Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Well my new seed connection came through. Or it should anyway. Headed out in the morning to pick up 4 new strains. I will be starting seeds for the winter grow soon so the timing is perfect. I will be including 2 of them in each of my 2 winter grows.
As we all know the supply of quality genetics is our main concern. I have tons of seeds. Most are all older genetics that I plan to stock pile. With a regular supply of quality genetics without having to do it by mail. I plan to change how I grow. Why breed when there are others doing it that have access to better genetics, I will always find and self my favorites but don't plan on doing any other breeding with males other then the next 2 grows. I still want to do one with a journal. Going to change what I am working with though.
I know I liked Headband Haze but it has been done. I still think that the Cannalope Haze is the perfect haze to do this with. I will have to wait to make a feminized one someday. Right now I think the Jacks Cleaner 2 is one of the strongest strains I have. I am going to use it to cross with the Headband.
Plan now is to buy my great tasting genetics and breed for power. Might as well go for punch you in the face strong. Only going to be 2 hybrids with the J.C. 2 The Headband of course, then one more of the feminized strains I am running. It will be my high powered sativa if it all works out. The genetic mix should throw some true winners. One way or the other it will supply lots of regular sativa seeds. From those I will find the one sativa I want to self.
Cinderella 99 is my top sativa and will probably stay that way for a while. I like iy that much. Going to need at least 2 more good sativa's though.
Just order a gram to try of the c99 can’t wsit hear lots of hype about it
Here is a group picture. All are doing well.
I talked a little about the Colombian Gold already. Here is a pic confirming everything I have said. Compared to he rest this sativa is way different.
Next up we have the Sterling Haze. Now this looks like a sativa. This strain is a hybrid of Northern Lights x Haze #1. You can really see the Haze in this one. This looks like what you would expect a Thai hybrid to look like. Even with the Northern lights it is stretching.
Any stretch is fine and can be dealt with so I'm not worried. Now all I am doing is comparing what I expect plants to do and what they are doing. To tell the truth only one acting like I expect it to is the Sterling Haze. This is a freebie seed from back in 2003. That might explain its outdated genetics LOL.
Now we get to the 3 Chocoloco plants. Started out with 2 tall and 1 short pheno when I re-potted. 1 of the tall had Cal/Mag problems early on and is doing better now. You can tell the difference in the 2 tall pheno's because of this. The short pheno is still the best looking plant of the 3. I will continue referring to the plants in this same order as I evaluate them. We will start with the best as it should end up as the #1 plant in the end.

Plant #1. This plant has impressed from the begining. As a indoor grower the short stature is a major plus. As of yet there is little stretching. This strain will continue growing for a long time so I am expecting them to get big later on. Maybe not. Looks to be lots of Chocolope genetics in the short plant. They say they back crossed the Chocolope to Chocolate Thai. The question is what they used for the C.T. Was it hermie free? Did they have real Chocolate Thai? or did they just self a Chocolope and call it their own? I am hoping for the last one LMAO. One thing to note is this plant was never topped. It was only super cropped then bent over.

Plant #2. Another good looking plant. Bushing nicely and stretch Is not bad at all. This and the next plant were the tall pheno's and were topped early. I thought about topping them again but the bending is working great so I won't bother. Pretty sure this plant looks better because the other got sick. We shall see going forward.

Plant #3. This plant took a hit for the team and showed how much they are going to want magnesium. Early problems put her behind the rest. Still she is coming around and could be a late game favorite.

That pretty much covers everything with the plants themselves. I really expected plants with Thai genetics to stretch more. That is why I am wondering about the Chocolope thing. These plants are very similar to the Cannalope Haze I grew. I am going to be doing lots of cloning this year so I might as well start practicing. I am evaluating the plants to see which one I want to throw the last of the PB pollen at. I don't know if it is any good or not. Because of that and the fact I won't be growing Chocoloco again for a long time. (Flower time is to long). I am going to clone plant 1 and 2. The best will go in with the reversed females to be seeded. I don't know if this strain is going to hermie of even get you high. If it does great I can feminize it. If not no big deal to clone them and then throw them out.
Clones are taken care of and are on their way to rooting. Took 2 clones fromeach plant just in case I want to self one. I don't see that happening but who knows. I wanted all 3 just in case one shows more chocolate then the others. I won't need all six clones if they all root but at least I will have options. Not sure what I will know about these plants before the Critical starts putting out pollen. I might need to put 1 of each of these in with the reversed plants. I only want the frostiest or the one with the best chocolate flavor. Still think this would be a great hybrid with Chocoloco. Even if there is no chocolate. If that is the case I will just keep the seeds of the plant with the best high.

Plant #2 is the winner for showing sex early. It and the Columbian Gold are both showing hairs now.
Okay updates. Somewhere along the lines I am going to change the way I sprout seeds. Normally not a big deal. This time it happened to my Jack's Cleaner 2.
None of them had come through the soil after 2 days. I loosened the soil on top and had 2 come through. Thank god. I would have hated to loose this strain. I already lost the Jack the Ripper I had. Luckily another one came through the soil this morning. That gives me 3 so I will at least have a few options.

I am loosing to many seeds that pop but don't make it through the soil. Surface got a little dry but all other strains pushed through just fine. The Chocolate Mint Og did it also with 2 not pushing through.

I went through everything and found seeds to replace the ones that did not come up. The additions are
Lost Coast Hash Plant, Humboldt
Tangalope, DNA
Feeding this next grow is going to be a nightmare. 10 different strains are going to want different things at different times I am thinking.
I agree. Watching them "and" trying them. I love and will always grow new strains just to see what else is out there. I was not going to self The Jack's Cleaner 2. I have to much going on with the Headband this time. I do have a Tahoe Og S-1 that is pretty damn good. I have no choice but to hit the JC 2 with it after it is reversed. I was planning on using it with the Headband so I can keep the Og genetics in there. If the selfing project fails I will at lest have something. The Tahoe added some wild smells and flavors to a Sour Diesel a few years back. Maybe it will do the same with the JC 2. Tahoe Og is supposed to have a Lemon Cleaner type smell but my pheno is all dank with little lemon in it. It is probably still in the genetics so it may come out in the hybrid. Biggest thing is it is a hermie free pheno. Some thing that is found in a lot of Cali Connections strains. From what I hear it is from the San Fernando Og cut they use. It is one of those strains that is supposed to be so damn strong people put up with hermies. Its a Og/Diesel thing LMAO.
I also thought I should note that I switched the 12/12 grow to a 13/11. Hearing things about this light schedule also. I am going to see what the difference will be. The clones will be grown under normal light. I want to see if there are any major flavor differences.
Hermies are the worst! Lol. It would have to be really badass to put up with that. I have noticed some of the more potent strains I have ran, have threw nanners at the tail end of flower. Nothing crazy, just a couple that seem to be non fertal. My flower room is shut down after recent harvest. Here's my current veg selection. Chernobyl, super silver Haze, chocolope,818 headband, Rocklock, green crack, Ace of spades, cherry pie, and waiting for a blueberry to pop up out of the soil. Yeah I know I have issues. LMAO
You and me both lol. Great line up. We have very simular tastes in strains. I would grow your line up LMAO. The strains I was mentioning about hermies being put up with are in the Og and Diesel range. All the strains from that bag of Greatful Dead weed have hermie traits. They are also some of the most bad ass weed out there.
I surprised myself the other day. It was a good surprise which is nice. I can't believe I didn't even consider the fact that I had clones of the Chocoloco when I started the Tangilope.

Tangie is a great strain and strong as hell. I just have flavor issues with it. It carries tons of terepenes which is what makes it interesting to me. With this in mind I will be reversing one of the Chocoloco clones. Still need to find out if any of these plants hermie or not. I hope to have the main plants finished before I need to use the reversed female. I don't care as much about chocolate flavor. I do care about getting rid of the Tangie flavor and still keep the high terepene profiles. Will it work? Who knows but it doesn't hurt to try.

So now I may find myself with a reversed Chocoloco female. I also have a couple Chocolate Mint Og plants going. That's choco in 2 strains. No way I can not try a branch or 2 for feminized seeds.

I should point out. Most all of my breeding is just a 1 or 2 branches. This does not effect my harvest weight that much. Most of all the hybrids are just to see what happens. I plan to breed my own strain someday but for now it is mostly just practice. Until then I will probably find a winner or 2 out of all this practice.
Back to popping seeds. The Lost Coast Hash Plant seeds don't look like they are going to be any good. One never popped the other popped and did nothing. No choice but to start more seeds. I only have a few indica dominate strains going this run. I will need everyone. Going with.
Black Dog. Humboldt
Glueberry Og, Dutch Passion

The sativa grow is moving right along. The Sterling Haze is still stretching. The Colombian Gold is not LMAO. No stretch at all for this plant. So much for it being a sativa. Still doesn't mean it will not be good so I will grow it. No telling what it is going to produce. The only supplement it will get will be Buds Well in a couple weeks. The Chocoloco's are all doing well. I think I am going to start feeding them a little. Sativas have a tendency to feed more then most indica's. I just think they could use more nitrogen right now.

The 60 x 60 x 80 tent goes up today. The 48" wasn't to hard to do by myself. Hope the 60 is the same. Either way it is going to be a better place then what I was using before.
Looking great jackalope as always your in some deep shit lol. Wish I was on your level. I’d b knee deep right beside you.
Which level are you talking about. The level in my mind or the level I am at for real LMAO. This is what happens when you study and learn genetics for 30 years. Then get a chance to grow as much as you like, you go a little nuts.

I never want to portray myself as something I am not. I know how to spot special plants and I know what I like. The breeding I do is based only on that. Not on well known and proven practices. There is still a huge step between me and the people that really know what they are doing.

Fun as shit for me thought so I have no plans to stop. When I get around to the strain I really want to make all this knowledge will be helpful
Your definitely a top level individual. I’m my eyes. And mind. Why don’t you start selling seeds That you make. Let us enjoy your Frankenstein weed also.
First off I would like to mention. The fact that I can do what I do has a lot more to do with the fact that I have no life more then anything else. Pretty much fishing and growing is all I think and concentrate about. Not everyone has the mind set let alone the lifestyle I have to do this. Just me and 2 cats so there is very little to distract me. No one to get mad if I don't give them as much attention as the plants LOL.

I would give the seeds away before I would ever sell them. Hell I don't even sell weed. Making seeds for sale is not beyond the realm of things things I would do though. Below par seeds are my biggest bitch about buying them so I cannot see myself producing them. Lots to be done and learn before I ever get to that stage. To me and how I do things "Selfed" plants are the only way to do this right. You have to have the right pheno to self so that in itself limits what I can do. Mostly all these wild Hybrids are for growing out to find those pheno's. Half the time I am not even going to know if it will be good let alone great. No way would it be right to let people spend time and money growing a seed that can not perform.

I have thought of it enough to have art work all ready done LOL. I truly don't think it will ever get to that point but who knows. Mostly I am just letting my mind go wild. It's fun and only a hobby at this point.
After reading a lot of your journals jack I would purchase a few of your beans. I'd rather get beans from a guy who loves what he does rather than a multi million dollar Corp. Have a good day!!!
Thank you. I take that as a complement. Some day maybe. After this years 2 runs. I'am going to need to start growing some of these seeds and see what happens. Somewhere along the lines I am going to have to have other people test them also. Before I could ask anything for a seed I would have to be positive that it is great. No need for average strains there are already tons of average weed.

To tell the truth last grow was supposed to have a bunch of hybrids. I ended up with just a few of the selfed seeds and a bunch of light colored ones from a hybrid. So my dreams and aspirations sometimes are bigger then my production. That is why all this practice LMAO.

Tri-5 Genetics. Sounds like a great company name.
Breeding practice, Try 5 strains maybe one will work.

With all that said. After I know my seeds pop, grow, and get you high I will be wanting others to try them. It's not like I know any other growers then the ones here. (Well one or 2 maybe lol). So it will be the people here I will asking for help. Getting quality feedback is where it gets tough. The people I ask to test weed are mostly useless. "Got me high" and "Your weed is always great" are the usual answers. I want to know what it did to them and if they liked it when it did lol.

I will try and remember to get a picture of the sativa's today. I really expected a lot more stretch out of the Chocoloco. Only a month in nowso it is still early. These will continue growing for another month at least so I know they will get bigger. There will be no problems with them getting to tall. The Sterling haze is another story. It just keeps stretching. Bud formation is behind all the others. You can see lots of the Haze #1 in this plant. No sign of anything like Northern Lights yet though. Probably going to turn into a beauty though. I don't think they even make this strain anymore.
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