Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I've been trying to find info on this Purple Betty you speak so highly of, but can't find any info on it at all. I haven't tried a lot of different strains so I look at what you, penny, and van speak highly of lol.
Now a little about growing. It seems the extra flower nuits helped turn everything back around. The how I ran into problems is most interesting part of it all. Every problem is a first time problem once. Then you learn. My mistake this time was growing everything so damn good LMAO.

Sounds like bragging but it is not. All I do is watch and water. What happened is the grow tent environment was as good as I have ever had it. Always before there was a morning warm up time. Then later in the light cycle temps would get above 80 degrees slowing growth. Meaning that the plant was not growing the whole 12 hours of light.

While my temps are not perfect. There really is no down time for growth. So everything was way ahead of me. By about 2 weeks I think. The fact that I had everything so nice for them was the problem. Now they grow the whole 12 hours which increases their need for everything.

Also another contributing factor. They all didn't have the same problems. The ones affected the most wanted more P&K and Cal/Mag. So I gave them all a boost of both. Now that all is well I have did some looking at each plant a little more. I have found multiple problems. All solved by adding the stuff I did. 3 plants had totally different problems then the rest. One looks to have had a boron issue. Something I have never seen LOL. The other 2 had calcium or magnesium problems. None of these were very bad and all were solved with the B-1 Seed starter I used. I mention this only to show how growing lots of different strains can be difficult. Strains feed so much different it is hard to feed for all.

Feeding from here on out is going to be plant and strain specific. Hell some plants do fine with no nuits at all. I need to find the happy medium for each from here on out. I mention plant and strain specific. The Basic Shunk 19 x C-99 had 2 plants looking great and 2 plants that had similar problems as the Genius. Feed both the same would be could be a mistake. The sensitivity to nuits I can equate to the C-99, Genius genetics. I know they want plenty nutrients. I don't know how much nuits the other 2 plants can handle.

The next month is going to be key to have everything finish as well as they have grown.
I've been trying to find info on this Purple Betty you speak so highly of, but can't find any info on it at all. I haven't tried a lot of different strains so I look at what you, penny, and van speak highly of lol.

It is a outlaw strain from the ground up. The father was the Trailer Trash Betty. The mother was a mix of all the purps genetics.
Mendo Purps
BCBD Purps
Seedking Purps
Were all mixed together then backcrossed to the BCBD. Those was grown out to find the best purple plant. That purple plant was bred to the TTB male.

Pretty much Purps on steroids. I would say it was similar to Granddaddy Purple but I have never had Grandaddy Purps as good as the Purple Betty. I must say that I have not had it from California where I am sure the best phenos of it live. Still I am sure there is a effect factor here. I like the effects of the P.B. more others may feel different.
It is... I truly thing it is the best Purps strain out there. One of the best strains I have every smoked but no one could ever be that. One of the very best phenos is a totally purple plant with incredible flavor.

Maybe someday it will see the open market. I put it into some very capable hands. They are supposed to do a trial run in December. If they pop the seeds I am sure they will find something they want to work with. They said that was the plan we will see LMAO. I've had smoke blown up my ass before. If they don't pop them its their own fault I have plenty.
Hmmmm, Purple Betty..... sometimes having so much variety in my seed stash makes for difficult decisions. I still have 2 weeks left on my Red Point. After she gets the chop I should have room for 2-4 more plants. I think that TTB will be back up to the plate along with some Red Points... probably my next breeding escapade.

I do have a question about doing that cross. You have suggested that I use a TTB father and Red Point mother. If by chance I ended up with female TTBs again and used a Red Point father, could I still expect the same resulting phenotypical expressions, or would I actually be extending the flower time by going that route?

Sorry to bug you on Turkey Day
No problem at all Ganja. They are all grow days. You would think t all would be the same. In some cases it may be.

It is all about the transferable genetics. By using the TTB as a male your transfer its crystal production to the female. It is a given TTB will add weight and crystal. It has done it time and time again. If you were to use a male Red Point. You may transfer something into it that would decrease crystal production.

I recently had a similar situation. I want to cross Agent Orange x C-99. I was going to grow regular Agent Orange and feminized Cinderella. By doing this I would have been crossing the A.O. into the C-99. It would have been the wrong way. The Cinderella has the desirable traits. I would be risking losing them simply by breeding it out. With all this considered I cancelled the Agent Orange tell I could do the hybrid the right way.

The C- 99 and the TTB have desirable traits to transfer. So they should only be used as such. You want to transfer a earlier harvest time plus more crystal and weight. All this while trying to keep as much of the Red Point as you can. It will change in other ways. The main goal would be a bigger badder stronger Red Point Columbian.

All this is the same as when they crossed the first Afghani into Colombian years ago. You will be just using a more refine Columbian and a stronger Indica.

I don't know what would happen the other way. It is a toss up. My suggestion would be to take clones and reverse a TTB female and make a feminized hybrid. It would still transfer over that way just the same. Reversing females is getting easier all the time. In some ways it is almost as easy as the old way. Just not as much pollen.
One of the biggest disappointments in the world is when you find out that beautiful female you just met is more then she let on.
Things are not always as they appear. Sometimes all those beautiful curves and shiny trinkets are just covering something hidden underneath. As I mentioned She was a pretty one. A nice resinous indica call Chocolate Mint Og. One of my favorite right from the start of flower. To the point I bred her to the JC 2 male.
Picture really doesn't show how much crystal is on this plant. Those that have tried to capture similar pictures will understand. Still all those crystals were just a distraction. Hidden below she was a tranny. ( %@#&%#T&) At least I didn't get a handful of dick.

Way to much going on to risk trying to trim these as I go. I have did it with some success before. Those were mostly caused by some kind of stress as they were trimmable. Way to many in this case. Plus I know these are not a stress thing. The flowers are right up in all the buds. No chance at all of keeping her so off went her head. I almost had her thrown out when I decided to snap a few pics. Might as well show everyone just how sneaky these bitches can be LMAO. Here is what I found under her dress.

Just goes to show you. Always keep your eyes out. They can do this at any time. Pretty sure I caught it before it made to much of a mess. A few opened so there will be some hermies in my seeds somewhere. Should not be many as I got lucky and caught this early on.

As much as I hate saying anything against Humboldt. I have had bad problems with their genetics this year. The Lost Coast Hash Plant was a total fail as now seeds came up. Chocolate Mint Og another of their strains was only 50% germination and now at least 50% of that hermied. That's not good. I would at least say to shy away from those 2 strains. Can't say to much as their 707 Headband is one of my all time favorite strains.

I have to put the blame on California for this. While the Og genetics are strong as F**K. They also carry hermies. I might put up with this for my Tahoe because I know it. I don't need or want anymore of these F*#*^*#G hermie genetics. It is not like I would ever like this one more then Purple Betty so I have not real need for it. Live and learn.
That's what I figured. Found a couple open and dry flowers so I know some got out. Can't be helped and there can't be much.
Found the other *^# *&%# *&^*%# %*&%#&% hermie even earlier. So I know it didn't bust its load on my plants. (I will post pics tomorrow) So that is both Chocolate Mint Og.

After the total fail on the Lost Coast Hash Plant That means Humboldt Seed Org is now on the do not grow list. Good thing I have plenty Headband as I can never buy their seeds with any kind of confidence anymore.

Wow always liked them before. What really sucks is I had some of their genetics planned for this next run. I wouldn't let a small company get away with this and still use them so I can't condone it from a company as large as Humboldt. Hell they should have known better. A hermie here and there happens. 2 out of 2 is bad genetics and should never been released. No way they grew these out and tested them. Or if they did they found hermies, didn't care and sold them anyway.

Both could have happened. All the more reason to make my own damn seeds.

What really really sucks is my new found way to contact breeders is not working with them. I have no way to bitch right at the source. Also they are the only place that can remedy it if there ever would be one. Seed banks have no control over this stuff. I did contact the sellers in the hopes that they pull what is left of those seeds if any. Also another thing I will never know if they do it.

It is sad to say. This huge seed market has changed things a lot. In just the last 5 years the marijuana world has changed a lot. Big money and big business is everywhere now. Pretty sure quality control is going to take a huge hit tell they catch up with all the new business.
No need to discuss them damn hermies anymore. As I mentioned both Chocolate Mint Og hermied. That is going to cut me real short on indica. Nothing can be done to change it so I might as well move on. Plus I have a thread for them anyway.

Here is a look at the big tent. As you can tell it is not like one plant is going to make a hole in the canopy. This is the main reason I go with more plants that produce less then trying to grow a few plants bigger. A hermie in a 4 plant grow could really hurt some growers.

As you can see. Buds are filling in now. No more upward growth to speak of. Darn good thing as the 2 Purps x Tahoe hybrids in the tent are light high LOL. Can't raise it anymore and still give the other plants plenty of light. No heat issues up high and it is staying out of the light itself it will be fine.

Production I have no idea about. Some look like they are going to do well others who knows. This time in flower I always wonder how things are going to work out. Times like this it always looks like I am going to get nothing and then they fill out bulk up and all is well again LOL.

This is also the time smell really starts coming into the picture. The Purps Hybrid's have had smell for a few days now. I have found the plant I was looking for. I don't know how it happened but it did. A dank Tahoe Og with hints of lemon crossed with a purps plant should not make menthol LMAO.

There it is though and very prominent to boot. Purps always smell early and strong. I am not surprised it is strong. I just don't know where this smell came from. Like I mentioned I had heard there as a menthol or mint pheno in this hybrid. It is a smell and flavor I would like to work with. I was kind of surprised when it showed up with only 4 females. 2 are basic Purps smell. 1 has a light berry smell closer to strawberry. Then there is Minty. Menthol Purps! Who would ever thing of such a thing LMAO.

What is really funny is that it smells just like the Colombian Gold I just grew LMAO. Minty is minty so it is not like one minty smells different then another mint. At least it doesn't if you can't compared them directly to each other. It is there and that is all that matters.

Now that I have found one and I know they are there. I wait!! Smell is only half the equation the high has to be right also. The Tahoe should have added strength. After harvest I will get to see so much more. How the flavor turns out is the biggest thing. I want menthol on the exhale like a Newport cigarette. I have see this smell equate to flavor years ago so I know it can be done. With the high terpene levels of the Purps I hope will make this one have a more prominent flavor. If the flavor and high are there I will just leave it as is and wait for another and self it. If I think it needs something then I have the Colombian Gold to try and improve it with. The after taste was almost right with the C.G.
Now that's what I call a full garden lol you weren't kidding about 1 plant not making much of a difference. Your ladies are looking magnificent Jackalope!! Congrats on the mint pheno!!
Going to try and get the photo booth built today. Buds are starting to form up enough to be photogenic. If all works out I will start running a plant of the day thing tell harvest. Lots depend on how well the pictures come out. I will be changing to the camera instead of the phone. That will do wonders.

Not sure if I care to win plant of the month or bud of the month. I would like to be able to take pictures well enough to be considered.

Growing is only a part of it for me. I always wanted to be able to take the pictures also. I have looked at pictures of all these strains for all these years. I know what a good picture looks like thats my biggest problem LOL. Last year I wanted to start this but it never worked out. Lighting was never right. Now I have a better place to set it all up. Major factor is to get the plant to a place where photos can be taken. No HPS lights to screw up all the colors. Photograph is a art as is lots of other things. Knowing what is good and being able to do it are 2 different things.

If I can get the lighting right I may be able to pull it all off.
You got this brother, you're pics are going to come out great!! Were going to have a new contender for POTM, and NOTM. Watch out 420 Magazine Jackalope is coming!!! Seriously though with the genetics you run and the crosses you create your going to have a lot of wins in the near future. Can't wait to see some of your bud shots!!
Me too LMAO. didn't get around to it yesterday. Everything in time LMAO.

SPA DAY! I had to pull all the ladies out for the bi monthly treatments. They get out for a while, get a nice shower, and get to meet different neighbors. Pretty much a happy day for everything other then my back. While they were out I noticed that it really gives you a different perspective on them. So I snapped a picture.

I also noticed a little pod or 3 on the Glueberry from Sensi. Things like this are acceptable. I see stuff like this in feminized genetics from some companies. Dinafem's will do it on occasion. They don't make usually make a impact if they are not seen. They are also easily removed when you do see them. I only found 3 on the whole plant. Real hermies will have at least that on one branch. I will keep watch on the plant but I really don't expect it to get any worse. There will probably be more but it will only be one or2 here and there. I will keep everyone informed.

It all depends on how they feminize seeds I think. That is why you look at all your plants every day. I used to arrowhead hunt years ago. Your mind learns to key on shapes, colors, and other indicators. My mind does this with male pods now. I can spot a slight difference sometimes at a glance. Trust me it is not that I am special. It must be my mind is starting to key on them now. Good thing.

Thing is. I have never had a harvest where I did not find at least a couple of these dry male flowers somewhere on my plants. Never a seed to be seen. It is not the ocasional male flower that wrecks your grow it is the full on hermies.

If you really do your research. Hermies have had a lot to do marijuana genetics. Bag seed and known hermie genetics are some of the best strains going. If you only find a seed or 2 in a bag of weed it is probably from a hermie or one of these lone pods. Males and full on hermies will usually seed the whole plant or tent.

Consider the fact that True Og, Diesel, and Chem and that genetic line all came from bag seed. These we know were probably made by a hermie as it has to be bred out. It is still in lots of strains of today.
Grimms first 3 strains were from bag seed. ( No mention of hermie's at all around Grimm so those seeds must have been from a male.
Gorilla Glue #4 and it sisters are from hermie. At least they mentioned it as part of the GG make up.

Those are the known ones. How many unknown strains? We know they won't tell us in the strain info. All the more reason to do research. Check strains themselves. plus it is best to back check the parents also.
Some already are. I have to back up through door ways to protect branches LOL.

What really funny is the plants in tent 2 are shorter by about a foot. All the same age. Looks like the short plants will still produce as well as the tall ones. Pretty much tall phenos in one tent and short phenos in the other. Some strains are in both tents.
Midday update for a change. I had to transplant the clones today. With football today it will be my only project.

While it is nice to have music in the area now I really haven't taken advantage of it tell now. For the first time all plants got a good dose of music. Sleeping ones and awake ones LMAO.

Metallica's Black album at 3/4 volume from a 100 watt per channel Marantz into Cerwin Vega 12" tower speakers.

Technically the whole block listened to it. I must be getting old. (Note the 3/4 volume). Pretty sure the fact the stereo is underground made it easier on the neighbors LMAO.

As you can tell all the clones rooted.

I forgot I did 2 Tangalope. Some rooted ok some rooted really well. I had just looked at the bottoms a couple of days ago and saw nothing. I still planned the re-pot for today because of time. Man what a change some of them ready some were over ready. 1 Headband had roots 3 inches outside the pot lol. I was really worried at first tell I realized. CLONES DON'T HAVE TAP ROOTS! That is so cool. It makes transplanting so much easier. I was still careful but it is not like if you hurt one root the plant is going to die. Transplanting a regular plant there is always the risk to the tap root.

Also got the photo booth set up. Not going to be any great pictures tell I find the tripod for the camera LMAO. Here is a test shot. Lighting is good almost to good not going to be able to hide much LMAO. This plant is a light green as the picture really shows. I should have started with this ones sister as she is really green. They both have been fed so I think this one is just naturally lighter colored. Like I said the lighting is going to show everything.
Wow great pic bro she's extremely healthy! I bet your "sleeping" ladies woke up as soon as you cranked the cerwin vegas on lol. I did a little leaf tucking today but normally don't mess with the plants on football Sunday lol.
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