Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Can't wait to see how they are doing Jack! We have some decent whitetail in Mi, but if you want a monster check out my family's hunting property near Quebec. A 180-200 pound doe is normal. The bucks have the thickest most beautiful antlers I've seen.
After reading a lot of your journals jack I would purchase a few of your beans. I'd rather get beans from a guy who loves what he does rather than a multi million dollar Corp. Have a good day!!!
Excatly ✊
Took a couple pictures today that show just how much bigger the Sterling Haze is then the rest of the plants. Everything about this plant screams Haze. Plenty of room in the tent so I can twist and turn this plant and keep it out of the light. As of now I have to raise the light just for 1 plant.
Here is the full tent. The sterling haze is in the back. Not a great pic but you can see the size difference.

Here she is with the shortest plant. The Colombian Gold.

The CG is still short as hell. Trichomes showed up a couple days ago on it and 2 of the Chocoloco. This one has a interesting smell starting maybe there is some CG in there somewhere. Still a good looking plant. Here are it and the Sterling Haze.

The Headband freak is showing branching now which is a good thing. If not for them this plant would have grown itself into a corner with no where to go.

I finally have enough indica plants going. Seeds sure gave me hell this year with indica. To much sativa would have been almost as bad as I am sitting right now with to much indica.
Tomorrow I will do the Chocoloco plants. #2 is still giving #1 a run for its money. #2 looks to be the best plant which would be about right. Theyare the only clones that didn't root real well. Not sure which one will be reversed. I would like to do 2 different ones for a better chance at success but I don't know if both clones from 2 will make it. Plant #1 rooted well and both clones should make it. Plant 2 is showing better bud structure and a tad more crystal. It was also the first to show any hairs so it will probably be reversed. If I can self it I will but I will be lucky to have one of these clones make it. I will use plant #1 for a mother. It is bushing better then Plant #3 and has better bud structure.
Wow Jack their all so beautiful!!! That sterling haze is a beast and the headband is crazy looking. Talk about a mutant lol. The one I'm most excited about is the Chocoloco. The name alone just sounds so Damn good lmao!!!
I agree. Hoping to find Chocolate but I will be happy if it just gets you high. Still chocolate is in the genetics so it may come out in certain phenos. That is why I need to make more seeds of it. Also the reason one of the reversed one swill be bred to the Tangalope. Tangy is a incredible strain. I just don't like the flavor. To artificial to me. Breeding more Chocolate Thai in might change the flavor more and still keep all those Tangy trichomes.
I've never had chocolate or tangy but the cross sounds amazing. I can't even begin to imagine the flavors you will get off a Chocoloco x Tangy cross. I for one can't wait to see how things turn out!!!
Taste and smell never seem to do what you want them too. As terepenes are blended some become more dominate then others. Not always in the way we think they will. That makes the weird hybrids even more interesting.

It is all about they type of high now for me. Flavor will come with potency in some case's. Work with enough strong flavorful strains and you are going to get a winner sooner or later. That would end up as a winner for "ME". The high, flavor are what I really like. A good percentage of people will probably also like it. That is no surprise I have smoked enough to know good pot when I see it. Think is the ones I don't like others may love.

Where it gets weird is the ones I don't like. For what ever reason that is flavor, buzz, or growth. There very well could be great strains that for one reason or another doesn't fit with what I like. As with Tangy, It is great and strong as hell the flavor just turns me off. Others love that flavor. Its potency can not be contested it is strong. Is it a great strain? I don't think so, Others think it is a cup winner.

So in the end. If it is strong as hell and you like the high keep working with it tell you like the flavor LMAO.
Yesterday I made a small attempt at pollinating the Chocoloco females. I had the dry remains of the P.B. I reversed last grow. It made seeds in the P.B. and the M.O.B. so I know there was pollen. I didn't do as well as I could have collecting it so I am not positive it will work. We shall see it doesn't hurt to try.

All 3 Chocoloco have their good qualities. I chose plant 1 and 2 because of plant structure. They are bushier. Plant 2 is still the best with all things considered at this time. It has the most Chocolope leaning growth. If one makes seeds they both should. I will keep the seeds from the one that finishes out the best. The Hybrid should be in the 50/50 range for ind/sat and flavor should at least be good. I don't care about the chocolate here. Just want to see what happens.

I made 3 packages of what was left of the PB pollen. I had planned on doing all 3 Chocoloco females. I had to take a chance on Sterling Haze. Everything about this strain screams Haze. I have no more of these and I don't even know if it is made anymore. If this is a great Haze then I want it crossed to the Purple Betty. If I am going to experiment I might as well do it here. The upside of this hybrid could be through the roof. I will know a lot more later on in the grow but I had to decide now. The Sterling Haze could go either way I just don't know. At this time it all matters how this plant will finish up. If it just has fluffy buds the P.B. will cure that. Purple Betty can't solve crap though LOL.

Plant 2 seems to be the best as I mentioned. Of course it is also the only one that didn't root well. With only 1 I can't risk loosing it by trying to reverse it. I will reverse #1 and #3. Plant 2 will be a mother. It is a toss up. It has good traits that I would like to transfer. Like early flower and early crystal. It also has the best growth. The female has the most to do with plant structure so that in itself make #2 a good option. If I use her to make seeds and they don't work no big deal. If I reversed her and that didn't work I have lost all of her. No need for that as I am just playing anyway.

We should know in a couple days if hairs start drying up.
During my morning plant check I was happily surprised by smell. I noticed a nice smell from the Colombian Gold a couple days ago. Thought I would check it again. Still there and getting stronger it is a great smell. Hints of mint and pine. The smell is similar to what you would expect from a CG. Maybe something is in there LOL.

The surprise's came from the Chocoloco. Plant #3 has a real nice sweet smell coming on. Plant #2 the one I have been bragging up has lots of smell now. Nope it isn't Chocolate. Sweet and fruity is all I got. The flavor could be anything. Even with a sweet smell it may have a chocolate taste. It is the relaxing up high from the Chocolate Thai that I want not the flavor. If I can get a chocolate flavor all the better. If not who cares I will be happy with just a Haze flavor.
Plant #3 is the come from behind winner. That is why I cloned all 3. The amounts of crystal that plant is putting out right now is amazing compared to the others in the grow. Not only is it the frostiest Chocoloco it is the frostiest plant in the grow. Crystal is forming on all the bud leaves all the way down the branch. Not a huge thing a month into flower in most case's but this is a 12 week strain. Lots of time to pile on more and more.

So the way it works out now is in my favor. The plant I plan to mother needs to have good structure and bud formation. Got that. The plant that is the male needs something to transfer. Got that. So the game is on.

Still lots of things can change between now and when I work with clones. Plant #1 may come from behind some way. Even if all stays the same. The fact that I have plants I like certain things about does not mean that these things will transfer. Weather a plant transfers it's genetics well or not is still up in question.

That is why there are almost as many famous male plants as there is females. Some transfer their genetics really well and are present in hybrids. While others transfer nothing at all. Both types have their use's.

Another plus is that both of the #3 clones rooted and are doing fine. Looks like I will have 1 #1 1 #2 and 2 #3's That gives me the opportunity to self plant #3. The second clone of plant #1 might pull through but it really doesn't matter. I wouldn't have used both the way things are working out. It is lucky that the plant that cloned 100% is the one I need to do it.
I was going to update the new starts buy I will do that tomorrow. Thought I would continue with Chocoloco pictures. I have been meaning to show the difference in the plants.
Here is a picture of the lower buds on Plant #3. It took about 15 tries but I managed to get 1 picture that shows the crystal formation that is starting.
It doesn't look special by itself. The fact that it's 2 sister's have very little crystal in the same places is what makes it special.

Spotting special plants is not as hard as people make it out. Most will make their self known one way or the other before you ever harvest or smoke it. Not always but normally. Cannalope Haze amazed me by how strong it was. Tons of tiny crystals fooled me. Crystals that look like dust on the leaves can be as potent as the big huge sugar crystal looking ones. The plant looked great all the way through so I knew it grew well. This was a single plant so it never got a chance to show it was better then its sisters. I bet it would have as the Cannalope Haze I have tried from dispensaries was lots different the the one I grew.

All this does not mean that this Chocoloco is special. It does give me hope. I still have no real sign of hermie's from any of them that could still happen. All bets are on plant #3 to hermie just to piss me off. LMAO
I know what you mean about the crystals fooling you. I've grown a couple of strains that looked like a light dusting, but packed a strong high. One that comes to mind is Mowie wowie from Nirvana. Was a huge ass plant but wasn't near as frosty as others I had in flower at the same time. Ended up being the best one from that run. Here's a shitty pic of it
Mi. I have yet to have spider mite problems. My mentor says a product called Forbid is the best thing going. It is costly but it works every time. 1 bottle is more then you will ever need for life. If you can get another person or 2 to split the price with you.Then all of you would have plenty.
Here is a look at the future. Well my future anyway LOL. Most are doing great. I will be trans planting in the next day or so. I don't like to keep them in the small pots long. I need to water most of them daily now.

While they are coming around. The Jacks Cleaner 2 are still a little sickly. At least 2 will make it through. The final sprout is acting the same way. It is showing a little new growth and may come around. Still the whole project of using this strain to breed with is cancelled. I am not going to sex this strain during veg as originally planned. If I get a male I will consider keeping it till the next grow but I don't know right now. Here is a look at them. The plant next to them looks like all the others. Something I am doing they don't like.

Here is a look at Headbands. I had to add the S because it is now a 2 headed monster and will now need 2 headbands LOL.

One of my favorite smokes is a nice lemony sativa. That was the main reason to do the Jack's Cleaner 2. So now I have to decide if I want to make a alternate plan. I said decide even though I may already have. I had started a Super Lemon Haze just to be pollinated by the JC 2. It would have been a regular strain and a big unknown but a sativa. When I grew Super Lemon Haze it had different pheno's but I liked most of them. Some leaned more towards the Lemon Skunk then Haze but I still liked them. So now I think I am going to sacrifice it to be feminized.
I don't need another sativa in this grow. I would like to have different feminized sativa pollen. No way I will ever regret making the wrong seeds. A year from now if I can no longer breed I will regret not having made them. All the SLH had a lemony smell so there is a good chance it will transfer over. If not they will still be sativa. They JC 2 has lemon also so it shouldn't be to difficult to get lemon to come through in a hybrid. I have tons of indica and really need good sativa's now. Who knows we will see how things progress. As with the Chocoloco anything can happen
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