Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Do you know what's going on with this seedling?

Sorry for bombarding your thread just never had a seedling like this one.
Do you know what's going on with this seedling?

Sorry for bombarding your thread just never had a seedling like this one.
Hi Cav. If you are talking about the crinkled looking leaves, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It will grow out of it as it matures imo. Hopefully everyone is having a good day. Oh I meant to say nice work on letting the 4pt walk! He'll be bigger next season
She seems to be missing a leaf and node on one side I suck at taking pics so you probably can't see it. That's the hopes of passing him up plus i had my 11yr old with me. Trying to teach him a little about deer conservation. Didn't wake up to it snowing again so good day here lol. How are you doing Mi?
Lots of plants will have a hick-up somewhere and produce weird growth. Mostly it is the fact that we know the plants so well we notice any differences much easier. Most will grow out of it.

Purple Erckle is another strains that regularly has weird growth. Like Mi mentioned some of the great strains fall into the weird section. As long as it they don't make those weird ass'd buds then it usually isn't a problem.

I sure understand what you taking about deer conservation. Finally starting to see mature deer in the area I am hunting. They had to go to limited quota after trying antler restrictions of 3 points or better. I always hunted mature deer before. Now days I don't have that luxury. I don't have the ability to go where I need to to find them. Tags are buck deer only so I can't take a dry doe if I don't shoot a buck. That pretty much leaves me young stupid bucks. I need the meat so I am going to shoot something. At least now with better management there is more bucks of all age class's. Only 500 or so buck tags in the area the last 2 seasons so it will still get better. Lots better then the 1000's of people that hunted the area when it was general deer. After so many other areas went limited quota. All the hunters had only a couple places to hunt and they hunted them almost to extinction. No matter how good a area is. It can't survive if all un-drawn hunters are forced to hunt in only a couple general area's.
I've had seedlings Top themselves at an early age, they look like hell but they grow out of it eventually. And you end up with more colas to play with. She'll be fine in the end.
I totally agree Pennywise. That headband is going to be a great plant. I have had them do this but never on the second set of leaves. I will have to post pics of her now she has turned into a great plant.

One major thing I have noticed with this grow. I am going to have "Dank". I always have a stinky plant or 2 with no problems. This grow I planned to look for shunky. I have a Basic Skunk 19 hybrid, a SKS from DNA, Headband from HSO. Add all these with a regular hybrid that has lots of smell. Even in veg this tent reeks. Going to need to keep filters going 24/7 when I get to flower.

In the end who cares. As long as I can keep the smell somewhat contained all will be good. As long as the fans are running the smell doesn't make it out of the tent. One hour after fans go off I can start smelling them. That's a lot of smell coming off foot tall plants in veg.
Still looking for a mind of my own. Every time a make a decision I have to change it. Thought I was the one in control, I guess not lol.

Moved all the Purps x Tahoe plants back to the veg tent. No need for room any more. 4 have shown who they really are and died for it. One showed a hair so only 3 more that have not showed sex. Hoping because they are so much later they will be females. I am at 50/50 male/female ratio now. My guess is I will probably loose 1 more.

I moved 2 of the Chocoloco clones to the flower tent. I will keep the plant 3 clone in veg tell the reversed one starts throwing balls. The others are going to be used for hybrids with the Critical and the Tahoe Og. Flower times are longer so they should still make seeds fine.

In the end I still need to fill needs as well as make some seeds. Most seed projects will take a back seat to the main grow. Better to have my grow tent full right now.

One of the major change's is the fact that I am not seeding 2 Chocoloco plants with the feminized Chocoloco pollen. I am just going to self plant #3. It has the most crystal and is the earliest of all 3. This one doesn't produce as much but it looks stronger. I have more Chocoloco and plan to use it for a real Chocolate Purps hybrid with the strongest Purple Betty I can find. If I get a few seeds from the feminized hybrid I tried great. If not no big deal because I know I can make it better. I need a pheno with more Purple as they have better flavor.

Another thing to mention. I seem to have lost the split seed pod on the Chocoloco plant. This has happened before. I don't know what happens that they fool me but they have before. I know what I am looking for and was possitive these plants were not making seeds. So I am pretty sure I didn't see it only because I wanted them there. I was supprised to see it. Now I will have no idea tell I harvest. I still have that "Hope" now though so all ain't bad.

Sativa tent smells like fruit salad. No idea why they call this chocolate. It damn sure isn't because of the smell LMAO. Plant #2 smell is advancing into something else but it is still mostly sweet smelling. All the others are 1 sweet smell or another. C.G. Is still cruising along, Not sure if it is day to day or week to week. The way it started finishing I thought it would be done by now. The smell is sweet and minty. I think I can take this plant any time now as it is to the point were I harvest some strains for a more heady high. I want to take this one all the way to see what the hell it really is and how strong that is going to be. Still not sure if I am going to like this strain or not.
Now back to random. The sativa tent is a sweet smelling place. Everyone of these plants has a sweet smell! I wonder if it has anything to do with the 11/13 light schedule. Lots of the sweet smelling strains come from areas with that amount of natural light. Maybe it is the amount of light that makes them sweet?

Probably has to do with the fact that all of them are sweet smelling strains and not the light LMAO. Still I am interested in the idea of terepene production happening during the dark part of the day. It will be something I will look into over time. It might be a great way to bring more flavor to strains with great smell and little taste.

I figured out why breeding is so important to me. I hear lots of times how great my weed is. To me it really isn't "My" weed. It is just something I grew. I want the strains to be mine from the ground up. Biggest problem with that is trying to find something that hasn't been done. That is one of the reasons there is so many generic strains out there. I will always grow the stuff other people made. I am not stupid. I just want a couple of my own strains to add to them. Very few people know I "grew" that weed but when they say it is great I know. I want that same feeling off a strain that I came up with.

I will be moving the 2 Jacks Cleaner 2 plants to the flower tent to sex them. Looks to me like the one with the Jack the Ripper traits is going to be a male. It is the only male plant I am going to let live so I will probably make some regular seeds. Which ones I choose is still up in the air. Obvious choice will be the Genius S-1 so that is a given. Same thing with the SLH. Just what else to do when them.I am only doing branches so I really don't loose much. I have to feed them different but if everything is pollinated at the right time the seeds will be finished in time for a flush. If not oh well I end up with seeds and some shitty tasting and burning weed. Pretty sure I will have to hit one of the best Headband plants. It is my favorite all time strain so even hybrids of it have interest. I just don't know if I am going to hit ant indica dominate strains yet.

I am also getting pretty excited about they thought of the Chocoloco x Critical hybrid. Tons of sweet fruity genetics in both strains. I am really impressed with the Chocoloco mostly because I saw no hermie genetics. If the Chocolate Thai high comes out in this strain then the Critical could make this a great one. This pheno of Critical pumps out tons of crystal with a happy non couch potato indica high. This should mix perfectly to the Chocolate Thai high. What it will do for Chocoloco who knows.
I planted a couple of TTB seeds just two days ago. Hoping for a Male and female but two females would be just as nice from what I read a few pages back.

I need to practice more controlled pollination and better pollen storage. The last plant I pollinated in a controlled way but the pollen was a week old laying in an envelope in my kitchen cupboard. Just started finding seeds recently, and surprisingly healthy at that. That cross is from a Male Columbian Red Point x Unknown and a female Devil's Crack Auto.

My first pollination yielded me maybe 400-500 viable seeds and an equal amount of obvious duds. This was a stupid uncontrolled pollination with the same Red Point cross pollen on a Dark Devil Auto.

These seem like pointless crosses, but I have a plan brewing that can hopefully yield me a potent fast flowering purple sativa strain. The TTB should come in handy during this process as I have read that it is great for breeding into a line.

Sorry to ramble on your thread. I'll be lurking around... You have some real beauties growing there.
I love the fruity sweet smelling strains, especially the lemon and blueberries. Breeding is a great idea IMO. Even if you are not completely happy with the results, at least you have a shit load of seeds. Store them properly and pheno hunt at your leisure. Win win as far as I can see. Shit I need to get some breeding at some point. Lol
I planted a couple of TTB seeds just two days ago. Hoping for a Male and female but two females would be just as nice from what I read a few pages back.

I need to practice more controlled pollination and better pollen storage. The last plant I pollinated in a controlled way but the pollen was a week old laying in an envelope in my kitchen cupboard. Just started finding seeds recently, and surprisingly healthy at that. That cross is from a Male Columbian Red Point x Unknown and a female Devil's Crack Auto.

My first pollination yielded me maybe 400-500 viable seeds and an equal amount of obvious duds. This was a stupid uncontrolled pollination with the same Red Point cross pollen on a Dark Devil Auto.

These seem like pointless crosses, but I have a plan brewing that can hopefully yield me a potent fast flowering purple sativa strain. The TTB should come in handy during this process as I have read that it is great for breeding into a line.

Sorry to ramble on your thread. I'll be lurking around... You have some real beauties growing there.
BTW, you have a solid plan! A fast finishing purple sativa sounds like money!
I planted a couple of TTB seeds just two days ago. Hoping for a Male and female but two females would be just as nice from what I read a few pages back.

I need to practice more controlled pollination and better pollen storage. The last plant I pollinated in a controlled way but the pollen was a week old laying in an envelope in my kitchen cupboard. Just started finding seeds recently, and surprisingly healthy at that. That cross is from a Male Columbian Red Point x Unknown and a female Devil's Crack Auto.

My first pollination yielded me maybe 400-500 viable seeds and an equal amount of obvious duds. This was a stupid uncontrolled pollination with the same Red Point cross pollen on a Dark Devil Auto.

These seem like pointless crosses, but I have a plan brewing that can hopefully yield me a potent fast flowering purple sativa strain. The TTB should come in handy during this process as I have read that it is great for breeding into a line.

Sorry to ramble on your thread. I'll be lurking around... You have some real beauties growing there.

Good luck with the TTB. It has been doing a great job for years. Yes it can be great for breeding if you choose the right male. Using a male or a reversed female is the best way to use it to breed. You want to transfer its genetics to the other strain. Like say your Red Point x Trailer Trash Betty.

Not enough TTB seeds out there to search for great males, that takes time and seeds. It is easy to find a "good" breeding male. What you want to find is a early bushy one. Crystal and yield should still be carried over in the hybrid weather it is a tons of crystal pheno or not. It is still going to improve most anything it gets in contact with.

With breeding in mind you have 2 interesting hybrids available to you. I would defiantly try and do the Colombian Red Point. it would be around a 60/40 Sat/Ind hybrid which can be really good.

The other is the DDA. It seems to be a real popular strain. TTB is not a auto in anyway but it can finish early. You may not get any that auto flower but they should be fast. Most will need 12/12 light to flower. It might help add weight to the auto's that get grown under less light. As with before I think it should still improve the DDA but I don't know how the auto thing will go. Can't hurt as long as you don't get hopeful for Auto's. Purple strains usually have good flavor the one thing TTB lacks.

For pollen storage I will give a abridged method from last year. I started with foil but a friend had a better suggestion. I switched to parchment paper. Knock pollen off into a large piece of parchment paper. I then go through it and pull out all plant material. Be careful. you don't want to handle it. Tweezers and a needle to wonders to get the small stuff out. After you have everything out. Cut it down to a smaller size and fold it up gentle. Try not to crush the pollen. (not sure if it matters but no need to risk it). Put in a freezer zip lock and store in the freeze tell you are ready to use it. If I plan to do more then one plant I will make separate packages for each as I like to only pull it out of the freezer once. Let me know if you ever do the Red Point x TTB I would like to try it.
Tried that test bud of the Colombian Gold. It is going to be pretty darn good stuff. Pretty sure I am right about the terepene thing. or at least part of it. Flavor is not great right now. The high is fine and will only get stronger.

I know 2 things. 1 I smoked a lot of Colombian growing up. 2 This is what probably what the Colombian Gold I bought years back smelled like.

Funny thing is the Colombian I smoked growing up was grown in California LOL. It or its relatives anyway. The minty smells and high are very familiar. Really hard to tell what some of the smash weed was to begin with. I grew up on the west coast so most of all the smash weed came from Mexico.

The one time I was sold Colombian Gold I knew it was the real thing. How I have no idea LMAO. My guess it was the smell. When I bought that bag of school bus yellow weed it was in the paraquat years. The US government was killing fields of Mexican marijuana. You had to be careful as it was bad to smoke. Even though it was useless they still sent it across the border and sold it. This stuff was different. Even though it looked like a plant that had died I knew it wasn't. It had to have been the smell that tipped me off because I never questioned it. It did look great with all the yellow leaves and the red orange hairs. That is what "murdered" pot might look like. I can't say that I ever saw paraquat weed but I knew for sure this was not it. ( I will say that this purchase happened out side a bus station in Portland Oregon. Anyone that has ever been around a big city bus station will understand. Maybe not questioning the purchase was also the safest option at the time LMAO.)
I love reading through your threads, I didn't get to grow up back when you could go to the bus station and buy Columbian Gold. Your details are so descriptive it makes me feel like I was right there with you!! Have you gotten your monster buck yet Jackalope? Hope all's well in your neck of the woods bro.
You may not get any that auto flower but they should be fast.
Not something I am too worried about. I have the whole how to breed autos with photos and silly recessive vs dominant traits thing figured out... since everything I grow never sees more than 11-12 hours of light in my world, autos dont really matter. I am mostly interested in their colors, flavors, and medicinal effects at this point.
I love reading through your threads, I didn't get to grow up back when you could go to the bus station and buy Columbian Gold. Your details are so descriptive it makes me feel like I was right there with you!! Have you gotten your monster buck yet Jackalope? Hope all's well in your neck of the woods bro.

I managed to find a stupid buck willing to go home with me. Got it mid day yesterday. Perfect bedding spot high up on a cliff. His mistake was the road that was behind him. 10 minute drive and I was a easy 200 yard stalk on him. Not big horns but a huge body. It will feed me well this winter.
Not something I am too worried about. I have the whole how to breed autos with photos and silly recessive vs dominant traits thing figured out... since everything I grow never sees more than 11-12 hours of light in my world, autos dont really matter. I am mostly interested in their colors, flavors, and medicinal effects at this point.[/QUOTE

One other thing with only 2 plants you might get all females. Some years of TTB throw mostly female plants. The Purple Betty I grow is the purple plants I get. Half or more will finish with color but only a few are really purple. Color is a hard thing to nail down.
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