Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Thanks! It was really good smoke. But I had 3 phenos. That one was the least leafy. The other 2 were allot more leafy. None were really good yeilders. Average 2 oz per plant with a longer veg time. I only kept cuts of a few and those ended up from the super leafy phenos. I donated those to a friend. I have to say DJ's son JD is the real deal tho. At 80$ for 13 regs is really far
Might have to browse them out one day for sure . Good looking out bud
Not a problem. Never said the Random thought had to be mine. Great info. The only true Blueberry I had was years ago and it was very leafy. One of the reasons I have not bought any of the stuff I have seen lately. Buds back then looked and smelled different. While I have found great Blueberry smelling weed. Blue Dream is one of the best. The Blueberry I had years back had Blueberry in the flavor and not in the smell. It wasn't called Blueberry it had no name at all. 4 different oz's in a 1/4 lb. Grown indoors in Boulder Colo. When smoking that one I found a very distinct aftertaste on the exhale. Checked and double check the flavor. The color and bud formation was exactly like the Blueberry pics I had seen. Type of high, flavor, and smell were all what I would expect from D.J.'s Blueberry. I had grown F-13 by then at it had similarities.
So to tell the truth I don't know it is Blueberry or not. I wouldn't know any more if it had been called Blueberry. I am basing this only on what I have read and learned about Blueberry over the years. Going to have to grow this one for myself. At 9 females out 13 seeds. I might be dreaming to find a male in a 7 seed run.
Well I got a blue dream that I believe came from you originally and the wife fans I swear I’ve had big fans but nothing to maTech these fans in this blue dream outdoors man pics don’t justify it . Getting super excited. Good meds are easy to come by . Excellent meds are rare or super pricey lol
My broke arse can’t afford I might even have to bail on ordering lights and new tent this year . Will see trying to make the coin brothas .
Today's update. Not long ago I was in a conversation about start and finish times. The 2 C-99's I have going are showing this perfectly. Or did if I had taken the right pic's. The biggest and fastest Is all ready 90% red hairs and 3/4 cloudy trichomes. No amber yet. 4 days ago the other C-99 was way behind with only half of its hairs showing red. Today you cannot tell the difference between the 2. Looks like both plants have taken different path's to reach the same finish date.
Really funny thing about that. I broke out my grow book by D.J. Short. Found a quote from him about finish times. He had the old school one in there. 75% to 90% red hairs LOL. So both of those C-99's is finished following those guide lines. Now that we can look at trichomes on a low budget we can push things farther. So these will get a few more days. Not to much longer though. C-99 is fast that is for sure. I have to go back to see when I started flowering. Thought it was the 4th of June. That's only 42 days so far.
This is a hell of a bud for only 42 days. Still white hairs coming from the cola but only at the tip top. This one is about done with new growth and will just be finishing for the next few days. 45 days is as fast as I have ever heard of a non auto strain to finish. This one is on track to be close to that. I am guessing around 50 days. We shall see how fast the trichomes cloudy up.
Here is the cola on the other plant.
Lots of difference in the shape of the cola and a few other small things. Other then that these plants are very similar. These 2 plants have grown pretty much the same from the get go. Height and shape are the same. 1 seems clearly better but we won't know tell we smoke them.
I have stated before you just don't know if you like a strain unless you smoke it. Strains I thought I would love have disappointed me. Strains I didn't have faith in have shined through and become favorites. On normal grows I usually have a plant shine through and show it is going to be special. No plants like that on this grow. Yes there are some good looking buds with lots of trichomes. What there is not is one that stands out. That says nothing about how good they will be. Ones that don't show this have still been great. There is just not one with noticeably more trichome coverage. These plants have always been special when I have found them before. So no stand outs this time. Pretty sure I will be able to muddle through LMAO.
Trying to figure the best way to say this without jinxing myself. Best to just come out and say it. No Powdery Mildew at all seen in this grow. I have been spending lots of time this year to try and get rid of it all one can only hope. Nice to grow without it though. Just the fact that I have more control over nutrients will effect the harvest. I got good weed last years some of it very good. The fact that the grow was hampered by PM the whole time made it a miserable year. So nice to see happier plants.
Hopefully you can keep it under control. I've been lucky so far and not had to deal with that ( probably jinxed myself ). I soaked a Ace of spades and a chocolope yesterday. Some new variety is the spice of life
Looks like I may be trying a bit of the C-99 tonight. 3 or 4 days ago I took one small side branch as a test. With the old way I probably would be thinking of harvesting it. For years with out scopes and clear view's of the trichome's we harvested at around 75-90% red hairs. I only started looking at trichome's last year. My weed is getting stronger but there could be lots of factors to it. Some of it is harvest times. My mostly sativa's might need to be harvested earlier so the don't get indica qualities from all the amber trichomes. going to try testing this in the next couple grows.
I have noticed one thing in the drying bud. There is just a slight smell of hay. Could be something with the harvest time. In most case's I don't run across it. Terepene levels may not have got to the levels they need to be. While a cure always helps flavor the only bad smells and flavors should come from terepenes that you don't care for.
All plants are looking good. Well most anyway. The 2 Blueberry Headband are still a pain in the ass. M.O.B. and Afgooie are getting huge colas. Purple Betty and Crown Royal are multi headed monsters. CBDdurban is still doing great. Kind of like this plant. Hard to get excited about a plant that may not get me high LMAO. I plan to smoke it first but this plant will most likely be used for oil. I found CBD oil helps my nerve pain a little. Just not sure how best to supply it. If 1 plant is enough and the process works fine I will continue growing it. I can purchase CBD oil now so I don't have to grow it myself to have it. Another thing we will just have to wait and see.
Still looking forward to growing the Cocoloco this next run. Other strains are trying to find their way into this next grow. I know That the Blueberry is probably the most stable genetics I have. I am sure I have better males somewhere. They are there I know. With out having multiple males to choose from it is best to go with stable genetics. The more stable they are the better chance that most the males will be similar. The only problem is the strain that want's in is another regular strain. Double Sour Purple Kush. Big name thats for sure. Sour strains have proven themselves over and over. The same can be said for Purple Kush. This is supposed to just be a extra sour Purple Kush bred from the original Las Vegas Purple Kush. I am sure this is going to be a strain I will like. I grew up in Oregon smoking Purple Kush so I know I can find a pheno I like. Problem is I don't know how hard it is going to be to find it. Really thinking of dropping the Blueberry to 5 plants and then add 4 DSPK. I will still use the Blueberry male for most hybrids. I can then see how the DSPK is and hit one of the Blueberry females with a DSPK male. Trying a little of both worlds I guess. This could be the Sour Blueberry I have been looking for.
Here is the room as of this morning. Tried the C-99 bud that I dried it a couple days ago. Holy Crap!!!! Flavor, high, bud density are all perfect. Was going to let this plant go tell 100% cloudy but changed my mind. The high is so perfect right now I don't want to risk loosing it. Sativas can get more body to the high the longer they are taken into maturity. This plant is mature now. Fully? maybe not. When this strain was made we harvested by the amount of red hairs. Usually when they were 75 to 90% red hairs. With that in mind this one is 90% and ready right now and when they were harvesting it. That says a lot when you are trying to find the high they say a strain has. I still have 1 plant to show me where this strain will go and how strong it can get. I will also be able to see how it changes as it matures. Some strains have a huge window for harvest and lots of different highs as they change. Looking like a couple ounces of some of the best weed I have ever grown from this one. I SHIT you not. I have grown some great weed. Some much stronger this. That don't make it better though. Flavor, quality of high, production, ease of growth. This strain has it all. I have grown strains I like as much but I can't say that they are better. If you can grow this strain do it. I am going to try and self this someday when I am better at it. This is one strain I will grow forever. Not great pics but here she is at harvest time.

Now I know why everyone cross bred C-99. The fact that it is so stable is the main reason I am sure. Great weed though so that is another solid reason. I think the problem with this one is while it add's great stuff to genetics. You loose that perfect blend of sativa and indica. This strain is perfect just the way it is. Thought I might regenerate the C-99 that is left. Not enough new growth on the lower branches. Spotted a couple amber trichomes so it is ready now. Plenty of moister in the pot so this one will be exiled into the darkness. 2 days and I will be trimming it.
Mi. Thanks for the heads up about the Cal/Mag. Hard to tell with the really bad one but the freak has come around. If I would have had the Cal/Mag and tried it when you said I probably could have saved both. Just goes to show you that you need all your nuits on hand. They don't work worth a shit if they are in the store when you need them. I would have had it on hand but I tossed everything that was opened when I had PM. Clean slate as they say.
On the subject of PM. I just about freaked out yesterday trimming the C-99. Saw what looked like a round white spot on a leaf as it fell. Couldn't find it again but it looked like PM. Not long later I found a spot that look like a patch of white bigger then what the rest of the leaf had. I check it with a scope and all was fine. Scope couldn't show me exactly how it did it because of the close up. But it was waves of trichomes. Found more spots here and there as I went. Lots of other places had patches and waves of heavy trichomes. Probably just the leaf shapes that point the trichomes toward each other. Still a cool to see. C-99 continues to impress.
Speaking of impressed. Take a look at the Afgooie. Sat in the corner and built huge buds without being noticed.
This plant wants to impress. Doing a good job of it so far. The high will be key to weather this is a great one. Growth rate and production are already making this one stand out.
Trying to figure the best way to say this without jinxing myself. Best to just come out and say it. No Powdery Mildew at all seen in this grow. I have been spending lots of time this year to try and get rid of it all one can only hope. Nice to grow without it though. Just the fact that I have more control over nutrients will effect the harvest. I got good weed last years some of it very good. The fact that the grow was hampered by PM the whole time made it a miserable year. So nice to see happier plants.
Yeah I heard you can use h202 in spray bottle to kill not prevent pm mold
That afgooie looks great! I like the structure of that one. Hopefully it's good smoke. It looks like a nice one for a mother plant. I'm searching for a good mother plant on this run. I have a Chernobyl, a cherry pie, a grease monkey, a super silver Haze and 2 Afgan x black Domina. Only a week or so into flower. So far I like the node spacing on the grease monkey. But I've never smoked it. I'm rooting for the cherry pie as I've sampled it before and it was a good satavia leaning buzz both times. I'm having trouble getting clones to root from it tho. I put on clone in soil today, hopefully it takes. I'm finding out DWC cloning is tough in summer. Winter it was really easy..... How are you doing clones Jack? I'm a soil guy, but I have terrible luck with Rockwell and plugs. I'm trying to get my DWC cloning process dailed in
I just use 1/2 and 1/2 perlite and vermiculite in 4" pots. Then use Clonex jell, and a opaque box from Walmart. Way simple really. Had pretty good luck so far even with most of my cuts coming from flowering plants.
All the same procedures as everyone else uses taking the clones. After they have been dipped in clonex I put them in the 4" pots filled with the perlite mixture. I use a small box 12" x 9" x 14" with a see through lid. After clones are in there I cover with the lid all the way. Then spray plants daily. Making sure the perlite stays moist and drained. After the clones stand on there own. I start alternating keeping the lid propped up on the edge and closed to give it fresh air but also keeping beads of moister on the sides of the container. That pretty much sums it up. Any questions and I can be more specific if you need.
Mi. Yeah that is the main reason I had Afgooie going I wanted it for a hybrid with the PB. Didn't work out though. At no fault of the Afgooie. I would look to the Black Domina hybrid for a mother plant. Plant type and bud density aught to be pretty good with it. That or the SSH. The Afghan x BD is a hybrid but all it's genetics lean towards short and dense. The SSH might increase production but I think that is more the case if it is the father. Who is the planned baby daddy?
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