Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

This is my first time with mites. I broke the cardial rule and took some clones from a friend. They looked clean and I quarantined them for a few days. But they were infested with mites. I'm trying a couple of different things to get rid of them. Biggest concern is that I'm moving soon and I don't want to bring bugs to my new place. If I can't get rid of them soon I'll have to abandon what I have at the moment. It's my fault for taking clones. My second time and my last time. Funny thing is I have plenty of seeds. Heartbreaking if I lose my Chernobyl pheno. It's best plant I've grown in awhile...... I like your idea of the cross SLH x JC2. I'm sure the lemon terps will shine with that combination
I sure hope the hybrid does what I want it to. I am still on the fence though. It was a great Idea yesterday. Today I just don't know. Choosing to bred with a unknown plant goes way beyond what should be done. The Tahoe Og I had planned to feminize before is plenty strong. Just not huge on lemon. On average the Tahoe will be stronger. If I get a great SLH there is no questioning weather it is a good idea. I just don't know if I want to risk mediocrity just for lemon.

I will be trying to get female pollen one way or the other. I just need to decide which one to spray. I am pretty sure doing the 2 Tahoe and 2 Critical I originally planned is the best idea. This way I can choose the best plant of the 2 for breeding. It is going to cost around $200 for all the spray I need. I want to make my own someday but I better go with what I know works for now. I have 2 bottles already and will order 2 more just to be sure. I am going to be spraying 5 different plants.

Pretty sure I am going to try for a hybrid of the Chocoloco with the Tangalope. I know I want to self Plant #3 so I will have pollen to do it with if all goes well. I will also have 2 Tangalope to choose from.
I totally forgot to mention. I have found 1 seed so far in the Afgooey from last grow. The only pollen around was from the reversed Purple Betty. So it had to come from it. This plant was right next to the Purple Betty I pollenated so I am sure a speck of pollen must have migrated. Who cares I really can't wait ti try it. From the highs they have the Purple Betty will really help the bottom end of the Afgooey. With one seed I will have to wait tell I have the ability to self or clone this plant. So far I am only going to get one chance good or bad so I better make the best of it.
Thanks Pennywise. I am still wrestling with the idea. You have a major point with the lemon terps. It is actually one of the terps that do a lot just on their own.
That is the main reason I was considering the SLH to begin with. I know it has lots of lemon but varied in other areas. Crystal amounts and growth style were the major differences. High type and flavors also vary some.

Og genetics has their advantages and disadvantages. They add a lot of crystal and flavor. I don't run tons of Og genetics so I don't get tired of the typical Og flavors. Tahoe has added great smell to a few hybrids. We found new smells on the fuel side of a Sour Diesel. Something I want to explore at one time or the other. We have selfed 2 pheno's from this hybrid and they are totally different from each other.

Weather this is that time to work with it or not I don't know yet. So far 2 people thing the SLH is best while no one is on the Tahoe Og side. Not even sure if I am LMAO.

60 x 60 is up and running. I am going to do some final adjustments and start re-potting today.
Some strains are about the flavor and others are about the effects, I'm leaning towards flavor as long as I have my indica effects. The different combinations are mind boggling so we can only come up with an ideal combination and breed to that end. It ends up being a very personal choice.
Oh sure! play the personal choice card. That's just it I have to many personal choices LMAO. I grow all types to have the high's I need. So in the end I still need to find the best for each certain area. Your point about Lemon terps pretty much changed my mind.
While Cinderella 99 has taken over as my favorite sativa. I still really want a strong Lemon sativa.

On the subject of flavor. I am conflicted on that. I always though flavor was one of the most important things. Mostly because so many strains today are already strong. Now I am starting to lean towards other factors. If a strain is strong and produces lots of crystal flavor will probably be there.

Right now I have a 2 Blueberry Headband. They both have incredible flavor. Both have varying amounts of the Headband high that I like. They are just not very strong when smoked with other strains. If this was all I had grown I would probably think it was great. Compared to others it lacks by comparison.

Mostly now I am going for type of high. I have narrowed down what I like enough now that flavor is along for the ride. I will look for different ones but flavor should be there in most case's. By now I know it takes a lot more then strength for me to really like a strain. Yes they still need to be strong. It is usually flavor that helps strains become favorites.
If you cross 2 potent strains the offspring will be potent as well, so for me that's a given. Type of high is very important. I know the high I like and certain strains tend to give that to me.
Funny what a day can change. I notice a lot how my plans change as the grow goes along. Here are just a couple that have come up in the last couple days.
One thing for sure changed was the strains I am growing. Some plants didn't come up while others didn't do well. I had to adapt along the way. That and the fact I really don't know how many plants I am going to want in the 60 x 60 tent. Here is what I ended up with during re-potting.
3 Jacks Cleaner 2 reg
2 Tangalope
3 Genius
4 Headband
1 Super Lemon Haze
2 R.K.S.
1 Glueberry Og
2 Chocolate Mint Og
4 Basic Skunk 19 x C-99
8 Purps x Tahoe
2 Putins Crack
Indica is going to have multiple faces this time. I would rather have a bunch of 1 strain then I would a little of a lot of strains. Oh well. Indica is still important but it is the day time weed that really needs to perform how I need. Couch potato is couch potato LOL.

There are a few other plants that are just for breeding. I have Tahoe Og and Critical going to be reversed to produce feminized pollen. I am doing 2 plants of each so I have choices. These are seeds from selfed plants so I know what they are going to do and I have enough to use them only for breeding. Not everyone has extra seeds the can grow just to reverse lol. Between these and the Chocoloco that I am selfing the breeding tent is going to be busy this winter.

So as you can guess the new tent is filing up. I had thought the 1000 watt HPS would do fine in the 60 x 60 tent temperature wise. I have used one in winter with success in a 48 x 48. Temps are higher then I want right now. They might be fine later but I want more consistent temps this time. So I had to order another air cooled hood. The one I have worked pretty good for me. It would be a little small for the larger tent so I had to shop around. Damn these things are high dollar. Found one and it should be here in a couple days. So there will be another redesign when it gets here. I think doing this will also help distribute heat around the whole area. The plan now is basically to add 2 1000 watt heaters to the house to save money. Always before I was trying to get rid of it all.No I am going to try and just get it out of the tent.

Normally I intake cool air to lower temps in the tent. The higher the temp temps the cooler the intake tents need to be. Intakes are all low so they will be bringing in the coolest temps in the room. Now that my tent temps will be lower I don't need the air around it to be so cold. Going to need some tweaking I am sure but all should go fine now.
The sativa tent is looking pretty good. What ever that short little plant is it sure has nice smell. So the Columbian Gold seeds are not a total bust. Still yet to see how long it will take to finish flowering. Doesn't look like it but maybe this is a sativa.

They mention that the Chocolope was the female when Chocoloco was made. You can really tell by looking at these plants. Buds are going to chunk up real nice. I wasn't sure if they would be fluffy or not. The only fluffy buds in this grow will come from the Sterling Haze. This thing has fox tail written all over it. This plant shows why they had to introduce indica in the mix of indoor genetics LMAO. It has been years since I have grown a plant with big fox tail buds I am going to enjoy this if it doesn't take to damn long.

Damn it is going to be a long ass winter. I can see it already. Pretty sure I can keep up with all the plants. Not sure if I can keep up with all the story lines that surround them. Between cool plants and projects There is going to be a whole shit load of typing to keep everyone informed. I sure wouldn't want the plants to get in the way of my random bullshit LMAO.
If you cross 2 potent strains the offspring will be potent as well, so for me that's a given. Type of high is very important. I know the high I like and certain strains tend to give that to me.

I wanted to tell you personally. Try and let you down easy LMAO. I am not going to reverse the Super Lemon Haze. It is the fact that I really want a lemon sativa that solved it. I have always planned to self this strain. That is why I bought the second pack of seeds. I still have the whole 5 pack. This plant was a single freebie. Selfing SLH is the best way to get what I want. I will then have other options when I do it. When I self SLH I will have a hybrid in mind to do at the same time.

Right now I am going to stick with the Tahoe for feminized sativa pollen. I know the strain better. This Tahoe has tons of crystal and a great Dank flavor. I am going to use it to lighten up the Headband high some with out loosing flavor.
SSH on my list but I have not got around to it yet. I don't have the one I really want so that might have someone to do with it. I have the Dinafem and Greenhouse SSH. The one I always wanted was the Mr Nice one.

I see Grimm has a Cinderella hybrid to a SSH pheno that will probably me my next shot at SSH.

Haze and sativa are both important to me. I have a pack of regular Cannalope Haze seeds. I will probably pollinate a SSH with it. Female seeds are great but regular seeds are easy to make and a large supply of Haze seeds is needed.
Boy Sativa covers a whole bunch of stuff. I prefer to have both. The haze flavor is something I always love. The sativa buzz is a byproduct of the flavor LMAO. So I would always need another sativa.
Cinderella 99 is now my go to sativa. It has a great spicy flavor but not much lemon. So I will always want another sativa.
Lemon goes both ways. Some have mostly lemon smell while others have lemon flavor. Which ever you choose you still need a sweet sativa.
Hard to beat the sweet smell and flavor of the sweet sativa's. So you should always have a sweet sativa.

See! At my count that makes a minimum of 4 sativa's and that doesn't even get into hybrids LMAO.

Hope it’s cool to share @Jackalope here is my trailer trash betty I was gifted by Guy C

I say this is just after mid point flower by liking would you agree ? So I got this new booster to try the other day added it around 30% strength I’d say npk reads 0-50-30

Your right this thing is starting to dense up. No light screwed me this season but this girl can’t be stopped .

Very happy man I am and talked to s birdie the other day and getting more seeds TTB and blue dream to me .

I am having a problem with the last two blue dreams by hso or Cali connection you said . In cup water for about 20 hrs then towel in baggie on modem (internet box) been two days no crack shells. I’ve also noticed the seeds were white when dropped in water now in towel they are going darker ?

Anyways hats off brotha you seem to encounter some great strains .
Happy thanksgiving from Canada brotha
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