal filters are a must with this one. After is was removed from the tent it really became noticeable. The thought that comes to mind is "Damnk" #Afphewy. This thing stinks so nice.
Mi. Yeah that is the main reason I had Afgooie going I wanted it for a hybrid with the PB. Didn't work out though. At no fault of the Afgooie. I would look to the Black Domina hybrid for a mother plant. Plant type and bud density aught to be pretty good with it. That or the SSH. The Afghan x BD is a hybrid but all it's genetics lean towards short and dense. The SSH might increase production but I think that is more the case if it is the father. Who is the planned baby daddy?
I am growing a afgahni kush x black domina now female though ✊
Any pics bro ? Or it didn’t happen lol

Any pointers I have no idea sadly where mine are from @Pennywise any idea buddy ?
Here's one. Other is bigger. From seed beginning of May


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Yours are from World of Seeds :slide:
Thanks brotha been meaning to message that company and say well done on genetics ✊ let’s see what happens in flower first if I don’t screw it up lol
Here's one. Other is bigger. From seed beginning of May
Oh okay quick but dumb question I knwo genetics are a huge role I get it .

My question I guess is you see how manny bud branches come off mains that grow ? As suppose to low yielders mayeb poorer genetics won’t produce as many as well is this a possibility or am I just speaking riddles again?
Here's one. Other is bigger. From seed beginning of May
Also how’s she smell bro

Mind I need to smell it again and I could give a great description but almost spicy or peppery I find ? But this trapping scent that is hypnotizing... I find it didn’t like being bent over late in veg or mayeb I did it at a bad time? But stem was hard and broke one of the mains from
My quadline that shot got it tied and bam booed to try to hold shoot branch up?

Sorry ranting I just hit this shatter oil bho I believe said what it was vaccumed at but forgot ?lol

It’s island extracts $40/g

And worth every penny
So transparent right to eyes head races I call it .

Followed by sleepy after about 45 mins .

Not bad 45 mins of relief for me.

If you ever come Across them in your travels you will know it was good value for 40$
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