Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

That Double Sour Purple Kush is one of the real diamond's in my seed collection. I am not sure what all is in there but it is going to have some special terps I bet.
Had to see what has happened in the last couple weeks. Best way to do that is with a picture. Nothing is stretching out of control so far which is always good. Plenty of room so all looks good as of now. The monster in the back is the Purps x Tahoe. The other is in the opposite corner. These plants are huge compared to everything else. The other 2 of these are a shorter pheno. They are the same size as other plants in the grow. I really wonder what the big ones would do in the great outdoors under full sun.

The fact that I only have 2 of these monsters is a good thing. I can keep them in the corner away from the light. Plus they are so tall and have such big fan leaves they shade other plants LOL. When a plant does so good it out grows even fast growing strains by a foot that says something. The short ones are probably the strong pheno. Can't be so lucky as to have the huge ones be the strongest and best smelling. LOL.

Just thought I would mention how nice it is now days when you can just email breeders for information. Before legalization they wouldn't talk much unless you got the right person. They confirmed my thought"s on the 2 males. Seeing how I am doing the picture thing today. I thought it would be a good time to introduce the 2 Jack's Cleaner 2 males.

First off is the name sake pheno. Leaning more to the Jacks Cleaner 2. Leaves are a touch wider and shorter. It is also the taller pheno. This one will be used for the Genius and the Chocoloco hybrids. Both should be interesting if nothing else. I will probably hit the sourest smelling Headband also. That would at least give me a good Headband hybrid even if feminized seeds don't work. (I have found that the dankest ones carry the Headband high better.)

The other male is Jack the Ripper leaning. I really like the lemon smell and the crystal formation on the JTR. This plant will be used to pollinate the Super Lemon Haze. I got a great growing pheno at least. This plant topped once made a perfect bush and will be a good mother plant as far as plant structure is concerned. When I grew it before I liked all of the pheno's. They varied some but both the Haze and the Lemon Skunk ones were strong. This plant looks to be more Lemon Skunk leaning so far. Fine with me as this is supposed to be a well rounded hybrid anyway.

Like I mentioned before Pollen is going everywhere this grow. I will sort them out later LMAO. I still expect more from some hybrids then I do from others. While I think the feminized Critical hybrids will be great if they produce pollen well enough. Everything is still riding on them producing female pollen. So these Jack's Cleaner 2 Hybrids are the only ones I know will produce seeds. With them all I have to do is let nature be nature.

I expect big things from the JC 2 x Genius. How easy they will be to find I don't know. I will find greatness in here somewhere. While I have to get a little lucky with the male. The fact that I should have a JC 2 leaning male helps. That only leaves finding the right female. With a S-1 strain that simplifies things a lot. While it is impossible to see what a plant will do to you. Great females show themselves. It is not like I am looking for one certain thing. I don't know what I am looking for. I will know when it shows up though. Will they do it young enough for good seed production is the question. If I have to guess I will. This being a S-1 makes doing this easier.
I just had a disturbing thought. I am growing Genuis this run and plan to head to Colorado this winter. Thinking of bringing a bud of it to burn to burn with Mrsoul. I plan to meet up with him if possible just not sure if I would get a chance to partake. At least leave a bud with him. Might as well see how I did by the one guy that can really tell me. It would really suck if he made a weird face and put it out LMAO.

Well not stop. Won't find out shit that way. I do plan to postpone any plans tell I get a better look at this JTR leaning male plant. I always look at male plants with a scope the same as females. Normally you see nothing special. Just wishing mostly.

I was doing just that yesterday morning. I looked at the JTR leaning male and I could have sworn I saw trichomes. Looked the other plant to see if it was doing it and found nothing. Looked at the JTR male again and there they were again. It is still early, way to early to get my hopes up to much.

Let me explain. When I grew out Jack the Ripper there was a pheno that was covered in trichomes. Looking almost like a white strain. We all know about pheno's. The super frosty JTR was a great pheno. Thing is. For every female pheno there is a male counter part in regular strains that is the same. That super frosty female should have a male counter part. If it did you might expect to find trichome's on it also. Still yet to be confirmed but this might be that pheno.

I am going to have to keep a close watch on this plant. I know other strains have males that produce trichomes. I also know that most of those males was used for breeding. I still don't know that this is one of those yet. It is not even producing pollen yet. If it is then I need to evaluate what I want to do with it. I may loose some genetics using only one male that is no big deal if it is the right one. I just can't see using a male for something when I have a simular male that produce's pollen. I may have to go with the single male for everything.

Not only that but save some pollen to make a few more hybrids with it next run. Lots of regular strains but that is nothing if I can breed with a great male plant.

I know it is early to get excited but I have nothing else to do right now. I have been incredibly lucky lately with plants. It could have happened again. Maybe I was gifted a great male when I needed it the most. If all goes the way I think I just hope I can photograph it. By now I am sure some of you think I am completely off my rocker.

Of course doing that might also change the players in the next grow. I have great confidence in keeping pollen for a few months in the freezer. I have all the indica strains I will ever want to work with. Strains I know that will be great for breeding or growing. Great sativas are different. I don't mean the light sativa's people smoke for daytime use. I am talking slap you in the face sativa's. The kind of stuff you don't find if you don't have the right genetics to start with.

Guys like me don't find great males often because I just don't grow out that many males. Let alone my plant counts are low for most breeding programs. If half of the equation is already a lock. Then my chances for greatness have doubled. I don't need to breed a great strain. I only need to find great plants. I can self after this. This could give me some great stuff to look through. Like I mentioned females are easier to choose especially if the male is a given equation.
Man I hope it's the JTR pheno your hoping for, I'm all excited for you can't wait to see what you end up with. The anticipation is killing me lol I can only imagine how you feel. So if this is the pheno you think it is your just going to breed with the single male, and if not are you still going to use pollen from both? I gotta get my sativa game up or im going to be stuck on couch lock all next summer.
Yeah just watching and waiting now. The other male may produce trichomes too. In that case I will still use both. Thing is nothing is telling me that it isn't a good plant. The other is just saying pick me pick me. Frosty fan leaves don't get you high. Well they do. Just not in the ways of buds. Frosty plants are cool to look at but it is only the ones on the buds that matter to me. Trim is all used for cooking or hash. The quality of trim goes up with the frosty ones. I have seen great strains with little or no trichomes on the fan leaves.

It all about the trichomes. Speaking of them. One of the cool things about the Chocoloco is it is covered in them. To the point you can not see any place it could put more. Never knew plants could have trichomes like my hair. Frizzy. They are all over the place some falling over other's twisting. It is to the point it is hard to see what is the top of what trichome. The scope just looks like a mass of cloudy and clear stalks with a bunch of round resin heads piled on.

Still finding them as they mature. The early one came in at 8.5 weeks under 11/13. I just chopped the second at just passed 9 weeks. The last plant is still going strong. The Sterling Haze is in the how strong can I get it mode. Test bud showed heavy sativa traits. The buzz is there but not very distracting. Going to see what happens when this one is taken later when amber shows up. I usually harvest with very little amber. I want pot at it's best not it's strongest. All that changes plant to plant even within a strain. I just wait tell I decide to kill it. Scary huh.
Ok I wanted to keep this part separate. Yesterday was a happy day for the family. Me and all the girls were surprised to see a new addition to the family. As I had mentioned before I thought that the old Purple Betty pollen might have produced a seed. Well it DID. Confirmed yesterday by a little brown baby.(It should be a girl)

Thing is. This is a different plant then the one I thought I saw a seed on. So looks like I will have a few of these. I plan to make another hybrid when I grow out Purple Betty again. I want one of the mixed or all purple pheno's for this hybrid. The flavor will work better for the Chocoloco then the green pheno. Tell then I will get a little bit of sense of what the high will be like.

I will probably mix any seeds from the seeded branches. There are 3 total. They both have the same father and similar looking mothers. The one that produced the seed smells like it is going to be a lot more hazy then the first plant. Pretty sure that is where they find chocolate. When I trim the next plant I will know for sure. If there is a major difference in fragrance I might keep them separate.

Still this was a shot in the dark and a last second plan. The fact that I get any seeds from it is a gift. My luck just keeps going. Going to be a hell of a wreck when this lucky streak comes to a halt LMAO.

The real interesting part is the Sterling Haze. The one that is to sativa like, was pollinated also. Any seeds from it might be a little more rounded out. Anyway I am well on my way to being able to have a complete harvest of all my own genetics.

Just saying that makes me laugh. No way I am going to survive on my own shit. Cinderella 99 707 Headband and a few others will always be around. I really don't think I can do better then others have. It might be hard to understand but I have to breed. I will always be proud about any plant I grow. I just find it really hard to be too proud of strains someone else made. I could change the name or make a poly/hybrid or what ever they it when you take 2 great strains and make seeds. I could call them my own. Thing is I would know. I want the same feeling from something I made as I get when I spark up a fatty of the one of the great Headband pheno's.
Well I promised I was not going to use the Chocolate name. Always a good chance to think on long drives so i did just that. While I really did like Chocolate Betty it still had Chocolate in it. It is Trailer Trash Betty genetics so it would have been nice to keep the name going.

Just because I can't use the whole name doesn't mean I can't use part. Best I could do is "Churps" Chocoloco x Purps. To tell the truth I have no idea how that one popped into my mind. I had finally decided to give up because it didn't have to have name. Sometimes I guess you have to over think things before you can do it simply.
Everything is batting right along. The JTR male is still showing trichomes but not like I thought they might. Still no pollen yet so I have a couple days to decide on which males to use where, when, and why. I know for sure the JTR is the one I will be using for the hybrid with the Super Lemon Haze which is a great plant.

It has perfect structure. After being topped once. It bushed perfectly with all branches reaching the top of the canopy. It looks to have more of the Lemon Skunk genetics shining through plant structure wise. That is a great thing as the JTR is sativa leaning.

The Genius is another story. Swaying towards the Jack's Cleaner leaning male for it again. The Genius being a S-1 makes things a lot easier. Half the equation is all ready taken care of. Now I just want plenty of seeds of something similar. I can always make S-1 seeds when I find plants I like. I think the variety I get from it will be better then the variety from the JTR leaning male.

That's the really interesting part. While there is the chance I may not find any pheno's I really like to self. There is also a chance I may find more then one.

The last 2 females from the sativa grow are still hanging on. Trying to take the Chocoloco a lot later then the others to see what it will do. It just keeps going. Plant 2 was stronger then plant 1. Tons of relaxation here lol. Working with this strain is going to be interesting. Now it is almost a pure sativa that can put your lights out LMAO.

The Sterling Haze is the same thing. Grow as long as I can. All the things I find that I don't like with some sativa strains are showing up in this plant. My brain just doesn't recognize the high very well. Maybe with age some of that will go away.
I said Fuck it. The earliest of the Chocoloco clones is ready for pollen. The hybrid with it to the Jack's Cleaner 2 is a regular strain that I just wanted to make for the hell of it. Even though I am still seeing trichomes on one male and none on the other. I still want to have genetics of both in here. I put the clone right between the 2 males and turned a fan on each. Any pollen will fall onto it. The males are not putting out much pollen yet but pods are opening every day. I just want this clone pollinated now. I will leave it with the males for a couple days. The reversed plants are not putting out pollen yet so they don't factor in. This is the wrong thing to do but I am doing it anyway. Half of these seeds might be crap. Or they all could be interesting.

Thing is the Chocoloco has some quality traits. Things that I want in any hybrid. No ceiling, headband high, A one hit wonder that also has creeper effects that follow. Pollen from anything could could gain by these traits. If so I have a winner. If not I lose nothing.

I still am going to have to use the Jack the Ripper male for all other breeding. You just can't argue with trichomes. The other male has none. I thought there might have been more of them but I am not sure. Any is a whole lot better then none. I can see then on the pods and leaves with a scope but it is nothing I could get a picture of.

From the picture of the male they used to breed Third Dimension. In TGA's Dank 2.0 book. My male has the same amount of trichomes on the pods as the male they used. Mine actually seems to have more but I can see theirs with a scope to check the leaves.

Both the Genius and the Super Lemon Haze deserve the best male I have. So I will do them with the JTR male. As before I will also be saving some of the pollen from it also for the next grow. One plant for sure I want to breed it to is Agent Orange. I really liked JTR but it had issues. I think a 2/3 JTR and a 1/3 Orange Velvet might be a perfect combination. Plus it helps me keep some of the A.O. around. Males from the A.O. will be used to pollinate C-99. And my breeding will be done for a while thank god.

I also have 2 freebies that will be grown just so I can pollinate them with one of those 2 males.

Red Diesel is supposed to have been bred with a Orange Skunk. Most write ups mention a California Skunk. I did some checking and found it was probably a Orange Skunk. So I will pollinate it with the Agent Orange. It was bred just to be a bigger diesel.

Amhurst Diesel is for the pollen I am saving from the JTR leaning male. I only have one Diesel hybrid and want more. These 2 might do it. If not I will find one some day. It is to simple for me to paint a little pollen on a branch to try.
AO x C99!! God I love this journal, you can't argue with crossing good genetics!! I went and looked in my copy of Dank 2.0 thanks for the recommendation by the way, the male they used was outstanding. If yours has more trichs then you have something extremely special my friend!! I can't wait to see some of your new creations bro!!
We just went recreational use here in Michigan, so next year I'm going to try some breeding in my greenhouse. I have some JTR beans I really want to backcross. It's on my favorite daytime smoke list. I really enjoy your journal as your ideas keep changing ( growing). I'm a thinker too. I'm just not a good writer, trying to express my thoughts typing is a pia. Lol. Anyway, carry on bro
AO x C99!! God I love this journal, you can't argue with crossing good genetics!! I went and looked in my copy of Dank 2.0 thanks for the recommendation by the way, the male they used was outstanding. If yours has more trichs then you have something extremely special my friend!! I can't wait to see some of your new creations bro!!

Yep A.O. x C-99. That is why I am now waiting to do it. If I do it now I would get C-99 x A.O. I would lose the advantage of transferring the C-99 traits by using it as a male. I have enough random stuff. When I do a couple of the ones I really want. I will spend more time with the genetics.

Long drive yesterday so I came up with a new plan.
Speaking of long drives. I'm in the land of huge brook trout so I best get my act together and get to fishing. Only caught browns yesterday. Hard life when the 4 and 5 lb browns you are catching are not good enough LMAO.
AO x C99!! God I love this journal, you can't argue with crossing good genetics!! I went and looked in my copy of Dank 2.0 thanks for the recommendation by the way, the male they used was outstanding. If yours has more trichs then you have something extremely special my friend!! I can't wait to see some of your new creations bro!!

That's cool you have the book and can understand what I am talking about. I am seeing the same smattering of trichomes on the pods like in the picture. I just can't take macro pics very well. I am hoping as it matures the ones on the leaves will show well enough to photograph.

Still everything I can find or hear so far give me hopes of greatness. The fact that I lucked into a great breeding male is what it is. What I do from here is what really matters.
Ok back from the land of monsters. Great fishing in below freezing temps. Average temps were in the teens and we were waist deep in water the whole time. Not sure how many brown trout I caught between 3 and 6lbs. Caught 3 brookies over 15". The temps and water do not equate to pictures so you are going to have to take my word for it.

Who would have thought wading in water in below freezing temps would be a great idea.
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