Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Congrats Jackalope!!! Horn size won't put any meat in the freezer!!! How's your Chocoloco doing?
Congrats Jackalope!!! Horn size won't put any meat in the freezer!!! How's your Chocoloco doing?

Getting ready to go look at them. Plants come after coffee LMAO. I will get a couple pics. Last I looked the early Chocoloco it still had some clear trichomes. Only at 8 weeks now. I am not sure how much dropping a hour of light time speeded up flowering. It seems it did with the C.G. I plan to pull the Colombian Gold any day now. Flower tent is interesting anyway it has plants doing all kinds of stuff lol. Pictures might clear it all up I hope.
Wrong picture here we go again
Same story different picture LOL

Here is the Sterling Haze. I thought the Fox tails would get a lot bigger. They said not to feed it much so I didn't. That may have something to do with it. They call this a hard strain to grow so getting it to here is a good thing no matter what happens.

Next up we get the runt. This little Jack's Cleaner 2 has did it's best to survive. I didn't have the heart to kill it. As you can see from the veg tent picture there was just no more room for it. I will let it flower and be who it wants to be. In any other situation I would have to kill this plant because of room. Both the other JC2 plants are just about the same size as the rest in veg. Still looks like 1 male and 1 female.

Now we get to the Chocoloco. I got a decent pic of 1 branch. You can smell the haze through the sweet now. I got so lucky with this one plant. It is the only one that had both clones make it. It seems to be the best and I get the chance to self it. As I mentioned before I don't care that much about Chocolate flavor as I am for the Chocolate Thai high. This has the haze smell coming through so I am pretty sure this is going to be close.

I do believe I mentioned I had a full veg tent. I was wrong this is full LMAO.

Like I said everything that wasn't essential had to be moved. It will be pushing it to go another week of veg but I will try. All the Headband still need to be trimmed back but I am waiting to take clones. That will give things a little breathing room. Not sure which plants will be cloned to go with the Headband. The Basic Skunk 19 x C-99 are by far the best plants in the tent at this time. With this strains growth structure I should take at least one of it. As of now I plan to do the SLH and the Chocolate Mint Og. I will be doing a Jack's Cleaner 2 hybrid with the male JC2 and the Headband so I won't do a feminized one. When I flower these last clones the only plant that will be reversed will be the Headband. So the plan is to have 2 or 3 hybrids along for the ride when I try and self Headband.
Thank you. They are in the grow like hell stage now. I have found where I am they do fine like this for a while. Not much natural humidity here. Most plants seemed to love being packed in like that. I do keep lots of air moving. Filters and interior fans run full time. Still now that hunting is over I will be setting up the other tent for flowering. Then all the plants will be split up to different tents.

This is a new set up and I did kind of push the limits of what it can do. Some day it would be interesting to throw in 36 clones in it one day just to see what it would do with Sea of Green.

One of the big problems now will be deciding what goes where. Each plant has grown different been trimmed different or are totally different genetics. Figuring out which plants to move and where those plants will go is harder then you would think. Even now there are corner plants and side plants. Of course short plants go in the center. Tall plants on the out side. I have found a few strains that really like the back row. Since that time I tend to grow my taller single stalked plants on the outside row. They tend to do fine with the lower intensity light. Sativa dom plants that want to be bushy and love tons of light tend to end up in the middle area because of their size. This can change if they stretch to much.

The problems arise if to many plants get to tall or to large for a certain tent. I always before moved stuff around as needed. I am no longer moving anything other then the basic moves. Even with my new treatments for PM I want to make sure I don't move problems around. I have cleaned and plan to clean between grows but this old house just has to many places that mildew spores can live. If I treat it as if it is there it don't show up. I lost a lot of weight last year not being able to feed how I wanted because of some of the stuff I used to treat PM. I don't use that stuff anymore. In the last 2 grows I have found from very little to no PM. So I will continue the constant kill LMAO.

I am with everyone else drooling over that Chocoloco. It still needs lots of time to fill all them trichomes to bursting. As I mentioned a new smell is arriving as they mature. The plant pictured is going to be at least 2 weeks faster then her sisters. Maybe more. Both the others are still mostly white hairs and plant #3 is already mostly red. Still lots to go on with the trichomes but this one is going to be done by 10 weeks I am pretty sure. Just one more reason to self this plant and spread her genetics out a bit. While I have no idea or care about the chocolate taste. If it comes a long then it will be excepted lol. I still will only be using this with the 2 strains that have chocolate in the genetics or name. No chocolate strains in the Chocolate Mint Og so it must be a flavor thing still a worthy choice. The best plant at pollination will be chosen. The same goes with the Tangalope. It has Chocolope genetics so it is a real good canidate. More Chocolate Thai genetics might really help get rid of any left over Tangy smell LMAO. Not much for the smell of Tangy but it sure is strong as Hell. I have 2 plants to choose from here also. Got lucky with this one as I had choosen this one as a sativa and not because of the Chocolate genetics. I had not decided to self the Chocoloco by then. Or maybe I did I don't remember. It is a perfect choice if I was choosing so either way I win.
That's what I liked about the Chocolate Thai from back in the day. It was a sativa and had some upbeat effects but it was mellow. I would consider it couch potato only in ways. I guess we need another section for bed potato LMAO. It is a whole differnt type of mellow. I have found that lots of times I could lay down and be comfortable but not sleep. The sativa in it kept my mind busy doing other things beside sleep LOL.
That is why I really thought I would like his strains more. Don't get me wrong. They are great they just don't fall under the type of high I like. I really thought they would because of that fact. Lots of stuff in there. The fact that it ended up 80% indica after he used lots of sativa and only one indica is confusing. They why mostly.

If you are me and you "analize" everything. It makes you wonder. You would think the perfect blend of sativa and indica would be found in a 50/50 or 60/40 range of of percents. Most popular strains fall in the 70 to 80 percent of one or the other. Very few strains fall into the middle of the road area. Even hybrids now days fall into the mostly one or the other. In the end it doesn't matter much anymore. Indica and sativa no longer can be seen as couch potato or motivational. No matter what they say is in it you still need to find out what it does to you.

The Colombian Gold has been sequestered to a dark dark room. Trichomes are cloudy and they plant is taking in very little if any water anymore. A couple days in the dark will help it push anything left out to the buds. From the test bud I know is not going to be heady like a lot of sativa's. It is a more of all around high. No need to let it get more body. The time in the dark might help the terepenes develop if any more time is needed.

I figured out most the logistics on flowering. In the next couple days I will be putting the 60 x 60 tent into flower. All plants that are to be considered for breeding will be put into the 48 x 48 for a little more veg time. While there are a few plants I want to get bigger. Mostly the extra veg time is to give the reversed plants and the males time to develop. Not much going on with the reversed plants yet.

It looks like I may have all male plants from the Jacks Cleaner 2. 1 is positively a male the other is looking that way but it is way early. It is just showing signs of some thing happening where I am looking for hairs. They look more like pods then hairs. Either way they will be used.

This then creates a new questions. If I get 2 do I use them both? Of course I do LMAO. Just not sure how I would use both. I known one shows Jack the Ripper traits so that must mean the other would be the Jacks Cleaner 2 leaning one. I could use the pollen from each plant to do certain plants or I could mix the pollen and do all the plants with the mix. Lots more pheno hunting if I mix it but that also means more can happen. You would never know from one seed to another which plant the father was. That is probably the smartest because I plan to do a lot of pheno hunting.

In the end I will probably use each plant separately. The JTR plant crossed to the SLH and the JC2 leaning one to the Genius S-1. I am hoping if I make all the plans for them both to be male one will end up female LMAO. Looks like the little tiny plant might get to do something. If it is a female I will seed it with something. I may not be real excited about them because of all the trouble the plant has had getting started. Small or not it will still make seeds. Better to produce off spring then just a joint or 2.
I really enjoy reading your journal. It reminds me a lot of mine. I always do an update and then I get to think-typing, rather than thinking out loud... I do it mostly for my own benefit. But after reading a good portion of this journal, I can clearly see how it has the potential to help others. So... :thanks:

The wife gets bored with all of my thoughts about growing, that's how I ended up here, lol.
You'll fit in fine here. I totally agree that journals are just us talking to ourselves. I know I do. How crazier or stupid it looks after writing it can tell people a lot LMAO. Or it should. Some people leave the stupid shit lol.

Big decision yesterday. I am not going to do a second round of breeding this year. I had planned to self my best Headband plus do a hybrid or 2. I managed to get more Headband seeds so things are not desperate. I want to see what the Headband x Skunk #1 regular seeds I have first.

Plus I am going to want look at the hybrids I am doing right now before I get carried away. I will probably work with the males from this last run we will see. I have a lot to do with what I have going so no use making more work.

Probably the biggest reason is power bills. The high price of staying alive has put a dent in my steady cash flow lol. I want to run my charcoal filters 24/7. I am doing it now just to keep fresh air going into all the plant matter. It keeps Co2 levels good plus it scrubs the air coming from the tent. Pretty sure I might need it this run. There is a lot of dank in there. In the end it is better not to push the limits of what I am doing. Always best to have back up room and power. As you guys have found out I change my mind once in a while LOL.

The big move will happen tonight. The 48 x 48 tent is up and will be plumbed today. I am working on my second design of a sound depressor for the fans. This one will be bigger because it is the only box I have that has the volume I want. I don't think size has everything to do with it but for filter exhaust I don't want and obstruction. It is all about breaking up that big column of air. Size doesn't matter now but I hope to make them smaller after I see what works best. I need to do something as 2 fans running 24/7 is going to make some noise.
Will you post pics of your fan silencers when you get them done? The wife's getting a little grumpy about fan noise in the bedroom. Happy wife happy life I guess lol. Headband is one of those strains I've heard so much good about, but have never had a chance to try any. Was it the Blueberry Headband you had a hell of a time with or just normal Headband?
It was the Blueberry Headband that gave me hell. Both plants had great flavors that were different from one another. One had the Headband high come through really well. Those plants were not healthy which was my fault. I am going to give it another try so I can use the Headband X C-99 males I get. It and Exoudus Cheese will be grown just for those males. I don't plan to feminize anything but I am not going to throw out the males.

The 707 Headband is the one I grow and like. I will try the others in time but this one fits what I like the most. Different Headbands hold different amounts of indica. The 707 is a mostly sativa one but it is not speedy at all. The perfect pheno of this strain is as close as it gets to the best pot ever for me.
If it ranks that highly with you then I have to try it now. Most of the genetics I want to run come from you lol. I figure if Jackalope at least likes it chances are I will love it. So would you say the Blueberry Headband isn't worth the time to grow. Headband x C99 should be something special.
Will you post pics of your fan silencers when you get them done? The wife's getting a little grumpy about fan noise in the bedroom. Happy wife happy life I guess lol. Headband is one of those strains I've heard so much good about, but have never had a chance to try any. Was it the Blueberry Headband you had a hell of a time with or just normal Headband?

Thats funny shit. I manufacture fan noise in my bedroom. Never considered moving the grow tent in there LOL.

I will try and get some pictures. They are nothing fancy and I used what I had lots of. Cardboard boxes and duct tape LOL. The basic idea is to break up the air flow. These last ones worked lots better then the first one. The new room is pretty damn quiet compared to the first. I put suppressors on all open ends of fan hose's. Your charcoal filter counts as 1. I have found that a lot can be done for these also. The outer cover of the filter didn't fit tight and had a whirling sound in the first set up. I taped the edges of it on the new tent and solved that.

They make a sound suppressor for in-line fans. I looked at into them. Price is always a issue for me and anyone else. Why buy what you can make. The ones I looked at were only egg patterned foam in a 6 inch circle. It looks like a big filter with no mesh on the outside. As the airflow crosses the foam it looses its whirling effect.

I made my mine with bed pads and boxes. I use a 6" duct connector for the hose and tape it to what ever end of the box works best. They come with adhesive but I use tape also. You want there to be plenty of space for the air to cross over the foam before exiting. I just cut 3 inch holes away from the air flow for air to exit. I always give more room for the air to exit then what is coming in. If you have a 6" line coming in then you will need more then that going out so you don't build any pressures. As the force of the air bounces around the box it looses a lot of its sound.
I didn't do mine in a cylinder shape I just cut pieces to fit the square sides of the boxes. Each one is different to fit what was needed. All it took was some time to put things together. I will get you some pictures tomorrow. You might want to let the wife help with design so it fits the decor. With some ingenuity I think these can be made from anything. Even stealth ones made to look like something that looks normal in a room or has other use's.
Well I got the big move finished. None to soon as you can tell from the picture. I should mention that the 2 monsters in the back corners are the Seedking Purps x Tahoe Og. Both are females so I am really interested what they will do. First time growing this hybrid.

The 60 x 60 is now in flower. Everything really went nuts this week. I thought I was going to have to veg 2 tents. No need now as some of these plants grew over 6 inches last week it seems. Lots of big bushy beasts in there now. The tent still looks full so I am really sure I need to expand LOL. Only 2 feet left for stretch so I am sure some plants will push the limits of the tent. That's the nice thing about the 60 inch tent. There is plenty of room for tall plants on the edges. Plus as buds form the canopy will change some opening it up more.

The 48 x 48 tent will continue to get 18 hours of light for another week. The plants that are to be pollinated are in the 48" tent. I want more time for all males to be fully mature when the females are ready. In this case too mature is better then less. By the time The Purple Betty I reversed put out lots of pollen it was to late to pollinate most plants. Can't have that happen with these. Males from regular seeds start pumping out pollen early and often. I have not found this in reversed plants yet.
If it ranks that highly with you then I have to try it now. Most of the genetics I want to run come from you lol. I figure if Jackalope at least likes it chances are I will love it. So would you say the Blueberry Headband isn't worth the time to grow. Headband x C99 should be something special.
If it ranks that highly with you then I have to try it now. Most of the genetics I want to run come from you lol. I figure if Jackalope at least likes it chances are I will love it. So would you say the Blueberry Headband isn't worth the time to grow. Headband x C99 should be something special.
If it ranks that highly with you then I have to try it now. Most of the genetics I want to run come from you lol. I figure if Jackalope at least likes it chances are I will love it. So would you say the Blueberry Headband isn't worth the time to grow. Headband x C99 should be something special.

No not at all. If I only smoke the Blueberry Headband then I don't notice the strength issues much. A lot could be in how I grew them which wasn't very well. Plus with all the problems I had to take them a little early. That with the fact they tried to finish early because they were starting to die means I really didn't give this one a chance to impress.

Impress it did though. I mentioned the flavors were different and they were. I liked both flavors equally well. This strain is packed with flavor. To many flavors out there for 1 to be the best ever. Both these could easily be in that conversation.

Thanks for all the kind words. Not everyone likes the same types of weed. Plus everyone is effected differently by the same weed. With that said I do believe that the things I find special in strains everyone will notice. I don't know all the fancy words for the effects but I know what a good high is. Plus with the fact I went from a 98 hr a week job to disability with a basically a home bound life. I have nothing else to do but put pot through rigorous tests LOL. I live alone so no need to be able to communicate. This gives me a unique opportunity to really see what pot can really do. I abused my body for 30 years in the oil patch its the minds turn now LMAO.
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