Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I know I said I was going to do it a couple days ago I didn't. I did finally get the 60 x 60 tent up. I guess I am getting better at putting these things up. It was easier then I thought it would be. Easier the the 48 x 48. One thing I have noticed. Just because a tent will fit in a room. Does not mean you will have the room to put it together in that same room. Done is done though. Today the fans, filters, and lights go up. I am going to have to find a way to baffle fan noise I think. We shall see. I am going to let ir run for a few days to double check everything. Plants won't be going in for at least a week or so. There is time to work out the bugs. A totally new set up so there will be something that comes up I am sure

Here is a picture of the sativa tent. Everything is doing fine. Sterling Haze is easy to spot as it is the only one pushing the lights up. I will have to start bending it so I can keep the lights low for the other strains.

The Chocoloco are pretty nice looking plant's. I expected them to act more like the Sterling Haze. They say a strain is a hybrid. They don't tell you how much that strain is back crossed. Not much Thai stretch with these plants. Plant structure is supposed to come from the female side. That might also explain the growth style as the Chocolope was the female. These look a lot like the Cannalope Haze I grew. It was a main building block of the Chocolope.

I keep mentioning this as a sativa grow. Colombian Gold must not have got that memo. It is still looking all indica to me. They high is what matters in the end. So I will save judgement tell then. Still some indica smoke will fit right in with all that sativa. Here is a look at the little girl.
As you can tell she is bushing out really nice LMAO. Going to be 3 tops on this massive plant LOL. On the bright side. I have seen short plants produce as much as their taller sisters. The root base should have more to it then plant size. All energy will be sent to those 3 branches. The 3 buds this plant produces should be close to the same weight as if I had not trimmed it back. Shorter branches wouldn't have got enough light and would only produce smaller fluffier buds.

I have found that I like what I like no matter what they say about it. I have to grow everything first to see. I really wanted to see what Colombian Gold would be like. I feel World of Seeds have robbed me of this. I still don't know for sure. Problem is I have no confidence in their genetics anymore. I have grown their Panama and the Colombian Gold. Both ended up indica looking. I know the Panama had very little sativa I smoked it all.

Me like others would like to grow the weed of our youth. I am searching more for the highs of old. Flavors and tastes are great but the high is what really matters. The highs were so much different before indica's came into the picture. That can be seen in the words of the day. We were "High" for a long time. Then indica showed up and we became "Stoned" for the next 20 years. Great sativa highs started really coming back with legalization. Medical and Rec . It has really taken off since recreational started becoming available.

I learned a long time back. No one is ever going to find that weed of old. I have never known anyone to get the flavor's and high's from the old greats. Problem is it they don't go through the same abuses as they did. Drying, curing, packaging, are so much better now days. If you want that old flavor. Dry it in the sun smash the shit out it wrap it air tight and put in a huge ass pile. Let it cure while you are figuring out how to get that huge ass pile to where it needs to be. Over time as the THC degrades CBD and other things start showing up. So much was effecting the flavors and highs. Yes some had great flavor. Thing is what was that flavor and high before they abused it. Very little of old weed was not smashed. Just the fact of smashing it before curing will effect flavor and buzz. You would think terepene's would go through change's because of these abuse's.
All sprouts and clones seem to be doing fine. Still having trouble getting indica to grow this time. Never had so much trouble with seeds. Only the indicas I have tons of Sativa dominate stuff. Going to start a couple of my old stand by Putins Crack. Always great nighttime weed.

Looks Like all the clones have rooted. I don't do it in a way that the roots so it is a guessing game at times. They look rooted so in a few more days I will transplant them to soil. If they have not rooted they will be trashed. Plenty of sativa and plants so these are just for breeding with if they stay hermie free.

Speaking of hermie. The nice bushy Chocoloco looks to have thrown a male pod. I trimmed it of and will keep a eye on it. I knew this was a possiblity so it is not a big deal. If they come back and stay trimable then I will just do that. If the start showing up in the buds the plant and clones will have to go. That is why I took clones from all 3. I only need 1 not to hermie.

The sprouts are starting to show character. The Jacks Cleaner 2 are looking like they are going to make it tough on me. Really weird growth so far. Here a look at boring ass sprouts and clones. I will show the JC 2 pic's when they get a little bigger. Looks like this weird growth will continue.
Big project for today is to build a fan baffle. Fan noise is going to be a problem with how I am doing things now. I think I have a idea that will work. Going to see about building it today. I will try and get pic's of the new 60 x 60 tent before I fill it.

Anyone else out there have problems with fan noise and or solutions for it.
When I was growing in my tent I had my 6" fan hanging on straps I made from black rubber bungie cords. It didn't take care of all the noise, but it cut down some of the vibration. I'm looking for to seeing the JC2. Hopefully it will straighten out for you. Good luck bro
Fan baffle worked great. I still have noise but it is down to except able levels. All the noise I get now is from inside the tent. There is a dull hollow whirling sound at high speed. It goes away at lower speeds So I will always have the option to turn it down if I need to and still keep the fan running. I think this sound will go away some once the tent fills up with plants and soil. It i just a empty cave now with lots of echo. Here are a couple pics of my handy work.
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It is a simple design. 1 big hole going in lots of little holes going out. This could be designed better and adapted to others needs. I am sure a stealth one could be built. Very little noticeable noise coming from it.

I use rubber grommets to mount my fans. I have plenty of them and it doesn't take much rubber to calm vibration. I also have lots of weight on what it is mounted too.
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Here is the 60 x 60. Damn this thing is big. 1000 watts in this thing is going to be perfect. The 48 x 48 work with 1000's but heat can be a issue. going to be interesting to see how many plants will fit in this thing
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60 x60 now that's a tent. Bet it was a pain in the ass to put together by yourself. 7mm 08 that should put a good size hole in a deer lol. The wife got me a 300 win mag for our anniversary 2months back. Should have some stopping power compared to grandpa's old 30-30 I was using haha. Nice baffle that's going to be my next project.
Baffle looks good. When I rifle hunt I use a 7mm mag. I live in a shot gun/muzzleloader only zone. I have a rem 870 slugger with a 26 rifled barrel. Gun season is mid November. Hopefully I'll get lucky next month in archery season :)
I bet you get some big body deer down there! I've only ever hunted up here,but my grandpa owns a little hunting lodge on 783 acres up here in the Falmouth area. So I've never really needed to hunt elsewhere. One of these years I'd love to go hunting down state to see what all the talk is about. I have a buddy that hunts down state said the bucks get huge racks that are almost picture perfect.
No shotgun seasons out our way. Big magnums like you guys have are the normal choice for everyone. I just need a short light gun now. The Remington model 7 fits that bill perfect.

I love my 870 it has as many personalities as my ex LMAO. I can make 3 guns out of it with the parts I have.

Michigan has some great whitetail but I'm saving myself in case I find a friend from Iowa LOL.

All is going well. Going to post more pic's tomorrow to show the stretch in the Sterling haze compared to the Chocoloco. It is now about twice as tall as the other plants. Buds are forming now so it is on its way to somewhere. F-1 hybrids should give you a mix of genetics. Some end up showing more genetics from one parent then the other. I am pretty sure this plant is showing all Haze #1. While this is not what I expected it will be interesting to grow. Once I go perpetual I can grow more strains like this but tell then no more long winded sativa's.

I potted all the clones yesterday. I have no way to see the roots on my clones so I have to go on feel. I wait a minimum of 2 weeks. Then let the clone tell me how they are doing. Everything was standing up and looking good. Ended up with good roots from Plant's 1 and 3. Plant 2 is questionable.One clone that was leaning over most the time was standing tall and looking good. That one I was sure had rooted. No roots. I planted it anyway we will see how it does. The other had just a few roots barely starting but it should take off. The other should all do fine but I would not be surprised to loose one.
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