Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I agree it's a blast if your catching fish, but when your out there freezing your A off and catch nothing it's not so much lol. Sounds like you have a helluva spot there Jackalope.
Ok I mentioned changes.

First I need to mention how much fun it is to have a box full of genetics to totally change my mind. As I mentioned to do the C-99 and Agent Orange hybrid I need to do it with a C-99 male. To do it now I would have to run 2 batches of regular seeds. I don't want that many questionable plants. For that reason I only do one regular strain per grow. So If I am not going to be able to get the hybrid I want I will save the Agent Orange tell I can. That changes everything that goes along with the A.O.

Like I said I have a big box to choose from so changes are easy enough. Deciding s a whole different matter. Part of the equation has to involve the fact I am still going to have this JC 2 male or the pollen from it. Though most of these will be after thought to spread the genetics of this resinous male.

With this last grow and breeding programs I am going to have some lemon sativas. Something that I was lacking. Another thing I do not have much of is Og genetics. Yes the Headband is really only a sour Og. The Tahoe Is a Og too. Still there are so many Og genetics out there. Some no longer even have Og in them LMAO. Good time as any to bolster my Og stuff.

AND THE WINNER IS: Jesus Og, TGA seeds

This is another JTR hybrid that is a good candidate for a back cross back to the JTR. The only thing I didn't like about the JTR is that while the high lasted a long time. It wasn't promenit, If you looked it was there. I am hoping a backcross with another hybrid might solve this.

Also I wasn't really sold on a couple of the ride along strains. A total mix up was in order. Now that the Jesus Og is being grown I need to find stuff that I can use any male I like from it if I want. If not I have the JTR pollen so it doesn't matter. I just need Og genetics to cross with. Still a good time to run a freebie or 2 I just need ones that might go with the Jesus Og.

With everything considered. I am left with a obvious choice. To tell the truth I will probably question along with you guys why I have not run these seeds yet.

I have a 5 pack of Chem from HSO. It will be perfect for both. Different name but Chem is a Og. If I find a good male with the Hells Og traits then I will pollinate the Chem with it. For sure I will be doing regular seeds with the JTR male. Also to be included will be these 2 freebies. Both are from HSO so things may change a little. Thinking of the Skywalker Og and the Amhurst Diesel as of now. The Skywalker will stay just because of the Og name. The A.D. is in the family but I may decide to go with weird instead of simular.

I still have time before I start seeds so a few changes might still happen. I will wait to post the line up. I just wanted to keep you informed of the why and wherefore of the changes.
You wernt kidding when you said you have a lot of genetics to choose from lol. I hope you find what it is your looking for bro, Jesus Og is one from TGA I've been wanting to try, but have never had the chance.
Now for a few current updates. I have not checked the clone with the 2 JC 2 males yet. One way or the other the non resinous male will be killed. I gave it a chance to propagate. Better life than most males plants get. Still with the fact that the other plant IS a good male I can't keep it any longer. There will be a few 1000 seeds from this hybrid of those there are going to be some great ones. It is just going to take time to find them. Better to give myself a little easier job by cutting that in half. I will know for sure how many of them will be from the off male tell I look for pollen. These males are fixing to drop tons any day now. If they have not did it yet all the better. I still had to give the Fuckit guy his time to shine LMAO.

When you look at what I can do with a great male. Having anything around that is not great is stupid. I hate thinking I left something out there by killing the JC 2 leaning male. I have to remember generic genetics suck. I can't be involved in that just because breeding is fun. Especially when I don't I need not to do it.

Starting to look into regenerating this male and finding a home for it to be a father plant in the future. Simple thing if I wasn't moving next year. Now who knows.
I was a busy old an yesterday. The places around the tents are being populated now. Pretty much the same way towns grow. One thing starts then you need room for all the support stuff. Might as well have a play room too. Set up the old stereo and a few other things yesterday. Mostly I just needed to clean a old musty room. In doing that I am going to make another attempt at photography. Lighting, shadows, are the difference between great photos and crappy ones. Always before I could never have a place to do both in the same area.

That has all changed now. If my photos get better is still yet to bee seen. At least I can move the plants to a place to take pictures without taking them places they shouldn't be.

Also it is so nice to hear real music again. I forgot the quality of sound you get from tower speakers. Yes the little speakers of today put out great sound. It is just different compared to what you get from big 12" Cerwin Vega tower speakers. All my music lately has come from my vehicle or with headphones. They are Bose headphones so they sound really good but like I said its different.
What is really weird. Now that the volume of that music is turned down to old guy levels. I notice just how great these speakers really sound. Must have been why I spent so damn much money for them years ago LMAO. I thought it was because they were loud as F**k.

Before anyone starts say anything about playing the plants music. It can't be done. No way the indicas I grow will listen to the crap sativas want to listen too.
And now we come to the stars of the show. Color commentary is great but we all know why the public watches. So with that said let's look at the girls
The biggest difference now is that the plants have stretched out even more. Defining how the buds are going to look. So far stretch is no big deal with any plants. As you can tell there is a monster in the far corner 1 pheno of the Purps x Tahoe is TALLLL. To the point it is now the tallest indoor plant I can remember. Or it could be. Still more time for it to grow. (I have had plants that have finished around that height) Without the air cooled light I couldn't grow this like I am. It is as tall as the light itself LMAO. It's twin is almost as tall. God what this thing would do outdoors. Still it does not look like it is great for indoors. The shorter pheno's are still bigger than the other plants but it is a lot more reasonable. Like I said this is just a trial run for this strain. One of those huge pheno's has Purps smell already so I have no preconceptions. It is the first plant to show real smell.

Also. After recent offers I looked at what I was doing and changed things up some. Things I thought I didn't have time for are going to have to be done. If I can not take care of a lot of things at once at this level no way could I do it on a larger scale. Plus this is not a major change. Just going back to a original idea. I cloned 3 of the Headband plants. I got doubles from 2 plants and 1 from a third. Of the 3 plants 2 looked very similar and one was slightly different. I got doubles from the 2 different ones and one from the last plant. If one of the doubles is the great pheno then I will self it. If not I will adjust from there as I see fit. I have to do the last trim up anyway so why throw out branches that won't produce.

As with everything. If I am going to have pollen I might as well use it. Especially female pollen taken from a known source. With that in mind I took 2 other clones for hybrids if I like a Headband pheno. The first is also my back up reverse female. Most of all this started because I was trimming plants down to their final size for flowering anyway. Genius had a branch that needed to go. Plus with this plant I have known knowledge. While I don't know if it is a great plant I am using a strains with very little variation. If no Headbands impress I can reverse her and make hybrids.

Last I cloned the Tangilope. DNA has great terpenes in there genetics. Tangy had tons of smell and flavor. I didn't like it but there was lots of it. Tangalope I don't know yet. Someday I am going to make all them terpenes taste different LMAO. As a very last resort I may use it as the reverse female. It would have to be very impressive for that to happen. I have seen very impressive from DNA before so I am keeping my options open. Budding should be well on its way before I have to make any decisions.

Here is a picture of a opaque box with a light above it LOL.
Pretty fancy cloning system I know. Maybe someday you guys will have the knowledge to build something so complicated.
I miss the old stereo systems from the 70's and 80's that I had. Today's digital stuff can't compare.

One of my old 5 way Pioneers froze up after all these years. Don't know what happened to them.Damn the luck. Lucky I had the set of Cerwin Vega's I used for big parties back in the day. Like I mentioned I had bought those for loud not quality. I got both LOL.
Luckily my family has always been into good music so I have a good supply of backups. It seems I ended up with every set of speakers from the whole family. I still have a these on the porch as backups.

AR 48's by Acoustic Response from my dad and
Acoustic Research 707 series. from my brother in law.
Plus a set of Sansui 4 ways that were replaced for better quality years ago by my brother.
I had to get control of everything LOL. At this point in time I will not trim or lollypop any more. In most cases the root system will still put the same amount of weight to the buds above. Whether it is 4 branches or 8. Yes topping will help add weight. After the plant is bushed out then it can only produce so much bud. A few big ones or numerous small ones. At least the way I feed them. Hydro can pound a lot of nuits into plants, soil is harder.

Plus if it is not in the canopy it isn't getting great light anyway. Better to have room and air circulation. Plus I won't have as many small buds to trim.

Yes You can trim a plant to much and lose production. Timing is part of it. Strain type has something to do with it also. All this I am still learning so don't do what I do boys and girls.

Hold it!!!! do I have any female followers??? One bad thing about the middle of nowhere. No pot groupies
Lots of pictures today. Not very good pictures but they tell the story well enough. First off we have the frat party. Still need to find a use for all this pollen lol. Still a little soon for all of them but the real JC 2 male. The reversed Chocoloco has did its deed and has been cut down.

The second picture is the male JC 2. I have started working on hybrids with it. First was the SLH female I forgot to get pics when I did it. I got a picture or 2 of how I pollinated the second plant. It was a surprise addition. It is a freebie seed and just a trial. The fact that it is showing as much or more trichomes at this time then all the others says a lot. From early signs, (the only thing I have to work with) it looks like it is going to be a good one.

It is a Glueberry so has interesting genetics in it. Since I only have one chance to do it now I will. The picture of the plant uncovered got deleted but is not needed. First off I used a large piece of tin foil to harvest the pollen. Easily done by shaking the plant over the foil. Then by tapping the foil I can get all of it into one pile. After I have got most of the pollen into a small pile I cut the foil down so it is easier to deal with. After I have removed the plant matter I am ready to go.
I am not going to show the small paint brush I use. It is a trade secret only for knowit all types like me. LMAO As with a lot here I am only going to post pertinent pictures. Each plant is getting different amounts of pollen. Anywhere from 1 to 2 branches. I did 2 of the SLH. This one I am unsure of so I am only doing one. I picked the best branch. You will want one with plenty of bud sites. After I pick the one I want I cover the rest of the plant with a plastic bag as shown.
Now that I have the branch secluded. I slowly go back and forth between the plant and the foil tell I have spread the pollen out. I just dip the brush in the pollen and then tap it above the nice fresh white hairs. The slower you go the less pollen you get where you don't need it. After I have finish up I go back and lift all leaves to the buds. Easily done by running your hands up the branch. I also go back with the brush and sweep any left over pollen on the leaves towards the hairs. The hairs are the only thing that needs pollen make sure to keep it off the leaves. After this I reverse the trash back to the other side. Inclosing only the branch that was pollinated as shown. I do this by reversing the bag while it is still on the plant. By doing this only the single branch will be exposed.
I then spray down the rest of the plant with water. I knock off the excess so it doesn't drip on the pollinated branch. Then I am done. The whole idea about doing this carefully is that I then put the plant back in the flower tent. If you get to carried away then you risk spreading pollen to the rest of the tent. Yes I might get a extra seed or 2 from doing it this way. In the past there has been very few seeds from surrounding plants.

Presto chango we now have Glueberry x Jacks Cleaner 2. (Not a clue for a name yet LMAO)

One thing that should be mentioned. I shower and change clothes between the time I collect pollen and when I spread it. I don't worry as much about female pollen from the reversed plants. True males produce tons. Just by shaking the pollen off the plant you have covered your self with it. Not changing could carry tons of pollen to your flower tent. All my females have hairs now so it is time to be careful.

Also because of this. I have 2 more plants I want to pollinate with this male. I will then cut all the flowers off of it and reveg it. Better to have it alive next run then try and save pollen. Not sure what else I will pollinate with it but I am only going to have it once. As with mother plants I can't keep plants for extended periods of time. Great male or not it has to go sooner or later. I know for sure I want to use it with the Jesus Og for a BX to the JTR side. Other then that we will see how it did with the plants from this grow.
As for the sativa grow it is over. All plants have been trimmed now and are drying. Glad I did it. Still waiting on the Sterling Haze to see how it ended up. Fluffy sativa buds that's for sure LMAO. I found Chocolate Thai by doing it so that makes it all worth while. 3 clones have or will be pollinated for seeds.
Plant 1 got JC 2 pollen and is covered in red hairs now so pollen must have took. These are regular seeds so I am pretty positive there are going to be good seeds and lots of them. It really sucks that I have no idea of Jacks Cleaner 2. Not getting a female gives me no chance to see what the high is like. The fact that I got a resinous male makes pollinating other plants real easy. I am hoping the lemon from the JC 2 will give this hybrid a sour fruit smell.
Plant #2 got reversed pollen from plant 3 and will be female seeds. It also is covered in red hairs. Everything looks good for lots of seeds from this one too. It is a cross between the earliest clone with the biggest clone. They will be all Chocoloco.
Plant #3 is still getting more hairs and will be ready soon. It was budded later so it would be ready for the reversed Critical pollen in a few more days. Both plants had a strong high and have great fruity smell. This could be a killer hybrid. When I re-veg the JC 2 male. I will move the last clone in with the frat boys. I have 2 reversed female Critical both different pheno's. All pheno's of this are good. Just flavor and smell differences. Because of this i am going to use both. Also I can surround the clone this way. I still have one reversed Tahoe Og that I want to use for the Headband. It and the Headband x Critical will be made later.
That's the plan. After this year I will be moving to a smaller place and can't do what I am doing now. Then I am going to have all the seeds I will ever need.
I only need one great one. Most of these seeds are going to be growable for me. Other then the JC 2 I know what the high is like from what I am using. If I like the high of both parents. Chances are good I will like the offspring. Hybrids are a better option then F-2 seeds.
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