Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

One can hope what I got is even close to the original JC LOL. What I have is JTR leaning but that doesn't mean much, it could have all the JC high and JTR growth. Still with the male showing resin it should breed well. I expect to find the best outcome from the Genius or the SLH hybrids. The Headband will be done today. I am doing it mostly just because it is Headband. I have all the Headbands covered now in clones or the JC 2 Hybrid. I had wanted to do the Tangalope also. Neither plant is showing me anything yet so I canceled it. It may be a mistake but I won't be doing it along with the rest. Early indicators are not everything but they tell you a lot. Neither plant isn't showing anything special.

Nothing wrong with F-2's. I have grown lots of them through the years. With what I am doing spreading the gene pool out that much is not the best thing. The best way to make F-2's is to cross all the males with all the females so most or all the genetics will be in there. This makes more less than perfect genetics to weed through. No pun intended this time LMAO. Easier to get a great outcome with a hybrid at the scale I am working.

One major update about the Chocoloco x Purple Betty hybrid. Yes there was a seed. Only one so far. Still one more plant to check but the first seed was the only one from plant 1. While that outcome was not nearly what I had hoped it it was. One is still better than none LMAO. One seed can be selfed or mothered so it is really all I need. I have more of all the genetics involved so no big deal. I plan to do this one again with a different P.B. On the bright side One less strain I have to pheno hunt LMAO. 1 seed 1 pheno.
Two seeds = Two girls
Using them in my micro breeding experiment. Going to cross with this guy,

And then cross it back to TTB, hopefully adding something worthwhile to the line. Experiments can quickly evolve into projects.

Next beans I will be soaking are Purple Afghani x BCBD Purps. Thinking about crossing those with a Nirvana NL IBL. Not sure yet. Might not cross it with anything. Lol
Great to hear. Not sure if the Purple Afghani x BCBD purps is going to need much. More sativa maybe. I think the Northern Lights might be a little redundant on the indica side. Still it is all about what YOU want in a strain. If you ever do the Colombian Red Point straight to the TTB I would love to try it.
Last of the pollination with the JC 2 male yesterday. I cut back as many of the male parts as I could and put it under 24 hours of light to reveg it. I will flower it again next run when the time is right.

The last of the Chocoloco clones is in with both reversed Critical plants. Everything else is gone but the 2 Critical and 1 Tahoe Og. Not sure if the Tahoe is going to put out enough pollen in time to use it. Soon all seed plants will go into the tent with the new clones that will be seeded. Still a toss up which clone will be reversed for pollen. They all look great so I am pretty sure I will have The right one.

Also great news on the Kat Berry. It is my first feminized hybrid so it is kind of special to me. Soaked 5 seeds to see how they germinated. 3 sprouted overnight. These seeds were a lighter color then I would have liked so I was unsure of them. Even a questionable seed popped so I am real happy with the outcome.

All else is going along fine. The Genius is a pain to grow. Subcool said it was nutrient sensitive in his book and he was right. Pretty sure I was late with the flower nuits as they were fine a few days ago. Now they are showing some leaf damage. I had just gave them veg nuits for the last time so they did get some of what they need. If what I think is wrong IS what is wrong LMAO.

Along those lines. I find this every so often. Right now everything is growing at great rates because the environment is so much better. The faster a plant is growing the faster deficiencies will show up. Pretty sure I just got caught with my pants down. Doesn't look like it is a problem that will hurt much as of yet.
If you ever do the Colombian Red Point straight to the TTB I would love to try it.
I will have some more room to work with after my current Red Point finishes. They are space hogs. I was planning/hoping to get 1 Male out of the 2 TTBs I popped. Just going with the flow for the moment. I have colloidal silver on hand now that it is too late to apply it, lol. Probably 5-6 weeks until my NLs and Red point are finished. If I dont get a Male TTB next time I will reverse one and give making fem seeds a shot.

I think the Northern Lights might be a little redundant on the indica side
I agree. So I planted 2 purple Afghani x BCBD Purps and 2 white widow x wonder woman in 12oz gravel hempys. Not really for a breeding project so much as test plants. Of course if I did do a cross it would be mostly in the name of science and to feed my budding addiction to seeds.
I sure hope so. I added a low dose of flower nuits to everything showing deficiencies. At least I think it is a deficiency. I was just getting ready to feed so I don't think it is excess. They may have been fine with just veg nuits. Added P&K right now might bring them around faster. We will see I may have killed them LMAO.

That is the reason for the low dose. Most plants are fine so I am pretty sure these are just heavy feeders. Up to now most plants have got the same thing at the same time. There would have been some burning if I was feeding to much. Or one would think. I know I have plants that don't want lots of nuits they are fine as of now.

All the while this is going on the plants are all budding nicely. One of the monster plants has the smell I was looking for. The breeder mentioned there was a minty smelling one. I found out about this when I was looking into menthol type flavors. He said he had found some he just didn't say how many there where. Still early but this one is nothing like it's purpy smelling sisters. They are the only ones putting out smell as of yet.

That smell, whatever it is. It reminds me of the Columbian Gold I just grew. Same minty smell right now. With the C.G. it didn't equate to flavor as much as I hoped. With a higher terpene profile it might come out in the flavor more. I have lots of these seeds so this is just to see if I like the menthol one. If I do then I will look for a good female in the future to work with.
Pheno hunting is going to be my new life LMAO. Generally seeds are taken care of now. I have my own hybrids now that cover the whole spectrum of pot pretty well. The 140 or so other strains I had were not enough I guess. Still now that I know what I like, I know where I want to go.

There are always going to be great plants. As long as I can bring the quality of my less then great plants up. I will be good.

Can't say I won't breed more because I will do it is some way forever. I will be just working with certain strains by then trying to perfect things.

After this winter is over I am going to have around 10 new hybrids. Some regular others feminized. Will they all work? Not a chance LOL. I do know that as picky as I am I will probably only like a couple. I ended up spreading JC 2 pollen on these plants.
Super Lemon Haze
707 Headband
Genius S-1
Chocolate Mint Og
Some plants got only one branch done while others have one. Not going to be a ton of seeds this way. There will be plenty for my needs though. I did all the best looking plants in the tent. All this does not mean they will be the best looking plants at the end LOL. One can hope.

I am also shooting for hybrids using
Tahoe OG

I do know that the Chocoloco clones are seed making factories. The JC 2 and the feminized Chocoloco plants are making seeds as we speak. I hope for the same with the Critical hybrid I am doing right now. I want lots of seeds from it. It is going to be fruity as hell.

Another bit of info. I am using only regular pollen in one tent and all female pollen in the other tent. Any extra seeds will at least of some kind of info behind it.

I have 2 single seed hybrids from similar things now. If you know all your pollen and find no surprise male flowers in the trimming then you know where the pollen came from. Both are from reversed Purple Betty pollen so I can't wait to try them. I want to be ready to self it so they will both have to wait a while.
I have to know what I am after to find it LMAO.
I do see the opportunity for greatness in some of my hybrids from this year. The main reason for some of the different ones is that it might be them. Logic would say a SLH x JC 2 hybrid bred with a resinous JC 2 male will be good. It is hard to take quality traits and end up with bad results. Same with the Headband one.

The results from the Glueberry or the Chocolate Mint Og might just crush them. There is tons of technical stuff involved in breeding. Still there is a lot of luck too. Just ask the GG #4 breeders LMAO.

Along that lines I am going to post some pictures of the Chocoloco clones. Hard to really tell with pics but all those pods are full of seeds. It has only been a week or so and they are forming up real well. The feminized Chocoloco made me really happy as it seems to have as many seeds as the JC 2 hybrid made with a true male. So we will start with it. The first 2 picks are the Selfed Chocoloco.

Next up are the regular seeds. Hoping the JC 2 will shorten up the flower time. Not sure if I will get a cool sour fruit smell or not. What I don't know is what the the THCV will do to the CBD levels.
Here it is

Still out of them all. Logic says the Chocoloco x Critical will be the best hybrid. Both have a great fruity smell and tons of trichome coverage. Which flavor will dominate is the biggest question. Dank and spicy are here now. Still breeding is not exact science. I may end up losing all the fruity smell for something different. Critical genetics have did a lot to some already great strains. I can't see it not working here. I know the Critical is a good one because it is a selfed plant with little variation.
It looks like I might be getting better at cloning. All clones look happy as hell after a week. As Always I will take them around 2 weeks and transplant them. It has worked before LOL. Unless they go completely nuts it is hard to see the roots the way I do things. Still most clones have formed some kind of roots by then. Not sure what I will do if some I want have not rooted. I might try the water glass thing LOL.

The main downside of cloning this way is not knowing. I don't know if I have killed clones that would have formed roots in another week or so. I probably have. I also have had good enough results this way to continue it for at least one more time. Sometime I need to take unneeded clones and try them in my misting cloner. I will have clones that root and I will reverse one or 2 of them. The why and the werefor will be decided later. I have 5 headband clones and 1 each of the Genius and the Tangalope. Really wish I had did the Chocolate Mint Og instead of the Tangalope. Still like I said you just never know. Tangy still has a high terpene profile. That is the main reasons it was chosen.

Also it looks like we are getting new growth from the JC 2 male already. It was not even close to getting fully finished. That's the nice thing about true males. They put out lots of pollen early and often LOL. This fact had a lot to do with the reveg on it. I only want it for a couple more hybrids. Safer to do it this way then it is to try and harvest and save pollen. I will be looking hard at the Jesus Og males but the JC 2 male I know is good. It is surely going to get a chance to bust it's balls again LMAO.
Had another big moving project. Seed tent needed to be moved. After I got it set back up I snapped a few picks of the males/reversed females.
First off we have the Tahoe Og. It is a lot later than most the other strains so I don't know if I will get any female seeds from it.

I am going to try a trick learned here and dry the tops to see If I can get some useable pollen. I did get to hit one Headband pheno with it. Things would be different if I didn't have clones to self of the Headband. Now it is more trouble to keep it then the hybrid would be worth.

Next we have the biggest Critical. While I am using both males for the Chocoloco clone. I only use this one plant for the Headband Hybrid.

Because of the move we are done trying to pollinate the Headbands anymore. If It took it took. I might finish it by drying the tops for the last of the pollen.

Last I will throw in the Jacks Cleaner father/mother plant that is back in veg. I am keeping it like you would a mother plant butit is a father. I am so confused LMAO. I might have to keep track of it. Even in veg it might want to pop a flower or 2 all the time. Probably have to try and trim them as the show up if it is not to bad. Regrowth is already happening so I know this one will turn around under 24/7 light.

Well that completes my all male review LMAO.

I also have other pertinent information. The Purple Betty X Chocoloco shot in the dark project produced another seed. I am up to 2 now LOL.

The Jacks Cleaner 2 plant that had so much hell getting started. Then got thrown into flower at 6" tall and 2 months old. Is now 9" tall and in full flower. It has spent the latter part of its life in with the males. It was right below the JC 2 males so I am sure it will pretty much produce nothing but seeds. They will be regular JC 2 genetics. I don't know how much was environmental and how much is freak plant in its genetics. Most was environmental as it was my fault it couldn't make it through the top of the soil. Still these seeds will be a bit questionable. It will be JC 2 genetics so there might be something good in there.
Congrats on the 2 Purple Betty x Chocoloco beans, you got 2 more seeds than what I would've. You said after this round of breeding your done for awhile, will you be growing out some of the hybrids you created?
Yeah that's the plan. While I have a couple that I want to try first. There are going to be some good ones I didn't expect for sure. Probably were I least expect it LOL.

The Headband that was pollinated with the JC 2 male is putting out that great sour smell already. Up to now all the ones that had the right smell had the great Headband high.

I still have plants I want to self and a couple more hybrids along the way. So there will always be some kind of breeding going on. I just am not sure what I will be able to do as of now.

After this winter I should be able to go a long time with the feminized seeds I will have. If I have room to grow regular strains all the better. How long I can grow them without getting bored is a biggest question LMAO.
That would be a blast growing hybrids and fem seeds that you created yourself, I could see where that would get boring over time. That's what I like about trying newer crosses that not many have heard of let alone grown out. I hope the Headband x JC2 is everything you expect.
I'm with Pennywise. I do grow strains again but only if they impress. No more than once a year for any one strain. I like a batch in between so I never have to worry about tolerance. One thing I don't want is to get bored with the strains I love the most.

Part of that has to do with hybrids of strains I like. Different flavors and smells with similar highs would be a good thing.
I can't grow Cinderella 99, Headband and Purple Betty every grow. If I could run them once and a hybrid once then I could keep things interesting.

Over the last few days I have spent most of my time high on the Chocoloco and the Sterling Haze. Both are plenty strong and have good effects. The Chocolco is a lot stronger though. Like I said they both have worked fine. Even along with the last of some of some of my jars. I can notice the effects. I like them, and they last fairly well.

Then I smoked some of the secret stash stuff I had and you really see the difference. Same effects but times it by 4. The stash stuff I broke out was some of my Purple Betty. Now I really can't wait to see what those 2 or 3 seeds I got from the Chocoloco x Purple Betty have to show me. At first I thought the Thai would bring a more up side to the high. Don't see that happening now that I have smoked the Chocoloco LMAO. How the Fruity and Berry smells and flavors blend is what I want to know.
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