Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

It is a hard day. Especially for those of us that have below 500 teams LMAO
Lol I don't even want to think about it. I'm thinking of moving out of Michigan just so I can root for a team that can win at least 1 playoff game or maybe even 1 superbowl appearance, they dont even have to win just make it once lmao. What's your team, I'm sure you figured mine is the damn Detroit Lions.
It is time for selective feeding now. I noticed a few plants are still not as green as I would expect them. Some might just be light green while others will want food. Kind of a hit and miss thing now. I could overfeed a couple. Plus we are around week 5 so I also need to start think about flushing a few in a week or so.
The grown environment is so good this time that plants are spending very little time in transition. When the light goes on they grow tell the light goes off. This affects everything all the way down the line. They grow faster, taller and wider. They also feed more and faster. My feeding schedule from before no longer goes along with growth rates. If my guess is right they will finish faster this time too.

My harvest times have always been a week or so past stated times. Even the strains my mentor made took longer for me to finish the he did. A lot of this may have had to do with conditions. A plant won't need more flower time if conditions are near perfect all the way through.

That being said. I also grew for years with less than perfect conditions and did fine. Right now I just want to make sure they have all the food they need to finish as well as they have grown. With my no pushing grow style I lose a little weight at this time. With plants growing this good that could be real noticeable one way or another if I screw it up.

The JC 2 male plant has now been moved to a bachelor pad. Like any young man all he needs is the basics to get by LMAO.
I had to pull one of my photography lights for him. He is re-vegging fine now but there are some male sacks around so I don't feel safe having with the clones while they veg. He will be fine, saving himself for the next batch of females.
Broncos fan here. I really can't complain. Year in year out they treat me pretty well. At least go to a S.B. here and there. The first 5 lose's were tough I tell you LMAO. I was living in California when they got plastered 52-10 by the Niners. That was not a good day.
My hardest years were when we had Peyton Manning. Having a Q.B. that good and not getting a S.B. would have been crushing.
I have to hand it to football fans everywhere other than Denver. They root for their teams even after years of heartache. Fans in Denver are raising hell after just a couple sub par years. They want peoples jobs LMAO. Some teams never seem to quit rebuilding and their fans stick.
I have to hand it to you. The Lions are one team that can be frustrating. I really thought Stafford would get them a lot farther then he has. Unlike you guys I liked the Lions better after they got rid of Suh.
Good eyes. Ganjagrowergu.
I had to go back to the original picture and zoom it. Yep it is a flower. Both Chocoloco clones were totally pollinated. I just took the whole male/reversed female plant and shook it over the top of the females. Some dry flowers dropped off onto the females. All them trichomes catch more then pollen lol. I will double check this today to be sure that is all it is. The mothers never hermied and I have been keeping a eye on the clones. One has a banana or 2 but no true flowers.

At least a few will make it all the way to the trim LOL. I never want to risk damaging the hairs or pollen right after pollination. After that it is just more trouble than it is worth to get them all out.

Another thing I noticed. Pretty sure only a portion of the Chocoloco x Chocoloco will not be feminized. I know some will be as the reversed female Chocoloco plant had lots of open flowers when I started pollinating. Still as much as I tried to keep them separate it was in the same tent as the JC 2 Male. From the amount of seeds this plant is putting out. I think there might have been a lot of the JC 2 pollen on the reversed plant. I then transferred it to the female when I shook the reversed female over the clone. The feminized Chocoloco were just for further work so I will find enough along the way. I still have originals left too. So all won't be lost

I worry more about the Critical hybrid I am working on right now. I have it with both reversed Critical plants. It still doesn't seem to be picking up much pollen. Not nearly the amount of hairs turning red that I would like. Last ditch effort today will be to cut, trim and dry the males then used the dry stuff to see if I can get the last of the pollen from it. I am doing the whole plant so I should get some seeds at least. I wanted shit loads as I think this has a chance at greatness. Still just like ordering seeds you can do a lot with only 5 seeds and I should at least get that many.

As much as I hatred to do it. I had to get a new light. I want a good light for the seed plants. I say good I don't mean powerful. You just don't need that much light to make seeds in short plants. Light penetration is not as important as good light quality. It cost to much to run a 1000 watt light just for this. Even on 50% I was adding more light and heat then is needed. I wanted to go to LED or CFL but I just couldn't convince myself I was going to get good enough light to make seeds. I went ahead and ordered a 400 watt HPS system. It is adjustable also but I am pretty sure I can run it at 400 without adding to much to the electric bill. I should pay more attention to what people say about other lights LMAO.

Another happy surprise is all the butter I am going to get to make out of these 3 seeded Chocoloco plants. Normally I smoke all my buds. Seeded branches are kept separate and the seeds harvested as I go then smoked. For this many it is better to just crush it all up harvest the seeds and make butter, hash, shatter or whatever. The seeds will be finished well before the THC starts going bad so I can harvest this normally. The fact that they made seeds instead of more trichomes will effect potency some. In edibles this won't be noticeable At all.
Also. Maybe the squeaky wheel does get the grease. After contacting HSO about the Chocolate Mint Og. They said they are going to make it right. They say Attitude will take care of the replacement so we will see. Saying is one thing doing is another. One thing of interest. I have not checked as of yet. How much did they say to replace? Just the one pack? You would think they would authorize 2 or 3 packs to make up for the hassle. We shall see, I wanted to bitch first before I checked LMAO.

Still no explanation at all. They just said seeds are living things and stuff happens. No Shit Sherlock. The whole replace and move on thing is way to easy for them. Plus I am left with the choice of what next. Like I told them no way I am getting the Chocolate Mint again LMAO.

I am so glad I am making bunches or seeds this year. While my strains may not be great, all of theirs are not either. In the end having intresting genetics to grow is all that matters. Mine or theirs. When growing from seed there is always hit and miss. Always great pheno's and less than great ones. The less than great pheno's you share with friends LMAO.
Well good luck with the seed bank, as long as you have solid genetics of your own you're all set!

My thoughts exactly. The more strains I try the more I realize that how regular most are. Strains out there are getting stronger all the time. The seeds they sell are not getting stronger along with them. I made the mistake of thinking I needed their seeds for a long time. If I have to go through plants to find the good ones then I might as well do it with strains I know. At least I will know what is going into them.

Plus seed breeders that have a great clone only pheno make hybrids of it. They don't want to release stuff as is because we wouldn't need them anymore. We could just mother up and be free LMAO.
Along the line of seeds. Most of you that have followed along know I have made and am making tons of seeds this year. Not all these strains will work. Some plants were not even known before they were seeded. In these cases I did it mainly because you can't go backwards. Better to pollinate it now in case it is a great plant. If it isn't I can just throw the seeds out. It would have to be pretty bad for me to throw seeds out. Always the chance the JC 2 male made the right changes. Basically I decided to choose now and decide later. The Glueberry is putting out seeds and has a great sour smell. In this case it looks like the risk of losing one branch might work in my favor here.

Still I have 4 regular hybrids based on the JC 2 male as of now and still have the male alive.

I have 3 hybrids based on the Chocoloco. 1 regular and 2 feminized.

I have 2 Critical feminized projects and 2 Tahoe og feminized hybrids.

After the headband clones and their friends are seeded I will have a few Headband based hybrids. As for this run of clones. 2 different Headband clones and the one Genius clone will be reversed. With the 2 Tangalope clones I might as well do one to headband and one to the Genius. I can do a Headband with it also. That was the plan to begin with. It would be better to go this way then to breed the Headband to the Genius. The genius could add crystal and a shorted flower time.

I don't need any other seeds. At least a couple of these I know are going to be as good or better then anything I could buy. Plus every pack you buy has the chance to be crap. I know damn well I can make crappy seeds just as good as theirs. Whether I can breed better strains then themis still yet to be seen.
I am sure I am going to get that at least. I am doing enough stuff I am going to like some of it at least. What is really funny is it is not exactly how I might of planned it. I have 2 Headbands that have the great sour smell they need. Neither one are the one I have double clones of. So I may not get a great S-1 of Headband. I have more seeds so that is no big deal. I am going to have hybrids from both those 2 plants though. One is the 1 pollinated by the JC 2 male. I have a good feeling about everything coming from that male or I would never have saved it. The other good plant is cloned but there is only one. It was the one I like the least early on LOL. I still plan to reverse the other Headbands and make seeds.

This best pheno I am going to breed with the reversed Genius. The outcome will be so much better in a hybrid. The Genius is known genetics. As of now the Headband plants I have to reverse are the questionable ones. This will change if I decide I like the reversed Headbands. There is a good chance I will get to smoke some of it all before I need to decide. Not all Headbands have the great headband effect. I would rather add to those effects which I am sure the Genius will do. Or risk watering down those effects just for feminized Headband seeds which I already plan to make. I can still pheno hunt them if need be.
I keep forgetting to mention the little JC 2 plant. It is still alive. All of 10" by now. I won't know tell I try to grow these out if the mother was a freak or just had a terrible time starting. It got put into flower alongside the males at a early age. It is putting out plenty of seeds so I will have something. Probably something useless but there was room for this plant in the seed tent but nowhere else. It was either kill it or seed it.

Here is a little peak at the R.K.S. from DNA. It is frosty as hell and you can really seen the Afghani influence. I just don't know if it will produce.

Will It Produce!!!! I hate this time of the grow. Sometimes you look at the plants wonder. There are times they look like they are not going to produce anything. Still over a month to go for most plants so all that should change. It is something that happens every grow around this time and I have to remind myself of it. This will always be a problem when you grow so many unknown strains.

Also another fact has come up that I keep forgetting to mention. Neither one of the Tangalope has that manufactured Orange smell that the original Tangy had. The Tangy were great plants and frosty as hell. They all just had that same fake flavor. So no weird smell is a good thing. They don't look to have the trichome production of the Tangy as of yet. That could change. Both these plants seem to be influenced mostly by the Chocolope. Something I didn't expect. Both plants will be used for hybrids in case one is special.
Funny how just a few days can make a difference. The look of the plants from one tent and the other is amazing. The 60 x 60 plants did so well I ran into deficiencies before I added nuits. The damage caused by these problems don't go away. Nitrogen will green things back up. The rest of the problems cause burning to the leaves. It does to much damage for it to just go away. The plants are fine now they just not pretty like the ones in the 48 x 48.

Those plants are a week behind and they are shorter plants that did not use as many nuits. I also got right on feeding them as they were the same strains in the other tent.

In tent 2 it looks like I know what I am doing LMAO. Now I remember why I quit taking pictures sometimes. I hate ugly plants. Healthy now or not brown and burned leaves look ugly. No need to show photographic proof I can't grow as well as I think I do. Proof in the pictures? Don't take them LMAO.
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