Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Looking great Kingjoe. No problem posting here. Nice to see TTB grown outdoors. What a monster. Looks to be a while before flowering is finished. Lots of white hairs. You should notice the buds swelling up and falling over when she is done.
The new tent is finally up and working. What a cool cool tent set-up. I got a couple pics tp show off the new air cooled hood. This thing sure spreads out the light. 10 hours of 1000 watt power and the temp is only 79 degrees. I was having to move tons of cold air through the tent to keep temps down. Now that I am removing the heat from the lamp I can keep my temps more stable.

I really like this new set up. Time will tell if it will produce like the old closet set up I had before. Shape is different but square footage is similar. That old spot always did better then the tent for some reason.

I really wanted to leave the center leaf on the weird Headband plant. It would have been cool to see it get big.... It quit growing to the point it was stupid to leave it any longer. Topping changes the way a plant feeds itself. Taking the one leaf will send everything to the 2 main stems.
I caught myself wondering if this plant is god saying self me. Right from the start it had one side for male one side for female LOL. I am going to clone everything so we shall see. I am going to laugh my ass off if this is the pheno I am looking for. Great Headband plants are pretty easy to spot early on. The dank sour smell is very prominent in the plants that have a great headband high.
The sativa grow never took over the tent like I thought it would. I figured all the plants to be like the Sterling Haze. Nothing else is continuing to stretch. Chocoloco are under 2 feet and the Colombian Gold is on about a foot tall. Plants are going to have plenty of food and light so even though they are short they should produce ok.

Chocoloco are looking a lot like the Cannalope Haze did. Looks like they are going to have fat dreadlocks looking buds. I was amazed at how hard the buds were on the CH. My guess is this is what the were looking for when they used the Chocolope for the female.
Nice new set up!!! All the ladies in it are just so Damn green as I figured all your plants would be. I can't wait to see what that headband ends up looking like she's just so crazy looking lol. Hope your enjoying the weekend Jackalope!!!
Looking great Kingjoe. No problem posting here. Nice to see TTB grown outdoors. What a monster. Looks to be a while before flowering is finished. Lots of white hairs. You should notice the buds swelling up and falling over when she is done.
Well she is really too heavy already Jesus bro . This thing can’t be stopped . I added a booster to her would you say that is around mid flower bro ?

The booster I added was 0-50-30
Well she is really too heavy already Jesus bro . This thing can’t be stopped . I added a booster to her would you say that is around mid flower bro ?

The booster I added was 0-50-30

Hard to tell from pics. The fact that it is outdoor its hard to tell when it went into full on flower. 8 weeks is a good number indoors. Some can be as early as 6 weeks. Once all the hairs turn red you should be good if you don't have a scope. I harvested Betty at 80 to 100% red hairs for years before I got a scope.
Found another seed in the Afgooey. That is 2 now plus it confirms the first one. Can't wait to grow them out. Afgooey x Purple Betty was one of the hybrids I really wanted. I didn't think it would have time to finish seeds so all the pollen it got fell off the Purple Betty clone that was seeded.
I think I am going to try it next run. I have more Afgooey and lots of Purple Betty. I will make a real one later if what I think will happen happens LOL.
Hard to tell from pics. The fact that it is outdoor its hard to tell when it went into full on flower. 8 weeks is a good number indoors. Some can be as early as 6 weeks. Once all the hairs turn red you should be good if you don't have a scope. I harvested Betty at 80 to 100% red hairs for years before I got a scope.
Perfect info bro I’ve learned I can tell slot of the colour of my hairs as well o Ed the tests. Think she is starting to show bit of age with some hairs and swell lately . Some purple showing on my he buds them self ? Did you notice and colours ?

Loupe bro thank you so much for everything this Strain is amazing and very strong genetics . Bless day bro
I can't wait tell you see how much of it you can smoke. Betty is strong but there are lots of strong strains. Almost all pheno's of Betty have no ceiling and will keep getting you higher as long as you care to keep smoking. Or tell you can no longer lift your chin off your chest to take another hit. Which ever comes first. LMAO.
Kingjoe Yes I have seen purple here and there in TTB. Probably the cooler nighttime temps from being outdoor. It is usually hidden under tons of crystal so you don't notice it as much. Lots of times I never noticed it tell I was trimming. Going to be really interesting to see what a 7' Trailer Trash Betty will produce. Mine are usually around 4 foot indoors.
And now it begin's. I mention lots of breeding projects that come to my mind. One I had early on didn't work and I lost the Jack the Ripper female I was going to use for it. That fact had a lot to do with why I bought the Jack's Cleaner 2. JTR is half of the Jack's Cleaner in this hybrid. While I don't know that it will need help like the JTR does it is going to get it need it or not.

What I really liked about the JTR was it's up clear headed high. A little to clear headed though. Sometimes you are plenty high but it is barley noticed because of the sativa effects. The C-99 I am growing now solves that perfectly but I need others to do it also. While most Og strains are heavy on the indica side. Tahoe Og is more on the sativa side. Tahoe can have the same lemon cleaner smell as the Jack's Cleaner. While the pheno I selfed had more of a dank smell and flavor. It should still carry some of the lemon terepenes into a hybrid. If not no big deal. Tahoe has also been know to throw some wild smells into its hybrids. It carries tons of crystal so it should add strength to the hybrid. For smell and flavor I get what I get. Terepene levels should be high so what ever smell I get should be strong. Will it carry over to taste is another question.

The Tahoe while strong still had its limitations. It was more noticeable early on but the high didn't last like the JTR did. This was to be a regular strain and not a feminized one. I decided to do a feminized hybrid then pheno hunt tell I find the one I want then self. It is this single selfed plant that will become the strain in the end. I say that like it is going to work LMAO. I am pretty sure it will. If you throw 2 really good strains together the outcome shouldn't suck. Just that fact makes it worth a try. It should get you high with no problems. Will it be the high I am looking for or something else equally as special? I don't know, if not this whole project is a bust.

Going to need a couple sativa lovers in a few months to see how this turns out. What I really want to know is if it does work. Do others find the same pheno best as I do. I know good weed but my tastes are different then others.
JTR is one of my favorite strains. I absolutely love it for daytime get shit done weed. I've grown a few JTR and crosses from it. Just harvested a Chernobyl ( JTR x timewreck), have grown Grape lime Ricky ( JTR x urkle ) and space candy which I can't remember what exactly the cross was of it. Anyway my point is that everything I've tried that was crossed with it was really nice smoke with some potency. I think you can't go wrong with it
Your finally talking about a strain I know lol. My buddy picked up a pack of JTR a few years back and has been growing clones from his favorite pheno since. It has got to be my top 3 favorites strains. Your going to be breeding Tahoe Og x JC2? If so that should be a killer cross.
JTR one the left and grape lime Ricky on the right
Yes it does my friend JTR is what got me into wanting to grow my own. I saw how much better quality the stuff my buddy grew compared to what you can buy from the dispensary was and never turned back. I've got a Teflon Don from TGA she's just starting.
Actually it will be Jacks Cleaner 2 x Tahoe Og. since I am going to do this feminized I am going to use the selfed Tahoe I have I know its killer.

I really liked JTR during the time I had it. It is one of the few strains out there that can wake you back up after smoking a indica. I found even the C-99 does not do that as well as JTR.
The fact that it is so clear headed can also be a down fall. Sometimes it is hard to notice you are still high.

That is why I am breeding in the Og. Trying for a slap you in the face sativa.
The sativa grow on 11/13 from seed is cruising right along. I am glad I did it this way so I know how it works out. I think this idea might work better for lower power lights. The strains I grew were not the super long flowering sativa's. These were not 16 week strains so that may matter also. 12 to 14 week strains are plenty long enough for me. Only one plant stretched the way I thought it would. I could have taken these plants for another week or 2 and they would still have not overgrown the tent. With lower powered lights the plants would have had to reach up for light and would have grown taller. Height doesn't mean everything but it helps. The Colombian Gold is right around 12 inches tall. It would have produced a lot better if it had had a chance to grow taller. The buds are full and firm with a nice minty sweet smell. Everything about how this plant seems to be the real deal C.G. except for growth style. Here is a picture of the whole tent. All plants are 80 to 100% sativa all 3 strains look totally different.
Next up I wanted to show how much difference there is between the Sterling Haze and the Colombian Gold. Nothing looks the same on these plants except the classic marijuana leaf.
I really love the Sterling Haze. It has been a long time since I have grown a plant that grew like this. Each branch is going to be its own fox tail. Haze #1 is very prominent in this hybrid. This strain might try and go over 12 weeks we will have to see. I am also going to have to dry this plant differently. Going to need a lot slower dry then I can get normally here. Drying is actually easy here in most case's. Not much natural humidity in the air. With this strain I thing the buds will get to dry to fast and end up being brittle and harsh. Going to have to do it in box where I can keep the humidity up. Kind of funny. A friend gave me some wax he loved. When I looked at the strain I had to laugh. It is C-99 x Haze #1. I already know the buzz from it is very similar to the C-99. Now I will have a chance to see how it compares to the Haze #1. Here is a look at the Haze#1 look a like.
Last but not least we have the Chocoloco. No special pics of it yet. The buds will start being photogenic soon. Like before things keep going my way with this strain. Plant #3 the one I like for crystal formation and had planned to reverse it and use it as a male. It is also the first to show any signs of red hairs. A male plant is used to transfer genetics. It is supposed to carry what you want the hybrid to have. The 2 main things that males carry over is flower time and crystal formation. This plant is doing just what I need it to do. I have 2 clones of it one will be re-potted today. I will start spraying it to reverse soon also. No big deal for the Chocoloco seeds I want to make. If I want this to have pollen in time to Hit the Tangalope I better get it going now.

Since I am writing a damn book anyway I might as well include a pic of the veg tent. Got to love 1000 watt lights. Kind of like the muscle car comment. There is no replacement for displacement LMAO. Everything is happy so I am Happy.
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