Purple People Eater Monsters Just In Time For Halloween Pawpaws Medicine Tent Chapter #3

@Bill284 ok bud where is the part where you made the moat? after 5 pages of reading My eyes go to mush so I hop around a lot. ok I get distracted by shiny objects. I did not layer my perlite I add 16 qts to the mix and thought I had another bag but couldn't find it. or I would have layered it

Want can you tell me about runts not the strain the smallest plant in the liter ? is it a normal occurrence ? (dont tell me its caused by dropping your seedling lol) I dont think the location of the plant caused it my last few grows I mentioned early had runts in the same spot front left I checked it with the light meter did everything the same they always snap out of it and the last one yielded the best bud.

enjoy your weekend
talk soon stay safe stay stoned :thumb:
I'll find the tutorial tomorrow, remind me.
My experience runts are susceptible to water issues off the hop.
But if you can keep them going once the roots develop the come to life.
Of its genetically stunted but it's not typically.
In other words you overwatered it. 😉
As a baby.
What's under the floor of the of the tent.
Concrete or wood?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
A PLASTIC TARP, CARPET,. CONCRETE IN THET ORDER it is growing right along with the other 3 but smaller version same amount of leaves nodes ect I read your Marinating post and wish I read it a week ago. I think I know what it might be 1 plant hadf roots actually half the rootball wheN I opened the cup a chunk of root fell out with the perelite the rest of the ball was fie and intertwined in the medium just where the root was attached to the perelite what would you recommend a transplant? let it grow thru it it is starting to grow fuller .? U thinkl I haVE AN ANSWER FOR MY DRYING ISSUE my harvest should be late oct to nov avg temps 60 -45 degrees F so I think I will put a tent in my unheated garage and just watch for freezing temp in which case Ill add a small heater keep my humidity at 50% FROM WHAT i READ THIS CAN BE ONE OF THE HARDEST THINGS TO FIGURE OUTA SRY CAPS stupid keyboard have a goodnight my friend
Ill chat tomorrow let me know what I can do top get that plant to catch up

This cooling gadget im talking about is a 32" x14"x14" cooler I have a 4 " inline fan the cooler will have a 4 in flange on the top and under the lid (lined up top and bottom) so I can attach a 4"duct . in the cooler I have a waterproof 4" duct that will mount to the flange under the lid ands the water proof duct will be layed out like a coil on to of the lid one 4" duct goes from the fan to the coller blowing air in the cooler I will add ice or frozen ice packs along with a little water sowhat ever I have thats cold. as the fan pumps the air thru the coil it will cool the air down considerable before it gets pumped into the tent I know sounds like a hair brain idea But my success rate ids much higher than Wiley Coyotes and survival rate like the road runner when I get my parts the come in a box marked ACME hoiw could I go wrong lol Ill send pics as I build it

night night dont let the bed bugs bite (that's a whole different story) everytime we stay at a hotel first thing we do is a bed bug check startin to ramble cya tomorrow bud
I did top 3 of the 4 I had 5 nodes on each plant including the runt But I only topped the bigger three between the 4 and 5th node and Mini Mary I did n ot top with hopes she will snap out of it I have a back up Black lebanon that is 10 days behind and still in the solo cup the next week I will decide where to let mary stay where she sits or replace herwith the younger plant if it catches up
concrete floors drain heat from your pots.
they work best above 18 c .
if you could get a piece of Styrofoam sm under the tent it might help
IN THET ORDER it is growing right along with the other 3 but smaller version same amount of leaves nodes ect I read your Marinating post and wish I read it a week ago. I think I know what it might be 1 plant hadf roots actually half the rootball wheN I opened the cup a chunk of root fell out with the perelite the rest of the ball was fie and intertwined in the medium just where the root was attached to the perelite what would you recommend a transplant?
No transplanting won't help, just let her go.
Give a couple more days next time so the rootball stays together
let it grow thru it it is starting to grow fuller .? U thinkl I haVE AN ANSWER FOR MY DRYING ISSUE my harvest should be late oct to nov avg temps 60 -45 degrees F so I think I will put a tent in my unheated garage and just watch for freezing temp in which case Ill add a small heater keep my humidity at 50%
Heater will drop the rh so be careful.
I did top 3 of the 4 I had 5 nodes on each plant including the runt But I only topped the bigger three between the 4 and 5th node and Mini Mary I did n ot top with hopes she will snap out of it I have a back up Black lebanon that is 10 days behind and still in the solo cup the next week I will decide where to let mary stay where she sits or replace herwith the younger plant if it catches up

Ill chat tomorrow let me know what I can do top get that plant to catch up
Superthrive helps girls with issues, just be careful with watering babies.
This cooling gadget im talking about is a 32" x14"x14" cooler I have a 4 " inline fan the cooler will have a 4 in flange on the top and under the lid (lined up top and bottom) so I can attach a 4"duct . in the cooler I have a waterproof 4" duct that will mount to the flange under the lid ands the water proof duct will be layed out like a coil on to of the lid one 4" duct goes from the fan to the coller blowing air in the cooler I will add ice or frozen ice packs along with a little water sowhat ever I have thats cold. as the fan pumps the air thru the coil it will cool the air down considerable before it gets pumped into the tent I know sounds like a hair brain idea But my success rate ids much higher than Wiley Coyotes and survival rate like the road runner when I get my parts the come in a box marked ACME hoiw could I go wrong lol Ill send pics as I build it

night night dont let the bed bugs bite (that's a whole different story) everytime we stay at a hotel first thing we do is a bed bug check startin to ramble cya tomorrow bud
Good morning buddy, how is the weekend going?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
concrete floors drain heat from your pots.
they work best above 18 c .
if you could get a piece of Styrofoam sm under the tent it might help

No transplanting won't help, just let her go.
Give a couple more days next time so the rootball stays together

Heater will drop the rh so be careful.

Superthrive helps girls with issues, just be careful with watering babies.

Good morning buddy, how is the weekend going?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
`doing good gotta find a home for 2 plants .for the first I am growing pot without the fear of having my door kicked in it is 4 plants in VA and I want to follow the law. for a change .because of the 2nd amendment I dont want to jeopardize my rights or have property seized
2 cannabis seedlings
Free to Good Home
Pick- up only

I belive my son will grab them (I hope). today is the 2 week feed day I watered the gals 2 days ago and they wont be thirsty till tomorrow night so im just going toLlay the food on top and water her tomorrow . Im not going to over water them this time I did better last time but still need improvement Right now it take 2 liters to get run off and that is making sure it is slow and through starting along the rim and working my way to the middle I want to take all the thing I been taught and learned and put them to use having a photo history and journals tell me a lot I go and look thru to my first grow and it is almost as embarrassing as my videos lol Ill unveil my invention this week to insure I get the color i want PURPLE what temp would you recommend as cooler but not to cold ? I gotta think if the Rootball temps effect color they also enhance terpenes and cannabinoids also. plus I need to get rid of this smelling like hay for the first 6 weeks starting with strain and drying as far as drying I want to keep humidity at 50% and temps 65* - 70* *F. how do you dry yours? and what conditions ?
have a great..labor day???? is this any kind of holiday for you?
Take care friend
`doing good gotta find a home for 2 plants .for the first I am growing pot without the fear of having my door kicked in it is 4 plants in VA and I want to follow the law. for a change .because of the 2nd amendment I dont want to jeopardize my rights or have property seized
2 cannabis seedlings
Free to Good Home
Pick- up only

I belive my son will grab them (I hope). today is the 2 week feed day I watered the gals 2 days ago and they wont be thirsty till tomorrow night so im just going toLlay the food on top and water her tomorrow . Im not going to over water them this time I did better last time but still need improvement Right now it take 2 liters to get run off and that is making sure it is slow and through starting along the rim and working my way to the middle I want to take all the thing I been taught and learned and put them to use having a photo history and journals tell me a lot I go and look thru to my first grow and it is almost as embarrassing as my videos lol Ill unveil my invention this week to insure I get the color i want PURPLE what temp would you recommend as cooler but not to cold ? I gotta think if the Rootball temps effect color they also enhance terpenes and cannabinoids also. plus I need to get rid of this smelling like hay for the first 6 weeks starting with strain and drying as far as drying I want to keep humidity at 50% and temps 65* - 70* *F. how do you dry yours? and what conditions ?
have a great..labor day???? is this any kind of holiday for you?
Take care friend
When the root ball gets below 18c the roots gradually shut down as the temps drop.
If the roots sit at a temp lower than optimal they function at a lower rate.
Do you have a thermometer?
Put it under a pot for a day then check it.
Easy, then you know.
Lower temps for the plant for purple.
I ran a vpd of aprox 1.2 dropping plant temps to 19 - 20 ish c.
If I remember correctly :rofl: that's never going over 27c.
Harvest, short version.
3 days days dark, still with every leaf she started flower with.
Then chop, cut branches, trim the fans.
Hang for a few days at exactly 62rh and 65c.
I had a harvest every month so I set up a drying room.
Once the little branches break, trim buds and into jars.
Then burp, I think we went over that, correct me if I'm wrong.
I've got to start dinner before I'm a single man.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
AS ALWAYS THX MY FRIEND if this growe doesn't come out with aweso smelly sticky stinky buds I will be bummed but ill take my seed mats and start over I am thinking in nov the temps would be perfect to dry in my garage but staying at 65f* or 20 C will be easy to maintain the environment and im thinking about all the things I did wrong when drying not taking the sweet leaf or any defoil any way thank you Im going to do this grow without catching my hair on fire.

I want you to know I'm getting a new set of gnomes. im calling them the heavenly shores edition. Im gonna trade out the one with bowl for a nice lady Gnome Stacie and of course ill find a howie and a mail box that says @Bill284
Day 1 week three you as ya can see the B L is growing strong AND THE RUNT DECIDED TO KICK IT INTO GROW the 2 BMRs has some of the fatest leaves I have ever seen Im sure it is common but this is the first strain looking like this
I love it while they are young and growing fact it is hard to see in the pics but the bottom leaves have a slight very slight touch of purple @Bill284 I did what you said and put a digital themometer under the pot for 24 hrs I was pretty happy low 72 F high 73 F I took your advice when you showed you that fan a coupled you tube videos couple 4" duct work a fan and a cooler best sex i ever ... na I making a industrial strength tent cooler Ill try to popst it tom orrow

Day 1 week three you as ya can see the B L is growing strong AND THE RUNT DECIDED TO KICK IT INTO GROW the 2 BMRs has some of the fatest leaves I have ever seen Im sure it is common but this is the first strain looking like this
I love it while they are young and growing fact it is hard to see in the pics but the bottom leaves have a slight very slight touch of purple @Bill284 I did what you said and put a digital themometer under the pot for 24 hrs I was pretty happy low 72 F high 73 F I took your advice when you showed you that fan a coupled you tube videos couple 4" duct work a fan and a cooler best sex i ever ... na I making a industrial strength tent cooler Ill try to popst it tom orrow

Looks great. :thumb:
Good night buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Looks great. :thumb:
Good night buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Good morning. :ciao:
Hey Buddy guess who just got in heck.
I knew that was the wrong thing to say. :rofl:
Looks like you'll have to grow them.;)
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
@Bill284 lol WHY DO I ALWAYS LEARN THE HARD WAY !!! The site was down when i tried to log in I thought Great now they band me lol Between linking stuff and this incident I hope I dont tik Teddy off I mean I meant well lol, Now I know better any way I had 2 back up plants in case my 4 didnt take well now I am a father of 6 baby girls well they are almost teenageers now I think I did your way with out seeing the tutorial I had Humungus rootballs so I added the heavenly shores mix and sjust dug a divot set the root ball in it and covered maki9ng a mound as you can see below I really wish I had army men I was going to do a IWO JIMA theme. you can see the one gnome is planning on going for swim when I water her also while I got ya look at that last page WTF is that white stuff it just happen 1 time under will the wiz.
Thx bud dinner calls



@Bill284 lol WHY DO I ALWAYS LEARN THE HARD WAY !!! The site was down when i tried to log in I thought Great now they band me lol Between linking stuff and this incident I hope I dont tik Teddy off I mean I meant well lol, Now I know better any way I had 2 back up plants in case my 4 didnt take well now I am a father of 6 baby girls well they are almost teenageers now I think I did your way with out seeing the tutorial I had Humungus rootballs so I added the heavenly shores mix and sjust dug a divot set the root ball in it and covered maki9ng a mound as you can see below I really wish I had army men I was going to do a IWO JIMA theme. you can see the one gnome is planning on going for swim when I water her also while I got ya look at that last page WTF is that white stuff it just happen 1 time under will the wiz.
Thx bud dinner calls



You are filling your pot with microbes and fungi.:cheer:
That's going to take care of and feed your roots now.
Do you have molasses?
Make a tea every week or so to feed them and they explode again.
It's like your roots growing in a health spa with a buffet.
I'll have to find you the pictorials, my apologies my friend.
I top dressed today with Bokashi and frass.
Tomorrow is Bud Candy.
Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Talk soon. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
the geo flora has molasse but I have a a fresh jar of unsalted molasses
I started giving my girls Purpinator 5mg every other watering you recommend adding molasses into the mix I have the living soil in all 6 gals just these last 2 I added a layer of perlite and did a mound and a moat like I said the root balls were insane if this one plant catches up and passes the runt Im putting in under the scrog, Im getting real close to laying down the scrog They say 12" but im going at about 14" I plan on filling the net and then flipping the switch Ok now I know about the Bokasi and frass along with Dynomyco and keeping a good strong root system what other tricks you got up your sleeve explain the Bud candy is bud candy another version of purpinator or turpinator ? I see it brings out the terpene production also . when you feed your plants the geo flora well when I do Im a bit shaky compared to my youth especially when Im standing on one leg but I get the food everywhere so I go back with a mini rake and spread ut out so in covers the entire area but it mixes with the very top of my soil now mixing them in with the top soil that doesn't dilute my food does it as long as I water evenly? I also watered each plant with 2 liters till I got run off it is taking 3-4 days before it is lite enough to water would I be better off to water them a little less and not get run off and water more often so I am feeding her more often did that make sense so many questions so many question :goof:

** update Ok bud candy feeds the microbes and carbs to the plant
purpinator/terpinator enhances the the terpenes and flavonoids
can you use both?

12:40 AM UPDATE Ok sold the farm and got 2 lbs of bokashi and frass I used u p all my frass filling pots the frass I got is 3-1-1 so I get a nitrogen boost I got 2 lbs of each is it ok to just go ahead and mix them? fill me in how often should I top dress in the food I feed till the last 2 weeks So I water with purpinator every other watering and do a mo asses dump every2 weeks? and im going top guess the heavenly shores mix top dress when itis all gone? I know it is these littlew things that make as diffrence now I got till 5 pm tomorrow to have a good reason why I spent 40 bucks on bug shite 🎱 behind the 8 ball:rofl:
on that note time for me to go to my cage Nite
Good morning 😃
the geo flora has molasse but I have a a fresh jar of unsalted molasses
I started giving my girls Purpinator 5mg every other watering you recommend adding molasses
Add a teaspoon/ l of molasses to plain water.
Give it to them on watering days once a week or so.
On plain water days.
into the mix I have the living soil in all 6 gals just these last 2 I added a layer of perlite and did a mound and a moat like I said the root balls were insane if this one plant catches up and passes the runt Im putting in under the scrog, Im getting real close to laying down the scrog They say 12" but im going at about 14" I plan on filling the net and then flipping the switch Ok now I know about the Bokasi and frass along with Dynomyco and keeping a good strong root system what other tricks you got up your sleeve explain the Bud candy
Bud Candy is a sweetener that feeds the microbes.
Different from purpinator which ha p & k.
is bud candy another version of purpinator or turpinator ? I see it brings out the terpene production also . when you feed your plants the geo flora well when I do Im a bit shaky compared to my youth especially when Im standing on one leg but I get the food everywhere so I go back with a mini rake and spread ut out so in covers the entire area but it mixes with the very top of my soil now mixing them in with the top soil that doesn't dilute my food does it as long as I water evenly? I also watered each plant with 2 liters till I got run off it is taking 3-4 days before it is lite enough to water would I be better off to water them a little less and not get run off
Water until the pot is full each time, better to get runoff.
if you don't fill the pot roots at bottom never get fed.
it won't dilute it.
just follow the instructions on the GF.
You don't need as much runoff.
just enough to soak the pot.
No need to have it pouring out.
and water more often so I am feeding her more often did that make sense so many questions so many question :goof:

** update Ok bud candy feeds the microbes and carbs to the plant
purpinator/terpinator enhances the the terpenes and flavonoids
can you use both?

12:40 AM UPDATE Ok sold the farm and got 2 lbs of bokashi and frass I used u p all my frass filling pots
You only need a light dusting each time.
No need to fill the pot with it.
the frass I got is 3-1-1 so I get a nitrogen boost I got 2 lbs of each is it ok to just go ahead and mix them? fill me in how often should I top dress in the food
I top dress every week or so, a light sprinkle over top is all you need.
I feed till the last 2 weeks So I water with purpinator every other watering and do a mo asses dump every2 weeks? and im going top guess the heavenly shores mix top dress when itis all gone? I know it is these littlew things that make as diffrence now I got till 5 pm tomorrow to have a good reason why I spent 40 bucks on bug shite 🎱 behind the 8 ball:rofl:
on that note time for me to go to my cage Nite
Good morning 😃
Good morning :ciao:
How are you doing today?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
good got a list to do waiting to hear back from acme and wile E Coyote to get my last part of my contraption Hope your day is going well, so it is ok to mix the bud candy with purpinator and geo flora? I need this grow to be my best so far
well my friend hope your day goes well im going to start work :thumb:

Thx for answering the questions my friend
well it is finally done as I mentioned before the root temps are key to drawing out colors for some strains with this concoction and purple nature I hope to show off those colors soon and n ow the unveiling of the FREEZE YOUR BUDZ OFF 2000


@GreenFingaz you might find something like this helpful with your heat issues
well it is finally done as I mentioned before the root temps are key to drawing out colors for some strains with this concoction and purple nature I hope to show off those colors soon and n ow the unveiling of the FREEZE YOUR BUDZ OFF 2000


@GreenFingaz you might find something like this helpful with your heat issues
Fantastic :yahoo: look at you go.
DIY for the Win.
Good morning :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
well wanna see what an overwatered plant looks like ? I bet @Bill284 remembers the times I ran to him withy my hair on fire thinking my plants are dying only to learn about overwatering . it can be tough finding that sweet spot to water new plants I been giving them 1 liter at a time followed by 1/2 liter to another full depending on the plant well I messed up can you find the over watered plant ? hint it isnt the runt she is finally taking off Top and bottom are black lebanon the 2 in the middle BBMRs both strains have a tad bit of Black Berry kush


20220908_123628 (1).jpg

well wanna see what an overwatered plant looks like ? I bet @Bill284 remembers the times I ran to him withy my hair on fire thinking my plants are dying iot can be tough finding that sweet spot to water new plant I been giving them 1 liter at a time followed by 1/2 liter to another full depending on the plant well I messed up can you find the over watered plant ? hint it isnt the runt she is finally taking off

well it is finally done as I mentioned before the root temps are key to drawing out colors for some strains with this concoction and purple nature I hope to show off those colors soon and n ow the unveiling of the FREEZE YOUR BUDZ OFF 2000


@GreenFingaz you might find something like this helpful with your heat issues
I had to remove the inside duct
the air did not have a chance to cool off, of I took it of and let the air blow thru 8 2 litter bottles frozen solid I went from 84*F to 79* F in 10- minutes and held that for 3 hrs till the lights went out
Top Bottom