Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Thanks man I appreciate it. Good idea on letting the wife help with design, will save me from having to re-build it because it's ugly or something haha.

Ugly they sure are LMAO. I went and took a few pictures for you.
First is the intake for the air cooled light. It has 2 more holes on the opposite side for a total of 4
View media item 1617938It worked really good as this fan uncovered was almost the loudest.

Next up is the other end of the lamp. I put this outside the room to keep heat down in it. All of the ones outside the room can be moved and the doors shut if needed.
View media item 1617940
View media item 1617939I used all my 6" hose connections and foam on those 2. I plan to get more stuff for the first tent as I am really happy with how the worked.

Last is the end of the filter fan. It is also outside the room and can be moved. The size gives the air lots of time to bounce around before it comes out the top. The first one I built works fine but this one is better. They will all be made with foam now.
Thanks Jack!! That is kind of what I had pictured in my head kinda. So your lining the cardboard box with the foam pads you can buy for a mattress? A little bit of black paint, and I think the wife would sign off on the project. Hopefully!!
Ok I have a few other new things going on. Okay same things just new ideas lol. Suprise suprise I changed my mind again. I like to see myself as a very fluid thinker LMAO. 1 could be very stupid but I am going to do it anyway just to see. All the damn Jacks Cleaner 2 are males. Except maybe 1 that is 4 inches tall. Yep it grew. I do hope it is female as a few seeds is better then nothing. Not a total loss. I have some good hybrids in mind for them. I know enough about the genetics to know that there are worth persevering. Why spend $50 for nothing. I have 2 great sativa strains that should be a real interesting mix of genetics. Plus I plan to hit the Putins Crack with some more sativa. The Green Crack only made it stronger not more versatile LOL. I really don't mind regular seeds and good genetics are good genetics.

That brings me to my stupid move. Never heard of anyone doing this but what the hell I'm in a bind. The fact that I was expecting at least one female from the JC2. I am going to be a sativa down. I have 2 Tahoe Og being reversed right now. Or should I say 1? The biggest Tahoe shows very little leave damage as of yet and has not even started to bud. I moved it back to the "for me" tents. The fact that it is so hard to reverse a plant plus that you are to continue to spray tell they show male pods. I will see if I can "reverse the reverse". Nothing could go to wrong other then I would still be a plant down. It would have been the best plant for pollen to but it was also the least effected plant of all of the ones being reversed. I sprayed this one down with the same bleach water the flowering plants get to rinse it really well. Cross my fingers and hope I guess LOL.

The biggest surprise of the week is that the Chocoloco is taking to being reversed really well. Pods are already starting to form. It is a clone so it is totally mature which probably has something to do with it. Great thing anyway you look at it. It will be the father of 2 hybrids plus the S-1. The fact that it is starting this early gives me tons of hope it will be ready to pollinate everything when they are ready. I am only doing this with the chocolate genetics. Still not looking for chocolate but in the genetics where you find it there are other good flavors.

Planning on changing the names away from chocolate. The name always seems imply to flavor. Even then only a few taste like chocolate to everyone. The only one that I may not do it with is the Chocolate Mint Og hybrid. If chocolate does show up in some of these. I will call it Triple Chocolate. I used to make a triple chocolate cheese cake in my cooking days. I like the name plus it has 3 chocolate strains in its genetics. It would be. Chocolate Mint Og x ( Chocolope x Chocolate Thai).
Still if I can't see anything resembling chocolate in the flavor I will not call it Triple Chocolate no matter how cool the name is.
Thanks Jack!! That is kind of what I had pictured in my head kinda. So your lining the cardboard box with the foam pads you can buy for a mattress? A little bit of black paint, and I think the wife would sign off on the project. Hopefully!!

Yeah I just used spray adhesive to hold it in tight. Best to find cheap egg shell looking foam. It is the shape of the foam that does most the work not the quality of the foam. Denser foam will probably work better but will cost more. With some ingenuity I bet it could be designed to be in a drawer of a dresser even. Hiding the hose's is the biggest thing for total stealth.
Triple Chocolate would be a hit.... I sure hope it works out!! Now that's a good idea building it into a dresser drawer. Do you think the black egg carton like padding in a rifle case would work? I have tons of it in the shed is why I ask, can't beat free in my situation.
Triple Chocolate would be a hit.... I sure hope it works out!! Now that's a good idea building it into a dresser drawer. Do you think the black egg carton like padding in a rifle case would work? I have tons of it in the shed is why I ask, can't beat free in my situation.

Yes that stuff would work fine. I said originally I made them because of cost. That was only part of it I wanted to see if I could make one. When I was ordering stuff to build more I noticed the real deal on amazon. At 45 dollars a piece it really isn't that over priced. I went a head and got a couple coming. I will test them out and see how they compare. While the ones I made work I don't know if they are as good or not. Be better to know before I start saying make your own. I will let you know how they work out.
Reversing the reversed reversal. LMAO When I got around to washing down the Tahoe Og I was going to quit trying to reverse, I notice some balls starting to form. This plant is closer then I thought so I moved it back and sprayed it with T.M. Wont be as much sativa in the jars next year now. Still it is a great plant and will pass on its genes to Genius for a Genuis Og. Now that I am using the Jack's Cleaner 2 males to make Sativa hybrids I won't be using Tahoe Og for it.

So much for my new family of strains based on using Tahoe Og as a male. Tahoe makes some real interesting hybrids. You just never know what the smell will be like. It always adds that Og power so what ever it does to flavor would be the key. I still think it would be a great family of strains but the name would defiantly be a problem. With the help of some of the these great strains White Widow, Black Domina , and Green Crack. I had hoped to make wonderfully controversial strains like

White Hoe
Black Hoe
Crack Hoe

Those that know me. Know I love those names. The only one of those that I "really" planned on doing is the Crack Hoe one. It was planned to really test how Tahoe effects flavors.The others came up as we looked into how the names of other hybrids would be. Pretty sure alarms were going off at the P.C. main office we laughed so hard. Because of all the Jack's Cleaner 2 are males we won't be getting Jack's Hoe damn it. I wouldn't have called it that but still its disappointing LOL.

Before anyone gets too disappointed. I do want everyone to remember I have the Super Lemon Haze. I will still get to make JCB. If Subcool can make a strain called Jack's Cleaner 2. Then I can make Jack's Cleaners Bitch. Not sure what will happen but the lemoline terps should be flowing.

I have always liked playing with strain names. When people started getting so upset about words it made it all the more fun. Real easy to do when you never have to convince people to buy them lol. Female name first male name second is how a hybrid should be explained. Who am I to say its wrong if the name is funny and descriptive.
Names are fun if you try and keep it informative and still have some fun. Some tell you whats in there, others can tell you what it will do for or too you. Take Brain Fart. This strain didn't produce much but what was there was cool. It made you dumber then a rock but not put you to sleep. I would catch myself after smoking with my chin on my chest my tongue hanging out wide awake staring at the TV. When people wanted to combine the effects of indica and sativa I don't think this is the combination the wanted LMAO.

Trust me. Brain Fart was not the first name that came to mind. I don't have the art work I played with on this computer. I will try and transfer it and show you the original art work.
Like I mentioned before. Other then the use of any males from the Headband x Skunk #1. I will not be making any seeds on the next run. I plan to run Exodus Cheese and Blueberry Headband just for those males. With that said its not like I am not going to have plenty new seeds to try. Here are the hybrids that are planed as of now.

Starting with regular seeds I will use the Jacks Cleaner 2 males for these 2 hybrids. How I am not sure. I have a tall and a short pheno. Plan as of now is to use the taller pheno for the Genuis and the shorter Jack the Ripper leaning one to the SLH
Genuis S-1 x JC 2
Super Lemon Haze X JC 2
I had planned to make a Headband one also but changed my mind. I will only make feminized hybrids with the Headbands this time.

Here are the plans for the reversed Chocoloco.
Chocoloco S-1
Headband X Chocoloco
Chocolate Mint Og x Chocoloco
Tangolope x Chocoloco
This all depends on how the reversed plant does. Same with the others. If something goes wrong then all or part of these projects might get scraped.

Next up the Critical hybrids.
Chocoloco x Critical
Headband x Critical
Both of these should be great. If the pollen takes I should like both of these a lot.

I had more plans for the reversed Tahoe Og. That all changed with the JC 2 going male. Still it is reversed so I better use it. The first is for sure the second is questionable
Genius S-1 x Tahoe Og
Super Lemon Haze x Tahoe Og

As I mentioned that's a lot of different stuff to look at before I move on. More then enough to cancel plans for more hybrids on the second run. Some of these will not take or the reversed plants might not produce enough pollen. I just don't know right now.

The Critical hybrids I have a lot of confidence in. The Chocoloco is the biggest question. I have not even tried it yet so it is a big move to use it so much. Use it I plan to do. I want to make stuff no one else is and I need a good place to start. The fact that none of the Chocoloco hermied really impressed me. This could be a good place to start. At least I have Thai genetics to work with now. Like I said it is type of high that I am going for not flavor. Flavor will be there I just don't care if it is chocolate. As I mentioned the name imply's flavor that not everyone will notice. Hints of chocolate are not chocolate. Easy enough to loose that part of the name.

Out of all these. Here are the ones I look forward the most and why.
Headband X Critical
707 Headband is a mostly sativa. The Critical a mostly indica. I really like the high and flavor of both. These should mix well. If I don't fall in love with this strain it should still be strong. Also these will be feminized so any feminized Headband seeds are a good thing Hybrid or not.
Headband x Chocoloco
These will be feminized so that says it all. Also the high of the old Chocolate Thai had a headband type of high. I don't know that Chocoloco has these traits but there is hope.
Chocoloco x Critical.
I am only guessing but this or a Headband hybrid will be the best. I plan to use plant #2 for this hybrid. It has the best plant structure and is only a little behind plant #3 for crystal. All the Chocoloco have a great fruity smell. The Critical run from apple to tutti fruity. This one could change the whole fruity strain game up a little. Most fruity strains tend to be sweet tasting sativas. Even with that this hybrid shouldn't have a fruity flavor. The Critical is dank and I expect the Chocoloco to be in the Haze range of flavor. All of that sounds perfect to me.

I still have one Chocoloco clone that I will pollenate. I just don't know if it will be to the male JC 2 or the reversed Tahoe Og. Feminized seeds will probably win out. Everything will be decided as I go for this one.

As you all know by now. My plans change as I go. Stand by and see which ones LMAO.
The way I do things, things always change LOL. As long as the reverse works I should be Ok. The fact that I have the 2 real males means that I will at least have hybrids of the Jack's Cleaner 2. I am flip flopping over weather to do the Tahoe or the Jack's Cleaner to pollinate the last Chocoloco clone. It has great plant structure and is almost the same as plant #2. The JC 2 is a little faster and it could be a interesting match to the Chocoloco. I think it is going to win and there are going to be a lot of seeds when I do it. True males put out lots of pollen and I plan to do the whole plants on all the Chocoloco clone hybrids. I don't need these 3 plants they are just for seeds. Even short they should put out lots of seeds. 2 are dependent on female pollen so it is best to do one regular strain just for back up.

I tried the first test bud of the Chocoloco. This strain has so many trichomes it is hard to tell what color they all are LOL. Still a few clear thrichomes so I know its a little to early harvest. Still this stuff is going to be plenty strong. No Chocolate in the flavor as far as I can see from this pheno. No defined flavor yet but it seems to be a spice sativa. This is still going to be a fun strain to work with.
After the 3rd joint of a way early test bud of the Chocoloco. I am happy I have 6 hybrids wrapped around this strain. The high is not quite headband. It hits you more around the nose. I kid you not. Plenty of head as you would expect from a early bud. The thing is there is plenty effect. They say this is supposed to be around 19% THC with some CBD. I can see that. The one thing that is the difference between great weed and generic weed is what it does with its THC.

I have always said a great strain can do more with 16 to 20% then some other strains can with 30%. Its all in the effects. What they do and how they last. Some 30% have to be that strong because they would be useless at normal THC percents. The effects wearing off in half the time of strains with less THC. I have tried 4 Bruce Banners at 28 to 30%. Fresh top shelf stuff. None of it I liked. I notice better effects from this early Chocoloco. It gets you higher when you smoke more. It hits you in the head where it can do you some good. It is not speedy in anyway for a sativa. I could go either way when I smoke it. Do something or take a nap. I like that in a strain as my back dictates my days. Still yet to be seen what this will do in full power but harvest time is always optional.

What just makes me happy as shit is this is just what I have been looking for. Any one can cross 2 great strains and get a decent outcome. I want to have a strain or 2 that are great and all my own. Yes I could just cross Headband with everything and gets some killer stuff. That would be to easy and I would only be riding on Headbands coat tails. Yes I will still be using other peoples genetics in my hybrids. I just want to go there from ways others didn't. Hell yes I am going to love the shit out of Headband x Chocoloco. It will probably be my new Headband Haze for a while as these will be feminized. The one I am really looking forward to the Chocoloco x Critical. One big reason is the Critical is my S-1 from Dinafem seeds. They are both fruity as hell with flavors that are not sweet. Sweet flavors seldom make it through my palate for some reason. Spicy does and the Chocoloco has it. These strains are far enough away from the main stream genetics for me to call it my own. This Critical is strong as hell and one of my favorites. If this works it is going to be a incredible hybrid.

I am switching up my plans already. Instead of just selfing plant 3 the early one to itself. I am going to bred it to plant 2 for more variety of Chocoloco genetics. There will be more phenos with it. I am going to give plant 3 the Critical pollen I want a stronger then F**k version of this. Pretty damn sure the chocolate name will not be used in anything I do. If someone thinks it tastes like chocolate fine. I kind of think chocolate is like purple. It happens when it happens but it is hard to get consistent results. The same for any strain there are always going to be different tastes smell and flavors with in a strain. Why use a name that can be disputed LMAO.

I am writing this after the third bump up from the same joint this morning. There is still half left. Did I need to bump up? Hell no That's the fun of it all.
Sounds like Chocoloco is a keeper even at its early stages, you've got me really curious to see how it spreads its genetics in the hybrids your creating. I love reading through this journal to see what goes through a breeders mind when selecting what to cross with what. Headband x Chocoloco man your killing me with jealousy lol. I'm probably as excited for this round of breeding as you are, going to be some killer hybrids bro.
One can hope LOL.

The new store bought sound suppressors and are in. They work but no better or no worse then the last ones I made.
View media item 1619154
View media item 1619153I wanted to try the real ones to see how they worked. Nice product and a lot cleaner look then mine. Still at 45 dollars a piece it is cheaper to build them. As long as they work as good or better then store bought then I don't mind suggesting it.

While none of them silence anything they do help. I have 2 6" inline fans running on high for each tent. That can be a lot of noise. Nothing so loud it can't easily be explained away. I am only using these on the ends of the hose's and not in-line. I am not going to tear stuff up to put them inline.
I have been forgetting to mention. The Colombian Gold is dry. To small of plant to cure or mess with. Dry smoke and forget it LOL. Pretty much because the C.G. is forgettable. The hint of mint is nice and carries over to flavor. Just not very well.

The high is well rounded so that is good. It does wear off rather fast. As you smoke more the more tired you get over time. I was all over the place whether I liked this one from the start. I didn't see the sativa traits I want early on so I figured I got a bad seed. Now I see it as a sativa. A lot of the land race strains I have come across seem to be well rounded. For popularity you need a broad appeal. This probably isn't a great pheno so it is hard to base anything on one plant. I still did it. The last of the C.G. seeds will go in the back up box.

I am noticing another thing as I grow different strains and land race genetics. It seems that a lot of the land race sativa's were reworked for more sativa traits. I find more pure sativa traits in hybrids then I do in the land race stuff. Just like they were created to stay more on the sativa side LOL. It seems some people wanted to breed the versatility out of it. Making it more one sided and more of a situational weed. Ie daytime weed. They also made other situational strains so well rounded was no longer needed like it was before.

Lots of middle ground for well round strains to flourish. I guess stronger is better and the newer strains are that. I just find it funny that we took well rounded strains took them apart and then had to make well rounded again LOL.
Not a lot going on in the mind of Me this morning. Everything is cruising right along. All tents are flowering right now. I moved the Chocoloco clones into the main tents as pollen could be showing up at any time from the reversed and male plants.
Still 3 female plants left in there but they are almost finished. I am surprised to see that the Sterling Haze will probably be finished before the Chocoloco. Hairs are all red and withered on both Chocoloco but the trichomes still need lots of time. The S.H. on the other hand has a white hair or 2 left and the trichomes are almost all cloudy.

As long as there are no white hairs on any of them I am not concerned that they are in the same tent as pollen. There wouldn't be enough time to do anything anyway.
This is such a boring time in growing. Plants have been in flower for a little over a week now. Only 2 were questionable so its not like I get to search for males. Feminized seeds take some of the fun out of it.
Normally I would be in search and destroy mode right now. One of the questionable showed female so now only one to watch.

So much happens after you drop the lights back. None is all that fun for first 2 weeks. You have to worry that stretch will outgrow you tent. you don't get to watch much. A hair or 2 is showing up which is nice. I already knew they were female so that gives me nothing to look forward too. Thing is it is going to stay boring for another week or so. Not long now buds will start to form and smell will show up on a few. Then it will be fun again. I have lots of new strains so there will be lots of buds I have never seen. While there are tons of smells and flavors. Bud formation really doesn't change that much. There are 5 or 6 basic styles that most plants fall into. They mix and match things like crystal, density, and color to make it real interesting. Always fun to see what ends up where.

Everything in the 60 x 60 got fed yesterday. Yellow is starting to show up on lower fan leaves and in the new growth. Some were acting like they were over watered with yellowing on new growth. I had to make sure what was what so I put off feeding these plants. Can't be over watered as they have been brought to wilting twice. Must be hungry. Or I hope so. We shall see in a day or 2.

I am returning to just Miracle grow nuits this year. I went away from it a few years back. Switching to Fox Farm soil and only organic nuits. Mostly just different guano's. Plants did fine they just didn't produce what I wanted out of them. My production should improve year to year. Thing is. Flavor wasn't better like they said it would be. Plus I lost at least a 1/2 ounce per plant. I don't know if switching back will change things but the change I wanted didn't happen before.

From what I have found. If flavor isn't there no matter how much organic shit you feed it. It is not going to get better. I always flush so nuits should be out no matter what their make up is. My per plant production is what I am looking to improve. Still there will always be strains that don't produce much. It is the ones that I know do. When they end up not producing as much as before it might be what I am doing.

My environmental's are better this year then they ever have. Temps run between 62 and 81 degrees. Always before I had higher highs and lower lows. To keep day time temps right my night time temps would drop below 50 degrees. Not enough to hurt the plant but also not great for fast growth. Temps were regularly in the low to mid 80's. Anytime a plant is above 80 degrees growth slows. How much of their day was spent at bad temps I don't know. I just get the high and the low. I could have lost a lot when temps were to cold or to hot for parts of their day. I am real happy with my temps now. Not sure if I will see a major difference in the plants yet though. With new strains all the time it is hard to figure out what is good production and what is bad.

The 2 tall Purps x Tahoe Og are monsters. Both over 4 foot tall when everything else is 3. I really thought the Basic Skunk 19 x C-99 would keep up but there growth has slowed some. Might be nuits as these plants have grown a lot with the nuits in the soil. Might be a good thing. If all plants were this big I would be in trouble.
Change happens. It does. Really! All the time LMAO.

I figured something out the other day. My new grows have a lot to do with my last grow. Last grow I had way to much indica. All my strains but 2 put me on the couch and kept me there. It being summer and fall that just didn't work. So to compensate my new grow has lots of sativa in it LOL. Thing is winter is coming. Couch time is a good thing in winter time here. Now I am going to have a bunch of weed that will have me bouncing around the house all winter. That's what happened before. I then went with to much indica the next run. Continuing my mistake over and over.

I always seem to grow what I didn't have enough of. My activities have a lot to do with what I run out of. I really need to round out the strains I pick for each grow.

I noticed the same thing here. My first crop was more sativa and my 2nd was going to end up mostly indica. Spring will be here by then so I will want to start getting out more. I really should have did this ass backwards LOL.

I can't go back and change the first grow. I can adjust the next one. Sativa and Indica tell you nothing when you have upbeat indicas and relaxing sativas. . Best way for me to do this is to go with 2 sat. 2 ind. and 4 hyb. With this thinking. The Cannalope Haze I am growing. It is 80 to 90% sativa but is very relaxing. It will be considered as a hybrid for me because of effect. I have grown this before so I know it falls into this category. If I were to grow this as one of my sativa's I would be leaving a lot of odd jobs undone.

All this "babble" has got me to what I wanted to say. After reviewing what I had planned to grow. I was falling into the same routine as before. Way more indica then what I was wanting. You would think it would be simple to just swap a couple out.
My mind does not work that way. If you change one you might need to change others. I am trying to always grow a regular strain. I have so many of them. Some I have some kind of a plan for. As with the strains I was going to grow to cross with the Headband x Skunk #1. Everything I wanted to use the male plant for fell under the indica side. I am well covered on the indica side. I need more well rounded hybrids. So if I drop the Exodus Cheese and the Blueberry Headband because they are to indica dom. Then I better drop the Headband hybrid also. I still want to use it for these hybrids. I just don't want them now.

So a new regular strain is needed. Like I said there I have tons so choosing can be difficult. Thinking about going with Agent Orange. It is a mostly sativa by description. All the ones I have tried from dispensaries had a hybrid effect. Make up means nothing. Effects are what matter LOL. They call Agent Orange a 50/50 hybrid. Funny because both parents are mostly sativa.

After I grew out the C-99 I knew I wanted to cross it with the Agent Orange. I only have a 5 pack so I want to continue these genetics in some way. I could go either way with this hybrid. The fact that I am growing feminized Cinderella 99 this run make it a perfect chance to run the Agent Orange. The males will be used for hybrids. I like a lot of my regular genetics. This is the one I know I like the most.

Now we get to see if anyone is reading all this crap. While the one hybrid I want to make is simple the others are not. I might change my regular strain but that probably won't happen as I have wanted to grow the A. O. for a long time. Here are a couple other strains I plan to grow. Any ideas on which regular hybrids you guys would like to see. I might change up some but these are the strains I am planning now.

Killer Queen
Gorilla Skittlze
Peyote Critical
Cannalope Haze
I'd like to see what that peyote critical looks like...

I hear you about the boring times of a grow. My worst times are right after I know my seedlings are going to make it (like today) up until the stretch begins. Then with my longer flowering sativas the middle of flowering is horrible, like I know the buds are getting bigger but it is hard to notice day to day. Then suddenly the leaves are fading and I start getting noticeable bud swell and boom, excited again.
These are my youngest plants at the moment, boring for now but I certainly look forward to watching them grow up.
This one kept my interest as she needed to be abused her whole life so she didn't take over my tent. Now she is doing the slow sativa thing.
This was another gift seed. She is stout and should be finishing stretch soon. I have been told the Sensi in the genetics are very closely related to the infamous Van Stank NL cut.

I am thinking of running a couple of Double Sour Purple Kush seeds next along with two of my (Columbian Red Point x Unknown) x SSDC.

Hope your day is well. Thought I would drop in to add some extra randomness to your thread.
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