Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Everything looks so Damn healthy Jackalope!!! I can't wait to see how your Chocoloco turns out. Sounds like you will have some bad ass breedings going down soon. Enjoy your day my friend!!!
The more I learn and the more I want to breed. In just the case of Sativa's. If you really like them then why would one be enough.
From the way I see it right now. I need a Lemon sativa a Spicy sativa and a Chocolate sativa. No need for a sweet one I am not a fan of sweet anyway. While all will be sativas. The Highs still vary a lot with sativa's. Lots of sativa's have a sweet smell which is fine by me. In those it is the spicy and hazy flavors that I lean towards. All the sativas have I have going now have a sweet smell. Even the C.G. with its minty smell has sweet overtones to it. None should have sweet flavor.
I've smoked spicey and lemon sativa never a chocolate sativa though I think that's why I'm so intrigued by your Chocoloco. So they will all have a sweet smell but the taste will not be sweet at all?
Smells and flavor don't always go together. A lot of the sweet smelling sativas will have a spicy of hazy flavor. Chocolate I am not so sure of. The Chocolate Thai I used to get had a different Hazy taste but I wouldn't call it Chocolate. I can see people identifying it that way though. It was the type of high I like from the Choc Thai not the flavor. So even if Chocolate doesn't show up as long as I find the high I want I will be happy.
That didn't take long! You can't tell because I didn't post any pictures LMAO. The 60 x 60 tent is now wall to wall with plants. first time I have filled this one LOL. So many plants and so many places for then to grow. Today or tomorrow I will be moving plants to the flower tent. 5 plants will be moved. All of which will be sprayed with Tiresias mist to reverse them. All to be used for feminized pollen. 2 Critical, 2 Tahoe Og and one Chocoloco will be moved.

That will free up some room for everything to spread out even more. I will probably have to get creative to veg everything in one tent. Not sure if they all will fit when I get done with the next re-pot to 2 gallon pots. Some plants are already in 2 gallon pot because of this. The plan was to move them to flower and then veg the others a while longer after I put them in bigger pots. Looks like I will be re-potting before that time now.

I guess it is time to easy Mioutdoorsman's mind. 2 of the Jacks Cleaner 2 are coming around fine. The third is still going and has new growth starting now. The fact that everyone of these is doing the same thing kind of lets me off the hook. It probably wasn't something that I have done. I re-potted the last one that is only a inch or 2 tall into a small pot. It will never get very big so why give it a bunch of soil. By the time everything goes to flower this plant will be less then a foot tall. It can and will still be male of female. Maybe I will find a use for it or it will show me something special. This one could be used for smoking or breeding or none of the above, we shall see. It will not be included in what I consider as production it will never get that big. With that in mind I can use it for what ever I want. Now I just need to figure out what the hell that is LMAO.
I can't wait to see how you do your reversal process. Breeding has me so intrigued I won't be doing any of my own for a few years probably, but it's never to early to start learning a few tricks. Glad to hear your Jacks Cleaner 2s are coming around. Have a good day Jackalope!!!
The reversal is pretty simple really all I do is spray them. The plants do the rest. The main reason I am doing it is to learn more. Practice makes perfect. I plan to have some pics. and what not as I go along. Random is going to have a busy ass winter. At some point in time I am going to have 4 different projects at once. When I clone it could be 5. Keeping everything happy is going to be interesting.

If not for the sativa tent I wouldn't have a place to bring the reversed plants to. The plan was to run the reversed plants under smaller lights in a closet. No need for that tell they start producing pollen. There will be at least 3 weeks before I have any reason to worry. Some of the sativas will be finished by then. Even those that are not ready might be so far along I won't need to move them. We shall see. I have other options if that happens.

One thing to note. The fact that I had a high intensity light to put plants under helped me. Even if I have to move them it won't be a problem. Light intensity can do as much harm as it can help. One thing to remember. You can lower light intensity while in the middle of flower but it is unwise to raise the intensity. That could very well cause hermies.

If I have to move these plants later then the move will work fine. I am not going to do that as the extra light is always a good thing. I am amazed how huge the Putins Crack are getting. Usually I grow under T-5's for at least 4 or 5 nodes. The P.C. I moved early because everything else moved. 1000 watts of power can make some damn big leaves. Lots better growth then I realized. I am going to have to re-think how I do things.
Sativa's are continuing to do well. The Colombian Gold Is starting to have more and more red hairs. My guess is it will be first to finish. It still has plenty of time so I will give it some Budswell today. This plant is so small I know it does not need much for nuits as the M.G. should still have some of the nuits the plant needs. Doesn't hurt to try and bulk the buds up some.

The sterling haze will start getting the Budswell also. They don't like a lot of niutrients so it is hard to give it all it needs and not to much of anything. Budswell should work fine with it as it shouldn't burn it even if they don't need it yet.

The Chocoloco are getting flower nuits now. These plants have fed well all the way through. This one might be hard to over feed. Not going to get to carried away as things are going pretty well with them. Funny how the smallest one is the one that shows nitrogen deficiencies. Nothing is even close so adding nuits is not a problem. The what and how much is a guessing game as of now. Better to have a few light buds then risk pushing the plants to hard.
Colombian Gold Is days away. Count me suprised. Found almost total red hairs on the top buds of the CG. Still plenty of white hairs on the lower branches but it is close. I pulled out the scope for the first time with the sativa's. All trichomes on the top of the CG are cloudy. Nice looking trichomes on this plant. They are all thick and fat. Only noticed one amber so it is not there yet but close enough so I wont be giving it any more nutrients. Everything else got a little bud booster.

While only a few days ago I thought that just maybe I had real Colombian Gold. From the looks, this plant is going to finish around 8 weeks. That is to fast for the real deal. Even with the 11/13 light schedule which is close to it's natural light times. The smell seemed right but it never got passed its short indica genetics. Pure land race strains don't like indoor environments. Maybe it is something they did to get it to grow indoors. This plant went full on finish once it started. One hell of of transformation in just a week.

Second round of re-potting went rather well. Wish I had more of the right pots. Damn this tent is huge. I could fit 36 plants in the right 2 gallon pots in his thing. I didn't think I could veg everything in big pots in one tent. Cool. Well in a few days anyway. I have enough pots but not the right ones. 10 plants left for next week when more arrive. I still have a few odd shaped ones already in there but everything should be ok for the last couple weeks of veg.

Tent temps with the air cooled lights continue to impress me. I have always had to fight some heat issues. I could solve high temps but still had a large difference from night to day. Highs would get into the mid 80's sometimes but not to bad. Lower temps varied a lot too. High and low temps have been running 72/68. While not perfect it is the most concistant I have ever run. This is with just a month of work on this new system. By spring I should have a great system worked out, to bad I won't get to use it again LMAO. If I could get these in 75/70 range by then I would be shits and giggles.
Hey this is some good shit here and thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. It is good to know that because of people like yourself that actually take the time to grow and smoke and learn the strains they r working with we the consumer will always be able to find great MJ. So many people breeding strains they have never touched or put 1 min into is leaving so many bad genes out there. I myself stick to old school strains because of this. Anyways I don’t breed and never will do to lack of patience but great work on your end and thanks for the read it is very informative for a non breeder lol. I will follow along if you don’t mind. Enjoy play safe.
Kingjoe Yes I have seen purple here and there in TTB. Probably the cooler nighttime temps from being outdoor. It is usually hidden under tons of crystal so you don't notice it as much. Lots of times I never noticed it tell I was trimming. Going to be really interesting to see what a 7' Trailer Trash Betty will produce. Mine are usually around 4 foot indoors.
7’4” was final hieght two of main colas
Hey this is some good shit here and thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. It is good to know that because of people like yourself that actually take the time to grow and smoke and learn the strains they r working with we the consumer will always be able to find great MJ. So many people breeding strains they have never touched or put 1 min into is leaving so many bad genes out there. I myself stick to old school strains because of this. Anyways I don’t breed and never will do to lack of patience but great work on your end and thanks for the read it is very informative for a non breeder lol. I will follow along if you don’t mind. Enjoy play safe.

Welcome! I always like people that say nice things about me LMAO.

You got here just in time for the "Big" announcement. .........Chocolate Purps is "Alive".!!!!!

It seems that there must have been a little pollen in that left over Purple Betty plant material. I had reversed the plant last season and saved the last of the dried tops. On a whim I threw it at the Chocoloco. I noticed very few if any red hairs after I did it so I didn't think it took.
Suprise suprise suprise as Gomer would say. While checking the Chocoloco for hermies, always a must when dealing with Thai. I spotted a seed. It split early and is still white but it might finish. Thing is. If there is one there should be more. I did 2 branches of plant #2. It was the plant with the best growth and second when it came to crystal. So that gives me even more chances. Still yet to be seen if there are more and they finish up nice and brown. There is hope that I never had yesterday.
Thing is this is probably the best plant out of all of them to make seeds with and it did or might. I am a optimist.

I also hit one other Chocoloco plant and the Sterling Haze. So now I get to wonder if either one of them took. Should you would think. I only need a few seeds to play with.
Went ahead and took a couple pics during the morning duties so I will update them also. Here is the veg tent full and happy
Still just enough room for the last of the 2 gallon pots.

Next up we have a look at the sativa/sex change tent. All small plants are being sprayed with T.M.

Last but not least is a couple of the C.G. That will be killed if it makes one wrong move LOL.

Kingjoe amazing what a plant can do outdoors. What is going to be really interesting is the final weight from a plant that large. Buds should be firmer and fuller with all that natural light. I won't even guess.
The goal for today is to kill something. God please do not let it be a plant. Hunting season is upon us here in the RM. Glad all is well in the grow for a day or 2.
Going to give Plant 2 a little love and attention before I go. Not sure if I want to see more signs of seeds yet or not. It is early for them to be splitting so maybe not. Would be nice to see a few fat ones though. I really don't know enough about breeding yet to understand about how seeds are made. Most seeds that split early seem to be pushed out and deformed. Not something I want to see. As long as the turn brown they should be fine. Going to be a waiting game now.

Kind of cool to have something other then good buds to wait for.
I promise this was not planned. So damn funny I would have made this joke if I had thought of it. I didn't this is the whole truth I promise.

After mentioning my hopes to kill something other then a plant. I only saw does yesterday so I killed nothing. Today everything changed. I killed something and it WAS a plant LMAO. Not only one but 3.

I planned to re-pot the last plants today. While looking everything over early. I decided to move the Purps x Tahoe Og regulars to the sativa tent to sex them. They have been topped and have started to branch so now is as good of time as any. It also gives the others more veg room. (As you will see in the pic later more room is a good thing.) While double checking the branching of one of those plants I found Balls! Looked harder and found balls on 2 more plants. That is way early to show sex. I changed the lights from 24 hrs to 18/6 when I went to the big light. This is still not enough to put a plant into flower. They are just sexually mature or have hermie traits either way they got they axe. The fact that they show sex so early is a cool thing to remember. I almost saved one but I have plenty of these so no need to. The only time to ever keep a male for breeding is if it is a store bought strain or something you know. Sometimes you need to save a strain any way you can.

Here is a look at the new happy veg tent. This will be they last picture of everything as it really is. Now I remember why I always quit journals. It looks a lot worse then it is and I don't like posting picks of big tents. I will be keeping things interesting with projects and single pics. Sorry for any inconvenience LOL.

I mentioned earlier about keeping a male plant even if the strain is untested. It just so happens that I have picture proof of this also. I mentioned it because lots of us buy 5 and 10 packs of regulars strains. When we do this sometimes we need to save every bit of those genetics any way we can. Males can be used to make a hybrid easily. TGA strains fall into this class because they sell so many 5 packs. My Jacks Cleaner 2 is one of those strains that I would like to save all I can. After having troubles with it I have reconsidered in ways. They are growing out of it so it is not a huge problem. Different care might have improved their performance.

Yesterday I noticed a few things about one of the Jacks Cleaner 2 plants. This plant will continue its genetics one way or the other. The reasons why are far more then it is Jack's Cleaner 2. In ways it is opposite of that LOL. This one plant is showing Jack the Ripper growth traits. JTR is one of the strains I have grown that liked to be a little freaky. Nothing bad. It just liked to add things new things in odd places. A form a self expression I guess LMAO. These traits are becoming visible on this new plant. So I know or am pretty sure this plant is JTR dominate. I will be putting this plant to flower a little early. If it is male then I will be making some regular seeds with it. If it is female then we will see how it looks but it will probably be the plant I hit with the Tahoe Og. If it's male it will pollinate the SLH in hopes of that perfect lemon sativa.
Here are those traits this new plant is showing

The leaf within a leaf is something cool. They even bud at these sites.

I don't have any pictures of the old plants with weird traits to show on this laptop. I might find and post them later I have one somewhere of a leaf with a tiny bud in the center.
Looking good Jackalope!! So if all goes right your hitting JR2 with your Tahoe Og? Hope you can find a pic of the leaf with a bud coming out never seen anything like that before. The only buck I've seen so far is a small 4pt so I let him walk hope your deer hunting luck turns around!
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